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View Full Version : Woman abducted for converting to LDS Church

05-15-2009, 09:18 PM
Woman abducted for converting to LDS Church, police say
By Pat Reavy
Deseret News
Monday, May. 11, 2009

HOLLADAY, Utah -- Salt Lake County sheriff's investigators Monday were looking for two Texas parents who reportedly abducted their daughter from her apartment, allegedly because they didn't approve of her recent conversion to the LDS Church.

Danielle Alonso, 19, was last seen Sunday about 12:30 p.m. when she answered her basement apartment door and her father, Daniel Alonso, grabbed her and immediately took her away, said Salt Lake County Sheriff's Lt. Don Hutson. Danielle Alonso's clothes, wallet, credit cards and cell phone were all left behind.

Daniel and Gloria Alonso
Danielle's roommate Sarah Schneider witnessed Danielle's abduction by her father immediately after she answered the door.

"Danielle and I are the best of friends," Schneider said Monday. "I am deeply concerned for her safety."


This is really big news out here where I live. ha ha :lame2:.......I guess the parents could be charged with kidnapping.

05-15-2009, 11:07 PM
Why do you post an article than even you think is :lame2:?


05-15-2009, 11:25 PM
I posted it because I wondered if anyone might see what the parents did as ok. Sometimes when its a religious issue people seem to justify actions even if it is not legal.

05-15-2009, 11:33 PM
Obviously they didn't want her involved with the LDS folks. I wonder why, I mean they have such a good reputation and all. Just think she could end up someone's fourth or fifth wife, maybe a nice 45 yr old fella, have eight kids and live happily ever after. Never know.

05-15-2009, 11:34 PM
Did you expect a comprehensive conversation on this board!??!?!?!?!???!?!

I posted it because I wondered if anyone might see what the parents did as ok. Sometimes when its a religious issue people seem to justify actions even if it is not legal.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-15-2009, 11:39 PM
Did you expect a comprehensive conversation on this board!??!?!?!?!???!?!

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU.....commenting on "comprehensive conversation?" :laugh2:

Someone who spends half of his posts tormenting a woman who is a mod here. That's funny Psycho. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

You are a riot brother! :clap:

05-15-2009, 11:40 PM
Obviously they didn't want her involved with the LDS folks. I wonder why, I mean they have such a good reputation and all. Just think she could end up someone's fourth or fifth wife, maybe a nice 45 yr old fella, have eight kids and live happily ever after. Never know.

That scenario could happen out here. The church did make her parents come back and now the parents have an attorney answering questions for them. Yet polygamy is illegal, but converting to mormonism is not. So the parents are in trouble.

05-15-2009, 11:42 PM
Did you expect a comprehensive conversation on this board!??!?!?!?!???!?!

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have an expectation my post may be ignored or responded to, I will just put out there whatever I am interested in discussing. If nobody replies I just move on.:cool:

05-15-2009, 11:43 PM
And you are a liar, emmie. I've known you as such for quite some time now!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU.....commenting on "comprehensive conversation?" :laugh2:

Someone who spends half of his posts tormenting a woman who is a mod here. That's funny Psycho. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

You are a riot brother! :clap:


05-15-2009, 11:46 PM
I don't have an expectation my post may be ignored or responded to, I will just put out there whatever I am interested in discussing. If nobody replies I just move on.:cool:

Good thread actually...I think. During the day tomorrow it will draw somew good dialogue I would guess.

A 19 year old is a free soveriegn person. The issue of the parents coming and getting her is a touchy one. I imagine if I felt strongly enough about something I would do the same. The parents may be aware of some reason to fear the new arrangement that we don't know about. Until I learn more I'll reserve judgement.

As a Libertarian however I tend to lean torward the kids right to choose to do what she likes. Toughy here!

05-15-2009, 11:49 PM
I knew you could do it, emmie!!!!!!!!!!!

Good thread actually...I think. During the day tomorrow it will draw somew good dialogue I would guess.

A 19 year old is a free soveriegn person. The issue of the parents coming and getting her is a touchy one. I imagine if I felt strongly enough about something I would do the same. The parents may be aware of some reason to fear the new arrangement that we don't know about. Until I learn more I'll reserve judgement.

As a Libertarian however I tend to lean torward the kids right to choose to do what she likes. Toughy here!

Quit your lying and get on in this conversation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


05-16-2009, 01:29 AM
What am I lying about Psycho? Please do tell.

05-16-2009, 07:55 AM
I don't have an expectation my post may be ignored or responded to, I will just put out there whatever I am interested in discussing. If nobody replies I just move on.:cool:

Welcome to DP, Chloe!

You can find many great discussions here and find many pleasant members willing to engage in serious discussion with you. Disregard previous post by Psychoblues. Sometimes he comes here inebriated and likes to have fun. He has it in him to be quite intelligent and a great poster, but unfortunately there are times he comes here with an axe to grind.

Again, welcome, and feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions or concerns.


05-16-2009, 08:12 AM
Who are the LDS?

Also emmet, you agree with the parents?!?! and would consider such and act yourself? Just because they are related does not give them free reign to do as they please, maybe if their child was still in their mid teens (but even then kidnapping would be excessive) but for a 19 year old women this is wholey wrong

P.s. Welcome to the board chloe :)

05-16-2009, 09:29 AM
Who are the LDS?

Also emmet, you agree with the parents?!?! and would consider such and act yourself? Just because they are related does not give them free reign to do as they please, maybe if their child was still in their mid teens (but even then kidnapping would be excessive) but for a 19 year old women this is wholey wrong

P.s. Welcome to the board chloe :)

LDS are Mormoms. Church of Latter Day Saints.

Emmets post sounds like sarcasm mixed with truth to me. Since the girl is 19 theres not much the parents can do. If she were mid-teens well thats a tough question, I'm not sure what I would do other than die from a broken heart.

05-16-2009, 10:10 AM
Thanks for the greetings everyone.

Mr. P
05-16-2009, 10:10 AM
After reading several news stories on this today, I'm inclined to think there is nothing to the the reported abduction claim apparently made by an LDS member.

The girl was interviewed in Tex by police and social services. The parents were questioned for 6 hrs and released to return to Tx.

I donno, it seems like if anyone is trying to control this girl it's the LDS.

05-16-2009, 10:20 AM
MR P you have experienced a brief insight into what my world is like daily living here. :cool:

Mr. P
05-16-2009, 10:33 AM
MR P you have experienced a brief insight into what my world is like daily living here. :cool:

More than brief, chloe. I spent 3 yrs of my active duty with a guy that was a very devout Mormon.. I thought many of his beliefs were a bit odd, interesting but odd..I can't remember many examples it's been so long ago...cept one, he kept his wife pumpin out babies until they had a boy..that took 8 tries.

05-16-2009, 11:07 AM
Mr P, Mormons do have interesting beliefs. Utah is a state where the society /majority is mormom based in belief and so some of the benefits are they are into family values, conservative politcs, and some of them have a great sense of humor. The downside is if your not LDS there is some initmidation in business, politics and domestic environments to at least blend into there ways of being. So it does not really allow you to be different or individual. This is only my opinion from my own experiences.

Mr. P
05-16-2009, 11:17 AM
Mr P, Mormons do have interesting beliefs. Utah is a state where the society /majority is mormom based in belief and so some of the benefits are they are into family values, conservative politcs, and some of them have a great sense of humor. The downside is if your not LDS there is some initmidation in business, politics and domestic environments to at least blend into there ways of being. So it does not really allow you to be different or individual. This is only my opinion from my own experiences.

So you have somewhat of a theocracy out there, huh?

05-16-2009, 11:21 AM
he he.... Indeed !