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View Full Version : Mildly disappointed

05-19-2009, 10:57 AM
In considering Obama's first few months as president, I have to admit that I am mildly disappointed.
Mr. Obama is trying too hard to be all things to all people. I am deeply unhappy about Obama taking steps backwards in solving the Iraq/Afghanistan quagmire. His campaign pledge was to get out. Instead, it seems there is more going forward.
I dislike Obama pandering to the abortion and gun nuts. Stand your ground and quit trying to appease people.
I do like Obama pledging to tighten the border and place penalties on those employing illegal aliens.
I still laugh at the flustered Republicans who are calling out Obama on all the small miscues. It is the same crap they mocked Dems for while Bush was in office.

05-19-2009, 12:06 PM
I still laugh at the flustered Republicans who are calling out Obama on all the small miscues. It is the same crap they mocked Dems for while Bush was in office.

should make it easier then, to understand why we spent so many years laughing at YOU......

05-19-2009, 12:19 PM
In considering Obama's first few months as president, I have to admit that I am mildly disappointed.
Mr. Obama is trying too hard to be all things to all people. I am deeply unhappy about Obama taking steps backwards in solving the Iraq/Afghanistan quagmire. His campaign pledge was to get out. Instead, it seems there is more going forward.
I dislike Obama pandering to the abortion and gun nuts. Stand your ground and quit trying to appease people.

He won.

Get over it.

05-19-2009, 12:31 PM
Only miscues I call him out on is messing up the economy worse then it would have been with his policies.

red states rule
05-19-2009, 12:49 PM
In considering Obama's first few months as president, I have to admit that I am mildly disappointed.
Mr. Obama is trying too hard to be all things to all people. I am deeply unhappy about Obama taking steps backwards in solving the Iraq/Afghanistan quagmire. His campaign pledge was to get out. Instead, it seems there is more going forward.
I dislike Obama pandering to the abortion and gun nuts. Stand your ground and quit trying to appease people.
I do like Obama pledging to tighten the border and place penalties on those employing illegal aliens.
I still laugh at the flustered Republicans who are calling out Obama on all the small miscues. It is the same crap they mocked Dems for while Bush was in office.

Gabby, he is being a liberal. Why are you shocked?

I find the flip flops on the left to be very telling about their convictions and core beliefs

Libs ranted about Bush's deficits and over spending - yet Obama has a deficit 4 times larger then Bush and a budget half a trillion more more - yet the left is silent

As far as the war Gabby, perhaps now that Obama gets the same intel briefings as Pres bush got - he sees Pres Bush made the correct calls.

Where are all the anti war protests the liberal media gave front page copverage to during the Bush years?

05-19-2009, 01:13 PM
In considering Obama's first few months as president, I have to admit that I am mildly disappointed.
Mr. Obama is trying too hard to be all things to all people. I am deeply unhappy about Obama taking steps backwards in solving the Iraq/Afghanistan quagmire. His campaign pledge was to get out. Instead, it seems there is more going forward.
I dislike Obama pandering to the abortion and gun nuts. Stand your ground and quit trying to appease people.
I do like Obama pledging to tighten the border and place penalties on those employing illegal aliens.
I still laugh at the flustered Republicans who are calling out Obama on all the small miscues. It is the same crap they mocked Dems for while Bush was in office.

Ironic, Obama built his primary campaign against Clinton mostly on Iraq.

Any disappointment about FISA?

Any disappointment on his campaign promise of government transparency? And the 5 day review of any major legisilation, ie the Spending (stimulus) bill?

Any disappointment on military commisison trials?

05-19-2009, 02:12 PM
Obama is a failure!!

It makes me LOL @ these Dems who say they Laugh at the republicans now doing what the Dems did when GW was in, they now want to say how stupid it is cause they are on the opposite side of the fence, yes nit picking every move Obama makes is the Republicans rights, after all what did y'all do for the past 8 years, the main difference I see is we were safe from terrorism now we wait and wonder were the next attack will be, and yes we also wait to see how long it will take Obama to completely run the country into the ground .

So to all you Obama supporters thanks Y'all did a great Job :poke:

05-19-2009, 02:56 PM
Obama is struggling with the collective failures of the Bush administration. I suppose I should give him some slack for a while. It is tough to right a ship that is about 75 percent sunk.

The huge spending bills are necessary. Dubya spent eight years gutting the American infrastructure to the core. While at the same time throwing the country into massive debt to pay for an unnecessary and immoral conflict.
The current budget needs to be larger than it is. We need more social and economic programs. We need more money for education.
Of course, we need more funding to resolve the leftovers of the ignorant Bush war. Which so many idiots continue to feel was justified.

red states rule
05-19-2009, 03:01 PM
Obama is struggling with the collective failures of the Bush administration. I suppose I should give him some slack for a while. It is tough to right a ship that is about 75 percent sunk.

