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View Full Version : Has America Moved Right or Left?

Hugh Lincoln
04-08-2007, 10:10 AM
We have a presidential candidate who supported/supports PUBLIC FUNDING FOR ABORTION and lives with two gay men.

We have one who supports AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS.


And these are the Republicans.

One of these 'Republicans' will face either a half-black, half-white ultraliberal with the middle name 'Hussein' who belongs to a black nationalist church and wants to push through every conceivable liberal program, or a white female who wrote her college thesis on how to make America a communist country.

I mention all this because sometimes you see a pundit wax on about the 'great power of the right' in America or how the 'religious conservatives' secretly run our country. And I think the thoughts I just wrote. Pretty clear to me that the fulcrum of American political ideology has moved decisively to the left over the decades.

04-08-2007, 10:24 AM
We have a presidential candidate who supported/supports PUBLIC FUNDING FOR ABORTION and lives with two gay men.

We have one who supports AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS.


And these are the Republicans.

One of these 'Republicans' will face either a half-black, half-white ultraliberal with the middle name 'Hussein' who belongs to a black nationalist church and wants to push through every conceivable liberal program, or a white female who wrote her college thesis on how to make America a communist country.

I mention all this because sometimes you see a pundit wax on about the 'great power of the right' in America or how the 'religious conservatives' secretly run our country. And I think the thoughts I just wrote. Pretty clear to me that the fulcrum of American political ideology has moved decisively to the left over the decades.

i do not belive america has moved.....the politicians have

04-08-2007, 03:19 PM
Wake up dudes, there is no unified "America" to move right or left. America is a bunch of selfish little (and big) subgroups which go any direction they like and don't give a shit about anybody else from the other subgroups. There was a little moment of unity for a few weeks after 9/11 but after that event was politicized that was over.

GW in Ohio
04-09-2007, 09:58 AM
i do not belive america has moved.....the politicians have

Oh, for Christ's sakes, why do you think the politicians have moved leftward? It's because they're following the people.

If you guys want to discuss politics in a meaningful way, you're going to have to make some effort at objectivity. So many of the guys on the right wing see things as you'd like them to be, instead of as they are.

In 2002, 43% of Americans defined themselves as Democrats and 43% defined themselves as Republicans. Today, 50% of Americans define themelves as Democrats and only 35% as Republicans.

You guys need to come to terms with the fact that George Bush took your party and drove it off a cliff. And most of the reason is his stupid Iraq war.

You may or may not believe this, but I considered myself a Republican at the start of Bush's first term. I had been a Republican for over 20 years prior to Mr. Bush's administration.

04-09-2007, 10:05 AM
Oh, for Christ's sakes, why do you think the politicians have moved leftward? It's because they're following the people.

If you guys want to discuss politics in a meaningful way, you're going to have to make some effort at objectivity. So many of the guys on the right wing see things as you'd like them to be, instead of as they are.

In 2002, 43% of Americans defined themselves as Democrats and 43% defined themselves as Republicans. Today, 50% of Americans define themelves as Democrats and only 35% as Republicans.

You guys need to come to terms with the fact that George Bush took your party and drove it off a cliff. And most of the reason is his stupid Iraq war.

You may or may not believe this, but I considered myself a Republican at the start of Bush's first term. I had been a Republican for over 20 years prior to Mr. Bush's administration.

Why do you believe in polling figures? Do you really think they are objective?

GW in Ohio
04-09-2007, 10:11 AM
Why do you believe in polling figures? Do you really think they are objective?

See, this is an example of right-wingers living in their own fantasy world.

All the "polling figures" indicate that people are leaving the GOP in a mass exodus. But some of you guys choose to challenge the polls, rather than try to figure out how to stave off the tsunami that's headed toward you in '08.

04-09-2007, 10:18 AM
See, this is an example of right-wingers living in their own fantasy world.

All the "polling figures" indicate that people are leaving the GOP in a mass exodus. But some of you guys choose to challenge the polls, rather than try to figure out how to stave off the tsunami that's headed toward you in '08.

