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View Full Version : Strong Support for the "Public Option"

Joe Steel
06-19-2009, 08:09 AM
This is good news for America and bad news for Republicans and spineless Democrats. America wants the public option.

NATIONAL HEALTH PLAN ELEMENTS RATED HIGHLY: Between 68 percent and 88 percent of Americans either strongly or somewhat support health reform ideas such as national health plans, a public plan option, guaranteed issue, expansion of Medicare and Medicaid, and employer and individual mandates.

The 2009 Health Confidence Survey: Public Opinion on Health Reform Varies; Strong Support for Insurance Market Reform and Public Plan Option, Mixed Response to Tax Cap (http://www.ebri.org/publications/ib/index.cfm?fa=ibDisp&content_id=4293)

The "public option" has the potential to destroy the American health care model and move the US toward a rational and far more equitable system. This is very good news.

06-19-2009, 08:25 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I tend to agree.
2. The damned Hospitals and Doctors are way to expensive for me.
3. At 5k a day, 50k for 10 days.
4. And 150k a month, who can afford it?
5. All depends whats wrong with you.
6. Some things cost way more, like 50k a day.:poke:


red states rule
06-19-2009, 08:29 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I tend to agree.
2. The damned Hospitals and Doctors are way to expensive for me.
3. At 5k a day, 50k for 10 days.
4. And 150k a month, who can afford it?
5. All depends whats wrong with you.
6. Some things cost way more, like 50k a day.:poke:


and you think with the government running things it will be cheaper and better? The government can't even deliver the mail - or run a railroad

How the hell will they run the nations healthcare system? People will get rationed care, have to be "approved" for what care they get. amd some people will die because of this insane power grab by the Dems

06-19-2009, 08:59 AM
Not necessarily what the people want nor expect:


Dissecting the Kennedy Health Bill
No, you won't be able to keep your insurance if you like it.

Last September Sen. Barack Obama promised that under his health-care proposal "you'll be able to get the same kind of coverage that members of Congress give themselves." On Monday, President Obama repeated that promise in a speech to the American Medical Association. It's not true.

The president is barnstorming the nation, urging swift approval of legislation that is taking shape in Congress. This legislation -- the Affordable Health Choices Act that's being drafted by Sen. Edward Kennedy's staff and the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee -- will push Americans into stingy insurance plans with tight, HMO-style controls. It specifically exempts members of Congress (along with federal employees; the exemptions are in section 3116).

Members of Congress "enjoy the widest selection of health plans in the country," according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. They "can choose from among consumer-driven and high deductible plans that offer catastrophic risk protection with higher deductibles, health saving/reimbursable accounts and lower premiums, or fee-for-service (FFS) plans, and their preferred provider organizations (PPO), or health maintenance organizations (HMO)." These choices would be nice for all of us, but they're not in the offing. Instead, if you don't enroll in a "qualified" health plan and submit proof of enrollment to the federal government, you'll be tracked down and fined (sections 3101 and 6055).

For a health plan to count as "qualified," it has to meet all the restrictions listed in the legislation and whatever criteria the Secretary of Health and Human Services imposes after the bill becomes law. You may think you're in a "qualified" plan, but the language suggests that only plans with managed-care controls such as the "medical home" will meet the definition (sections 3101 and 2707).

"Medical home" is this decade's version of HMO-style insurance, according to the Congressional Budget Office, with a primary-care provider to manage your access to costly services such as visits to specialists and diagnostic tests. Medical home providers in "qualified" plans, states the Kennedy bill, will have a "payment structure" based on "incentives" rather than payments for each doctor visit or procedure (section 3101).

These requirements are reminiscent of the unpopular controls HMOs imposed two decades ago that caused public outrage and led to state laws reining in abuses. In December 2008, a Congressional Budget Office report evaluating early drafts of major federal health insurance proposals noted that "medical homes" were likely to resemble the HMO gatekeepers of 20 years ago if cost control is a priority....


