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View Full Version : Obama Has Had Some Successes

red states rule
06-18-2009, 07:54 AM
To be fair, pres obama has some strong points in his favor, and has done some things well

Here is what I could come up with

Pres obama and Michelle are revered by the media in The US, and around the world

The Reid and Peosi run Congress does whatever Obama wants them to do

Obama is humble before Mideast royalty.

Obama reads well before an audience.

Obama makes many people yearn for the Jummy Carter years

Did I leave anything out?

06-18-2009, 09:03 AM
Your not looking at it through a liberal's mindset. To them he has been very successful. He's taken over private companies ala the Soviet Union. He's quadrupled the deficit to pay for social programs out the wazoo. He's taken over the media airwaves in ways only see through communist dictatorships. He's setting up government healthcare as seen in socialist utopias such as Canada.

He's been a huge success to socialists and communists around the world. In other words, liberals.

red states rule
06-18-2009, 09:18 AM
Your not looking at it through a liberal's mindset. To them he has been very successful. He's taken over private companies ala the Soviet Union. He's quadrupled the deficit to pay for social programs out the wazoo. He's taken over the media airwaves in ways only see through communist dictatorships. He's setting up government healthcare as seen in socialist utopias such as Canada.

He's been a huge success to socialists and communists around the world. In other words, liberals.

Obama did prove me wrong. I honestly thought no one would ever make a worse President the Carter

Should the US government continues down the authoritarian road, Obama will seem like a freedom fighter