The huge spending bills are necessary. Dubya spent eight years gutting the American infrastructure to the core. While at the same time throwing the country into massive debt to pay for an unnecessary and immoral conflict.
The current budget needs to be larger than it is. We need more social and economic programs. We need more money for education.
Of course, we need more funding to resolve the leftovers of the ignorant Bush war. Which so many idiots continue to feel was justified.

So it is back to the "Blame Bush" excuse eh?

Tell me Gabby where is the spending you are talking about in the "Stimulus" bill?

Here is a sample of the spending. BTW, both pelosi and Obama promised no pork would be in the bill. Not alot of job creators in this list

$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children program
$300 million for grants to combat violence against women
$2 billion for federal child-care block grants
$6 billion for university building projects
$15 billion for boosting Pell Grant college scholarships
$4 billion for job-training programs, including $1.2 billion for “youths” up to the age of 24
$1 billion for community-development block grants
$4.2 billion for “neighborhood stabilization activities”
$650 million for digital-TV coupons; $90 million to educate “vulnerable populations
$150 million for the Smithsonian
$34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters
$500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities
$44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters
$350 million for Agriculture Department computers
$88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building
$448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters
$600 million to convert the federal auto fleet to hybrids
$450 million for NASA (carve-out for “climate-research missions”)
$600 million for NOAA (carve-out for “climate modeling”)
$1 billion for the Census Bureau
$89 billion for Medicaid
$30 billion for COBRA insurance extension
$36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits
$20 billion for food stamps


and that tax cut Obama promised for 95% of Americans? Forget about it. Dems need that money to try and cover a small part of Obama Care

05-19-2009, 03:19 PM
My dear deluded RSR:
Please tell me which of those programs that you do not consider necessary.
We need all of those and more. We do not need tax cuts. Dubya spent eight years bleeding the country dry. That is why our economy currently sucks so badly.

red states rule
05-19-2009, 03:24 PM
My dear deluded RSR:
Please tell me which of those programs that you do not consider necessary.
We need all of those and more. We do not need tax cuts. Dubya spent eight years bleeding the country dry. That is why our economy currently sucks so badly.

Take your pick Gabby

Tax cuts are the answer. Are you saying Americans are under taxed? Depending on where you live, many people are paying more then 50% of their income in taxes

Again, Obama promised NO PORK in the "stimulus" bill, and that 95% of Americans would get a tax cut

In both cases, forget about it

05-19-2009, 03:28 PM
Obama is struggling with the collective failures of the Bush administration. I suppose I should give him some slack for a while. It is tough to right a ship that is about 75 percent sunk.

The huge spending bills are necessary. Dubya spent eight years gutting the American infrastructure to the core. While at the same time throwing the country into massive debt to pay for an unnecessary and immoral conflict.
The current budget needs to be larger than it is. We need more social and economic programs. We need more money for education.
Of course, we need more funding to resolve the leftovers of the ignorant Bush war. Which so many idiots continue to feel was justified.

But what has Obama done different than GW besides spend spend spend? He has went back on most of his campain promises, and furthermore what was the Dems biggest cry when GW was in? look at the deficit, which Obama has more than doubled.

There has to come a point were Obama is responsible for his own actions and Obama supporters have to stop blaming it on GW

Do you mean ignorant Bush war that Obama still has us in?and yes we need to spend more like his stimulus, lol, 30 million on a mouse, that helped us allot, I can't remember all the exact pork in his bill but how does that help us?

05-19-2009, 04:53 PM
Please tell me which of those programs that you do not consider necessary.

all of them.....

05-19-2009, 05:07 PM
In considering Obama's first few months as president, I have to admit that I am mildly disappointed.
Mr. Obama is trying too hard to be all things to all people. I am deeply unhappy about Obama taking steps backwards in solving the Iraq/Afghanistan quagmire. His campaign pledge was to get out. Instead, it seems there is more going forward.
I dislike Obama pandering to the abortion and gun nuts. Stand your ground and quit trying to appease people.
I do like Obama pledging to tighten the border and place penalties on those employing illegal aliens.
I still laugh at the flustered Republicans who are calling out Obama on all the small miscues. It is the same crap they mocked Dems for while Bush was in office.

What are your feelings on his backpedaling in regard to Gitmo??????

Seems it will not be closing anytime soon, if at all.

red states rule
05-19-2009, 05:45 PM
What are your feelings on his backpedaling in regard to Gitmo??????

Seems it will not be closing anytime soon, if at all.

and Senate Dems are not going to hand over the money needed to close Gitmo

I wonder how Gabby will blame Pres Bush for that one?

05-19-2009, 05:57 PM
$600 million for NOAA (carve-out for “climate modeling”)

What a huge waste of money! Climate models are woefully inadequate;