ObamaCare Sticker Shock
A $1.6 trillion deficit boost, and the uninsured will still be with us.
This was supposed to be a red-letter week for national health care, as Democrats started the process of hustling a quarter-baked bill through Congress to reorganize one-sixth of the economy on a partisan vote. Instead it was a fiasco.

Most of the devastation was wreaked by the Congressional Budget Office, which on Tuesday reported that draft legislation from the Senate Finance Committee would increase the federal deficit by more than $1.6 trillion over the next decade while only partly denting the population of the uninsured. The details haven't been made public, but the short version seems to be that President Obama's health boondoggle prescribes vast new spending without a coherent plan to pay for it even while failing to meet its own standards for social equity....

...Capitol Hill's entitlement Democrats are determined too press ahead, despite this cost detour. Still, this week's lesson is that ObamaCare might not be inevitable once Americans figure out the astonishing price tag.


Analysis: Deficit could be chink in Obama's armor
By JENNIFER LOVEN and LIZ SIDOTI – 12 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The solid armor of President Barack Obama's popularity may have a crack — a nearly $2 trillion-sized one.

There's continued and considerable public restiveness over eye-popping federal budget deficits, a potential danger for both Obama's ambitious agenda and his political fortunes.

About $1.3 trillion when Obama took office, this year's deficit now is on track to soar to a record $1.85 trillion after his massive influx of federal spending to stimulate the moribund economy, help struggling homeowners, stabilize frozen credit markets and bail out troubled banks, automakers and insurers.

With those actions, Obama has greatly expanded the government's reach — and, polls say, stoked people's concerns....

...And according to a new New York Times/CBS News poll, 60 percent of Americans don't believe the president has a strategy for dealing with the deficit.

Also, 58 percent in an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll want Obama to make controlling the deficit a higher priority than a speedy economic recovery.

And, nearly half expressed a "great deal" of concern about the increase of government intervention in American life that Obama has overseen, from taking over companies to influencing corporate bonuses and seeking to add government-sponsored insurance to the health care system.

Those growing more wary are mostly political independents, the fickle swing voters who decide close elections. They were critical to the winning coalition Obama assembled last fall and certainly will be critical again if he runs in 2012....

06-19-2009, 09:21 AM
I'm still amazed at how stupid people are thinking government run healthcare is a good idea. I have friends and family in Canada and it DOES NOT WORK. We already have a shortage of doctors in this country due to government interference and lawsuits. This will only make it worse. The next step will be to compel people to become doctors or farm it out to India. You can get you medical consultation over the phone because there wont be enough doctors to see people except in emergencies.

I just cannot believe how naive and gullible the supporters of this are. Selfish little children who want someone else to pay their way.

I qualify for Medi-Cal from all my work related sustained injuries but instead I pay for my own medical insurance at $1000 a month for me and my family. You bums who want a free lunch make me sick. I don't begrudge someone who is injured and cant work that needs SSI but you stinking freeloaders make me wanna puke. Kinda like those who use this board frequently and don't contribute financially.

red states rule
06-19-2009, 09:26 AM
I'm still amazed at how stupid people are thinking government run healthcare is a good idea. I have friends and family in Canada and it DOES NOT WORK. We already have a shortage of doctors in this country due to government interference and lawsuits. This will only make it worse. The next step will be to compel people to become doctors or farm it out to India. You can get you medical consultation over the phone because there wont be enough doctors to see people except in emergencies.

I just cannot believe how naive and gullible the supporters of this are. Selfish little children who want someone else to pay their way.

I qualify for Medi-Cal from all my work related sustained injuries but instead I pay for my own medical insurance at $1000 a month for me and my family. You bums who want a free lunch make me sick. I don't begrudge someone who is injured and cant work that needs SSI but you stinking freeloaders make me wanna puke. Kinda like those who use this board frequently and don't contribute financially.

Speaking of CA and Medi-Cal - why not get paid Crin to take care of YOUR kids?

No wonder the state is going broke

L.A. County officials offer a novel idea to save millions

Supervisors suggest putting unemployed parents to work caring for their own children as part of proposed changes to CalWorks and other state government aid programs.
By Molly Hennessy-Fiske

June 17, 2009
With steep state budget cuts under debate in Sacramento, Los Angeles County supervisors voted Tuesday to push for changes to CalWorks and other government aid programs they said would save nearly $270 million.

