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05-17-2009, 03:09 AM
I admit it, I have obsessed to the point of trying to find the perfect political party, and been compulsive about changing my mind every five minutes.

Its my own dam fault

In my defense though, im still 28. Trying to find myself in the world, politics, with women, career.

anyways, in case you care, or dont.

I decided neither the republicans or democrats can offer me anything other then big government, corruption, lies, half truths about each other. and no real way to save america

I cannot in good conscience claim either party, but do really like the rational well thought out approach of the libertarians.

Oh well go ahead, call me a Flip-Flopper, Loser, Turn-Coat or whatever :coffee:

My conscience and emotions are guiding me, hopefully to a final decision

wish me luck

05-17-2009, 06:22 AM
I admit it, I have obsessed to the point of trying to find the perfect political party, and been compulsive about changing my mind every five minutes.

Its my own dam fault

In my defense though, im still 28. Trying to find myself in the world, politics, with women, career.

anyways, in case you care, or dont.

I decided neither the republicans or democrats can offer me anything other then big government, corruption, lies, half truths about each other. and no real way to save america

I cannot in good conscience claim either party, but do really like the rational well thought out approach of the libertarians.

Oh well go ahead, call me a Flip-Flopper, Loser, Turn-Coat or whatever :coffee:

My conscience and emotions are guiding me, hopefully to a final decision

wish me luck

here's the solution, Martin....concentrate on what YOU believe.....not what they SAY they believe....then at election time determine which is closest to YOU, not whether you are close to THEM.....

05-17-2009, 01:05 PM
You know what? THAT is excellent advice Martin. One of the biggest problems we have in our political environment is "party". Plenty of examples of ONE PARTY systems have been shown through the ages. If everyone believed in what one party had to offer, who would represent our conscience?

We have failed ourselves in this regard. Extremes seem to be the order of the day now. It's like frustration with compromise has driven us to shoot for the fartherest extreme and settle for what we get.

I wouldn't want to see a country where every lawmaker was a Libertarian or any other. We've all seen what power does to people who represent us and I would think them just as likely to become corrupted as any other when a majority of each section of government was introduced in their favor.

It is sort of like a tug of war to me. I feel like my country has allowed itself to be pulled close to the line and I am tugging back to try and get them to balance. If however I was to feel like my side was pulling too easily I would be inclined to look back and see if anyone was getting trampled as a result.

Flip flopping your political pursuasion means you are searching. As long as you are doing that you are thinking. So being "Flipper" might not really be that bad! LOL.

Be an independant thinker Martin. It's OK. But don't label yourself as one who isn't if you are. How's that?

05-17-2009, 05:21 PM
My conscience and emotions are guiding me,.... Therein lies your problem, dude. If you let your emotions guide you, you will be a Democrat.

05-19-2009, 05:21 PM
here's the solution, Martin....concentrate on what YOU believe.....not what they SAY they believe....then at election time determine which is closest to YOU, not whether you are close to THEM.....

I was going to give this very same advise.

I've voted dem a few times because that was the person I agreed with.

Don't be a slave to a party. Vote for the person you most agree with, regardless of party affiliation.