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05-19-2009, 06:27 AM
My youngest had a Dr. appointment yesterday, because he had been scratching his head constantly for about a month or so. I have been checking his head weekly for head lice. But unable to locate anything. I am certified in communicable diseases and know exactly what I am looking for and where.

So I was thinking maybe he had psoriasis on his scalp like I do. I made the Dr. appointment thinking we could get him some kind of prescription shampoo to treat it.

I should also mention that it is like pulling teeth to get this child to bathe, at best he washes his hair twice a week. Lice do not like dirty hair, they like clean hair.

While I was trying to wake him up for school yesterday, I was rubbing his hair and brushing it back away from his face, and what do I discover? NITS :eek:, and quite a few at that. I canceled the Dr. appointment.

None of my children have ever had head lice. But I know that the rid and nix shampoo that they sell does not work well, and they usually have to be re treated. So I went searching online for home remedies and found that if you put Listerine on their hair, and cover it with a shower cap for 2 hours, it will kill the lice. Then you rinse it, and I blow dried his hair first, and then put white vinegar on his hair for about 2 hours as well and it will loosen up the adhesive that the eggs have to attach to the hair shaft.

Then comes the fun part, I had to comb out all of these nits. Jesse does not have a typical guy cut, he has hair as long as mine. The back of his hair hangs about 4 inches below his shoulders, and his bangs come down to his chin.

Not anymore......after trying to comb all of these nits out I ended up pulling out the clippers and giving him and undercut. Which means I shaved all of his hair off from about and inch above his ears all the way around and left the top long. It looks really good but he hates it, and now does not want to go to school! Go figure.

Where did he get it from? Good question. I have no idea, but I made sure to contact all of his friends that have been to my house in the past two weeks. Or the friends he has been at, to notify their parents so they could check their child's heads.

I really wish whoever he had gotten from would have contacted me so I could have possibly prevented it or at least minimized it.

This is one of those things that if parent's would be diligent :poke: about notifying school or friends when their child has lice. A lot of these cases could be prevented. And yes I did notify my son's school yesterday as well.

Looks like I am going to the health food store for some tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil to start adding to our conditioner. It prevents lice.

The worst part is, I now have mental lice, and I am guessing so do most of you now, after reading this! :coffee:

05-19-2009, 06:51 AM
When my kids were little my ex brother in law dumped his kid off on me for the entire weekend, he went out with his friends and never bothered to tell me his kid had head lice per what the daycare told him. I found out from my ex mother in law when she came over and discovered I was babysitting she freaked out. We had to buy that shampoo for everyone in the household and also puts toys in trashbags for a month. It was a big nightmare. I wish he had told me too. It seems people are inconsiderate.

05-19-2009, 07:34 AM
When my kids were little my ex brother in law dumped his kid off on me for the entire weekend, he went out with his friends and never bothered to tell me his kid had head lice per what the daycare told him. I found out from my ex mother in law when she came over and discovered I was babysitting she freaked out. We had to buy that shampoo for everyone in the household and also puts toys in trashbags for a month. It was a big nightmare. I wish he had told me too. It seems people are inconsiderate.

Thank fully my boy's are beyond the stuffed animal stages. They are 10 1/2 and 13. My 13 year old has short hair though, and he does not have it.

I think the worst is having to wash all the bedding in the house, including pillows. We have tons of pillows. I did not realize how many we had till I had to start washing them all.

05-19-2009, 02:29 PM
Dont worry about it Trinity. My daughter got it, from best we can guess, from the movie theater seat that she sat in!! She went to my in-laws lice free, then a few days later she was infested. Thankfully no one else caught it. I do remember when she came home though, I couldnt help but keep scratching my head!!!

Mr. P
05-19-2009, 02:50 PM
Y'all have had my head itchin ALL DAMN DAY!!!

05-20-2009, 04:03 PM
Hahahha. Try living with it. You cant stop! :)

05-20-2009, 06:52 PM
Tell him to get used to short hair. My son is 16 and I insist on cutting it no longer than 2 or 3", not because of lice but zits. We've got his skin looking real good now but as soon as his hair starts getting long he starts to break out again. And we have him showing twice per day.

05-20-2009, 07:16 PM
Hahahha. Try living with it. You cant stop! :)

No kidding!!

05-20-2009, 07:18 PM
Tell him to get used to short hair. My son is 16 and I insist on cutting it no longer than 2 or 3", not because of lice but zits. We've got his skin looking real good now but as soon as his hair starts getting long he starts to break out again. And we have him showing twice per day.

Right now we don't have that issue he is only 10 1/2. His brother on the other hand has a forehead full. He showers daily at this point. I suspect that may change soon, since he just turned 13.

05-21-2009, 04:03 PM
Right now we don't have that issue he is only 10 1/2. His brother on the other hand has a forehead full. He showers daily at this point. I suspect that may change soon, since he just turned 13. Keep a close eye on it. Its much easier to control before it gets bad then to try and fix it after it gets worse.