Included in their suggestions is a novel proposal: Put unemployed parents to work caring for their own children.

What we're saying is do not cut Welfare to Work outright: Target the cuts to the people who are the most expensive," said Miguel Santana, a deputy to the county's chief executive.

Parents now receiving assistance must attend job training and search for work. While they fulfill those requirements, they are eligible for subsidized child care, which typically costs the state about $500 a month per child in L.A. County.


Joe Steel
06-19-2009, 11:18 AM
and you think with the government running things it will be cheaper and better? The government can't even deliver the mail - or run a railroad

As a matter of fact, the US Postal Service does a fine job. If I have a shipping choice, I always select USPS.

Secondly, the Alaska Railroad is operated by the federal government and it runs quite well

How the hell will they run the nations healthcare system? People will get rationed care, have to be "approved" for what care they get. amd some people will die because of this insane power grab by the Dems

How many times do you have to be told? We're talking about national health insurance not national health care. The government is NOT going to be providing health care. It is going to be providing health insurance.

06-19-2009, 11:32 AM
This is good news for America and bad news for Republicans and spineless Democrats. America wants the public option.

The "public option" has the potential to destroy the American health care model and move the US toward a rational and far more equitable system. This is very good news.

What difference should this make? A few polls are irrelevant.

06-19-2009, 03:45 PM
As a matter of fact, the US Postal Service does a fine job. If I have a shipping choice, I always select USPS.

Secondly, the Alaska Railroad is operated by the federal government and it runs quite well

How many times do you have to be told? We're talking about national health insurance not national health care. The government is NOT going to be providing health care. It is going to be providing health insurance.

That is step one, haven't you been listening! The first step is to start offering a public option, the private insurers will not be able to compete so they will close up shop. The doctors will be forced to accept whatever the public insurance offers and then they will close shop. There will only be public(government) doctors left. They have all but told us tat is the plan. We will all get care from a VA type hospital, and they government gas issues running the few of those that there are!

06-19-2009, 04:11 PM
A few days ago the polls were saying the exact opposite, that people were opposed to it.

So somehow we are supposed to ignore polls done by neutral polling groups and accept results done by an organization that explicitly supports the public option. That makes alot of sense.

And how about the actual poll results.

Only 14% thinks health care needs a major overhaul. When did 14% become 68-88% support for the radical government seizure Obama is supporting?

There werent even 30% of those surveyed who thought our current system is bad.

Most stated that if Employers stopped providing medical coverage, they would likely by their own insurance. That really sounds like a group of people who want government health care.

88% of people said they were satisfied by their medical coverage.

Yeah that sounds like people calling for massive reform.

06-19-2009, 04:15 PM
A few days ago the polls were saying the exact opposite, that people were opposed to it.

So somehow we are supposed to ignore polls done by neutral polling groups and accept results done by an organization that explicitly supports the public option. That makes alot of sense.

And how about the actual poll results.

Only 14% thinks health care needs a major overhaul. When did 14% become 68-88% support for the radical government seizure Obama is supporting?

There werent even 30% of those surveyed who thought our current system is bad.

Most stated that if Employers stopped providing medical coverage, they would likely by their own insurance. That really sounds like a group of people who want government health care.

88% of people said they were satisfied by their medical coverage.

Yeah that sounds like people calling for massive reform.

I'm probably reading this thread wrong, but I'm not following this. Do you have some links?

06-19-2009, 05:54 PM
Here's a great stat. 80% of people are idiots.

06-19-2009, 09:41 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I think that people should have a choice.
2. The right to choose a government hospital, thats affordable, shouldn't scare the hell out of anyone.
3. I as a tax payer, say we are already paying for nearly all the hospitals, as they stand right now.
4. Americans built those hospitals.
5. With tax monies.
6. Many can afford 1-2k a month.
7. Others can not.
8. Health Insurance shouldn't be mandated by law, but made available to all as a bennifit of being an American.
9. What justice is the best health care money can buy available to the rich and or very poor, and illegal aliens.
10. All others will be wiped out, its just not justice.

