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View Full Version : Imus gets 2 week suspension

04-10-2007, 04:50 AM
Personally, I think it's a load of crap. More antics from Sharpon and Jackson and the superiors caved in.

I was listening to Opie & Anthony yesterday and they made fun of the whole thing, defended Imus, and made similar rants about the team.

Black people make derogatory comments every day, but when a white person makes a "joke", they demand for this person to be vilified, fired, embarrassed...

And of course the 2 retards are already stating this isn't enough, and isn't over, that they will still be calling for his firing when he returns in 2 weeks. It's jerk offs like these 2 that builds the racial tension in the communities by enlisting groups to spread their word.


04-10-2007, 05:08 AM
This whole thing by Sharton and Jackson is a Joke...

When will they bring on all the Rap singers, who rap about women who are Ho's and bitches....????
Nappy headed??? Big deal...I have supper fine hair....Looks like shit, if I don't wash it every day.........

If we fall into this trap.......
It's going to come back and bite us in the black, yellow, white, brown, purple, fluorescent colors Ass....

04-10-2007, 06:58 AM
Yeah I saw this. It's incredibly lame. Punishing a shock jock for being controversial... It's his freaking job. Not to mention he has the right to be as stupid and controversial as he wants. This is the United States.

04-10-2007, 08:22 AM
Under the so called "black leaders'" guidelines,free speech is only o.k. when what is being said is approved by them. This is disgusting and IMO Imus is doing the wrong thing by cowaring to these people. Yes,I said these people. By him giving in and apologizing profusely,he is only fueling the fire that is burning up our free speech . Like Stephanie said,do we vilify rappers top this degree forr advocating raping women,calling us hoes and bitches? Nope. Why? Becuase of that ever so loved double standard. Politcal correctness is destroying our freedom. SOmeone needs to have the balls to stop it here and now.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
04-10-2007, 06:42 PM
Imus is a washed up has been....did you hear him on Sharpton's radio program.... Imus' best days are behind him as a radio personality, honestly. He looks like a prpped up corpse on the TV show...I can't watch or listen to him anymore.

He used the infamous "you people" phrase on Sharptons show, and then acused Sharpton of "jive." He just buried himself....he should just go do good work at his ranch with the kids.

I feel sorry for him.....

Is it funny to call a women's basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed ho's", anyway? I don't think so...kinda lame....and classless, in my opinion.

04-10-2007, 07:15 PM
Imus is a washed up has been....did you hear him on Sharpton's radio program.... Imus' best days are behind him as a radio personality, honestly. He looks like a prpped up corpse on the TV show...I can't watch or listen to him anymore.

He used the infamous "you people" phrase on Sharptons show, and then acused Sharpton of "jive." He just buried himself....he should just go do good work at his ranch with the kids.

I feel sorry for him.....

Is it funny to call a women's basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed ho's", anyway? I don't think so...kinda lame....and classless, in my opinion.

The nappy headed self proclaimed Kings of the niggers need to go help out thier own damn people instead of using them for a stepping stool for self-serving, pompous rhetoric.

04-10-2007, 07:51 PM
It would all be buried if imus just contributes to sharpton and jackson's extortion fund. Just write a check and they will see it is buried after about two weeks of using it for their benifits.

I have never cared for imus at all, he's a whiny cry baby.

04-10-2007, 07:55 PM
It would all be buried if imus just contributes to sharpton and jackson's extortion fund. Just write a check and they will see it is buried after about two weeks of using it for their benifits.

I have never cared for imus at all, he's a whiny cry baby.

Agreed, that is what Chicago businesses do for Jackson, well and put someone from Operation Push on their board.

04-10-2007, 07:57 PM
There are a few thousand blacks in this country that made millions off of the phrase "nappy headed hoes". Start there. This guy Imus made a dumb-ass comment. that's it. He's been on the radio for 40 years which is amazing, cause I cant listen to it for more than 40 seconds. The guy just isn't entertaining. But he has every right to say whatever he wants. I am tired of the "whites cant say this, or that" bullshit. You don't like him, turn the channel!!! I know I do!