Polls are often commissioned to prove a "fact" that someone wants to justify with numbers that appear objective and if people are leaving the GOP it certainly doesn't prove they are any less conservative in thier thinking. They may be leaving to support candidates that are further RIGHT than the GOP.

GW in Ohio
04-09-2007, 10:20 AM
Polls are often commissioned to prove a "fact" that someone wants to justify with numbers that appear objective and if people are leaving the GOP it certainly doesn't prove they are any less conservative in thier thinking. They may be leaving to support candidates that are further RIGHT than the GOP.

Oh, Jesus.......

The self-deception is monumental, and also quite amusing.....

04-09-2007, 10:23 AM
Oh, Jesus.......

The self-deception is monumental, and also quite amusing.....

Show me something that speaks of conservatives becoming more liberal.

04-09-2007, 10:54 AM
Oh, for Christ's sakes, why do you think the politicians have moved leftward? It's because they're following the people.

If you guys want to discuss politics in a meaningful way, you're going to have to make some effort at objectivity. So many of the guys on the right wing see things as you'd like them to be, instead of as they are.

In 2002, 43% of Americans defined themselves as Democrats and 43% defined themselves as Republicans. Today, 50% of Americans define themelves as Democrats and only 35% as Republicans.

You guys need to come to terms with the fact that George Bush took your party and drove it off a cliff. And most of the reason is his stupid Iraq war.

You may or may not believe this, but I considered myself a Republican at the start of Bush's first term. I had been a Republican for over 20 years prior to Mr. Bush's administration.

The politicians have moved to the left? Then why on earth are they trying to campaign further toward the right?

GW in Ohio
04-09-2007, 11:41 AM
The politicians have moved to the left? Then why on earth are they trying to campaign further toward the right?

The GOP candidates will try to appeal to the hard right element leading up to the primaries. But once they have the nomination, they will move toward the center.

04-09-2007, 02:47 PM
The GOP candidates will try to appeal to the hard right element leading up to the primaries. But once they have the nomination, they will move toward the center.

So where is it ? Show me something--anything that speaks to the fact the anyone leaving the GOP or disgruntled politicians in the GOP are doing so because they want to be more liberal.

04-09-2007, 03:03 PM
We have a presidential candidate who supported/supports PUBLIC FUNDING FOR ABORTION and lives with two gay men.

We have one who supports AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS.


And these are the Republicans.

One of these 'Republicans' will face either a half-black, half-white ultraliberal with the middle name 'Hussein' who belongs to a black nationalist church and wants to push through every conceivable liberal program, or a white female who wrote her college thesis on how to make America a communist country.

I mention all this because sometimes you see a pundit wax on about the 'great power of the right' in America or how the 'religious conservatives' secretly run our country. And I think the thoughts I just wrote. Pretty clear to me that the fulcrum of American political ideology has moved decisively to the left over the decades.

As Rush always says: "follow the money". The rich liberals from Hollywood and George Soros have funneled millions to the Left politicians, and the idiot GOP candidates think that's the direction America has gone.

GW in Ohio
04-11-2007, 09:10 AM
As Rush always says: "follow the money". The rich liberals from Hollywood and George Soros have funneled millions to the Left politicians, and the idiot GOP candidates think that's the direction America has gone.

Okay, let's see if we can't enlighten some of these politically-challenged right-wingers.......

It's not about whether The US has become more liberal (although it has).

What's really behind these huge migrations of voters from the GOP camp to the Democratic camp is, they're moving in reaction to the train wreck that is the Bush administration.

Ever since Bush's disastrous invasion of Iraq was shown to have been undertaken under false pretenses.....and ever since the Iraq thing turned into a horrible fuckaround, people who initially supported Bush on Iraq have been turning away from him in revulsion.

And ever since the reality and imminent danger of global warming became clear to people (thanks, Al Gore), Americans have become aware that Bush would rather try to ignore the problem than do something about it. That's the second main reason why people are deserting the GOP.

It's not about liberal vs. conservative, my right-wing friends. It's about Bush & company are a total disaster.

04-11-2007, 09:29 AM
The GOP candidates will try to appeal to the hard right element leading up to the primaries. But once they have the nomination, they will move toward the center.