*This injustice in American health care is the worst injustice I know*


06-19-2009, 10:19 PM
Respectfully, the worst injustice is robbing from people the benefit if being responsible to care for themselves - standing upon their own two feet FREE from Government bs regulation and 'support'.

What folk fail to realize is, GIVING people things only builds to remove from them the desire and abilty to EARN things. :)

06-19-2009, 10:30 PM
A true "option" might be a good thing, but from what I have read it is not really an "option" rather all will be forced to take the public insurance and all other insurance companies will be forced out of business. That is not an "option" by anyone's stretch of the imagination.

From what I have read, they are going to prevent private health insurance companies from offering any services that compete with the public "option" which means we are all SCREWED!


06-19-2009, 10:39 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay then, lets look at this option.
2. Lets say you were hairy eye balled, and was able to pay for insurance till one fine day, you got old.
3. And seeing you have been paying for insurance all those years, you get to keep paying for it, till your dead.
4. Old people have the bennifit to get nearly free health care in this country.
5. Why not just skip the whole freebee thing?
6. Make everyone pay till their dead.
7. I guess people would start to die earlier.
8. Just so they wouldn't have to pay.
9. Why should you be excused from paying once you reach retirement age?
10. Having choice is the American thing to do, why lock everyone into one set of rules, if everyone doesn't want to be in it?


06-19-2009, 11:01 PM
you've got a few fallacies there happening, sir, in your argument.

Let the state be transparent - focused on fixing roads, providing for our defense, and allowing the free practice of our individual faith.

By the time I'm old, I hope to be self-insured. I tell ya, for the several hundred dollars each month I'm being extorted by the govt in the name of 'social security' I could reach that goal much easier putting that money to use in other investments...such as working to self insurance. :)

06-19-2009, 11:10 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But read what the federal govenment is already shelling out for medical bennifits.
2. Thats enough cash to build a better system, that would do more for less.
3. What America is getting is the shaft~royal.
4. Those who want to be apart of the insurance system as it is, private pay, etc. let them.
5. Just create a secondary option so that *ALL OTHERS*, can get it.
6. Why can't there be to two systems of health care, in America, you choose?


06-19-2009, 11:11 PM
because nobody is ever happy. Frankly, there is a zero percent chance a government administered health system will not be shitty, corrupt, and inefficient. You've made that point already by talking about how much we're already paying with poor results.

Throwing money at a problem never fixed it

06-19-2009, 11:16 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But the money the federal govenment is paying is linning the pockets of the hospitals and doctors.
2. Top dogs in the hospitals make more money than the President.
3. Now does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
4. Most feet doctors make twice as much as the President of the free world.
5. This isn't justified, no way, no how, or every, will be.
6. County hospitals rake in tax monies from each and every property in the county they happen to be in.
7. Also they bill the government, sounds like double dipping.
8. Great job if you can get it.


06-19-2009, 11:42 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. An it should be illegal, but isn't.
2. Its crime in action, most people are not aware of.
3. If you only knew all the details.
4. Like making sausage, you would get sick.
5. Then require hospitalization.


06-20-2009, 05:33 AM
Most hospitals in the US were NOT built at taxpayer expense. Even our county hospital is only partly funded by taxes, in that they do not pay full property taxes on the land holdings. They have investments though within the country, such as the health club I belong to, which they do pay full taxes on. Who 'invests' in hospitals? Mostly doctors-which is where the 'professional building' attached to most hospitals is the first additional building constructed. In the cities one finds that many of the hospitals sponsor, volunteer at clinics to serve the community, especially preventative programs.

Doctors have always made way more than the average salary, then again at least up until now not everyone could qualify to be a doctor. My niece's husband graduated from medical school last week. He began his next residency the following Monday, it will be another 5 years until he finishes his radiology specialty. He'll be 34 then. His education has cost several hundreds of thousands of dollars-which he will be paying off for awhile.

