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View Full Version : CA considers eliminating Welfare

06-08-2009, 08:05 PM

I cant imagine this getting passed in a Blue State but what a revolutionary idea.

Real freedom.

06-08-2009, 08:11 PM
Would be a nice precident. As there are time-limits for Unemployment, Welfare should be a limited time, capped benefit.

06-08-2009, 08:16 PM
I thought all states limited it to 5 years anyway. That's what we were tought anyway.....

06-08-2009, 08:25 PM
Would be a nice precident. As there are time-limits for Unemployment, Welfare should be a limited time, capped benefit.

Last time I heard unemployment is 10 months here without a federal extension.

Finally some sensible discussions are going on. Flat tax and eliminating welfare.

06-08-2009, 09:53 PM
When ronnie was Governor he eliminated just about all help for the impoverished. He even created homelessness by closing mental hospitals. Used to see people talking on cell phones years before they were invented.

06-08-2009, 09:54 PM
A flat tax would put me in the street.

06-08-2009, 10:23 PM
A flat tax would put me in the street.

So the whole world is supposed to bend over because you're in more house than you can afford?

06-08-2009, 11:56 PM
A flat tax would put me in the street.

So you just expect someone else to pay your fair share. Typical.

You bitch and moan about what this country needs to do but youre the last one who bothers to help with anything.

06-09-2009, 12:56 AM
A flat tax would put me in the street.

How is that?

06-09-2009, 09:46 AM
A flat tax would put me in the street.

And this is a bad thing?

06-09-2009, 07:30 PM
It'll never happen, just a scare tactic.

They could save millions though if they eliminated all the waste. They could also do what NY (I think it was that state) did. If a woman went on welfare with 2 kids that's what she got paid for, no more sitting on welfare and popping out 5 or 6 kids and collecting more money.

06-09-2009, 10:18 PM
A flat tax would put me in the street.

What a crock of shit.

And here's the rub. The Government does NOT owe you a house. If you get financial ruin because of a FLAT tax, YOU have the problem. Take responsibility for your life. If you get tossed out to the street, get a 2nd job. Maybe a 3rd if that's what it takes. Work and work harder until you own the street...then sell it to a foreign investor and retire in the Caribbean. It's the American Dream.

06-10-2009, 12:28 PM
Well, if CA got rid of welfare, it would solve their illegal alien problem as they would all head for other states or go back to Mexico....

As I've said before, a few months ago, take away their emminities i/e medical, food, housing etc. and they'd head on down the road. All states should do that.

Welfare was meant to be a stop over, so to speak, while people could get their shit together. It wasn't meant to become a way of life, and passed on from generation to generation. And I'm tired of paying for it.

06-10-2009, 01:49 PM
you assume those illegals are all on welfare vs working, most come here for jobs not to get on the dole.

Welfare was meant to be a stop over, so to speak, while people could get their shit together. It wasn't meant to become a way of life, and passed on from generation to generation. And I'm tired of paying for it.
Considering you can only get it for 5 years out of your life, after meeting stringent conditions, I doubt it is a way of life.

06-10-2009, 03:19 PM
you assume those illegals are all on welfare vs working, most come here for jobs not to get on the dole.

Considering you can only get it for 5 years out of your life, after meeting stringent conditions, I doubt it is a way of life.

With all due respect Liberal Nation, yes, illegals come here for work and to pursue American dream - but, they come ILLEGALLY, and most, as I can attest living down here in S. Florida, are using our hospitals and being issued welfare and refusing to learn the English language (which last I checked, is a requirement to become a United States Citizen). They claim to pay taxes, but under fake social security numbers,take our emergency and police time from taxpayer dollars, and more. There are those who I know personally that are struggling to do things legimitally and work to learn the language (many, however are from Europe and RESPECT the rules). Illegals are illegal, period - if they actively work towards citizenship, then great, but they still need to face the consequences if they broke a law (they should have waited their turn in the green card lottery, or other means to come here legimitally.)

Enough on illegals - we are an dealing with entire culture that wraps their lives around government money, and government assistance. The ones who continue to receive benefits by having more and more children, or by whatever means to not have to roll up their sleeves and actually work, and denying the help to go to school or opportunities presented to help them get out of the cycle. There are many community foundations that will break their backs to help those who WANT to be helped (I have volunteered for many of these foundations over the years). But, when presented with the opportunity, they actually have to WORK, and find a way out of it - some, do make it, but only from true desire and passion to make it through hard work.

I love this idea of limiting welfare benefits because it provides people with the opportunity, respect and dignity to make is themselves, to feel the triumph of doing it themselves...a goal to strive to survive - which, in reality, the law of nature: survival of the fittest. I am a phlianthropist, but it is what it is. I help a lot people in need however I can through volunteerism, mentoring (between being middle-class and struggling), but you can only lead a horse to water. If they don't try to drink (work that is), they are in God's hands.

"WATCH the PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS" (sp. "happyness" for the movie)- this will prove my point - PURSUIT means you have to WORK for it!!! And our country has thousands of wonderful community foundations that are providing assistance to help the pursuit of happiness.

06-10-2009, 03:38 PM
I forgot to comment on this one: If you have another child, the cycle starts over in most states - hence why some pop out the children. Others, will hurt themselves purposely to receive permanent social security, or, recently, an influx of folks with bi-polar disorder are conveniently receiving benefits. (I am sure many of these folks actually have bi-polar disorder, but it is convenient that so many recently? Interesting becuase it is a treatable condition.

Considering you can only get it for 5 years out of your life, after meeting stringent conditions, I doubt it is a way of life.

06-10-2009, 07:34 PM
you assume those illegals are all on welfare vs working, most come here for jobs not to get on the dole.

Considering you can only get it for 5 years out of your life, after meeting stringent conditions, I doubt it is a way of life.

Not all states are like that. I know of people who've been on the dole from generation to generation. Even if that weren't so, I know of ones who've been on it for a heck of a lot more than five years.

And most illegals are getting some sort of help via the US citizens.