You mean just like Bill Clinton did and Hillary keeps trying to do? 'Tisn't a one-sided affair. The moderate vote makes or breaks.

04-11-2007, 11:06 AM
It's not about whether The US has become more liberal (although it has)....... Proof?

Hugh Lincoln
05-06-2007, 01:30 PM
In 2002, 43% of Americans defined themselves as Democrats and 43% defined themselves as Republicans. Today, 50% of Americans define themelves as Democrats and only 35% as Republicans.

You guys need to come to terms with the fact that George Bush took your party and drove it off a cliff. And most of the reason is his stupid Iraq war.

But meaningful, deep-seated reaons for party affiliation don't change in the span of four or five years. If you're a Democrat for one election and a Republican for the next, well, that's a sign that you don't have party loyalty. And I don't think you can say this means America's becoming more or less liberal or conservative, at least based on this.

Bush's usurpation of the GOP is a good example. Here is a man who wouldn't know 'conservative' if it bit him on the ass... he's just a moron who follows what his advisers say. If you're a conservative and embarrassed by him, that makes sense to me. And I think if you voted for him in 2000 but Kerry in 2004, it's hard to read much into that. There are no serious conservatives who support Bush wholeheartedly, period. Bottom line is that I don't think Bush's disasters have really convinced too many that the fundamental values of conservatism are wrong, though they've obviously done the GOP a lot of damage.

Maybe the question was too big. Maybe nuc is right that "America" is too big a thing for that question.

05-06-2007, 02:11 PM
America will never elect a Black or Hillary, I hope either one of them gets nominated.

05-06-2007, 02:15 PM
America will never elect a Black or Hillary, I hope either one of them gets nominated.

I disagree, we may well elect a black or a woman, though perhaps not Obama nor Hillary.

05-07-2007, 10:13 PM
The elections of 2006.


Slipped right past you, didn't it? :laugh2:

05-07-2007, 11:47 PM
America will never elect a Black or Hillary, I hope either one of them gets nominated.

what if the US elects a black Hillary and Sitarro becomes the 44th pres of the USA?

05-08-2007, 12:06 AM
I don't think BuckWheat is going for anything in 2008, lc.

what if the US elects a black Hillary and Sitarro becomes the 44th pres of the USA?

Funny post, though!!!!!!

05-08-2007, 04:21 AM
Oh, for Christ's sakes, why do you think the politicians have moved leftward? It's because they're following the people.

politicians havent moved leftward quite the opposite. Its a mad dash for the right in both parties. of course the right for democrats is called moderate. but its still heading towards the right. but then im repeating myself again.

Name one politician heading towards the left on anything.

05-08-2007, 04:56 AM
Wake up, Rumpelstilskin.

politicians havent moved leftward quite the opposite. Its a mad dash for the right in both parties. of course the right for democrats is called moderate. but its still heading towards the right. but then im repeating myself again.

Name one politician heading towards the left on anything.

The elections of 2006 said plenty for the direction of American politics. Even the frontrunners in the Republican campaigns are left of me and I am a Democrat!!!!!!!!!

GW in Ohio
05-08-2007, 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by GW in Ohio
It's not about whether The US has become more liberal (although it has).......


glockie: I've already cited the polls that indicated Americans are leaving the GOP in droves and migrating to the Dems. You guys react by challenging the polls. You're living in a little GOP fantasy world where you believe the horsecrap that Rush Limbaugh propagates.

George Bush has taken a situation where the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and the White House and where, following 9/11, the whole world was in our corner, and he's managed to lose both houses of Congress and the GOP will lose the White House in '08. And the United States is hated and reviled throughout the world as its never been before.

I was actually a Republican in '00 and supported Bush for prez. And now I'm as anti-GOP as the folks at moveon.org. And there are an awful lot of people like me. George Bush has been a disaster for the country and a disaster for the GOP.

05-08-2007, 12:19 PM
Okay, let's see if we can't enlighten some of these politically-challenged right-wingers.......

It's not about whether The US has become more liberal (although it has).