It's no surprise to me that this administration has created a new level of class warfare regarding the medical community, I guess I am surprised that some intelligent folks are falling for it though.

Joe Steel
06-20-2009, 06:02 AM
What difference should this make? A few polls are irrelevant.

You're right. A few polls are irrelevant. That's not the case with public health care, though. Support for some kind of public health care has been strong for years. Only special interests and the misinformed keep America mired in the swamp of free-market health care.

Joe Steel
06-20-2009, 06:10 AM
That is step one, haven't you been listening! The first step is to start offering a public option, the private insurers will not be able to compete so they will close up shop. The doctors will be forced to accept whatever the public insurance offers and then they will close shop.

Even if the public option does destroy private health insurance (which, by the way, is highly unlikely) the market will set fair prices for health care. We're not abandoning market-pricing of health care. Fees paid by the public program will have to be sufficient to keep providers in the market.

06-20-2009, 08:49 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But here in Texas, the county hospital is a taxing entity.
2. They can raise taxes, which they do often.
3. They get nearly as much as the local govenment.
4. They can condemn properties, and pay you what ever they think its worth, and send you down the road.
5. Which they do often.
6. They pay no taxes.
7. They being a taxing agency.
8. They are aquiring satilite locations through out the city.

*Break It Down For Me*

9. Most of their operation is geared towards illegal aliens, 30% I'd think.
9. Non-Illegal of Latin Origin, 15% I'd think.
10. Poor Blacks, 30% I'd think.
11. So called poor muslims, 15% I'd think.
11. All others, 10%.


12. If you are not one of these groups, and find yourself as an *Other*, your looked at like your out of place.
13. Unless they open up the county hospitals and make everyone welcome, those who would keep it closed to middle America, are playing a part in this injustice.
14. If you only knew, America is full of it, as far as health care is concerned, reverse descrimination.
15 Open the door, let em in.


06-20-2009, 08:53 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But here in Texas, the county hospital is a taxing entity.
2. They can raise taxes, which they do often.
3. They get nearly as much as the local govenment.
4. They can condemn properties, and pay you what ever they think its worth, and send you down the road.
5. Which they do often.
6. They pay no taxes.
7. They being a taxing agency.
8. They are aquiring satilite locations through out the city.

*Break It Down For Me*

9. Most of their operation is geared towards illegal aliens, 30% I'd think.
9. Non-Illegal of Latin Origin, 15% I'd think.
10. Poor Blacks, 30% I'd think.
11. So called poor muslims, 15% I'd think.
11. All others, 10%.


12. If you are not one of these groups, and find yourself as an *Other*, your looked at like your out of place.
13. Unless they open up the county hospitals and make everyone welcome, those who would keep it closed to middle America, are playing a part in this injustice.
14. If you only knew, America is full of it, as far as health care is concerned, reverse descrimination.
15 Open the door, let em in.

Then you should be dealing with TX., not throwing the whole country in to bail you out.

Obama's plan wouldn't pick up 1/3 of the uninsured, leaving tens of thousands still uninsured, but costing nearly 2 trillion dollars-that according to CBO.

06-20-2009, 09:08 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But what insurance company pays more?
2. Prudential, State Farm, or maybe Allstate?
3. Nope, Federal Govenment, they pay far more than all these combined.
4. Why is that?
5. The poor of America are lined up, whether your legal or not, come and get it.
6. They gleefully will connect you into their network.
7. They can send any bill up to the federal govenment, and we will pay it, with tax dollars.
8. I bet theres a helluva lot of double dipping going on.
9. Fraudulent claims galore.
10. Grant money to build extra locations.
11. This isn't just a local issue, its bleeding Nation wide.


06-20-2009, 09:15 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But what insurance company pays more?
2. Prudential, State Farm, or maybe Allstate?
3. Nope, Federal Govenment, they pay far more than all these combined.
4. Why is that?
5. The poor of America are lined up, whether your legal or not, come and get it.
6. They gleefully will connect you into their network.
7. They can send any bill up to the federal govenment, and we will pay it, with tax dollars.
8. I bet theres a helluva lot of double dipping going on.
9. Fraudulent claims galore.
10. Grant money to build extra locations.
11. This isn't just a local issue, its bleeding Nation wide.


