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Mr. P
06-25-2009, 04:56 PM
Heart attack..anyone hearing this?

06-25-2009, 04:58 PM
Heart attack..anyone hearing this?

Haven't heard it Mr. P , but another pedophile gone, Wooo hooo

06-25-2009, 05:15 PM
Mr.P I looked it up and there are saying he was rushed to the hospital and the paramedics had to perform CPR cause he wasn't breathing but that's all the news I got

But I went to another room and they are all talking about his death, so maybe they just haven't announced it yet threw the media

06-25-2009, 05:16 PM
Haven't heard but then I'm not listening to the news yet. I did hear earlier while in the car that Farrah Faucett passed away from cancer last night, I think it was.

06-25-2009, 05:16 PM
Well with him dead maybe we will finally find out who the REAL father of those kids is.

I"m sorry, but after seeing pics of those kids there is NO WAY he fathered them.

Now maybe they'll have a normal life.

06-25-2009, 05:17 PM
Haven't heard but then I'm not listening to the news yet. I did hear earlier while in the car that Farrah Faucett passed away from cancer last night, I think it was.

I saw that to, what a shame she was a beautiful woman at 1 time, they say she had lost so much weight it was unreal , hate to hear about that

06-25-2009, 05:22 PM

We've just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50.

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived. A cardiologist at UCLA tells TMZ Jackson died of cardiac arrest.

Once at the hospital, the staff tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive.

We're told one of the staff members at Jackson's home called 911.

La Toya ran in the hospital sobbing after Jackson was pronounced dead.

06-25-2009, 05:22 PM
Mr. P is indeed correct. The LA Times just reported it.


06-25-2009, 05:25 PM
No great loss, the man was completely around the bend.

06-25-2009, 05:38 PM
You know, if there was ever an individual who was going to fake his or her death, it is Michael Jackson.

Just sayin'...

06-25-2009, 06:04 PM
They say stars die in threes so we have farrah faucett, michael jackson....wonder who is next.

06-25-2009, 06:09 PM
They say stars die in threes so we have farrah faucett, michael jackson....wonder who is next.

Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and now MJ. The triangle is closed.

06-25-2009, 06:11 PM
Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and now MJ. The triangle is closed.

that's right, ed is in there too, good work !!!

06-25-2009, 06:16 PM
that's right, ed is in there too, good work !!!

Unless you consider Carradine the first, then McMahon and Fawcett would have made three and Jackson is the first of another three.

06-25-2009, 06:30 PM
Unless you consider Carradine the first, then McMahon and Fawcett would have made three and Jackson is the first of another three.

the star death-conspiracy thickens.....

Mr. P
06-25-2009, 06:49 PM
Unless you consider Carradine the first, then McMahon and Fawcett would have made three and Jackson is the first of another three.

I heard the other day Walter Cronkite is at the end also.

06-25-2009, 08:55 PM
Ok, just caught Mr P's post here. I'm sorry both Michael Jackson and Ms Fawcett died. I'm sorry for anyone's that died. With that said, they mean a lot less than the folks I know, much less the folks I love.

Ms. Fawcett seemed a nice enough person. Can't say the same for Mr. Jackson, still, may he rest in peace.

06-25-2009, 08:56 PM
I saw that to, what a shame she was a beautiful woman at 1 time, they say she had lost so much weight it was unreal , hate to hear about that

Ryan O'Neal had asked her to marry him. They were finally going to do it after all these years. So sad. He was near tears when being interviewed. What a shame. They have a son who is in prison. Ryan said his son never could grasp the fact that his mother had been a hugely popular actress and pinup girl 20 years ago. He just couldn't believe it. I find that odd considering all the news clippings, photos, tv stints etc. that are around. Guess he didn't want to believe his mother had been a huge icon and sex symbol.

06-25-2009, 09:32 PM
I have a feeling that my post in this thread might not be well received!

I'm completely aware of the allegations MJ faced over the years and his out of court settlements. I'm more than aware of his non-stop desire to change his appearance which left his face looking awfully creepy. I'm aware of the financial issues he came to face and how he neglected those responsibilities. I'm fully aware of ALL of his shortcomings.


I remember when I was a small boy listening to the Jackson 5 on TV and on the radio and being impressed at such a young age. Funny thing was, you were already made fun of at that age if you admitted to liking them! I listened anyway over the years.

Then MJ started releasing solo work and I thought he had one of the most amazing and unique voices I've ever heard. His dancing was also quite unique, not to mention a bit strange at times. Then came Thriller when I was in HS and I again was thoroughly impressed. I listened to his tunes in privacy so I didn't get beat up.

Later he had a song called "The man in the mirror" which really got to me, and really made me think about life. I think Mike started writing things about his own screwed up life, and in some small way I related to some of his songs.

