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05-19-2009, 09:03 AM
"In an e-mail message sent to rank-and-file workers, the union also repeated its opposition to GM's plans to close 16 U.S. manufacturing plants and cut about 21,000 jobs while also planning to increase vehicle imports from GM plants in lower-wage economies such as Mexico, South Korea and China."


05-19-2009, 09:55 AM
"In an e-mail message sent to rank-and-file workers, the union also repeated its opposition to GM's plans to close 16 U.S. manufacturing plants and cut about 21,000 jobs while also planning to increase vehicle imports from GM plants in lower-wage economies such as Mexico, South Korea and China."

That already happened here in So. Cal. GM closed its plants here to move them to the midwest to save money. It was all celebrations by the people getting the new jobs from the loss of Californians jobs. There wasn't much opposition to taking jobs from Californians to give them to someone else who could/would work cheaper. I realize that at least the jobs were going to Americans but the principle is the same and I never heard any outrage from those who are now losing their jobs from those relocated plants.
Seems a little hypocritical of those people to complain after taking jobs from Californians.
As far as I am concerned the end of the UAW is good day for America.

05-19-2009, 06:31 PM
This is the first I've heard of it. But that really doesn't surprise me since huge companies do that all the time. Just hurts when it's going out of your area.

Maybe losing the union would be a good thing. Then again, maybe not. They were started to begin with because of the many abusive managers/foremans that had workers beaten or wouldn't let them go to the restroom and for various other reasons. The abuse was prevalent in those big factories. They fought to unionize so the workers would have some rights, rather than being stomped on like a dog and terrorized throughout their shift.

05-19-2009, 07:29 PM
This is the first I've heard of it. But that really doesn't surprise me since huge companies do that all the time. Just hurts when it's going out of your area.

Maybe losing the union would be a good thing. Then again, maybe not. They were started to begin with because of the many abusive managers/foremans that had workers beaten or wouldn't let them go to the restroom and for various other reasons. The abuse was prevalent in those big factories. They fought to unionize so the workers would have some rights, rather than being stomped on like a dog and terrorized throughout their shift.I appreciate the week end but every war ends. The UAW needs to trim down and better finance the retirement plans for the workers. They just may end up like, I believe it is Bethlehem steel, the steel workers with no money at all.

05-20-2009, 12:25 PM
Well, there is trimming the workforce going on. So that means lesser members in the UAW. But if America were to lose our auto companies altogether, we'd be in huge trouble since they generate billions of dollars in comsumer spending anywhere from auto repair shops to clothing stores and theaters. Our manufacturing base is the mainstay of America. It is the glue that binds it together, so to speak.

I would not want to see it fail. But it seems the UAW has attracted jealious individuals and hate mongers because they aren't making the wages and benefits those workers do. I'm sure jealiousy is the main reason why so many slam them with the hate.

Mr. P
05-20-2009, 01:01 PM
Well, there is trimming the workforce going on. So that means lesser members in the UAW. But if America were to lose our auto companies altogether, we'd be in huge trouble since they generate billions of dollars in comsumer spending anywhere from auto repair shops to clothing stores and theaters. Our manufacturing base is the mainstay of America. It is the glue that binds it together, so to speak.

I would not want to see it fail. But it seems the UAW has attracted jealious individuals and hate mongers because they aren't making the wages and benefits those workers do. I'm sure jealiousy is the main reason why so many slam them with the hate.

All of that bolded will still exist regardless of who makes the product.

05-20-2009, 01:23 PM
Well, there is trimming the workforce going on. So that means lesser members in the UAW. But if America were to lose our auto companies altogether, we'd be in huge trouble since they generate billions of dollars in comsumer spending anywhere from auto repair shops to clothing stores and theaters. Our manufacturing base is the mainstay of America. It is the glue that binds it together, so to speak.

I would not want to see it fail. But it seems the UAW has attracted jealious individuals and hate mongers because they aren't making the wages and benefits those workers do. I'm sure jealiousy is the main reason why so many slam them with the hate.

I've been a union member for more than 25 years. The UAW was and is an embarrassment to me as a union member. For me it has nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with the shameful way they hold car companies hostage while not earning their money.

As union members they should act like professionals by working harder, getting the job done faster and putting out a better quality product than the non-union competition even if that means personal sacrifice. Instead they try to figure out ways to ripoff the companies by sabotaging equipment, hiding so they don't have to work, continually filing grievances, having non-productive shop stewards and collectively slowing down production to punish the employers. It's no wonder they align themselves with Democrats, they're a bunch of Socialists wanting a free lunch. I'd fire every single UAW employee and hire off the streets. The good ones will be rehired and the others, well they had their free lunch.

05-20-2009, 01:47 PM
Not all are lazy and looking for a free ride. My hubby is in skilled trades and says he gets pissed off because many are sitting on their butts in a corner somewhere, reading or snoozing while he is up building a robot. There are definetly a lot of slackers but not all can be classified as one.

Mr. P
05-20-2009, 01:53 PM
Not all are lazy and looking for a free ride. My hubby is in skilled trades and says he gets pissed off because many are sitting on their butts in a corner somewhere, reading or snoozing while he is up building a robot. There are definetly a lot of slackers but not all can be classified as one.

And the unions protect them...which cost $$$ which is passed on to you an me.

05-20-2009, 03:39 PM
"In an e-mail message sent to rank-and-file workers, the union also repeated its opposition to GM's plans to close 16 U.S. manufacturing plants and cut about 21,000 jobs while also planning to increase vehicle imports from GM plants in lower-wage economies such as Mexico, South Korea and China."

I don't know why this should be a surprise to anyone. The unions sucked the blood out of the steel plants, then the furniture plants, then the auto plants. Its what they do.

My grandfather worked in a factory his whole life, starting in the 1920s until 1988 and he hated the unions. They tried to make him join but he refused. Management supported him and even gave him a special parking spot by the security station so his car wouldn't get vandalized.

05-21-2009, 01:41 AM
Not all are lazy and looking for a free ride. My hubby is in skilled trades and says he gets pissed off because many are sitting on their butts in a corner somewhere, reading or snoozing while he is up building a robot. There are definetly a lot of slackers but not all can be classified as one.

Like I said the good ones would be rehired. The implication being that there are some good ones. I'm sure there are some good ones, but from my experience its probably in the single digits or low double digits, percentage wise.

I wasn't real popular with allot of the guys that worked for me because I just had this funny idea that the customer and employer should get their monies worth out of us union members. When you are paying more for a service you should get more your money otherwise you might as well call in the clowns. I also told my employers that I was going to do a professional job and give the customers their monies worth. If that was a problem then I would go along my way with no hard feelings.

05-21-2009, 01:57 AM
Unions have only themselves to blame. In sixty years the UAW held auto companies hostage many times demanding unrealistical wage increases which forced American companies to seek more economical ways to build their products in an effort to compete. You reap what you sow is all I can say to them.

05-23-2009, 06:52 AM
All of that bolded will still exist regardless of who makes the product.

No, without the manufacturing base to support the economy, there would not be the amount of consumer spending we've seen over the decades and even as recently as the last few years. This country has spenditis. Greed has taken hold. And for that, we need the jobs to support the spending. Duh!