Giving 'it' to the government will not solve what you perceive to be the problem. Bitch about immigration and welfare, don't throw the vast majority into the fire.

06-20-2009, 09:20 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Its at times better to be poor in America.
2. At least if you get sick, you can get help for free.
3. If you own something, the hospitals will go after it.
4. If you have good insurance coverage, with a good company, then your ok too.
5. But if you fall into the catagory of a small business, and can't make enough to afford your own health insurance, and you just happen to own something.
6. Well, you will lose it to the hospitals in America, if you can't pay them, after a major illness.
7. Yeah small business is where America works, and yet when we get sick, we get screwed!
8. Those with insurance and the poor have thier realities protected, *Right to life, and the pursuit of happieness*
9. Those middle men of America, have those *Rights* taken away.
10. No justice here, then where?


06-20-2009, 09:30 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Its at times better to be poor in America.
2. At least if you get sick, you can get help for free.
3. If you own something, the hospitals will go after it.
4. If you have good insurance coverage, with a good company, then your ok too.
5. But if you fall into the catagory of a small business, and can't make enough to afford your own health insurance, and you just happen to own something.
6. Well, you will lose it to the hospitals in America, if you can't pay them, after a major illness.
7. Yeah small business is where America works, and yet when we get sick, we get screwed!
8. Those with insurance and the poor have thier realities protected, *Right to life, and the pursuit of happieness*
9. Those middle men of America, have those *Rights* taken away.
10. No justice here, then where?


15% don't have health insurance. Many of them young people, who choose not to have it. So, the 85% that do have insurance should also be in a shitty system? :lame2:

06-20-2009, 09:35 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But estimates show 45 million are not insured.
2. I'm sure thats a low estimate, more like 100 million.
3. Last I heard there was an estimated 300 million people in America.
4. Which may be low as well, more like 320 million.
5. These are just numbers to get confued over.
6. I already laid out the facts of the matter.
7. Which those facts should out weigh mere numbers.


06-20-2009, 09:40 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But estimates show 45 million are not insured.
2. I'm sure thats a low estimate.
3. Last I heard there was an estimated 300 million people in America.
4. Which may be low as well.
5. These are just numbers to get confued over.
6. I already laid out the facts of the matter.
7. Which those facts should out weigh mere numbers.


Assuming your numbers are 'correct', what percent is 45m of 300m? What 'facts' have you presented? All you've done is list your own reasons for expanding welfare to the whole population along with shitty health care.

06-20-2009, 09:41 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But those whom have insurance do not go to the county hospital.
2. They go to the red carpet hospitals to die.
3. And they do die, just like those in the county hospitals.
4. Some live as well.
5. But any matter, those holding insurance papers, want to keep those who have no insurance out of their expensive hospitals.
6. I myself, don't see that as a problem, the county hospital have very good doctors as well, and you can get help in them just as good.
7. Problem is there is no justice in Americas Health System.


06-20-2009, 09:48 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm not saying end private insurance and fancy red carpet hospitals.
2. If you want to throw your money away on that, ok, thats fine with me.
3. But open up the health care system to *ALL THE PEOPLE*
4. *WE THE PEOPLE*, who ever may come to the county hospital.


06-20-2009, 09:53 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But those whom have insurance do not go to the county hospital.
2. They go to the red carpet hospitals to die.
3. And they do die, just like those in the county hospitals.
4. Some live as well.
5. But any matter, those holding insurance papers, want to keep those who have no insurance out of their expensive hospitals.
6. I myself, don't see that as a problem, the county hospital have very good doctors as well, and you can get help in them just as good.
7. Problem is there is no justice in Americas Health System.


Not quite true, many go to our 'county hospital (http://www.cdh.org/)', actually almost anyone unless they have serious illness, then they may use one (http://loyolamedicine.org/Patient_Visitor_Info/Locations_Maps/Facilities/Loyola_University_Hospital.cfm) of the university (http://www.nmh.org/nmh/home.htm) hospitals (http://www.uchospitals.edu/) in the area (http://uillinoismedcenter.org/).

all of these hospitals also take medicare and medicaid.

