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View Full Version : 46 Million Uninsured 'Americans' Includes Almost 10 Million Foreigners

red states rule
06-23-2009, 07:06 AM
So will Obamacare cover illegals? Will it force those who choose not to buy insurance to buy Obamacare?

No wonder it could cost $3 trillion to cover all of the uninsured

White House Claim of 46 Million Uninsured 'Americans' Includes Almost 10 Million Foreigners
June 16, 2009

Posted on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 9:14:37 AM by Mr. Mojo

(CNSNews.com) - The claim made by the White House this month that 46 million “Americans” lack health insurance is false because that number includes almost 10 million people who are not “Americans” but in fact citizens of foreign countries who happen to be present in the United States, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The claim was made repeatedly in a report published by the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) on June 2 and again in an op-ed published the same day by Christina Romer, the chair of CEA.

The claim that there are 46 million uninsured “Americans” has also been used by members of Congress and news organizations.

At a townhall meeting in Green Bay, Wis., last Thursday, President Obama twice referred to “46 million” people who lack health insurance, although in neither case did he describe those “46 million” as “Americans”—in one instance referring to them as “46 million people who don't have health insurance” and in another instance as “46 million uninsured."

On June 2, the White House released “The Economic Case for Health Care Reform,” a report by the president’s Council of Economic Advisers. In making the case for Obama’s health-care reform plan, this report repeatedly asserted that there are 46 million uninsured “Americans.”


06-23-2009, 07:14 AM
No matter how one interprets the numbers, there's serious questions on just how many are 'not covered':


We Don’t Need Obama’s Big-Bang Health-Care Plan [Larry Kudlow]
It looks like President Obama’s big-bang health-care reform is going down to defeat. This is good. But my question is why do we need it at all? According to a recent ABC News/USA Today/Kaiser Family Foundation survey, 89 percent of Americans are satisfied with their health care. That could mean up to 250 million people are happy. So why is it that we need Obama’s big-bang health-care overhaul in the first place?

There’s more. According the U.S. Census Bureau, we don’t have 47 million folks who are truly uninsured. When you take college kids plus those earning $75,000 or more who chose not to sign up, that removes roughly 20 million people. Then take out about 10 million more who are not U.S. citizens, and 11 million who are eligible for SCHIP and Medicaid but have not signed up for some reason.

So that really leaves only 10 million to 15 million people who are truly long-term uninsured....

red states rule
06-23-2009, 07:20 AM
No matter how one interprets the numbers, there's serious questions on just how many are 'not covered':


Spot on Kat. There is NOT a crisis with uninsured people, but Obama will create on so the government can take over the healthcare industry - and sepnd $3trillion to "fix" the problem

Also, a large number of the uninsured are in transition. They are between jobs or are in a waiting period for a new job. Most companies have waiting periods for their health plans

06-23-2009, 08:47 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. How do they come up with those figures is my question?
2. Pulled a rabbit out of a hat I presume?
3. I would of come up with a much larger figure, like 100m.
4. With 35 million illegal aliens.
5. That is a conservative estimate on aleins.
6. Having said that, why do illegal aleins get free health care, while working class Americans get nothing?
7. Making them of less value than an illegal alein.
8. Thats a crime against humanity if you asked CWN.
9. My humanity, and 65 million Americans in the same boat I'm in.
10. And I resent that.
11. And don't think your assets are safe, if its learned you have some money, the insurance companies may not be able to help you completely, and there could be some expenses you have to shell out for in the end.
12. The medical industry in cohouts with the insurance companies, have their ways to sap you dry, *Americans the Saps*
13. Funny how your extra expenses your insurance company didn't cover matched the amount of free cash you had on hand, huh?
14. Yea real funny.:laugh2:


red states rule
06-23-2009, 08:49 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. How do they come up with those figures is my question?
2. Pulled a rabbit out of a hat I presume?
3. I would of come up with a much larger figure, like 100m.
4. With 35 million illegal aliens.
5. That is a conservative estimate on aleins.
6. Having said that, why do illegal aleins get free health care, while working class Americans get nothing?
7. Making them of less value than an illegal alein.
8. Thats a crime against humanity if you asked CWN.


