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View Full Version : Obama's diss Sarkosy's dinner invite on D-Day anniversary..

06-05-2009, 01:13 PM

The Obamas turn up in Paris this evening, but have declined a dinner invitation from the couple next door: the Sarkozys.

President Obama’s reluctance to spend more than minimum time with the French leader on his visit for the D-Day anniversary has come as an embarrassment to the Elysée Palace.

America’s First Family will not be dining with President Sarkozy and his wife, Carla Bruni, even though they are staying at the residence of the US Ambassador, yards from the Elysée apartments where the Sarkozys spend their weekends.

Mr Sarkozy’s staff were trying yesterday to arrange another private moment between the couples. Mr Obama is due to fly back to Washington tomorrow night or on Sunday.

Full article:


06-05-2009, 01:45 PM
Surprised? I'm not. Obama is distancing himself with anything that represents America having done something good except when it applies to him. He is coming of the age that America is his, he owns it and it must be defined by his acheivements and ONLY his acheivements.

He is a dicktater, plain and simple. He controls the mainstream media, the public opinion, the White House, Congress and the Senate. Only the Supreme Court lies in his wake and you can bet he and his cronies are hard at work figuring out how to rectify that. If I was Clarence Thomas I would n't walk too close to buildings.

The future should be very interesting.

06-05-2009, 02:01 PM
You know, as smart as Obama is supposed to be, I am just not seeing it.

06-05-2009, 02:20 PM
What I don't get is, how bad of a s* storm would there be if Bush had done the same thing? The media would be howling for his head if Bush dissed the president of a European Nation. Obama does it and there is nary a word in the headlines.

Joe Steel
06-05-2009, 02:32 PM
Sarkozy is a rightwing politician.

06-05-2009, 03:00 PM
Sarkozy is a rightwing politician.

define rightwing.

06-05-2009, 06:50 PM
Surprised? I'm not. Obama is distancing himself with anything that represents America having done something good except when it applies to him. He is coming of the age that America is his, he owns it and it must be defined by his acheivements and ONLY his acheivements.

He is a dicktater, plain and simple. He controls the mainstream media, the public opinion, the White House, Congress and the Senate. Only the Supreme Court lies in his wake and you can bet he and his cronies are hard at work figuring out how to rectify that. If I was Clarence Thomas I would n't walk too close to buildings.

The future should be very interesting.

Starting to understand my dark lord moniker for him?