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View Full Version : Neverwinter Nights

06-20-2009, 09:24 PM
Ive had the game for a while. I recently started playing it again for the first time in a long time. It's a D&D based game. It's actually one of the best computer games Ive ever played.

Anyone else ever get into it? I think its got a pretty decent main story, plus the multiplayer options allows you to go onto hundreds of different other multiplayer games for Role play. It's not bad.

06-21-2009, 12:47 PM
I have it too. Haven't played in a while, but it is one of the better D&D type games. The only complaint I have is it only gives you one sidekick to travel with you.

06-22-2009, 01:39 AM
You can have two in the Hordes of Underdark expansion.