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View Full Version : Newt Gingrich

06-18-2009, 11:45 AM
Has anybody noticed the sudden decrease in Newt's appearences on TV and commentary on radio. I seem to think so. A couple of months ago it was newt who seemed to be predicting that a third party would have a much higher degree of influence in future elections.

I wonder if his seeming lack of as much coverage may have come from his position concering this issue. I also wonder if it was a ploy to possibly align himself a bit diiferently in the future so as to place himself in a position to not necessarily run as a third party candidate but "bring back" some of the disenchanted that have left the GOP for other destinations having become disgruntled. He is very good friends with Bob Barr who of course just ran as the Libertarian candidate for president and apparently intends to do it again next time.

Everyone who runs for national office always seeks the endorsement of Newt. Being that he has been married three times he is somewhat at a disadvatnage in my opinion in any intention to run for president. He still remains very popular with Conservatives however.

Any thoughts?

06-18-2009, 11:51 AM
He's Newt. His personal life is what it is. Some won't like it. I don't care about that. His ideas are sound and he would make a good president. Too bad he'll never get elected.

Mr. P
06-18-2009, 12:22 PM
I've heard him on WSB and saw him on some Sunday news show several times in the last few weeks, emmett.

06-18-2009, 12:29 PM
He's been around, but not 'out there' like a few months ago. He tried to horn in on the tea party movement and got slammed by those that may make a try for a third party. I really don't think the left realizes how many disenfranchised conservatives and independents there are.

As for the tea parties, they are also keeping low key, while they've already got one player running for Senate and many more for state and local offices. Watch for more from them.

06-18-2009, 02:44 PM
Newt is a bit worrisome to me. Maybe its just me but it seems like he is to willing to play politics. Like when he was appearing with Nancy Pelosi on the global warming or climate change commercials.

I like for the most part his political views but I'm not sure if I would vote for him.