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red states rule
06-10-2009, 05:44 AM
A good friend of mine sent this to me this morning. This is only a partial list of flip flops and broken promises Obama has committed - yet his followers blindly follow him and offer the typical "It's Bush's fault" defense

Candidate Obama promised that his budgets would produce a net reduction in federal spending, i.e., that he would rearrange spending priorities but that the total federal budget would be reduced. President Obama has set new records for spending, debt, and deficits.

Candidate Obama said he would be open to more offshore drilling. One of the first things President Obama did was to cancel every single new drilling lease that was in the works.

Candidate Obama repeatedly denied the charge that he was against nuclear power. President Obama recently eliminated funding for additional nuclear storage capacity, which makes it virtually certain there will be no new nuclear power plants built in the U.S. duing his administration. Obama keeps using the phony, outdated argument that we need the technology to reprocess spent nuclear fuel before we build more nuke plants, ignoring the fact that we've had this technology for years and the fact that several European countries are already reprocessing their spent nuclear fuel.

Candidate Obama promised a tax cut for 95% of taxpayers. President Obama, oddly enough under the guise of funding a healthcare initiative, imposed a huge tax hike on millions of middle-and-low-income Americans who smoke, raising the tax on a pack of cigarettes by 62 cents and the tax on a pound of chewing tobacco by 30 cents, the largest tobacco tax hikes in history. The "tax cut for 95% of taxpayers" was a lie anyway, since over 40% of working Americans pay no federal income taxes. If President Obama gets his way on cap-and-trade, more accurately known as cap-and-tax, all Americans will see their energy bills rise dramatically. Furthermore, the tax hikes that President Obama is in the process of imposing on millions of small businessmen and on others who make over $250K a year will be substantially passed on to everyone else in the form of higher prices for goods and services.

Candidate Obama endlessly railed against Bush and the Republicans for doubling the national debt, for squandering the Clinton-era surplus, and for borrowing so heavily from foreign nations. President Obama is borrowing and spending at such a reckless pace that he's making Bush and the Republicans look almost frugal. One of the first things President Obama did was to send Hillary Clinton to China to beg the Chinese to loan us more money.

Candidate Obama promised a new era of transparency on legislation, promising a five-day waiting period on the signing of all bills in order to give the public time to study and comment on the bills. President Obama has ignored that promise.

Candidate Obama promised to end earmarks. One of the first bills President Obama signed was an omnibus spending bill that contained over 8,000 earmarks. One of the other first bills President Obama signed was the misnamed "stimulus" bill, which contained billions of dollars in pet projects and special-interest spending.