But it doesn't change the fact that the "blacks have words that are only allowed for blacks to say" is the dumbest shit ever. ANYONE that thinks that there are "black only" words, should petition for a "Black only" state. Or "black only" stores and bathrooms. Sorry you dumb-fucks, but the "melting pot" doesn't turn in one direction, and the doublethink that we are all equal, but aren't allowed the same freedoms of speech is just evidence of Orwell's non fiction.

These fake racial rules are put in place to divide us. No white has any problem with cracker. Sorry, you know its true. By and large most whites could care less about a name. But "Jew" or "black" is somehow terrible on the lips of whites? Evolve faster. Facts are facts, from early on blacks are told they "were" slaves. They hear over and over about their "owners". But are never really given a factual history of slavery, or for that matter the 1,000's of years BEFORE slavery. Somehow black history starts on a boat. Somehow the Irish slaves brought to this country are forgotten. Slavery has been around since the beginning of time, and its been committed by EVERY COLOR!! But it would appear on the surface in this country that ONLY whites had slaves, and ONLY blacks were slaves.

Doesn't sound like a real strong foundation for equality to me. The longer people continue down this line, the longer it will take for any "real" equality to take place. I find this hard to believe its not put in place on purpose to forever divide people. Divide and conquer. Pretty simple. We are told from early on about our differences, and how they should be celebrated. But don't talk about those differences. Unless you are a "minority".

As long as whites feel "guilty" and others look at whites as the "problem", those that "own" this country will have the freedom to further consolidate their power and control over the masses. Sorry, but that is no conspiracy, that's just the way it is, and always has been. Whether you like it or not.

04-10-2007, 08:00 PM
There are a few thousand blacks in this country that made millions off of the phrase "nappy headed hoes". Start there. This guy Imus made a dumb-ass comment. that's it. He's been on the radio for 40 years which is amazing, cause I cant listen to it for more than 40 seconds. The guy just isn't entertaining. But he has every right to say whatever he wants. I am tired of the "whites cant say this, or that" bullshit. You don't like him, turn the channel!!! I know I do!

But it doesn't change the fact that the "blacks have words that are only allowed for blacks to say" is the dumbest shit ever. ANYONE that thinks that there are "black only" words, should petition for a "Black only" state. Or "black only" stores and bathrooms. Sorry you dumb-fucks, but the "melting pot" doesn't turn in one direction, and the doublethink that we are all equal, but aren't allowed the same freedoms of speech is just evidence of Orwell's non fiction.

These fake racial rules are put in place to divide us. No white has any problem with cracker. Sorry, you know its true. By and large most whites could care less about a name. But "Jew" or "black" is somehow terrible on the lips of whites? Evolve faster. Facts are facts, from early on blacks are told they "were" slaves. They hear over and over about their "owners". But are never really given a factual history of slavery, or for that matter the 1,000's of years BEFORE slavery. Somehow black history starts on a boat. Somehow the Irish slaves brought to this country are forgotten. Slavery has been around since the beginning of time, and its been committed by EVERY COLOR!! But it would appear on the surface in this country that ONLY whites had slaves, and ONLY blacks were slaves.

Doesn't sound like a real strong foundation for equality to me. The longer people continue down this line, the longer it will take for any "real" equality to take place. I find this hard to believe its not put in place on purpose to forever divide people. Divide and conquer. Pretty simple. We are told from early on about our differences, and how they should be celebrated. But don't talk about those differences. Unless you are a "minority".

As long as whites feel "guilty" and others look at whites as the "problem", those that "own" this country will have the freedom to further consolidate their power and control over the masses. Sorry, but that is no conspiracy, that's just the way it is, and always has been. Whether you like it or not.

:clap: :clap:

04-10-2007, 08:10 PM
It would all be buried if imus just contributes to sharpton and jackson's extortion fund. Just write a check and they will see it is buried after about two weeks of using it for their benifits.

I have never cared for imus at all, he's a whiny cry baby.

You hit that nail on the head,gaffer. It's about money. But I bet they would rather go after the employer....they have more money.

Iwas listening to a news report on the way home tonight and some woman was saying how hurtful it would be for someone to call your daughter a hoe. What?!!! Who cares? They don't know the guy any more than we do. The media are the ones being hurtful. If they hadn't blown this non story up,most people wouldn't know a thing about it.

I think Imus made a stupid mistake,and I have never liked him,but he is being railroaded.