You want class warfare, have at it.

06-20-2009, 09:59 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But sure, there is a reason why the poor in America go to the county hospital.
2. They know whwere they can get help.
3. And if they were to go by ambalance to a private hospital, they would be sent to the county if proven they had no insurance.
4. Thats a fact.
5. And its real easy to prove they don't have it, just ask em, they just ask, "Do you have insurance?" sick person, "No",
6. Answer: "Lets get this one to County".
7. Stat.


06-20-2009, 10:09 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But sure, there is a reason why the poor in America go to the county hospital.
2. They know whwere they can get help.
3. And if they were to go by ambalance to a private hospital, they would be sent to the county if proven they had no insurance.
4. Thats a fact.
5. And its real easy to prove they don't have it, just ask em, they just ask, "Do you have insurance?" sick person, "No",
6. Answer: "Lets get this one to County".
7. Stat.


I'm beginning to remember this posting style. Sooo, last response. I know of no one without insurance, yet we all use county hospital for emergencies. It's where my dad and mother were taken for serious illnesses, stabilized then moved to higher level hospital. When my kids became ill, that is where they went, as it's a very good hospital and they were not needing open heart surgery or dealing with cancer/strokes/brain tumors.

When I was in University of Chicago hospital, my 'room mate' was on Medicaid, having a baby. I had 'insurance' she didn't. Same docs, same room, same food...

06-20-2009, 10:25 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Few people will go to the County Hospital here, having insurance.
2. You are perhaps one of the few.
3. Doesn't confuse the issue for me thou.
4. Common respond Kat!:laugh2:


06-20-2009, 10:35 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. So you know no one who doesn't have health insurance?
2. You live in some tight circles my dear.
3. The county hospital here has an active tramma ward.
4. Many people end up there, because its always open and ready.
5. Even those who wished to go to private, get stable there first.
6. Then shag it over to the private hospitals.
7. But everyday people, get sent there, the poor.
8. And un-insured as well find it the only place to go.
9. And sooner or later bleed out everything they worked for.
10. They ask you in the ambalance if you have insurance, and where do you want to go.


06-20-2009, 01:09 PM
and you think with the government running things it will be cheaper and better? The government can't even deliver the mail - or run a railroad

How the hell will they run the nations healthcare system? People will get rationed care, have to be "approved" for what care they get. amd some people will die because of this insane power grab by the Dems

good point

06-20-2009, 01:17 PM
I'm probably reading this thread wrong, but I'm not following this. Do you have some links?

Its the report Joe linked to. The pdf file.

06-20-2009, 01:20 PM
Its the report Joe linked to. The pdf file.

Those numbers I understood. I meant the 'contrary' from earlier that you brought up.

06-20-2009, 01:22 PM
Those numbers I understood. I meant the 'contrary' from earlier that you brought up.

Oh those. I thought there were several threads about most people being opposed to the Obama health care plan. Id have to look for them.

06-20-2009, 09:10 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. *Will work for Insurance*
2. Instead for food.
3. People are becoming slaves to health Insurance.
4. Lifes complcated enough to have to worry about getting sick and losing everything you worked for.
5. That isn't what America was built on.
6. An doctors and hospitals didn't need your right leg in order to cure your left.
7. At this rate, the hospitals and doctors will own everything in twenty years.


06-21-2009, 11:08 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But everybodies tax money is going to take care of illegal aliens babies and mothers, and a multitude, of other illnesses.
2. And people who can't get a leg up.
2. (a) And the retired people., who have paid in.
2. (b) Every wonder how many old people who never paid to Social Security, but still paid loads of taxes and got sick and got milked for 100s of thousands of dollars after going to the hospital?
2. (c) I have, the numbers may amaze you.
3. Others like myself, (Self Employed), whom work hard, pay taxes out the ying~yang, and yet can not afford insurance, too expensive.
3. (a) We are the people whom labor hard, clean your pools, mow your yards, dig ditches for your plumbing, roof your houses, build the mansions you live in, build and fix the streets you drive on etc. and yet are not important enough to help in times of great need.
4. We lose everything we have worked for, when we need hospital care.
5. Thats not justice.