Then I watched the man completely derail his life. From hanging out with children to destroying his own face. Family fights and spending the millions he earned. Stories came out about his childhood. I realized that this was a man that was completely fucked up by the time he was 10 years old - and never had a chance to live life as a "normal" person. Now, this doesn't absolve him of anything improper he may or may not have done. But I see a man that delighted millions while living a life he probably couldn't even understand himself. He was gifted beyond belief. He had it all, lost it, and was now going to attempt a comeback of sorts.

I was absolutely shocked when I heard the news. This is a man that I have been watching, listening to and reading about for the past 30 years or so. I thought I had grown to "know" him to an extent, but again, I'm not even sure the man knew himself.

It's tragic and quite sad. I'll miss his music. I'll miss the joy he got at going to not only entertain everyone at stadiums, but also traveling the world to help out children, the needy and those that would otherwise never get to see him. Whatever wrongs he may have done in his short time with us, he will now have to answer to a higher power. But please, don't forget all the joy this man brought to so many people and the thousands of people he has personally helped over the years. I wouldn't begin to defend him against things I have know true knowledge about, so don't come down on me for that. I am just acknowledging one of the most iconic people we have ever witnessed in our lives, and both his ups and downs. Once he answers for any wrongs he may have done, I wish he rest in peace in a better world.

06-25-2009, 09:52 PM
Jimnyc there is no doubt that fans of his music and dance will miss him dearly. I enjoyed his music as well, as far as his personal life I feel sorry for him and what he went through with his dad, his religion and the fans that were possibly inappropriate with him when he was a ten year old boy touring with his brothers. However, I don't have the kind of fascination with him or his songs the way some fans do, and so for me it was sad just like farrah dying, or kung fu dude or ed dying. If his kids grow up and confirm he was a pedaphile well his sad childhood certainly doesn't explain it away for me and I have no sympathy.

06-25-2009, 09:52 PM
a sad final photo of him;


06-25-2009, 09:53 PM
I have a feeling that my post in this thread might not be well received!

I'm completely aware of the allegations MJ faced over the years and his out of court settlements. I'm more than aware of his non-stop desire to change his appearance which left his face looking awfully creepy. I'm aware of the financial issues he came to face and how he neglected those responsibilities. I'm fully aware of ALL of his shortcomings.


I remember when I was a small boy listening to the Jackson 5 on TV and on the radio and being impressed at such a young age. Funny thing was, you were already made fun of at that age if you admitted to liking them! I listened anyway over the years.

Then MJ started releasing solo work and I thought he had one of the most amazing and unique voices I've ever heard. His dancing was also quite unique, not to mention a bit strange at times. Then came Thriller when I was in HS and I again was thoroughly impressed. I listened to his tunes in privacy so I didn't get beat up.

Later he had a song called "The man in the mirror" which really got to me, and really made me think about life. I think Mike started writing things about his own screwed up life, and in some small way I related to some of his songs.

Then I watched the man completely derail his life. From hanging out with children to destroying his own face. Family fights and spending the millions he earned. Stories came out about his childhood. I realized that this was a man that was completely fucked up by the time he was 10 years old - and never had a chance to live life as a "normal" person. Now, this doesn't absolve him of anything improper he may or may not have done. But I see a man that delighted millions while living a life he probably couldn't even understand himself. He was gifted beyond belief. He had it all, lost it, and was now going to attempt a comeback of sorts.

I was absolutely shocked when I heard the news. This is a man that I have been watching, listening to and reading about for the past 30 years or so. I thought I had grown to "know" him to an extent, but again, I'm not even sure the man knew himself.

It's tragic and quite sad. I'll miss his music. I'll miss the joy he got at going to not only entertain everyone at stadiums, but also traveling the world to help out children, the needy and those that would otherwise never get to see him. Whatever wrongs he may have done in his short time with us, he will now have to answer to a higher power. But please, don't forget all the joy this man brought to so many people and the thousands of people he has personally helped over the years. I wouldn't begin to defend him against things I have know true knowledge about, so don't come down on me for that. I am just acknowledging one of the most iconic people we have ever witnessed in our lives, and both his ups and downs. Once he answers for any wrongs he may have done, I wish he rest in peace in a better world.

Wow, your post really made me think Jim

OK the thought is over, LOL

06-25-2009, 11:16 PM
I have a feeling that my post in this thread might not be well received!

I'm completely aware of the allegations MJ faced over the years and his out of court settlements. I'm more than aware of his non-stop desire to change his appearance which left his face looking awfully creepy. I'm aware of the financial issues he came to face and how he neglected those responsibilities. I'm fully aware of ALL of his shortcomings.


I remember when I was a small boy listening to the Jackson 5 on TV and on the radio and being impressed at such a young age. Funny thing was, you were already made fun of at that age if you admitted to liking them! I listened anyway over the years.