What's really behind these huge migrations of voters from the GOP camp to the Democratic camp is, they're moving in reaction to the train wreck that is the Bush administration.

Ever since Bush's disastrous invasion of Iraq was shown to have been undertaken under false pretenses.....and ever since the Iraq thing turned into a horrible fuckaround, people who initially supported Bush on Iraq have been turning away from him in revulsion.

And ever since the reality and imminent danger of global warming became clear to people (thanks, Al Gore), Americans have become aware that Bush would rather try to ignore the problem than do something about it. That's the second main reason why people are deserting the GOP.

It's not about liberal vs. conservative, my right-wing friends. It's about Bush & company are a total disaster.

Condescending speak from someone that is as gullible as everyone else in the Democrat fantasy world.......you are a joke and an imbecile and the Republicans are stronger not having you as a member.......twat. :finger3::salute:

GW in Ohio
05-08-2007, 12:28 PM
Condescending speak from someone that is as gullible as everyone else in the Democrat fantasy world.......you are a joke and an imbecile and the Republicans are stronger not having you as a member.......twat. :finger3::salute:

Hey, make sure you wave as your chuckwagon goes over the cliff in the '08 elections.

Who's to blame for driving the GOP from power?

George Bush...Cheney...Wolfowitz....Rumsfeld.....Perle... .Rove...Rice......

And everybody who voted for Bush in '04. In '00 we didn't know what a moron he was.

In '04, we knew......

05-08-2007, 01:59 PM
Wake up, Rumpelstilskin.

The elections of 2006 said plenty for the direction of American politics. Even the frontrunners in the Republican campaigns are left of me and I am a Democrat!!!!!!!!!

What fantasy world are you living in? All the Republicans, frontrunners and lesser knowns, are trying to push themselves to the right. not the left.

05-08-2007, 02:00 PM
Hey, make sure you wave as your chuckwagon goes over the cliff in the '08 elections.

Who's to blame for driving the GOP from power?

George Bush...Cheney...Wolfowitz....Rumsfeld.....Perle... .Rove...Rice......

And everybody who voted for Bush in '04. In '00 we didn't know what a moron he was.

In '04, we knew......

you guys still havent provided any support that he is a moron. And quite honestly its sad that all you have against him is name calling.

So produce an example of one politician from either party moving towards the left.

05-09-2007, 08:06 AM
The elections of 2006.

Slipped right past you, didn't it? :laugh2:

Originally Posted by GW in Ohio
It's not about whether The US has become more liberal (although it has).......

glockie: I've already cited the polls that indicated Americans are leaving the GOP in droves and migrating to the Dems. You guys react by challenging the polls. You're living in a little GOP fantasy world where you believe the horsecrap that Rush Limbaugh propagates.

George Bush has taken a situation where the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and the White House and where, following 9/11, the whole world was in our corner, and he's managed to lose both houses of Congress and the GOP will lose the White House in '08. And the United States is hated and reviled throughout the world as its never been before.

I was actually a Republican in '00 and supported Bush for prez. And now I'm as anti-GOP as the folks at moveon.org. And there are an awful lot of people like me. George Bush has been a disaster for the country and a disaster for the GOP.

06 elections were won by conservative democrats. This shows a shift towards the dems but not towards liberalism. :poke:

05-09-2007, 10:02 PM
Stick in your ignorant eye, gm. Does Nancy Pelosi get your trigger cocked?

06 elections were won by conservative democrats. This shows a shift towards the dems but not towards liberalism. :poke:

You are laughable but not ready for Saturday Night Live yet. Keep your day gig.

Hugh Lincoln
05-09-2007, 10:54 PM
why do you think the politicians have moved leftward? It's because they're following the people.


Which people are we talking about, exactly? Two sociology professors in San Francisco and three journalists in Manhattan?

Because dude, that's not "the people."

Pale Rider
05-09-2007, 11:12 PM
Oh, for Christ's sakes, why do you think the politicians have moved leftward? It's because they're following the people.
Like hell they are. They're caving under the relentless onslaught of the militant left and the liberal MSM. (And cooperate money.)