04-10-2007, 08:12 PM
IT APPEARS THAT AL SHARPTON, that noted watchdog of racism, has spotted yet another instance of white bigotry rearing its ugly head -- this time in the town of Perry, Florida. Without wasting a moment, Sharpton, accompanied by forty fellow activists, rushed to Perry last Friday to protest a local bar's alleged refusal to wait on black customers in its main serving area. "We're here to let people know this is not going to happen here in Perry, it's not going to happen anywhere in Florida, and it's not going to happen anywhere else," a furious Sharpton said regarding the bar's policy. Promising to "make a national example of Perry," Sharpton and his delegates gathered at a church and whipped some 300 fellow protesters into a frenzy with chants of "Fired up, can't take no more!"

Of course the allegations against the bar, if true, should justifiably result in a stiff penalty against those responsible for that ugly violation of civil rights - which few people of any race or ethnicity would condone for a moment. But even Sharpton's supporters ought to be embarrassed by his selective vision in determining which particular acts of racism warrant his attention. For while he is clearly prepared to race around the country and confront even the most irrelevant white numbskull who happens to do something as ludicrous as the Perry bar owner apparently did, the fiery activist is habitually silent about even the most gruesome, barbaric examples of black racism directed against whites.

Indeed, like all another self-anointed civil-rights crusaders in the country, he said nothing in response to the October 18, 1995 killing of Richard Will, a white man who was doused with lighter fluid and set afire by a group of black youths in a Chicago suburb. Sharpton was similarly silent in May 1997, when a black member of a Nation Of Islam offshoot viciously beat a white New York woman named Laura Zirinsky, injuring the woman so badly that she needed emergency brain surgery to save her life. Even though the perpetrator was carrying a notebook filled with anti-white writings advocating a race war, Sharpton never once vowed "to make a national example" of this racially motivated abomination. In fact, Sharpton had long been an unapologetic supporter of the infamous Khalid Muhammad, a Black Muslim whose vulgar diatribes against whites did not preclude Sharpton from calling him "a very articulate and courageous brother."

Nor did Sharpton feel "fired up" enough to condemn a 1997 incident in which six black Michigan youths fatally shot two white males in the head, then forced a white female to perform oral sex on them while they sodomized her, and finally murdered her as well. Neither was Sharpton's patience for injustice tested in January 1998, when a fifteen-year-old black gangster shot and killed Vitaly Bereslavsky, a hardworking Latvian immigrant in Brooklyn. When investigators later sought to ascertain the motives of the killer, who had robbed his dead victim of the two dollars in his pocket and promptly spent the money on fruit punch and cupcakes, the remorseless youth explained tersely, "I was hungry." Sharpton, however, had no appetite for publicly denouncing this fiend.

Nor did Sharpton take to the airwaves early in 2000, after a black Pennsylvania man named Ronald Taylor gunned down five innocent whites inside an apartment building. Though Taylor's residence was laden with anti-white and anti-Jewish writings, and though Taylor had candidly declared his intent to "kill all white people," Sharpton felt no inclination to publicly condemn either the crime or its racist roots. Nor did he have anything to say in April 2000 after a black man, who had previously been incarcerated for a hammer attack on a white stranger to whom he referred only as "whitey," pitilessly slit the throat of an eight-year-old white boy named Kevin Shifflett.

No, it seems that Al Sharpton had no desire to devote his considerable energies to the task of impugning any of these crimes, to say nothing of the thousands of similar black-on-white incidents that have plenished our nation's graveyards in recent years. Even though fully 90 percent of violent interracial attacks involving blacks and whites are perpetrated by blacks, Mr. Sharpton chooses to portray America as a snakepit of racist white vipers lurking behind every corner, just waiting for an opportunity to sink their fangs into the proverbial neck of black America. Even if he has to turn over a rock in some out-of-the way corner of Perry, Florida to find such a viper, he is ever eager to do so. Conversely, because examples of black-on-white injustice (myriad though they are) do not harmonize with his endless lamentations about white racism, Sharpton simply ignores them. And in so doing, he willfully infuses into millions of minds the outrageous lie which says not only that white racism is black America's most formidable foe, but also that black racism scarcely exists.

