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Abbey Marie
06-22-2009, 01:50 PM
Yesterday, driving back on good ol' I-95, from seeing my Dad for Fathers Day, we got stuck behind a serious-looking accident. The car was up sideways on the median guard rail, and the driver's window was compressed down to about 1/2 it's normal height. There was a police car and a fire enigne stopping all traffic from going forward.

So of course, some guy who is obviously more important than the rest of us, tries to get by us by moving on to the shoulder. But bad luck for him, a tractor trailer, expecting this I assume, was blocking his way. Instead of giving up, jerko just moves completely into the shoulder and sits there. With all of this, an ambulance came up the shoulder with sirens blasting, and can't get by the guy who had moved on to the shoulder. Instead of moving over, shoulder guy starts screaming at and gesticulating at the ambulance driver for a minute or so. All this while somebody may be dying in the car up ahead.

Unbelievable. Every time I think I've seen the worst behavior, someone comes along and surprises me anew.

06-22-2009, 02:15 PM
Yesterday, driving back on good ol' I-95, from seeing my Dad for Fathers Day, we got stuck behind a serious-looking accident. The car was up sideways on the median guard rail, and the driver's window was compressed down to about 1/2 it's normal height. There was a police car and a fire enigne stopping all traffic from going forward.

So of course, some guy who is obviously more important than the rest of us, tries to get by us by moving on to the shoulder. But bad luck for him, a tractor trailer, expecting this I assume, was blocking his way. Instead of giving up, jerko just moves completely into the shoulder and sits there. With all of this, an ambulance came up the shoulder with sirens blasting, and can't get by the guy who had moved on to the shoulder. Instead of moving over, shoulder guy starts screaming at and gesticulating at the ambulance driver for a minute or so. All this while somebody may be dying in the car up ahead.

Unbelievable. Every time I think I've seen the worst behavior, someone comes along and surprises me anew.

At least tell me they hauled him off to jail for obstructing emergency vehicles or something to that affect.......I hate people like that.

06-22-2009, 02:43 PM
Or at least tellme they've changed the law so it is legal to just whip that guys ass!

06-22-2009, 03:00 PM
I saw a similar scene on the 405 once. There was a huge backup due to a stall. An oversized truck tries to pass on the shoulder. Someone on the outside pulls out to block him. The two drivers begin to argue. The truck driver throws a punch and is jumped by about a half-dozen bystanders. Police finally show up, arrest him and tow his monster truck.

06-22-2009, 05:09 PM
I saw a similar scene on the 405 once. There was a huge backup due to a stall. An oversized truck tries to pass on the shoulder. Someone on the outside pulls out to block him. The two drivers begin to argue. The truck driver throws a punch and is jumped by about a half-dozen bystanders. Police finally show up, arrest him and tow his monster truck.
And that is EXACTLY how it should happen........

06-23-2009, 04:30 PM
I had something similar happen to me on 95 this weekend:

There was construction up ahead and the signs were telling you a merge was coming. People started to move over into the right lane. Well I just kept on driving in the left lane that was now basically free of cars. I drove all the way up to the merge (where youre supposed to merge) to find this lady who didnt want to let me in. I yell to her that this is supposed to be a merge and she tells me I passed a truck back there and she wasnt going to let me in. I tell her the truck was trying to block the traffic but I was merging where I was supposed to. She was keeping me out pretty good so I just went in front of the guy in front of her. Now is it my fault people dont want to merge where they are supposed to? I hate people who dont know how to drive!

06-23-2009, 06:17 PM
I had something similar happen to me on 95 this weekend:

There was construction up ahead and the signs were telling you a merge was coming. People started to move over into the right lane. Well I just kept on driving in the left lane that was now basically free of cars. I drove all the way up to the merge (where youre supposed to merge) to find this lady who didnt want to let me in. I yell to her that this is supposed to be a merge and she tells me I passed a truck back there and she wasnt going to let me in. I tell her the truck was trying to block the traffic but I was merging where I was supposed to. She was keeping me out pretty good so I just went in front of the guy in front of her. Now is it my fault people dont want to merge where they are supposed to? I hate people who dont know how to drive!