In 2002, 43% of Americans defined themselves as Democrats and 43% defined themselves as Republicans. Today, 50% of Americans define themelves as Democrats and only 35% as Republicans.
Of course you can PROVE that claim... :link:

You guys need to come to terms with the fact that George Bush took your party and drove it off a cliff. And most of the reason is his stupid Iraq war.

You may or may not believe this, but I considered myself a Republican at the start of Bush's first term. I had been a Republican for over 20 years prior to Mr. Bush's administration.
The war is certainly part of it. The other part is his complete and utter failure on the border and his globalist agenda. I voted for him, and I'm sorry for it now. But that does NOT mean I won't vote for another Republican, and you'll be having a snowball fight in HELL before I'd vote for a stinking liberal.

05-09-2007, 11:26 PM
I don't want to be redundant, but did you notice the 2006 elections?

Like hell they are. They're caving under the relentless onslaught of the militant left and the liberal MSM. (And cooperate money.)

Of course you can PROVE that claim... :link:

The war is certainly part of it. The other part is his complete and utter failure on the border and his globalist agenda. I voted for him, and I'm sorry for it now. But that does NOT mean I won't vote for another Republican, and you'll be having a snowball fight in HELL before I'd vote for a stinking liberal.

Keep your day gig, PR, and hold on tightly to your otherwise disposable cash. If your mentors don't get it, your demons certainly will. You're pretty financially fucked either way.

BTW. What the hell is "cooperate money"? Fruedian Slip?

05-10-2007, 01:46 AM
I don't want to be redundant, but did you notice the 2006 elections?

Keep your day gig, PR, and hold on tightly to your otherwise disposable cash. If your mentors don't get it, your demons certainly will. You're pretty financially fucked either way.

BTW. What the hell is "cooperate money"? Fruedian Slip?

yeah i did. Democrats won the house by being more conservative than their Republican rivals.

That really indicates that people are moving to the left isnt it?

05-10-2007, 02:27 AM
Don't belive everything O'Really has to say, a'4321.

yeah i did. Democrats won the house by being more conservative than their Republican rivals.

That really indicates that people are moving to the left isnt it?

Americans are progressive in nature and anti war through education. thus the NCLB Act of gwb. It keeps Americans uneducated.

05-10-2007, 02:30 AM
I'll chime in on this one. First of all, who are we talking about? The politicians or the people?

America has moved all right. It has moved to the right and the left. You heard me, we have lost common ground. Our politicians argue like spoiled children. Our media has become so biused it's sickening. Polls are shit! Just pure shit!

JFK respected Barry Goldwater. Imagine that! The man he probably disagreed with the most in his life he respected and called "a great American". Political adversaries inour past had that ability. They obviously do not anymore. This is rubbing off on people.

I remember when I was a child my step-father (an old englishmen), a democrat, and my grandfather (a conservatve) would politely argue their points in the living room for hours. They always agreed on a few things. America was great, it's people were good They would get to shoutoing every here and there but always ended the evening with a handshake and if one was asked about the other he would compliment him.

We live in a country where the power used to change from one political party to another without a glitch. Of course the last few have had claims of fraud, whining and all kinds of crap.

Oh yeah, there are more than two political parties also. I know something the two biggies agree on! They DON'T want a Libertarian to debate with them.

Our two biggies have each moved here in America. The left to the left, and the rigjht to the right. There is isn't enough common ground to fill a 2 oz dosage cup. The insults, the tacky speeches and the bius partisan way our politicians operate are pitiful! I think we all know this.

The party that supposedly lines itself with liberty, less government and freedom for individuals has passed more law to restict our liberty than at any time in our history.

The party that used to stand for the people, democrats, want government to regulate, control and oversee everything. You lefties ask yourself a question, how many church vans full of mission occupants do you think vote Republican?

Ben Franklin would roll over in his grave and vomit if he could see what we are doing today. How impressed do you think John Adams or TJ or James Madison would be if they witnessed a day of American politics today.

The strongest GOP candidate is Democrat! He believes in a woman's right to choose but would appoint judges who do not! FLIP-FLOP!