06-21-2009, 11:30 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. And another thing most people do not see, goes thusly.
2. Illegal aleins come here and drive the price of labor down, which affect me and people like me, making it impossible to afford health insurance.
3. While they shack up in houses sharing the expenses.
3. (a) Side note: Ever wonder how many of them have health insurance?
4. Lowering their costs of living here, while they send lots of cash back home, where ever that may be.
5. And they get total free health care, making them above the average working stiff like myself, and millions of others.
6. Its better to be an illegal alein in my home country.
7. Maybe I should go to another country, shed my american citizenship, come back as an illegal, and then I would rise up a level in honor here in USA.
8. It should sicken all Americans if they only knew how they have made the working class true blue American worth less than an illegal alein, who has a wife, cranking out babies.
9. I think its injustice, what would you call it?
10. Its time to level the playing feild, by making the self employed at least equal to an illegal alein, and his wife and children.
11. Note: This is one _ _ _ _ _ _ up country!


06-21-2009, 04:34 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Its _ _ _ _ _ _ in some ways its views justice.
2. Justice is wild.
3. You may get it, or it may get you, most often it gets you.
4. Justice isn't blind at all, its rigged at best.
5. We coddle people who cut our peoples heads of with swords.
6. Other sports figures get off of felony charges with a mere slap on the wrists.
7. Others go to jail for 30 years for minor offenses, seeing they did two other offesnes before, which may have been worse felonies.
8. In some things America is great, but its not perfect, and can be better, if justice rings, and people, all people get treated justly, and fairly.
9. I want everyone who is an American to get healh care as a right.
10. Not just if you can afford it, or afford to pay premiums to an insurance company.


06-21-2009, 04:35 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I am officially wound up, get into this debate with CWN if you want to be eaten up by a buzz saw,........ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,........ :laugh2:


06-21-2009, 04:48 PM
Someone else will need to stand up and have their IQ lowered at least 10 points. Takers?

06-21-2009, 05:24 PM
Sorry bout that,

Someone else will need to stand up and have their IQ lowered at least 10 points. Takers?

1. But Kat, you already got eaten up by me buzz saw sweatie.


06-21-2009, 05:26 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Everyone here knows I'm right.
2. Thats why they can't defend a postion.
3. I've already thrown their postions into me buzz saw.


06-21-2009, 05:30 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Everyone here knows I'm right.
2. Thats why they can't defend a postion.
3. I've already thrown their postions into me buzz saw.


Keep telling yourself that, while you eat the seaweed off of your armpit. Regards.

06-21-2009, 05:35 PM
Sorry bout that,

Kate wrote:

"Keep telling yourself that, while you eat the seaweed off of your armpit."

1. But that must be some old keltic saying.
2. Seaweed in da old armpit huh?:laugh2:
3. I'm going to need an interpreter!
4. Common Kat, you can do better.
5. At least say uncle, or something, you know I'm right on all points!


06-22-2009, 10:34 AM
Someone else will need to stand up and have their IQ lowered at least 10 points. Takers?

I'm still trying to figure out what he's sorry for?

06-29-2009, 10:00 PM
Even if the public option does destroy private health insurance (which, by the way, is highly unlikely) the market will set fair prices for health care. We're not abandoning market-pricing of health care. Fees paid by the public program will have to be sufficient to keep providers in the market.

Really? I would have to disagree with you. I think it virtually a certainty that this will eliminate private insurance. Employers will not offer it anymore because they will not be able to afford to compete with the "national" plan. Doctors will not be able to practice with the funds that they will be paid. How many more thousands of jobs need to be lost? And the last stat I say said there will still be 35 million people without insurance...how does tat help us?

Correct you are, same conclusion every study has shown. That you are in disagreement with Chessy, wow? *doh*