From the OP

"according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau"

It is clear Obama and the Dems DO want to include illegals in their Obamacare plan

Why should ANYONE get FREE healthcare? The main point being, NOTHING is free. Someone has to pay for it.

06-23-2009, 09:05 AM
Sorry bout that,

From the OP

"according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau"

It is clear Obama and the Dems DO want to include illegals in their Obamacare plan

Why should ANYONE get FREE healthcare? The main point being, NOTHING is free. Someone has to pay for it.

1. Well Obama up and said that Americans who were not insired would be able to get coverage cheap and easy just like those who sit in a senators seat, or congress, etc.
2. They are no better than I am, I expect this is possible.
3. And I think Illegal aleins already have it, and I think myself to be as worthy as an illegal alien.
4. So all in all, its doable.


red states rule
06-23-2009, 09:14 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Well Obama up and said that Americans who were not insired would be able to get coverage cheap and easy just like those who sit in a senators seat, or congress, etc.
2. They are no better than I am, I expect this is possible.
3. And I think Illegal aleins already have it, and I think myself to be as worthy as an illegal alien.
4. So all in all, its doable.


Jim, if you think Obamacare will be cheap and easy, I have beachfront property in AZ you can buy

Healthcare is not a right my friend. People get emergent care as dictated by law.

Health insurance does not mean pre-paid healthcare - or Obamacare

Insurance comes with deductibles. I know that firsthand with my cancer treatements and other health issues. Those bills are the insured's responsibility - and I never thought someone else should pay them. Insurance is a means to protect against the extremes.

Health insurance should not mean Universal Healthcare - i.e Obamacare

Consider the concept of Universal Healthcare - i.e Obamacare

No one pays for their healthcare. No copays, no ductables, no cost at all.

They think the government will pay the costs. Where did the government's money come from? The only place it can come from. Thos efolks who get up and go to work everyday.

06-23-2009, 09:38 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I look at the medical/insuance industry thusly.
2. Heres their promise: "You pay along with us and promise to be poor all the days of your life." and
3. *We will help you with our *GREAT MEDICAL HOSPITALS* , when the time of your great need comes." and
4. "We will know just what to charge you extra to keep you poor." and
5. "Sapping you of everything you ever worked for."
6. Sounds familiar huh?
7. Welcome to America Health Care as it stands.
8. Failing to see this only keeps you stranded on the tread mill of their *MASTER PLAN*.


red states rule
06-23-2009, 09:44 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I look at the medical/insuance industry thusly.
2. Heres their promise: "You pay along with us and promise to be poor all the days of your life." and
3. *We will help you with our *GREAT MEDICAL HOSPITALS* , when the time of your great need comes." and
4. "We will know just what to charge you extra to keep you poor." and
5. "Sapping you of everything you ever worked for."
6. Sounds familiar huh?
7. Welcome to America Health Care as it stands.
8. Failing to see this only keeps you stranded on the tread mill of their *MASTER PLAN*.


James we do have the best healthcare system in the world. that is why people who live in countries with Obamacare come here for treatments - they can't get "approval" for their treatments

The people crafting Obamacare have said, care will be rationed, and the US "spends to much money on R&D"

Is this what you want? Do you think you are entitled to "free" healthcare?

06-23-2009, 09:49 AM
Sorr bout that,

James we do have the best healthcare system in the world. that is why people who live in countries with Obamacare come here for treatments - they can't get "approval" for their treatments

The people crafting Obamacare have said, care will be rationed, and the US "spends to much money on R&D"

Is this what you want? Do you think you are entitled to "free" healthcare?

1. Yes I do, I'm every bit as entitled as a person seating in a government job.
2. Or a illegal alein.
3. And you are as well.


red states rule
06-24-2009, 07:11 AM
Sorr bout that,

1. Yes I do, I'm every bit as entitled as a person seating in a government job.
2. Or a illegal alein.
3. And you are as well.


Let me ask you this James, and i mean this will all due respect. How much of my money do you want to help pay for your healthcare?