Hillary DID write that thesis! National Health Care? Please!

I think we should all vote for a real change and just shock the everloving shit out of the political system. Vote for a true LIBERTarian, hence LIBERTY as in ....statue of....!

So the answer to the original question to me is, America has moved both ways. Left AND right. Further from common ground, further from solutions, and certainly further from the possibility of solving the problems that confront average Americans today. When I say average, I mean real true average Americans. Folks who may not watch news 24 hours a day. They work on farms, under trucks, in hospitals, on garbadge trucks, in offices, road crews and whatever. They have no political opinion and just want to keep the bills paid.

Then there are our dead soldiers! Each and every time ourpoliticians continue their rhetoric with every issue of the day they may as well just go to the graveyard and piss on their graves. This IS NOT what they died for. Every one of you know that this is true. I may not have the vocabulary you scholars have, I don't reference links that mean nothing to make my points and I don't try to see who can use the most big words every time I write something but I know this........I'm losing my country. The two sides are getting so bitter they hate! Hell, look at this board, and all the others. People can't even debate and talk about two sides of an issue without namecalling and a pissing contest. Now someone will say, Ah Emmett, you can't take it. I can take it! The way our politicians act is indicative of the way we are starting to act.

Does one side think the other is going to just quit and give in? What's the point?

We have a party that wants to harbor illegal aliens! Hell, just tell the whole cottonpicking world to move here then. Folks that work will just support them all, right? We'll pay for their education, hospital, babies, food...............SHIT PEOPLE! Where does common sense start to apply? Where do we draw a line? Why would the proper answer to this have to belong to ONE party. We all need to be concerned about this problem. Everyone. We need unity but we move further from center on everything.

Babble Babble!

05-10-2007, 02:35 AM
And BTW, I wasn't talking to you, a'4321.

yeah i did. Democrats won the house by being more conservative than their Republican rivals.

That really indicates that people are moving to the left isnt it?

But your response indicates as much as I might have expected from the imbecile himself.

05-10-2007, 02:38 AM
Who's this "we" shit?

I'll chime in on this one. First of all, who are we talking about? The politicians or the people?

America has moved all right. It has moved to the right and the left. You heard me, we have lost common ground. Our politicians argue like spoiled children. Our media has become so biused it's sickening. Polls are shit! Just pure shit!

JFK respected Barry Goldwater. Imagine that! The man he probably disagreed with the most in his life he respected and called "a great American". Political adversaries inour past had that ability. They obviously do not anymore. This is rubbing off on people.

I remember when I was a child my step-father (an old englishmen), a democrat, and my grandfather (a conservatve) would politely argue their points in the living room for hours. They always agreed on a few things. America was great, it's people were good They would get to shoutoing every here and there but always ended the evening with a handshake and if one was asked about the other he would compliment him.

We live in a country where the power used to change from one political party to another without a glitch. Of course the last few have had claims of fraud, whining and all kinds of crap.

Oh yeah, there are more than two political parties also. I know something the two biggies agree on! They DON'T want a Libertarian to debate with them.

Our two biggies have each moved here in America. The left to the left, and the rigjht to the right. There is isn't enough common ground to fill a 2 oz dosage cup. The insults, the tacky speeches and the bius partisan way our politicians operate are pitiful! I think we all know this.

The party that supposedly lines itself with liberty, less government and freedom for individuals has passed more law to restict our liberty than at any time in our history.

The party that used to stand for the people, democrats, want government to regulate, control and oversee everything. You lefties ask yourself a question, how many church vans full of mission occupants do you think vote Republican?

Ben Franklin would roll over in his grave and vomit if he could see what we are doing today. How impressed do you think John Adams or TJ or James Madison would be if they witnessed a day of American politics today.

The strongest GOP candidate is Democrat! He believes in a woman's right to choose but would appoint judges who do not! FLIP-FLOP!

Hillary DID write that thesis! National Health Care? Please!

I think we should all vote for a real change and just shock the everloving shit out of the political system. Vote for a true LIBERTarian, hence LIBERTY as in ....statue of....!