The merge signs are a warning to start getting over in the next lane. They aren't like burma shave signs that you wait till you pass the last one. All you did was try to push your way in to the head of the line instead of waiting your turn like everyone else. I'm on the lady's side. I wouldn't have let you in either. You said you were going all the way to the end of the lane and not ending up there after looking for a place to merge in. I'd have just smiled, called you a jackass and kept that 6 inch space between me and the car ahead.

06-23-2009, 06:59 PM
The merge signs are a warning to start getting over in the next lane. They aren't like burma shave signs that you wait till you pass the last one. All you did was try to push your way in to the head of the line instead of waiting your turn like everyone else. I'm on the lady's side. I wouldn't have let you in either. You said you were going all the way to the end of the lane and not ending up there after looking for a place to merge in. I'd have just smiled, called you a jackass and kept that 6 inch space between me and the car ahead.

06-23-2009, 07:17 PM
The merge signs are a warning to start getting over in the next lane. They aren't like burma shave signs that you wait till you pass the last one. All you did was try to push your way in to the head of the line instead of waiting your turn like everyone else. I'm on the lady's side. I wouldn't have let you in either. You said you were going all the way to the end of the lane and not ending up there after looking for a place to merge in. I'd have just smiled, called you a jackass and kept that 6 inch space between me and the car ahead. Sorry, but jackass is right on this. Traffic should merge as close as possible to the pinch point, that way more cars can be stored in less highway length and there is more of a chance for drivers at the end of the line to get off on an exit and emergency vehicles can get closer in less time. It also alleviates stress on everyone when 99% of people try to "be nice" and some prick in a BMW screws them all, and some guy decides to be a hero and block the vehicle, possibly causing an accident or a stupid fist fight.

Abbey Marie
06-23-2009, 07:33 PM
At least tell me they hauled him off to jail for obstructing emergency vehicles or something to that affect.......I hate people like that.

I was so hoping that would happen. But not only did he receive no retribution, when traffic resumed, he came flying up the road at what looked like about 90 mph. Grrrr.

06-23-2009, 07:44 PM
I was so hoping that would happen. But not only did he receive no retribution, when traffic resumed, he came flying up the road at what looked like about 90 mph. Grrrr.

I have road rage, that guy is an ass !

Mr. P
06-23-2009, 07:55 PM
The merge signs are a warning to start getting over in the next lane. They aren't like burma shave signs that you wait till you pass the last one. All you did was try to push your way in to the head of the line instead of waiting your turn like everyone else. I'm on the lady's side. I wouldn't have let you in either. You said you were going all the way to the end of the lane and not ending up there after looking for a place to merge in. I'd have just smiled, called you a jackass and kept that 6 inch space between me and the car ahead.

Sorry, but jackass is right on this. Traffic should merge as close as possible to the pinch point, that way more cars can be stored in less highway length and there is more of a chance for drivers at the end of the line to get off on an exit and emergency vehicles can get closer in less time. It also alleviates stress on everyone when 99% of people try to "be nice" and some prick in a BMW screws them all, and some guy decides to be a hero and block the vehicle, possibly causing an accident or a stupid fist fight.

I agree with Gaffer and if ya blast by me to get to the head of the line you can bet yer sweet ass I won't let ya merge.

06-23-2009, 08:17 PM
I agree with Gaffer and if ya blast by me to get to the head of the line you can bet yer sweet ass I won't let ya merge. The guy ahead of you will. *shrug* Why I Became a Late Merger (and Why You Should Too)

Mr. P
06-23-2009, 08:22 PM
The guy ahead of you will. *shrug* Why I Became a Late Merger (and Why You Should Too)

Not around here..:lol:

06-23-2009, 08:44 PM
Not around here..:lol: Dude, I learned how to drive in Boston. If I want to get in I will.

06-23-2009, 09:24 PM
Merge doesn't mean continue in this lane until it ends. It's a warning to get the fuck over before you get to the end and get stuck sitting waiting for someone to be nice and let you in. If the line is full of drivers like me you will have a long wait.

