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View Full Version : Shooting inside a NY Police Precinct

06-04-2009, 10:41 AM
At approx 11:00 am a shooting took place inside a NY Police Precienct in Queens. WAIT A MINUTE! That is impossible. There are no guns allowed in New York, how could one have been used inside a Police Station to prepretrate a crime?

I think this makes it obvious that New York Police Officers should have their guns taken away. With all this violence going on in Stations, it is clear that the reason this happened is because Police Officers carry guns.

Could I get a Liberal to spin this into how guns in the hands of responsible law abiding citizens caused this crime. New York has a gun ban, how could shootings be taking place inside a police station? help me with this.

06-04-2009, 02:33 PM
I didn't really think this would get a reply. I'm not even going to waste the crickets time on this one.

I mean what type of argument could possibly be offered to this. A town where guns are completely illegal has an incident inside the police station. Under the philosophy of the lIberal left this cannot happen so i would not expect a Liberal to address how this could have possibly happened.

06-04-2009, 11:50 PM
Couldn't even get a reply out of MD on this one. Joe! Gabby? A15? anyone?