So the answer to the original question to me is, America has moved both ways. Left AND right. Further from common ground, further from solutions, and certainly further from the possibility of solving the problems that confront average Americans today. When I say average, I mean real true average Americans. Folks who may not watch news 24 hours a day. They work on farms, under trucks, in hospitals, on garbadge trucks, in offices, road crews and whatever. They have no political opinion and just want to keep the bills paid.

Then there are our dead soldiers! Each and every time ourpoliticians continue their rhetoric with every issue of the day they may as well just go to the graveyard and piss on their graves. This IS NOT what they died for. Every one of you know that this is true. I may not have the vocabulary you scholars have, I don't reference links that mean nothing to make my points and I don't try to see who can use the most big words every time I write something but I know this........I'm losing my country. The two sides are getting so bitter they hate! Hell, look at this board, and all the others. People can't even debate and talk about two sides of an issue without namecalling and a pissing contest. Now someone will say, Ah Emmett, you can't take it. I can take it! The way our politicians act is indicative of the way we are starting to act.

Does one side think the other is going to just quit and give in? What's the point?

We have a party that wants to harbor illegal aliens! Hell, just tell the whole cottonpicking world to move here then. Folks that work will just support them all, right? We'll pay for their education, hospital, babies, food...............SHIT PEOPLE! Where does common sense start to apply? Where do we draw a line? Why would the proper answer to this have to belong to ONE party. We all need to be concerned about this problem. Everyone. We need unity but we move further from center on everything.

Babble Babble!

Babble on, emmett. I ain't going there with you.

05-10-2007, 03:27 AM
Don't believe everything Oreally has to say, a'4321.

Americans are progressive in nature and anti war through education. thus the NCLB Act of gwb. It keeps Americans uneducated.

I like what Oreily say.......:clap:


05-10-2007, 04:15 AM
Don't belive everything O'Really has to say, a'4321.

Americans are progressive in nature and anti war through education. thus the NCLB Act of gwb. It keeps Americans uneducated.

Who the hell listens to OReilly?

The fact is the Democrats who were elected ran on conservative platforms. That is why there has been so much infighting between the Democrats. That's why Nancy Pelosi had to bribe house members to get them to vote for the anti war bill. They aren't really anti war. They know their constituents dont want an anti war bill so they have to be bought off to support it.

If Americans are so progressive in nature, why would they support liberalism? Its an idealogy that is continually stuck in the failed policies of the past and has solved absolutely nothing in society. Quite the opposite. it has made things continually worse.

05-10-2007, 04:33 AM
You are so silly, a'4321.

Who the hell listens to OReilly?

The fact is the Democrats who were elected ran on conservative platforms. That is why there has been so much infighting between the Democrats. That's why Nancy Pelosi had to bribe house members to get them to vote for the anti war bill. They aren't really anti war. They know their constituents dont want an anti war bill so they have to be bought off to support it.

If Americans are so progressive in nature, why would they support liberalism? Its an idealogy that is continually stuck in the failed policies of the past and has solved absolutely nothing in society. Quite the opposite. it has made things continually worse.

Care to back up any of that shit you are spouting? Seriously, I
doubt it.

You are certainly bought in without realizing you were sold out long ago.

05-10-2007, 04:53 AM
You are so silly, a'4321.

Care to back up any of that shit you are spouting? Seriously, I
doubt it.

You are certainly bought in without realizing you were sold out long ago.

We have months of discussion prior to the 2006 election pointing out that Democrats were trying to run to the right of Republican candidates. Why the heck should I rehash that simply because you were too lazy to remember it all?

05-10-2007, 05:05 AM
Soooo, who you going to vote for? Kucinich, Obama, Clinton or any of the others that you proclaim as to the right of republican candidates?

We have months of discussion prior to the 2006 election pointing out that Democrats were trying to run to the right of Republican candidates. Why the heck should I rehash that simply because you were too lazy to remember it all?

I ain't forgetting anything, a'4321. It is your memory in question at this point. Or, maybe it was simply your ill informed references. I dunno.