-----John Perazzo

04-10-2007, 08:14 PM
Al "anti-Semitic" Sharpton
by Tim Bueler

The Reverend Al Sharpton's run for the Democrat presidential nomination is shocking. While Sharpton has built his career as a self-proclaimed savoir -- a so-called "civil rights" leader - we find his recent history proves otherwise. Could it be true that he only comes to the aid of minorities not to help them, but for the purpose of personal political gain? What does Sharpton's history say about him?

According to CNN.com, July 13,1998, in the article "Winner in Brawley suit says victory is bittersweet," Tawana Brawley, a 15-year-old black female, was found in a garbage bag with dog feces smeared on her body and racial epithets scrawled on her, after disappearing from her home on November 1987. With the help of Al Sharpton, she claimed a gang of white law enforcement officers had abducted and raped her. One of these accused men was former prosecutor Steven Pagones. Eventually, a grand jury pronounced her story a hoax, exonerating Pagones. The jury found Sharpton liable for $65,000 of the total damages for making seven defamatory statements about Pagones, many of which included Al Sharpton calling Pagones a "rapist." Sharpton never apologized for his remarks against Pagones. The case was obviously racially inflamed with the help of Al Sharpton, who demonstrated his unrepentant hatred toward whites.

According to a Jewish Forward article "The Crown Heights Riot & It's Aftermath," January 1993, by Philip Gourevitch, a car driven by Yosef Lifsh, a Hasidic Jew, went out of control in Crown Heights. A black seven-year-old, Gavin Cato, was killed, and his seven-year-old cousin, Angela Cato, was badly injured.

When the driver stepped out of his car to help the child he had hit, angry black bystanders beat and robbed him before police could reach the scene. As the ambulance arrived to help the Cato children under the car, medics decided that Lifsh should be placed in the first ambulance. Seeing this, the black crowds began to gather, crying "racism," and chanting "Jews, Jews, Jews."

Later that day, the angry black mob came upon Yankel Rosenbaum, a twenty nine year old Orthodox Jew, shouting, "get the Jew" and "kill the Jew." Rosenbaum was stabbed and beaten. Later that day Rosenbaum died after receiving medical treatment at Kings County Hospital.

True to form, Al Sharpton rushed to Crown Heights. He called for the arrest of Lifsh, and even pressured Brooklyn district attorney Charles Hynes into convening a Grand Jury, which found no cause for an indictment. Al Sharpton then spoke at Gavino Cato's funeral, saying,

"The world will tell us he was killed by accident. Yes, it was a social accident. It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights. It is an accident to think that we will keep crying and never stand up and call for justice. What type of city do we have that would lie on our children and allow politics to rise above the blood of innocent babies? Have we lost all our moral fiber? Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights."

A horrific three-day, four night attack on Jews in Crown Heights neighborhood followed. Angry black mobs attacked Jewish homes, and held up signs that read, "Hitler didn't do his job." Many Jews throughout the community lived in fear - fear that was perpetuated by Al Sharpton's finger pointing gestures against Jews, which he referred to as "diamond merchants." Why isn't the "elite" media exposing Al "anti-semitic" Sharpton for stereotyping Jews? Is it because he is a minority? Is it because he is bleeding heart liberal-Democrat? Why don't they persecute him like they would a conservative? The radical left, through their control of the media, is not printing both sides of the story. We live in liberal times, where liberals like Sharpton can say all the racist, anti-semitic comments they want, and the media will "accidentally" miss it; but if a conservative dare say anything that could even be construed as hateful, that will be front page headlines. Are Al Sharpton's comments about Jews just an accident? When he's walking with people carrying signs with extreme anti-semitic comments, is that just by chance? Sharpton has built his political career by attacking Jews and whites. In other words, he is the very racist that he claims others to be!

According to the Jewish Post of New York, article titled "Burn the Jew Store Down," by Hy Drusin, The Jewish Post of New York, January 1996) The Reverend Al Sharpton organized a group of protestors in 1995, that began two months of protest outside Fredi's Fashion Mart, a Harlem business owned by Fred Harari , a Jewish man. At the time, Sharpton was the head of the National Action Network. The protest centered on the eviction of Sikhulu Shange, owner of the Record Shack, who was subletting from Mr.Harari. In months leading up the Harlem Massacre, Al Sharpton used black radio stations (WWRL and WLIB) to attack non-black Harlem storeowners:

"Now, many of us are involved in various levels of struggle. One of the things that our Buy Black Campaign, and Brother Morris Powell and I are engaged in, is there is a systemic and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. It started with the vendors, now they're going to the actual merchants. One of our brothers who has for years been a backbone in our community, who has not only been an entrepreneur, but has also been a activist and involved in the struggle is now being threatened with not having his lease renewed."

