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View Full Version : meeting friends online

06-17-2009, 01:51 PM
I saw a contest on this site: http://www.hivepals.com/ where you share funny horror stories about meeting people offline that you met online. I actually have a few good ones to share, but here's the best: I went to meet a guy – just as a friend cuz I was new in the area - and he turned out to be a cult leader auditioning followers. He took me to the Hare Krishna temple for charity food. He kept looking at me funny, I thought he was looking at my belly – when I asked him why he was looking at my waist so much he said he was trying to see if I had good birthing hips because he needed to repopulate the world. Maybe at least I can win an something for that one...

Got any of your own?

06-17-2009, 01:53 PM
Not really. I've only had positive experiences. Of course, I will qualify this by saying I have only met female friends and not anyone from a dating or networking site.

06-18-2009, 03:05 PM
Not really. I've only had positive experiences. Of course, I will qualify this by saying I have only met female friends and not anyone from a dating or networking site.

I'm the opposite of you. Oddly, all of the dating I've done online has worked out fine. It's finding platonic friends just to hang out with that I haven't had much luck with. I think it might be because guys try to take advantage of women looking for platonic friends because they think we'll be more off guard? I might actually use HivePals because it's designed for finding platonic friends/interest partners and they have a feedback system (like ebay) on their profiles, at least that's some security that the person is genuine. Also they allow you to tie your profile in to your PayPal billing information, so that's a good measure as well.

Of course, I've also had friends I met offline - in the real world, that later turned out to be crazy. One of my friends was a compulsive liar and made up her whole life. She pretended to be a teacher and one day she disappeared. Her family and boyfriend and friends (including me) mounted a search party, and we unraveled all her lies (like, we called the school everyone thought she worked at, and they were like "No, we've never had a teacher by that name, we don't even teach that subject here.")... she showed up three days later locked in the trunk of her own car (alive, but dehydrated). I had thought she was a sane, sweet, teacher....

06-18-2009, 08:59 PM
You think the girl in the trunk was weird, wait until you have more experience with the guys on this site. :p

Mr. P
06-18-2009, 09:24 PM
You think the girl in the trunk was weird, wait until you have more experience with the guys on this site. :p

And you've met...how many? Be honest. :slap:

06-19-2009, 01:56 PM
And you've met...how many? Be honest.
Even more proof that Republicans have no sense of humor.

Mr. P
06-19-2009, 02:02 PM
Even more proof that Republicans have no sense of humor.

Glad I ain't a republican.

06-19-2009, 02:04 PM
You are as conservative as anyone on this board.

06-19-2009, 02:13 PM
Even more proof that Republicans have no sense of humor.

Even more proof that if someone doesn't share gabby's sense of humor, she cannot recognize it and therefore that person does not have a sense of humor.

Oh, diversity. What a great thing.

Mr. P
06-19-2009, 02:19 PM
You are as conservative as anyone on this board.

Conservative does not mean Republican, dear.