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View Full Version : Utah VS other states

06-19-2009, 09:25 PM
I took a trip recently out of state, I haven't been anywhere for 8 years but the trip was paid for so I went. For a long time now I have complained about Utah, but when I was out of town I realized, Utah is a safe clean place. I forgot how in other states they sell liquor in grocery stores and people walk in stores barefoot and dirty. I also forgot how the slums (which is what my income bracket would put me in) in other states are full of crime and druggy looking types of people with iron rods on there windows to keep thiefs from breaking in. Its funny how you forget stuff like that when you haven't lived around it in a long time.

Mr. P
06-19-2009, 09:48 PM
I took a trip recently out of state, I haven't been anywhere for 8 years but the trip was paid for so I went. For a long time now I have complained about Utah, but when I was out of town I realized, Utah is a safe clean place. I forgot how in other states they sell liquor in grocery stores and people walk in stores barefoot and dirty. I also forgot how the slums (which is what my income bracket would put me in) in other states are full of crime and druggy looking types of people with iron rods on there windows to keep thiefs from breaking in. Its funny how you forget stuff like that when you haven't lived around it in a long time.

Gee, where did ya go...LA?

06-19-2009, 09:53 PM
No a couple of different islands in hawaii, but my ex brother in law drove me around honolulu and we got lost in the slums and it was dirty, and when we went to the store people were walking around shoeless and they had aisles and aisles of liqour and lots of smokers walking around the streets, even though the island was pretty the city was dirty. The smaller island was not so dirty but the islanders lived in shacks it seemed and houses had iron rods on there windows.

Mr. P
06-19-2009, 10:11 PM
No a couple of different islands in hawaii, but my ex brother in law drove me around honolulu and we got lost in the slums and it was dirty, and when we went to the store people were walking around shoeless and they had aisles and aisles of liqour and lots of smokers walking around the streets, even though the island was pretty the city was dirty. The smaller island was not so dirty but the islanders lived in shacks it seemed and houses had iron rods on there windows.

I'll tell ya chole, I've traveled most of this country, large cities, small towns and rural areas. They are all unique but the same in many ways. The regional difference is what stands out the most. I'd say bare foot in Hawaii is pretty regional for a pacific island. I'll bet you can find "burglar bars" in Utah too.

06-19-2009, 10:15 PM
utah is a pretty clean state though , I couldnt tell you about the bars because I don't drink. but when I first moved here I used to drink & I remember they had a liquor law and you had to get someone to sponsor you in bars or clubs to drink it was really weird. I don't know if its still like that.

Mr. P
06-19-2009, 10:32 PM
utah is a pretty clean state though , I couldnt tell you about the bars because I don't drink. but when I first moved here I used to drink & I remember they had a liquor law and you had to get someone to sponsor you in bars or clubs to drink it was really weird. I don't know if its still like that.

I'm not talking "Bars" I'm talking "BURGLAR BARS" the things you saw on the windows. :lol:

I think the key is "state" most are clean and most have large cities that are dirty in some way or area.

06-19-2009, 10:35 PM
The blue-law type regulations in Utah would keep me from enjoying living there. :-/

Otherwise, it's a wonderful, beautiful place. :)

06-19-2009, 10:38 PM
I'm not talking "Bars" I'm talking "BURGLAR BARS" the things you saw on the windows. :lol:

I think the key is "state" most are clean and most have large cities that are dirty in some way or area.

oh he he it was a "blond moment" I guess....yeah i suppose rose park does have some like that and west valley where all the tweakers live, but even in our ghetto its very mormon and not as dirty as honolulu, I just think since i haven't been anywhere in 8 years that I had a shock or something. Im a real recluse I guess.

06-19-2009, 10:39 PM
The blue-law type regulations in Utah would keep me from enjoying living there. :-/

Otherwise, it's a wonderful, beautiful place. :)

Is that what the law is called, yeah its real weird I don't know why you have to buy a private membership to drink or have someone sponsor you.

06-20-2009, 05:40 PM
I have been to Utah several times. I have always found it to be a very nice state.

06-20-2009, 06:22 PM
I know the first time I was ever in Utah the first think I really noticed was how clean Utah was. I remember going into a resturant and it looked clean and new. there wasnt any dirt in it.. I never realized how dirty the buildings and streets were back home till then.

06-20-2009, 06:33 PM
I would think many members of this forum wouldn't care for Utah, since the state places so many restrictions on personal freedom.

I live in Huntington Beach, California. It is a very clean place. No one has burglar bars on their windows. Children play in our parks and streets. And there is nary an LDS in site. Except, perhaps, the ones who peddle religion door to door.

