View Full Version : Latest Reviews

06-16-2009, 09:13 AM
I saw a lot more than this in the past 6 months or so obviously, but lost a lot of information and am running on memory alone and what I've seen in the past couple of weeks. I'll update more in this thread as I see 'em! Consider this Jim's official review thread.

Star Trek

Shows the beginning of the most famous characters from the first Star Trek crew. A young and rebellious James T. Kirk joins the academy and quickly meets Bones and Spock. It shows the beginning of their relationships and how the original crew became co-workers and friends. Without ruining the jist of HOW and WHY they all got together, just see this when you can. Best Star Strek to date, IMO.

Columbus Day

Val Kilmer hides in a park after a major heist. The entire film is primarily filmed in the park while he befriends a very young black "misfit" of a kid. You see Val's character going from being the leader of a heist and preparing for a payoff, to hanging with a child and learning one another. Definitely worth watching.

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle

Saw it a few times already but it never gets old. It was hard watching Kal Penn play Kutner on "House" when I new of him as a stoner who cut his pubes with his roomies scissors!

Rock Star

Another repeat viewing. Mark Wahlberg sings in a cover band that plays and emulates their favorite rock band - Steel Dragon. After a falling out with their lead singer, Steel Dragon invites Mark to visit them and try out for the new lead gig. I'm curious if Wahlberg actually sung the tunes, because if he did, the boy has a healthy set of lungs and is a damn good rock singer.


My 3rd repeat viewing and I can watch this another 300x. Absolutely hilarious! 3 nerdy guys about to graduate HS, desperate for alcohol and desperate to get laid before the go off to college!

The Great Buck Howard

Rated high but rated low in my book. The story of a boring "magician" and Colin Hanks ends up touring the country with him as his personal assistant. Tom Hanks is in a few scenes as his father. Colin learns lessons about life while watching the trials and tribulations of an aging magician. I found it boring and waited and waited for some spectacular meaning from the film that never came.

The Skeptic

A cold hearted man inherits his recently deceased Aunt's mansion. He stays in the house until the estate can be settled to protect the valuable things inside. He soon finds out that the house possesses more than just valuables. Scary thriller that I thoroughly enjoyed.

There, my first set of reviews. They are short and they stuck, but they're mine.

Abbey Marie
06-16-2009, 10:39 AM
Star Trek was so worth seeing.

Jim, was The Skeptic scary in the old-fashioned haunted house way, or gory and over-the-top like more recent horror films?

06-16-2009, 03:28 PM
Jim, was The Skeptic scary in the old-fashioned haunted house way, or gory and over-the-top like more recent horror films?

Definitely an old fashioned house with creaking noises and voices. Wasn't the scariest movie I ever saw, and I did watch it through a thunderstorm, but still enough to turn your lights on the next time you venture into the basement by yourself.

Mr. P
06-16-2009, 06:50 PM
Definitely an old fashioned house with creaking noises and voices. Wasn't the scariest movie I ever saw, and I did watch it through a thunderstorm, but still enough to turn your lights on the next time you venture into the basement by yourself.

Now that sounds like a movie for every woman to watch while home alone..bout 11 pm or so? :eek:

06-25-2009, 03:47 PM
The Hangover: Hyped up huge and worth every accolade. The movie is hillarious. Zach Galifianakis (Fat guy with the beard) is freakin hillarious. Everything he does is gold in this movie. I'm not giving anything on the plot. It ruins the fun. Go see it.