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View Full Version : Time Blames Calif. Budget Mess on Low Taxes?

red states rule
06-28-2009, 02:29 PM
Now it seems the reason CA is broke is not because of excessive spending - but the tapayers of CA are not paying enough. I guess the fact CA is in the Top 10 of ttax heavy states is not enough for Time and the liberal writer

As one liberal poster put it here - Dems are out to squeeze as much money out of the US taxpayer as possible

Can the liberal media get anymore out of touch and arrogant?

California's Fiscal Crisis: The Legacy of Proposition 13

The financial crisis in California grew worse this week as State Controller John Chiang warned that if legislators and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger fail to come up with a budget-balancing package, he would begin paying California's bills with IOUs on July 2. The last time the state did this was during the Great Depression.

What has brought California to such a perilous state? How did its government become so wildly dysfunctional? One obvious cause is the deep recession that has caused tax revenues to plunge for all states. But California's woes have a set of deeper reasons: direct democracy run amok, timid governors, partisan gridlock and a flawed constitution all contribute to budget chaos and people in pain. And at the root of California's misery lies Proposition 13, the antitax measure that ignited the Reagan Revolution and the conservative era. In Washington, the Reagan-Bush era is over. But in California, the conservative legacy lives on.

Before Prop 13, in the 1950s and '60s, California was a liberal showcase. Governors Earl Warren and Pat Brown responded to the population growth of the postwar boom with a massive program of public infrastructure — the nation's finest public college system, the freeway system and the state aqueduct that carries water from the well-watered north to the parched south. When Ronald Reagan was governor he actually raised taxes. Then Proposition 13 shot the tires out of Pat Brown's liberal state. Liberal legislative leaders such as Willie Brown and John Burton jerry-rigged repairs and kept the damaged vehicle running for 30 years. Now Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger says there is no choice but to complete the demolition by slashing essential services.


06-28-2009, 02:36 PM
I'm sure the people of Calif. will be happy to find out they are selfish, and are not giving enough of their money to the Government...

Time mag. has become pure liberal propaganda rag....

red states rule
06-28-2009, 02:55 PM
I'm sure the people of Calif. will be happy to find out they are selfish, and are not giving enough of their money to the Government...

Time mag. has become pure liberal propaganda rag....

I guess Time would be happier if CA was #1 in the nation for how many days workers have to work to pay their taxes - right now CA is only #4

And what about those who have already left CA due to high taxes? Does Time want to blame them as well?
