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View Full Version : Obama: 'Time to deliver' on health care

red states rule
06-08-2009, 07:22 AM
This line in the article is key:

"Obama's top advisers prepared to unleash a long-planned grassroots effort meant to illustrate power and, at the same time, to intimidate opposition?"

It sounds like Chicago street thugs will be turned loose on anyone who opposes Obama's plan to me.

Why is it OK that this is a "grassroots" effory is clearly being coordinated at the highest levels? The left was pissed off when they tried to spin the tea parties were being coordinated by the RNC and Fox News.

Obama: 'Time to deliver' on health care

WASHINGTON – The White House, backing away from President Barack Obama's "it's-all-on-the-table" approach he initially advocated, prepared to get louder and more involved in a health care overhaul's details that officials once were content to leave to Congress, administration officials said Saturday.

The White House's attention increases as Congress turns to a priority that officials watched in recent weeks drift off what has otherwise been a precise pathway; even with an Obama-imposed August deadline, many administration aides weren't sure just how much they would be able to accomplish before Congress left for the summer.

All of that is set to change as Obama's top advisers prepared to unleash a long-planned grassroots effort meant to illustrate power and, at the same time, to intimidate opposition. It is coming with Obama's explicit blessing, according to officials, who spoke anonymously to discuss private conversations.

Aides at Organizing for America — as Obama's political arm is known — said tens of thousands of supporters participated in thousands of events for health care overhaul on Saturday.

With some 14 million e-mail addresses and an Internet-based advocacy machine that helped him win an election, Obama's political arm sought to deliver a changes to the health system similar to the ones Obama talked about during the campaign — not one that was mauled through endless compromise or one far different from the one that motivated thousands of volunteers last fall.

Obama has indicated he wanted to hear Democrats' and Republicans' ideas, but has also told them that he's the president and they are among many elected members of Congress. They also were warned that the re-election campaign-in-waiting was revving its engines.


red states rule
06-08-2009, 09:33 AM
The push for Universal Health Care isn't about any compassion or caring, it's a power grab

From the Obama healthe care bill
Section 3102 pg 39 and 40

(1) IN GENERAL - A State shall keep an accurate accounting of all activities, receipts, and expenditures of any Gateway operating in such State and annually submit to the Secretary a report concerning such accountings.

(2) INVESTIGATIONS - The Secretary may investigate the affairs of a Gateway, may examine the properties and records of a Gateway, and may require periodical reports in relation to activities undertaken by a Gateway. A Gateway shall fully cooperate in any investigation conducted under this paragraph.