By the way, my cousin David has been to Saudi Arabia. It is also an extremely clean place. Mostly because you could have your hand chopped off if you are caught littering. The only "tweakers" are the unclean Americans who work there. :p

06-20-2009, 07:30 PM
I would think many members of this forum wouldn't care for Utah, since the state places so many restrictions on personal freedom.

I live in Huntington Beach, California. It is a very clean place. No one has burglar bars on their windows. Children play in our parks and streets. And there is nary an LDS in site. Except, perhaps, the ones who peddle religion door to door.

By the way, my cousin David has been to Saudi Arabia. It is also an extremely clean place. Mostly because you could have your hand chopped off if you are caught littering. The only "tweakers" are the unclean Americans who work there. :p

Huntington beach sounds like a nice place. They have tweakers in Saudi Arabia? I would think heroin would be more the theme there.

06-20-2009, 07:39 PM
I would think many members of this forum wouldn't care for Utah, since the state places so many restrictions on personal freedom.

So many restrictions on personal freedoms from the state? What exactly are those?

06-20-2009, 09:17 PM
I would think many members of this forum wouldn't care for Utah, since the state places so many restrictions on personal freedom.

You've obviously never been there. California is alot more restrictive.

I live in Huntington Beach, California. It is a very clean place. No one has burglar bars on their windows. Children play in our parks and streets. And there is nary an LDS in site. Except, perhaps, the ones who peddle religion door to door.

So you think. Im willing to bet there are several thousands there.

By the way, my cousin David has been to Saudi Arabia. It is also an extremely clean place. Mostly because you could have your hand chopped off if you are caught littering. The only "tweakers" are the unclean Americans who work there. :p

I cant imagine a place with that much sand being clean. That stuff gets everywhere.

However, Id rather be at a place where things stay clean without hands being cut off. If you need that to motivate yourself to stay clean, there is something wrong with you.

06-20-2009, 09:28 PM
I would think many members of this forum wouldn't care for Utah, since the state places so many restrictions on personal freedom.

I live in Huntington Beach, California. It is a very clean place. No one has burglar bars on their windows. Children play in our parks and streets. And there is nary an LDS in site. Except, perhaps, the ones who peddle religion door to door.

By the way, my cousin David has been to Saudi Arabia. It is also an extremely clean place. Mostly because you could have your hand chopped off if you are caught littering. The only "tweakers" are the unclean Americans who work there. :p

The reason for that is because Huntington Beach is almost 70% white, 20% latino and 10% Asian. With an almost $80k median household income.

Abbey Marie
06-22-2009, 01:33 PM
What is a tweaker?

06-22-2009, 01:58 PM
What is a tweaker?

I was gonna say meth.......but I don't know either.

06-22-2009, 03:02 PM
The reason for that is because Huntington Beach is almost 70% white, 20% latino and 10% Asian. With an almost $80k median household income.
So what is your point?

06-22-2009, 06:09 PM
No a couple of different islands in hawaii, but my ex brother in law drove me around honolulu and we got lost in the slums and it was dirty, and when we went to the store people were walking around shoeless and they had aisles and aisles of liqour and lots of smokers walking around the streets, even though the island was pretty the city was dirty. The smaller island was not so dirty but the islanders lived in shacks it seemed and houses had iron rods on there windows. Gee, isn't Hawaii a wealthy, deep blue state and Utah a middlin', deep red one?

06-22-2009, 06:48 PM
So what is your point?

I'd guess his point is that people who live in rich areas don't usually have to worry about crime and bars on windows..duh

06-22-2009, 09:15 PM
Not really. My sister and her husband live in East Los Angeles. Which is not exactly a garden spot of the world.
The neighborhood is 100 percent Latino (well, except for my sister), minimal income and prone to occasional bouts of violence. But it is kept clean and very few houses have burglar bars. Kids play in their yards and the neighbors like each other.
I am guessing that Utah and Hawaii both have gangs and crack dealers.

06-23-2009, 02:55 PM
I would think many members of this forum wouldn't care for Utah, since the state places so many restrictions on personal freedom.

So many restrictions on personal freedoms from the state? What exactly are those?


06-23-2009, 07:15 PM
What is a tweaker?

A chronic meth-head the ones who get sores on there arms and face and sometimes have missing teeth or tooth decay from smoking too many puddles

06-23-2009, 07:16 PM
Gee, isn't Hawaii a wealthy, deep blue state and Utah a middlin', deep red one?