Do you think healthcare is a right that should be added to the US Constitution?

Do you know that care WILL be rationed, and seniors will be the ones who oay the real price for Obamacare? REe you OK with the government "approving" a knee replacement for a 30 year old buy denying a kneww replacement for a 70 year old because the 30 year old is more cost efficient?

06-24-2009, 08:33 AM
Sorry bout that,

Let me ask you this James, and i mean this will all due respect. How much of my money do you want to help pay for your healthcare?

1. How much money are you paying right now of the illegal aleins, and government costs?
You will be paying zero, just as now.

Do you think healthcare is a right that should be added to the US Constitution?

2. Sure, if it makes the health care industry just and fair, people of America, in America should not live at peace in their own country, while the possibility looms they will lose everything, with one major illness.

Do you know that care WILL be rationed, and seniors will be the ones who oay the real price for Obamacare? REe you OK with the government "approving" a knee replacement for a 30 year old buy denying a kneww replacement for a 70 year old because the 30 year old is more cost efficient?

3. Nah I don't believe that, I think everyone who shows up will recieve what they need, young and old, just the hospitals and doctors and insurance companies, won't be getting as fillthy rich.

4. This present system is rigged to sap the publics wealth, those who use the system are destined to owe the system nearly everything it has in order to use it.

5. Thats injustice to humanity, you will have nothing to pass down to your children, and what would of gone to them, the *Medical Industry* doc's, hospitals, ins., already has its hooks in.

6. It would be funny if it wasn't a crime against humanity and a shame.:laugh2:


red states rule
06-24-2009, 08:39 AM
Sorry bout that,

3. Nah I don't believe that, I think everyone who shows up will recieve what they need, young and old, just the hospitals and doctors and insurance companies, won't be getting as fillthy rich.

4. This present system is rigged to sap the publics wealth, those who use the system are destined to owe the system nearly everything it has in order to use it.

5. Thats injustice to humanity, you will have nothing to pass down to your children, and what would of gone to them, the *Medical Industry* doc's, hospitals, ins., already has its hooks in.

6. It would be funny if it wasn't a crime against humanity and a shame.:laugh2:


James we WILL be paying more for Obamacare. It will cost $3 trillion to insure all the people who do not have ins. Where does the government get that money? Where will Obama get the money? How will it NOT cost us more, and lower the quality of care?

Health care WILL be rationed. I have a thread on it check it out



At the heart of President Obama's plan is his stated goal to cut medical costs. That might sound good to you, but it means cutting services, nurses, technicians, medical tests, and most prominently the use of expensive technology. The President's top medical advisers are quite frank about this. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel and a health policy adviser in the Office of Management and Budget, has chided Americans for the expense of their "being enamored with technology." Dr. David Blumenthal, another key Obama adviser, charges medical innovations as being responsible for fully two-thirds of the annual increase in healthcare spending. Their solution is to limit expensive innovations. A 2008 Congressional Budget Office report agrees with their cost analysis but concludes happily that such innovations "permit the treatment of previously untreatable conditions." As I shall show, there are more humane ways to cut healthcare costs.

Also at the heart of President Obama's plan is the restriction of services for older people, people 65 and older who by virtue of modern medicine may actually be ten and fifteen years younger in terms of good health than they would have been a generation ago. Alas, they still have higher health risks and costs than younger people. Thus they are going to bear the brunt of the Obama Administration's cost cuts, for 27-30% of Medicaid spending is spent for caring for people at the end of their lives. With the government taking over more of the nation's healthcare costs under the Obama regime, it has already been decided that government monies are more economically spent on younger people than on older people. If a 65-year-old needs a hip replacement, the government will better spend that money on a younger person whose hip will last longer. Or perhaps the government will decide the money is better spent on preventive medicine for younger people.


