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red states rule
05-28-2009, 02:19 PM
I wonder how the libs here will answer - and if they will answer honestly

If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given Tony Blair a set of inexpensive and useless (to Tony Blair's UK video formatting) DVDs, when Tony Blair had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the non-existent "Austrian language," would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?

If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current on their income taxes, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive?

Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 10 weeks -- so you'll have three years and nine-and-a-half months to come up with an answer.


05-28-2009, 03:05 PM
I can answer that very easily, I DON"T APPROVE OF BONSAI! I have not approved of anything he has ever done including breathe! His existence is a problem for me! Does that let you know how I feel about the piece of rejected afterbirth?

red states rule
05-28-2009, 03:07 PM
I can answer that very easily, I DON"T APPROVE OF BONSAI! I have not approved of anything he has ever done including breathe! His existence is a problem for me! Does that let you know how I feel about the piece of rejected afterbirth?

But all is well when Obama does the same things. Right April?

So much hate built up and being released from a "tolerant and open minded" liberal

05-28-2009, 03:12 PM
But all is well when Obama does the same things. Right April?

So much hate built up and being released from a "tolerant and open minded" liberalI am sorry but my distaste of Conservatives has reached a new line of contempt. If they, cantserveathing's, had a use on this earth I wish they would make it known. As they are using up resources that could be put to better uses than their existence.

red states rule
05-28-2009, 03:14 PM
I am sorry but my distaste of Conservatives has reached a new line of contempt. If they, cantserveathing's, had a use on this earth I wish they would make it known. As they are using up resources that could be put to better uses than their existence.

You mean your distatse for anyone who dares to voice a different POV then your own

So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive?

Please answer the question April. Would you have approved of Pres Bush doing the thing Pres Obama has done?

Seems libs have done about face on many of their "core values" they calimed to have during the 8 years of Pres Bush

05-29-2009, 08:36 AM
I can answer that very easily, I DON"T APPROVE OF BONSAI! I have not approved of anything he has ever done including breathe! His existence is a problem for me! Does that let you know how I feel about the piece of rejected afterbirth?

The difference between liberals and conservatives is that while we disagree about the philosophies of another person, we wouldn't wish death to our opponents. Thank you for making that perfectly clear, april.

Obama has made a mockery of this country in a little over 100 days and yet I have no problem with him as a human being. His ideas are flawed. His policies are awful. He's driving the country into the ground but I have no objection to him breathing or his existence in general. I simply wish he wasn't running the country.

05-29-2009, 09:40 AM
George Bush did all that? What an ignorant asshole! :rolleyes:

05-29-2009, 09:58 AM
But all is well when Obama does the same things. Right April?

So much hate built up and being released from a "tolerant and open minded" liberal

Don't forget this is the guy on the no-fly list for wanting our former president dead. Why would expect anything less.