06-24-2009, 08:15 AM
Merge doesn't mean continue in this lane until it ends. It's a warning to get the fuck over before you get to the end and get stuck sitting waiting for someone to be nice and let you in. If the line is full of drivers like me you will have a long wait. Sorry dude but again a "lane ends- merge" sign like all other warning signs warns you of what's up ahead:

Warning signs call attention to unexpected conditions on or adjacent to a highway or street and to situations that might not be readily apparent to road users. Warning signs alert road users to conditions that might call for a reduction of speed or an action in the interest of safety and efficient traffic operations.http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/HTM/2003r1/part2/part2c.htm

If you say a sign like this (upper left):


you wouldn't turn sharp left at the sign, but instead you'd be warned that the road is taking a sharp left soon and you'd turn when the road does.

So you can be a baby about it and try and keep me from making a lawful merge but when the bumper of my 6000# Expedition gets in front of you and you speed up instead of slowing down the nice police officer who will arrive later at the scene will find you in the wrong. *shrug*

06-24-2009, 10:04 AM
but if you side swipe him trying to get over then you are in the wrong.

06-24-2009, 10:11 AM
When traffic is stopped I'd simply put my bumper in front of his. He can stay where he is and let me in, ram into me or move over and try to get around. When he moves over so do I and then get in behind him. I don't care if he's in front or behind just that I get through the intersection. *shrug*

06-24-2009, 10:14 AM
Putting your bumper in front of someone with only a few inches between them and the other car doesn't always work and it would most likely end in a side ways with you hitting them.

06-24-2009, 11:00 AM
It works if you know how to drive, and again with them stopped it gives them three options. *shrug*

06-24-2009, 12:27 PM
Thanks for the support Glock, at least I know 1 other person on the board can drive. As for the rest, when you are coming up a hill and you see a warning sign for a red light at the end of the hill, do you stop on the hill and wait for the light to turn green? No you proceed to the red light and then proceed when it turns green. Thats all the merge sign are. They are a warning to slow down that a merge is coming.

Why would people NOT use an open lane. I must have driven in this lane for at least a mile or two. If they wanted you to merge all the way back there, they would have put the merge there. If more people learned how to merge there would be less road rage. As I said earlier, not my fault people dont know how to drive. :dunno:

06-24-2009, 04:10 PM
We are talking about common courtesy here. Like not cutting into a line cause you don't feel you should have to wait. Has nothing to do with driving ability or how long someone has been driving or where.

06-24-2009, 04:23 PM
JA I will throw MY TT in the open lane to hold up traffic passing in the lane that is closing if there is a long line of traffic, ppl will fly up there and then fight to get in, in some states they have signs that tell you were the merge point is, but it is still common sense not to run down the lane that is being closed just to get there quicker, if ppl would just merge all the way up everyone could get on by

06-24-2009, 05:05 PM
I don't care if someone bolts past 2,000 cars to get to my point or if it's a little old disabled lady asking kindly to merge in front of me - I don't let anyone in. I'm a scumbag like that! Then again, I'm in NY, and if you don't keep your bumper within 2 inches from the vehicle in front of you, 99 cars will cut you off. They're like animals! It's a dog eat dog situation out on the highway and I drive on the "offensive" like a pit bull.

If my wife is with me, then I play nice and let everyone walk over me like the nerd in high school, because she thinks it's the right thing to do and karma will bite those in the ass that drive like idiots. Personally, I prefer a little jerk of the wheel to put them off the road. :)

This old lady will be me someday:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ECpzbCA9DW8&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ECpzbCA9DW8&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

06-24-2009, 05:14 PM
Maybe some of you are missing this point....I didnt go onto the shoulder to get around people. I used an OPEN lane of traffic! If you get behind that line... well no offense but your a moron! :laugh2:

06-25-2009, 09:42 AM
We are talking about common courtesy here. Like not cutting into a line cause you don't feel you should have to wait. Has nothing to do with driving ability or how long someone has been driving or where. I understand that completely but the fact is that when people use the open lane traffic flows smoother and safety is enhanced; everyone should fill up the lane. If courtesy is the issue, then the folks who don't let us in at the pinch point are the problem.