Then MJ started releasing solo work and I thought he had one of the most amazing and unique voices I've ever heard. His dancing was also quite unique, not to mention a bit strange at times. Then came Thriller when I was in HS and I again was thoroughly impressed. I listened to his tunes in privacy so I didn't get beat up.

Later he had a song called "The man in the mirror" which really got to me, and really made me think about life. I think Mike started writing things about his own screwed up life, and in some small way I related to some of his songs.

Then I watched the man completely derail his life. From hanging out with children to destroying his own face. Family fights and spending the millions he earned. Stories came out about his childhood. I realized that this was a man that was completely fucked up by the time he was 10 years old - and never had a chance to live life as a "normal" person. Now, this doesn't absolve him of anything improper he may or may not have done. But I see a man that delighted millions while living a life he probably couldn't even understand himself. He was gifted beyond belief. He had it all, lost it, and was now going to attempt a comeback of sorts.

I was absolutely shocked when I heard the news. This is a man that I have been watching, listening to and reading about for the past 30 years or so. I thought I had grown to "know" him to an extent, but again, I'm not even sure the man knew himself.

It's tragic and quite sad. I'll miss his music. I'll miss the joy he got at going to not only entertain everyone at stadiums, but also traveling the world to help out children, the needy and those that would otherwise never get to see him. Whatever wrongs he may have done in his short time with us, he will now have to answer to a higher power. But please, don't forget all the joy this man brought to so many people and the thousands of people he has personally helped over the years. I wouldn't begin to defend him against things I have know true knowledge about, so don't come down on me for that. I am just acknowledging one of the most iconic people we have ever witnessed in our lives, and both his ups and downs. Once he answers for any wrongs he may have done, I wish he rest in peace in a better world.

Well written post. The man was one of the most influential people in the existence of the human race. Despite his weird personal life, he touched the lives of millions of people in a positive light. I think people often forget that nobody's perfect. MJ was as weird as they come but I don't think for a second he was a bad person. He was just mentally not all there.

06-25-2009, 11:26 PM
Well written post. The man was one of the most influential people in the existence of the human race. Despite his weird personal life, he touched the lives of millions of people in a positive light. I think people often forget that nobody's perfect. MJ was as weird as they come but I don't think for a second he was a bad person. He was just mentally not all there.

He especially liked to touch little boys

Come on, even he never did anything wrong how weird is it to sleep with minor children not related to you

If he wasn't so rich and famous he would of been in jail with all the other pedophiles

06-26-2009, 08:38 AM
He especially liked to touch little boys

Come on, even he never did anything wrong how weird is it to sleep with minor children not related to you

If he wasn't so rich and famous he would of been in jail with all the other pedophiles

But he doesnt give you that vibe. I seriously believe he was just so messed up in the head from a surreal life that he thought he was a kid.

06-26-2009, 09:27 AM
But he doesnt give you that vibe. I seriously believe he was just so messed up in the head from a surreal life that he thought he was a kid.

He sure as hell gave me that vibe!! AS for his childhood waa waa waa, allot of people have had tuff childhoods, that doesn't give ya the right to sleep with little boys.

06-26-2009, 09:39 AM
I'm not saying he had a tough childhood. Quite the opposite. I think he was mentally unstable as a child and never received the proper treatment. Then living through a life of fame where no one ever said "no" to any whim that you ever wanted caused him to be a child for 50 years. Same thing happened to Elvis. No one ever said no to him. He kept living a life of excess growing weirder and weirder until his bizarre end.

Thats my opinion anyway. You're entitled to yours.

06-26-2009, 09:48 AM
I'm not saying he had a tough childhood. Quite the opposite. I think he was mentally unstable as a child and never received the proper treatment. Then living through a life of fame where no one ever said "no" to any whim that you ever wanted caused him to be a child for 50 years. Same thing happened to Elvis. No one ever said no to him. He kept living a life of excess growing weirder and weirder until his bizarre end.

Thats my opinion anyway. You're entitled to yours.

Well I have to agree with ya there, weird is weird, lol and they surely both where

But I still cannot get myself to feel as though a super star passed, when ya sleep with children (sexually or not) that is just to weird for me, hell I have 6 and 7 year old boys, when there friends spend the night they sleep in different beds, OOO well you are correct, we are all have our opinion

06-26-2009, 10:20 AM

well MJ's life was sad I did read his life story and his dad was physically abusive, he was raised jehovah witness and it was insinuated that there was an incident when he was 10 yrs old touring in a hotel room that a 30 yr old woman broke in and proceeded to sexually molest mj and his brothers were fooling around with fans in other rooms and so that supposedly devasted mj along with fame and mixed religious messages, and racial insecurity. It is entirely possible that he was not a pedo and that he was just screwed up from his life. However it is also entirely possible that because of his screwed up life he became a pedaphile only attracted to children and innocence craving it like an addiction to drugs. Not all pedos are mean brutes some seem just like kids. I suppose there will never be proof one way or another. I liked the jackson5 and the thriller album when it came out the fact that his family never got him counseling and that his dad was a monster ruined mj but alot of people in the world suffer from there family or from massive abuse the difference is mj was famous so the world watched the long term effects it had on mj as he turned weirder & weirder.

