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06-28-2009, 02:14 AM

With nearly half of all marriages in the U.S. ending in divorce, why do we still insist on tying the knot? As she ends her 20-year marriage, The Atlantic contributor Sandra Tsing Loh posits that the idea of lifelong wedded bliss has become obsolete

Sadly, and to my horror, I am divorcing. This was a 20-year partnership. My husband is a good man, though he did travel 20 weeks a year for work. I am a 47-year-old woman whose commitment to monogamy, at the very end, came unglued. This turn of events was a surprise. I don’t generally even enjoy men; I had an entirely manageable life and planned to go to my grave taking with me, as I do most nights to my bed, a glass of merlot and a good book. Cataclysmically changed, I disclosed everything. We cried, we bewailed the fate of our children.

And yet at the end of the day — literally during a five o’clock counseling appointment, as the golden late-afternoon sunlight spilled over the wall of Balinese masks — when given the final choice by our longtime family therapist, who stands in as our shaman, mother, or priest, I realized … no. Heart-shattering as this moment was — a gravestone sunk down on two decades of history — I would not be able to replace the romantic memory of my fellow transgressor with the more suitable image of my husband, which is what it would take in modern-therapy terms to knit our family’s domestic construct back together. In women’s-magazine parlance, I did not have the strength to “work on” falling in love again in my marriage. And as Laura Kipnis railed in “Against Love,” and as everyone knows, good relationships take work.

06-28-2009, 02:21 AM
Considering there's no better unit to raise well-adjusted children, of course it's not obsolete.

The problem isn't with marriage - it's with our kind becoming increasingly self-centered.

06-28-2009, 06:31 AM
The problem with those marriage statistics is they don't take into consideration people with multiple divorces. I know many many people who've been divroced twice and on their way into third marriages.

These reports get their numbers from x amount of people got married last year and x amount got divorced. Hardly a good way to determine if marriage is relevent IMHO

Mr. P
06-28-2009, 09:28 AM
A very interesting article.

06-28-2009, 02:49 PM
my parents will celebrate their 70th anniversary this August....I recall going to a wedding and the gimmick at the reception was each table had to have someone stand up and give advice to the bride and groom.....the one who had to stand up was the couple who had been married the shortest length of time....at our table of six couples I had to talk, as my wife and I had only been married for 29 years......our advice?....if you want to stay married forever, surround yourself with friends who intend to stay married forever......