"Brother Sikhulu -- stand up, brother -- on 125th Street. I want to make it clear to the radio audience -- and do you hear -- that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother, so that some white interloper can expand his business on 125th Street. And we're asking the Buy Black Committee to go down there, and I'm gonna go down there, and do what is necessary to let them know that we are not turnin? 125th Street back over to outsiders as it was done in the early part of this century." - Radio Station WWRL - Sharpton Rally - 9/9/95

Sharpton organized crowds of protestors, screaming about "bloodsucking Jews" and "Jew bastards" and threatening to "burn the building down." Finally, Roland James Smith, Jr., got Sharpton's message. On Friday, December 8, at 10:12 a.m., Smith walked into Freddy's Fashion Mart, pulled out a gun, ordered all the black customers to leave, spilled paint thinner on several bins of clothing and set them on fire, resulting in the deaths of eight people, including himself. Isn't it wonderful, how Al the racist Sharpton, can throw around words like "white interloper" and "bloodsucking Jews" in public, and the "elite" media conveniently misses it again! But I don't miss it. I see Sharpton for the kind of guy he really is: a low life liberal and racist who hates Jews.

The Democrat party doesn't care what Al Sharpton says or does. They have so few blacks in high positions that they are willing to justify anything in the name of diversity. Just imagine: if Sharpton was thrown out of the party, he would probably call them "racist" and say they are discriminating against him, or that they are holding the black man down.

But let me get something straight, if a conservative opens his mouth to speak the factual truth, he is called "racist," "fascist," or "homophobe," but if guys like Al Sharpton say things that would be objectionable coming from anyone else, they are called "activists."

04-10-2007, 08:25 PM
imus is a twat.....couldn't happen to a nicer guy.....say stupid shit pay the price....

04-10-2007, 08:34 PM
imus is a twat.....couldn't happen to a nicer guy.....say stupid shit pay the price....

Amen---never saw a more pitiful sight them him begging for forgiveness.

04-10-2007, 08:36 PM
imus is a twat.....couldn't happen to a nicer guy.....say stupid shit pay the price....

Do you get the idea grunt doesn't like Sharpton?:laugh2:

04-10-2007, 08:40 PM
Do you get the idea grunt doesn't like Sharpton?:laugh2:

What?? I love race baiting hypocrites!! :laugh2:

04-10-2007, 09:14 PM
I watch imus one time back in about 1998. was home from work that day and happened to turn it on. Watched for about an hour. He spent the whole time whining about a hangnail he had and how much it hurt. Never turned it on again.

04-10-2007, 09:26 PM
What?? I love race baiting hypocrites!! :laugh2:

I hear ya. Him, Jackson, Farrakhan .... racists assholes every one.

04-10-2007, 09:39 PM
Black people make derogatory comments every day, but when a white person makes a "joke", they demand for this person to be vilified, fired, embarrassed...

Almost every C-Rap video has some knucklehead calling women "bitches" and "Ho's". I think Imus was out of line, but an apology should have sufficed.

04-10-2007, 09:43 PM
Almost every C-Rap video has some knucklehead calling women "bitches" and "Ho's". I think Imus was out of line, but an apology should have sufficed.

If I were in Imus' shoes I'd play gangsta rap shit for HOURS and HOURS. :laugh2:

04-10-2007, 09:45 PM
If I were in Imus' shoes I'd play gangsta rap shit for HOURS and HOURS. :laugh2:

Might have to write Imus and suggest that...would probably be a riot and start a riot in one shot. :laugh2:

04-11-2007, 07:20 AM
Just watching Fox news and they are discussing the HUGE double standard here with Imus and all the rappers. They also played a clip of John Gibson,who has a show on around dinner time, grilling ol Al and asking him if he was going to condem the rappers who say the same things and make hundreds of millions of dollars doing it. Sounds like he was giving AL a little of what Al likes to give.

That's why I loke Fox. NO other station will go up against poltical correctness and make these kinds of points.