Abbey Marie
06-26-2009, 12:44 PM
Video is removed. :dunno:

Abbey Marie
06-26-2009, 12:46 PM
I will be surprised if the toxicology report doesn't show drug abuse.

06-26-2009, 12:47 PM
Video is removed. :dunno:

probably because it shows them holding hands and the boy resting his head on mj's shoulder talking about how he slept in mj's bed while mj slept on the floor. this is the boy who everyone said made the false allegation and mj settled with him.

06-26-2009, 12:56 PM
probably because it shows them holding hands and the boy resting his head on mj's shoulder talking about how he slept in mj's bed while mj slept on the floor. this is the boy who everyone said made the false allegation and mj settled with him.

another words the video was removed so people wouldn't see him being so weird, hmmm some will go to any length to protect the guilty

And Abbey I doubt we will ever know the truth, but I would bet my last buck drugs were involved, couldn't imagine a man wanting to sleep with little boys if he wasn't stoned out of his mind

06-26-2009, 02:22 PM
We don't know that he was guilty. They obviously couldnt prove it.

We do know that he had a screwed up childhood and was seriously screwed up as an adult.

Somehow he still was one of the most amazing music sensations of our time.

Id like to think that he is finally at peace. and I hope He can feel the love of God now and that his mind will heal from everything he went through this life.

06-26-2009, 02:45 PM
To be honest his music was good for what it was, pop. I don't even have one of his songs on my mp3. I really don't get why everyone thinks he was so special. I was reading a blog that basically sums it up for me about mj & the fans. here were some of the points:

If a man you don't know moved in down the street from you and wanted to 'innocently' sleep with certain young boys in your neighborhood, including your own 13 year old son, I bet you would think that something strange was going on. It doesn't matter if he seems to be the nicest, most childlike, most innocent guy in the world, it's not appropriate. You may ask, "but what if he didn't have a normal childhood, what if he slept in the same bed with his brothers his whole life, what if he was mentally and physically abused from an early age by controlling parents?" No matter what excuse you give, it's not a good idea. Common sense should tell you that it's inappropriate and very strange for a grown man to spend so much time trying to entice little boys into his bedroom. If Michael was mentally handicapped and had the mind of a 5 year old boy in an adult body, it would still be inappropriate.

Some fans say that since Michael has done so much good, there's no way he could ever do anything wrong. Don't they know that a person can do good things in public and do bad things in private?

Why is Michael sleeping with children and showing them R-rated movies like The Exorcist? What is this leading up to? Why do so many of us seem to ignore or approve of this behavior?

Many people act like Michael Jackson is a saint who would never lie about anything, but he denied for years that he had any plastic surgery.


06-26-2009, 04:22 PM
He especially liked to touch little boys

Come on, even he never did anything wrong how weird is it to sleep with minor children not related to you

If he wasn't so rich and famous he would of been in jail with all the other pedophiles

He certainly had a strangeness about him....I've often wondered over the years as to the type of homelife he'd had as a child. I mean, why did he grow to be a child predator? I know he and his dad didn't really have a closeness, but then, I guess that isn't rare since I wasn't close with my own dad either. What made him the way he was? I've thought often enough that he really must have been unhappy to look they way he did, since he kept changing his nose and had bleached his skin color lighter. Look at his childhood pic's. His nose was a lot wider and fuller up until he took off on his own and then he started a regimen of getting nose jobs one after the other. Eventually his face ended up looking unnatural. It was proven he was not a molestor, but will we ever know for sure? And does it really matter now anyway?

Over the years, I've sat with my own kids and watched him on the tube doing his thing. God had surely given that man a talent like none other. He not only had a love for entertaining, but he deeply loved people. He would smile and chat with whomever was around him. He knew how to work his audience, so to speak. It was really a treat to watch him manuever thru a crowd smiling from ear to ear as tho' he'd known each and every one of them his whole life. No doubt about it.....the man was a true entertainer in every sense of the word.

I believe he was a lost soul and had been reaching out his entire life for the one thing he'd never had...........a childhood.

While I don't condone molestors of any kind, and in fact, I find them repulsive, I now wish him to finally be able to rest in peace and not having to live with his dark demons anymore.

06-27-2009, 05:20 PM
Here are a few photos from the dailymail of how Jackson had changed himself over the years.

I've seen the skin condition that he claimed to have, it's spotty and looks nothing at all like Jackson's skin bleaching.