Abbey Marie
06-23-2009, 07:29 PM
A chronic meth-head the ones who get sores on there arms and face and sometimes have missing teeth or tooth decay from smoking too many puddles

Thanks, Chloe. :)

06-23-2009, 07:32 PM
Thanks, Chloe. :)

your welcome

06-23-2009, 07:55 PM
So you think. Im willing to bet there are several thousands there.

And you would win that bet hands down. Once again, Gabo has no clue about what she speaks. There are at least three LDS churches with Huntington Beach addresses. With a population of about 193,000, approximately 1.7% identify themselves as members of the LDS. That would put the number at just more than 3,000 Mormons in HB.

06-23-2009, 11:55 PM
Obviously they keep themselves well hidden. But I promise to keep a closer look out for the guys on bicycles wearing skinny black ties.

06-24-2009, 08:54 AM
Not really. My sister and her husband live in East Los Angeles. Which is not exactly a garden spot of the world.
The neighborhood is 100 percent Latino (well, except for my sister), minimal income and prone to occasional bouts of violence. But it is kept clean and very few houses have burglar bars. Kids play in their yards and the neighbors like each other.
I am guessing that Utah and Hawaii both have gangs and crack dealers.

That must be an upscale part of East LA not to have bars on the windows.

06-24-2009, 10:57 AM
When was the last time you were in East Los Angeles, crin? Do you have to go back to your crack dealing days?

06-24-2009, 10:58 AM
I would think many members of this forum wouldn't care for Utah, since the state places so many restrictions on personal freedom.

So many restrictions on personal freedoms from the state? What exactly are those?


Well, I asked twice, must be a statement she cannot backup.

06-24-2009, 11:02 AM
Sorry, must have glanced over it.
Try drinking and freedom of religion to start with.

06-24-2009, 11:08 AM
Sorry, must have glanced over it.
Try drinking and freedom of religion to start with.

I have been to Utah several times and had no problem getting a drink, or several for that matter, no restriction on my personal freedom.

Freedom of religion, which religions cannot be praticed in Utah?

06-24-2009, 11:10 AM
In Gab's world, freedom of religion means a free coupon for videos at the porn shop.

06-24-2009, 05:19 PM
In Gab's world, freedom of religion means a free coupon for videos at the porn shop.
Unlike glock, I don't need porn to get off. I can rely on actual physical contact with another person.

06-24-2009, 06:01 PM
Sorry, must have glanced over it.
Try drinking and freedom of religion to start with.

well thats true the drinking is more strict here but since I quit drinking that doesn't bother me. There is not a lot of religious diversity here and that does bother me even though Im not religious, alot of people ask me if Im LDS when they meet me and if Im not then sometimes they don't talk to me anymore. but my youngest daughter is going to some born again christian bible study thing tonight so there is other religions here. We mostly only know mormon because my ex husband was mormon.

06-24-2009, 06:04 PM
When was the last time you were in East Los Angeles, crin?

Never been there but saw the movie "Born in East LA" with Cheech Marin!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZVrt1dzX38w&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZVrt1dzX38w&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

06-24-2009, 06:53 PM
That must be an upscale part of East LA not to have bars on the windows.

LOL, I was thinking the same, I went to LA 1 time and it is a far cry from a place I would want my kids to live in,:eek:

06-24-2009, 06:57 PM
When was the last time you were in East Los Angeles, crin? Do you have to go back to your crack dealing days?

Gabby I was there within the last 6 months, and I didn't really realize why California was called the land of fruits and nuts till I got there, lol

06-24-2009, 08:59 PM
Gabby I was there within the last 6 months, and I didn't really realize why California was called the land of fruits and nuts till I got there, lol

LOL, I was thinking the same, I went to LA 1 time and it is a far cry from a place I would want my kids to live in,

And yet you live in Georgia.
No thanks, I prefer Southern California. Even if it is East Los Angeles. My daughter stays there often, and I have no worries about it. I know she is being well taken care on.

06-24-2009, 09:15 PM
A chronic meth-head the ones who get sores on there arms and face and sometimes have missing teeth or tooth decay from smoking too many puddles

What is a puddle?

06-24-2009, 09:20 PM
What is a puddle?

apparantly a way to smoke meth, one of my ex sister in laws was a tweaker she used some of that terminology and so I got educated about it. I've never done it myself and she died in 2006.

Mr. P
06-24-2009, 09:23 PM
apparantly a way to smoke meth, one of my ex sister in laws was a tweaker she used some of that terminology and so I got educated about it. I've never done it myself and she died in 2006.

At age?