06-24-2009, 09:16 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But monies will continue to bleed from the federal govenment.
2. Reason is, the medical insdustry in general have it in their pocket.
3. Always has it would seem, ever heard of lobbists?
4. All three of the arms of the medical industry (INS, DOC. Hospitals), are constantly protecting their interests in DC.
5. Each complaining about the other, for getting to much of the Americans peoples pie, our wealth, in the, *Time of Great Need*.
6. One way or another yours and my wealth is ear marked to be drained, at some point.
7. It would be funny if it wasn't sickening, and a crime against humanity.:laugh2:


red states rule
06-24-2009, 09:41 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But monies will continue to bleed from the federal govenment.
2. Reason is, the medical insdustry in general have it in their pocket.
3. Always has it would seem, ever heard of lobbists?
4. All three of the arms of the medical industry (INS, DOC. Hospitals), are constantly protecting their interests in DC.
5. Each complaining about the other, for getting to much of the Americans peoples pie, our wealth, in the, *Time of Great Need*.
6. One way or another yours and my wealth is ear marked to be drained, at some point.
7. It would be funny if it wasn't sickening, and a crime against humanity.:laugh2:


Money will bleed from the government and our tax dollars will bleed from our pockets. This is the worst thing that could happen to our healthcare system James

Cut back on R&D, cut back on care for seniors, have a government offical decide who gets approved for treatment and who does not?

Private ins companies wil be put out business (this is what Dems want) and then only the Federal government will be the only healthcare ins company in town

red states rule
06-24-2009, 09:48 AM
Here is all you need to know about Obamacare. This is from a liberal Dem, and listen to the reaction of the crowd

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/dT4mV3R7vu4&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/dT4mV3R7vu4&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

06-24-2009, 10:58 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Thats her opinion, and some person she was quoting.
2. I don't think the insurance compaies will not go away, even if they lose all medical clients.
3. They still would have their whole finger/arm in everything.
4. Including medical mal-practice insurance inwhich they invented in order to get into the doctors pockets.
5. Its easy to see the insurance companies are ramping up the retoric.
6. Many fall for it, I will not.
7. The medical industry is nothing more than run like a dynasty, either you bow to it, or it takes your head off, either way you serve it.


06-24-2009, 01:15 PM
2. I don't think the insurance compaies will not go away, even if they lose all medical clients.

???...so the Blues and Primecare are going to what, exactly, if they lose all their medical clients?.......

06-24-2009, 03:13 PM
I was watching a show on the tv the other night and it had a woman from Canada on telling her story of a battle with cancer ( I believe that was the disease, it was a life threatening disease anyway) She described her wait and if she had to wait in Canada she would of died, she luckily had enough money to come to America and get the medical attention she needed!

And lets not forget Obama's personal Doc came out and said Obama's health care plan would not work, Ooo I guess if ya don't work, collect welfare or some other Government shit it is better than nothing .

I spent 2 months in Canada about 9 years ago, everything there was double the price we paid for it here in the states so they could have free Healthcare, lol, free????

06-24-2009, 07:56 PM
I spent 2 months in Canada about 9 years ago, everything there was double the price we paid for it here in the states so they could have free Healthcare, lol, free????

???.......why do you think everything was twice as expensive?......

06-24-2009, 08:34 PM
???.......why do you think everything was twice as expensive?......

Gas was sold by the liter(if I remember right) and was a dollar or so more than our gallon, food that ever house hold has was way more, I don't do much shopping but simply things ( canned veggies, mac and cheese) stuff like that I have bought and they were all at least twice as much.

Then I took the lady I met to the states and she went crazy buying clothes cause they were allot cheaper here, the car she had just bought was about the same, but in Halifax most everything at the Grocery store was way more than here

OOO it had nothing to do with the difference in currency, I had American moneys her's Canadian, the price tags were just higher, come to think of it her money was worth a bit less than ours so that would make it worse

red states rule
06-25-2009, 07:13 AM
???...so the Blues and Primecare are going to what, exactly, if they lose all their medical clients?.......

How are the ins companies going to be more competitive? It's like some Congressman stated the other day, " Insurance companies competing with the Federal government is like saying my seven year old daughter's lemonade stand is competing with McDonald's".

Except that McDonald's can't pass legislation which forces the lemonade stand to become a nonviable business model.