06-25-2009, 09:44 AM
I don't care if someone bolts past 2,000 cars to get to my point or if it's a little old disabled lady asking kindly to merge in front of me - I don't let anyone in. I'm a scumbag like that! Then again, I'm in NY, and if you don't keep your bumper within 2 inches from the vehicle in front of you, 99 cars will cut you off. They're like animals! It's a dog eat dog situation out on the highway and I drive on the "offensive" like a pit bull.

... LOL I learned to drive in Boston and we used to go to NY to play with you sissies. Many times I've drive a cab practically onto the sidewalk.

Abbey Marie
06-25-2009, 03:08 PM
I have no strong opinion on merge etiquette, but I found this:

It's plain dumb to stay in the
right lane with open left lane

To the Editor:

In a recent letter to the editor captioned: "I-690 drivers make it worse by cutting in line," the writer made a point that some people actually "rush by people already in line."

This has always confused me. Why would you not use both lanes up to the merge point? When is it appropriate to get in line? 100 feet back? 200 feet back? One mile back? Why not just stay in the right lane forever in case the left lane is closed somewhere up the road?

The logical approach is to use both lanes as long as they are available and then do an alternate lane merge. That would be courteous and most efficient. This is the way it is done in the rest of the world. In fact, I have seen signs stating "use both lanes" in other parts of the country. It is just plain dumb to stay in the right lane when the left lane is open.

But, of course, if you don't know how to merge, thanks for letting me pass you.

R. Corriero

And finally, this nugget of wisdom that I like:

DOT must step forward and
tell us which way is best

To the Editor:

The question is how to merge when lanes close for construction. Well, one thing is for sure, given the current way the Department of Transportation handles lane closures, there will always be problems! They have created a situation that is open to interpretation to each driver.

Since there are no clear guidelines, each driver has their own ideas how traffic should merge in construction zones. How we each feel individually is not the answer, but the problem. That is why it is necessary for the Department of Transportation to declare which is the best way, with specific signage, such as "use all lanes until point of merge" or "merge within the next ½-mile," etc.

I don't pretend to know which way is correct and I am not a traffic engineer, but it seems like someone should make a decision, so the rest of us know what to do.

Given the current state of affairs, it creates a contentious environment, which will only breed trouble. As it stands now, it is a lose-lose situation for all of us because none of us knows or agrees which way is correct.

Hopefully, those responsible will step to the plate and designate exactly how drivers should merge with appropriate signs.

Jeff Maloff

06-25-2009, 04:08 PM
I'll use the example of an everyday merge on suburban road. Most of the folks on the road, are so everyday. Coming west on main drag, just after a tollway exits folks, the road goes from 3 lanes to 2 about 1.5 mi after the tollway.

Like I said, main drag. So, most get to left, knowing the right lane ends, right before a light. Some dickwads don't, every day. Do I leave room for them? No. Not only that, but most won't either, they can 'hit' us, but trust me, there will be many 'eye witnesses.'

Merge, means 'merge.' It doesn't mean speed up and cut off as many as possible.

That's my opinion.

06-25-2009, 04:47 PM
LOL I learned to drive in Boston and we used to go to NY to play with you sissies. Many times I've drive a cab practically onto the sidewalk.

LOL I drive all over the country and have put vehicles in the grass in most states, lol, when 70' of truck slides into your lane ya usually stop, but I have had people pass on the grass just to get to the merge point, lol, bet they merge well!:laugh2:

06-26-2009, 04:26 PM
I'll use the example of an everyday merge on suburban road. Most of the folks on the road, are so everyday. Coming west on main drag, just after a tollway exits folks, the road goes from 3 lanes to 2 about 1.5 mi after the tollway.

Like I said, main drag. So, most get to left, knowing the right lane ends, right before a light. Some dickwads don't, every day. Do I leave room for them? No. Not only that, but most won't either, they can 'hit' us, but trust me, there will be many 'eye witnesses.'

Merge, means 'merge.' It doesn't mean speed up and cut off as many as possible.

That's my opinion.Actually, the sign, in words or symbols, says "merge ahead". *shrug*