06-24-2009, 09:33 PM
At age?

she was old I think she was 42. She left with my ex bro in law for her drug dealer and I didnt talk to her much I only saw her kids, I kept up with them because they think Im there aunt, because they dont have a dad and there mom the tweaker moved to utah from kansas and had no relatives to speak of she was estranged from them all. nobody went to her funeral except me and my ex husband and my ex in laws and the kids, it was very sad.

06-24-2009, 09:40 PM
she was old I think she was 42.

Chloe, please take this with the humor intended...

Fuck you! 42 old?! Get the hell out of here! 42... Christ almighty you're just starting out at 42! 42 old? Maybe if you're in diapers! Oy!


Now, on a more serious note...

You're right, it is sad. Meth is a very bad thing, it can ruin a life like no other drug.

06-24-2009, 09:45 PM
Chloe, please take this with the humor intended...

Fuck you! 42 old?! Get the hell out of here! 42... Christ almighty you're just starting out at 42! 42 old? Maybe if you're in diapers! Oy!


Now, on a more serious note...

You're right, it is sad. Meth is a very bad thing, it can ruin a life like no other drug.

well....not graveyard old but......halfway there he he :poke:

Mr. P
06-24-2009, 09:51 PM
Chloe, please take this with the humor intended...

Fuck you! 42 old?! Get the hell out of here! 42... Christ almighty you're just starting out at 42! 42 old? Maybe if you're in diapers! Oy!


Now, on a more serious note...

You're right, it is sad. Meth is a very bad thing, it can ruin a life like no other drug.

well....not graveyard old but......halfway there he he :poke:

What mick said...and there is no halfway age to the graveyard , chloe.

06-24-2009, 09:57 PM
What mick said...and there is no halfway age to the graveyard , chloe.

sorry.... I just meant she wasn't a young misguided gal on drugs, she was old enough to know better and really put her kids and other people through alot of tragedy. with that said, I cried my eyes out when she died it was just devastating.

06-24-2009, 10:07 PM
sorry.... I just meant she wasn't a young misguided gal on drugs, she was old enough to know better and really put her kids and other people through alot of tragedy. with that said, I cried my eyes out when she died it was just devastating.

I know what you mean, Chloe. We have a daughter in and out of trouble because of her addictions. I expect a call any day. Well, notreally any day, at least not for another 90 days at least.

06-24-2009, 10:14 PM
I know what you mean, Chloe. We have a daughter in and out of trouble because of her addictions. I expect a call any day. Well, notreally any day, at least not for another 90 days at least.

I have a dad and a sister who are not in treatment and I had to remove them from my life because of there addictions and insanity. I hope your daughter recovers well and stays recovered.

Mr. P
06-24-2009, 10:19 PM
sorry.... I just meant she wasn't a young misguided gal on drugs, she was old enough to know better and really put her kids and other people through alot of tragedy. with that said, I cried my eyes out when she died it was just devastating.

No problem, chloe.

06-24-2009, 10:22 PM
I have a dad and a sister who are not in treatment and I had to remove them from my life because of there addictions and insanity. I hope your daughter recovers well and stays recovered.

Thank you for the kind thoughts, but sadly I do not think she will recover. At least not for a few more years. We had to cut her from our life as well. She's 26 and beyond our infuence. It is a relief when we learn she is in jail, as she is currently. It's the only time we know she's safe.

06-25-2009, 07:23 AM
Thank you for the kind thoughts, but sadly I do not think she will recover. At least not for a few more years. We had to cut her from our life as well. She's 26 and beyond our infuence. It is a relief when we learn she is in jail, as she is currently. It's the only time we know she's safe.

I completely understand.

06-25-2009, 09:50 AM
Unlike glock, I don't need porn to get off. I can rely on actual physical contact with another person. Sure Gabs that's why you keep telling us that every other post. *shrug*

06-25-2009, 11:55 AM
Let us all stand for the Tweakers Anthem!

Teenage had a race for the night time
Spent my cash on every high I could find
Wasted time in every school in L.A.
Getting loose, I didn't care what the kids say

We're white punks on dope
Mom & Dad moved to Hollywood
Hang myself when I get enough rope
Can't clean up, though I know I should
White punks on dope
White punks on dope

Other dudes are living in the ghetto
But born in Pacific Heights don't seem much betto

We're white punks on dope
Mom & Dad live in Hollywood
Hang myself when I get enough rope
I can't clean up, though I know I should
White punks on dope
White punks on dope

I go crazy 'cause my folks are so fucking rich
Have to score when I get that rich white punk itch
Sounds real classy, living in a chateau
So lonely, all the other kids will never know

We're white punks on dope
Mom & Dad live in Hollywood
Hang myself when I get enough rope
Can't clean up, though I know I should
White punks on dope
White punks on dope