05-10-2007, 06:03 AM
Stick in your ignorant eye, gm. Does Nancy Pelosi get your trigger cocked?.....
You are laughable but not ready for Saturday Night Live yet. Keep your day gig.

Maybe you have the hots for her but Pelosi makes me all droopy.

Get with the program, Psycho. Even France is moving to the Right. :laugh2:

05-10-2007, 06:13 AM
Name a single Democratic candidate that is right of the most liberal Republican candidate.

Maybe you have the hots for her but Pelosi makes me all droopy.

Get with the program, Psycho. Even France is moving to the Right. :laugh2:

In the expected absense of any credible response, this thread is now officially "a hoot".

Pale Rider
05-10-2007, 09:42 AM
Name a single Democratic candidate that is right of the most liberal Republican candidate.

In the expected absense of any credible response, this thread is now officially "a hoot".

Take your pick, either Guiliani or McCain. They're both a couple liberals.

05-10-2007, 12:39 PM
Name a single Democratic candidate that is right of the most liberal Republican candidate.

In the expected absense of any credible response, this thread is now officially "a hoot".

you clearly have reading comprehension problems.

I said the candidates in 2006 tried to run to the right of the Republican candidates. That is a fact.

All the Republican candidates, even the liberal ones are running to the right to establish themselves as the conservative candidate.

The Democrat leaders such as Hillary are running toward the right to become a "moderate" candidate for the general election. Because people dont like liberals.

GW in Ohio
05-10-2007, 01:09 PM
you clearly have reading comprehension problems.

I said the candidates in 2006 tried to run to the right of the Republican candidates. That is a fact.

All the Republican candidates, even the liberal ones are running to the right to establish themselves as the conservative candidate.

The Democrat leaders such as Hillary are running toward the right to become a "moderate" candidate for the general election. Because people dont like liberals.

avatar: The terms "conservative" and "liberal" have for me largely lost their meaning in American politics. We've got conservatives acting like liberals on some issues and liberals acting like conservatives on some issues.

And if you tell me you think Hillary Clinton is a liberal, I will tell you that, like many conservatives, you're hopelessly out of date and unable to change your views to reflect the changing times. Hillary used to be a liberal; she ain't any more. She's not a conservative, either. She's best described as moderate and very pragmatic. And it's that too-ready pragmatism that bothers me about her, and makes her not my #1 choice for prez.

05-10-2007, 06:58 PM
Name a single Democratic candidate that is right of the most liberal Republican candidate.

In the expected absense of any credible response, this thread is now officially "a hoot".



05-10-2007, 09:05 PM
avatar: The terms "conservative" and "liberal" have for me largely lost their meaning in American politics. We've got conservatives acting like liberals on some issues and liberals acting like conservatives on some issues.

And if you tell me you think Hillary Clinton is a liberal, I will tell you that, like many conservatives, you're hopelessly out of date and unable to change your views to reflect the changing times. Hillary used to be a liberal; she ain't any more. She's not a conservative, either. She's best described as moderate and very pragmatic. And it's that too-ready pragmatism that bothers me about her, and makes her not my #1 choice for prez.

No, she is a liberal as she has ever been. she is just not afraid to lie about her positions to caluculate where she has to be in order to get the vote.

Hugh Lincoln
05-12-2007, 09:07 PM
No, she is a liberal as she has ever been. she is just not afraid to lie about her positions to caluculate where she has to be in order to get the vote.

I don't know but I think this is close. I believe what Hillary is pragmatic about is GETTING POWER. Like Bill. They almost seem to like it for its own sake, and ideology is just a little side dish. I have trouble believing that a woman who got fired up in college about a Jewish communist "organizer" is today a "moderate." She's a "moderate" to the extent that she can pull the wool over our eyes. Once in power, watch out for your testicles because this woman's going to make having them a federal crime.

05-14-2007, 09:50 AM
.... watch out for your testicles because this woman's going to make having them a federal crime. Mine will be in a lock box.

Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 10:39 AM
Poster girl for the left...


05-23-2007, 10:02 PM
Like I said. This thread is a "hoot". Toot, toot!!!!!!!!