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View Full Version : Judge: School's gay rights club can meet

04-07-2007, 12:23 PM
Hope they win the lawsuit. This is so stupid.

On another note, I wonder how many students are actually abstinent. This policy seems to me like just to be a way of the school admin to stick their hands in the sand on what's really going on. Just saying no, no, sex is bad, don’t do it doesn't mean that's what the students are actually going to do.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070407/ap_on_re_us/school_club_lawsuit;_ylt=AscSYGcdYI_6KaPbPJcD3cJvz wcF

[QUOTE]MIAMI - A high school club that promotes tolerance of gays must be allowed to meet while a lawsuit is pending, a federal judge ruled.

U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore ruled Friday that Okeechobee High School must grant the same privileges to the Gay Straight Alliance that it grants other clubs, as mandated by the federal Equal Access Act.

The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Okeechobee school board in November on behalf of the high school's Gay-Straight Alliance after school officials said the group was a "sex-based" organization that would violate its abstinence-only education policy.

In his 12-page ruling, Moore wrote that the group and its founder, high school senior Yasmin Gonzalez, have "demonstrated a substantial likelihood of success" on their claim that the school violated federal law when it prohibited the club from meeting.

ACLU attorney Robert Rosenwald called Friday's order a "strong indication of what will happen in the end."

In his ruling, the judge said the school showed no evidence to back its concern that the group would encourage students to share "obscene or sexual explicit material," and that the school had made that assumption based on the group's name.

David Gibbs, the lawyer for the school board, said Friday he had not spoken to the school board about whether it would press forward for trial. He said he believes the judge's decision honors the school's desire that the club steer clear of discussions related to sex.

"The kids are getting the name they wanted," he said, "But we're pleased that the students are limited to discussing discrimination issues."

Gonzalez said she was happy with the decision and issued a statement saying she hoped future students "will benefit from a more open environment and not have to endure the same treatment from our school."

04-07-2007, 12:26 PM
[QUOTE=LiberalNation;35420]Hope they win the lawsuit. This is so stupid.

On another note, I wonder how many students are actually abstinent. This policy seems to me like just to be a way of the school admin to stick their hands in the sand on what's really going on. Just saying no, no, sex is bad, don’t do it doesn't mean that's what the students are actually going to do.

No--actually it doesn't.

Hugh Lincoln
04-07-2007, 07:11 PM
There's a judge named Michael Moore? No wonder he likes the gay club. Let's see what he does with the Caucasian Club.

04-07-2007, 08:47 PM
Hope they win the lawsuit. This is so stupid.

On another note, I wonder how many students are actually abstinent. This policy seems to me like just to be a way of the school admin to stick their hands in the sand on what's really going on. Just saying no, no, sex is bad, don’t do it doesn't mean that's what the students are actually going to do.

The "sex is bad" comment shows exactly why you are completely ignorant on the topic.

Sex isn't bad. In fact, its quite the opposite. It's very, very, very good (I'm sure I could have added a lot more verys in that). And it being good is exactly why self control must be exercised. Because if it's not it can turn a very good thing into a very ugly and perverse thing.

Here we have the power in each human being to create human life. And which great power comes great responsibility. If those powers are abused, misused, and violated, it leads to sorrow and misery, not only in the misuser and (if any) victims lives. But the lives of innocent people for GENERATIONS to come.

People want to pretend that they can do anything and its not a big deal. But every choice they make, especially with sex, have reprocussions not only in our own lives, but in the lives of our family for all eternity. All it takes is one person to screw their family for centuries.

That is exactly why engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage is such a serious sin. Because its not all about you, its inherently designed to be able the entire family.