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06-29-2009, 03:35 PM
To make a long story short my husband's mother was in a car accident on January 2, 2009.

It shattered her ankle, they did surgery, put in pins and rods along with a plastic ankle. She was doing well, it was healing, and she had went from crutches to a walker.

About 10 weeks after the surgery they discovered she had an infection on the right side of her ankle, caused from the pins and rods. They went in and did surgery again, removed the pins and rods on the right side, and replaced them with new ones.

She was once again on the road to recovery.

About a 10 days ago they discovered she had another infection on the same side. She went in for surgery again, however this time they discovered she also had a staph infection. so they removed all of the hardware on the right side. They left the left side hardware and the plastic ankle in, scrapped and cleaned out the inside of her foot.

This was last Monday she is still in the hospital receiving antibiotics and will still need to receive them when she goes home, which was supposed to be today.

However my husband just called from work and said he was going to the hospital. Apparently she is now having difficulties breathing and they are trying to figure out what is causing it.

Anyone have any experience with this, and why all the sudden she would be having difficulties breathing? She is 48.

I should probably add, we had just spoke with her last night and she was doing just fine.

06-29-2009, 05:16 PM
Not knowing what medications your mother-in-law is taking makes it difficult to say. Here is a link of a number of drugs that can interact and cause breathing difficulties...


Unfortunately after accidents it is very common to have infections close to and including the bone, especialy if there was any exposure of bone. These are very hard to treat due to the decreased amount of blood that goes to the maintiance of the bone. There is only a thin layer of cells on the bone that actually repair and maintain them and when this is disrupted by trauma it takes a while to grow back (if ever). This creates a great place for infection to set in.

Write down what drugs your mother is on and see if any of them are contraindicated on the list I provided. If its not drug related it is due to the infection or possible blood clot to the lung (pumonary emboli).

A PE is very possible given the type of injury followed by being sedintary after the accident and post surgeries. A PE is a very dangerous and very possible side affect that should be checked as soon as possible if gone unchecked they have up to a 75% mortality rate.....

Get her checked out!!!!!!!!!!!

06-29-2009, 07:37 PM
Not knowing what medications your mother-in-law is taking makes it difficult to say. Here is a link of a number of drugs that can interact and cause breathing difficulties...


Unfortunately after accidents it is very common to have infections close to and including the bone, especialy if there was any exposure of bone. These are very hard to treat due to the decreased amount of blood that goes to the maintiance of the bone. There is only a thin layer of cells on the bone that actually repair and maintain them and when this is disrupted by trauma it takes a while to grow back (if ever). This creates a great place for infection to set in.

Write down what drugs your mother is on and see if any of them are contraindicated on the list I provided. If its not drug related it is due to the infection or possible blood clot to the lung (pumonary emboli).

A PE is very possible given the type of injury followed by being sedintary after the accident and post surgeries. A PE is a very dangerous and very possible side affect that should be checked as soon as possible if gone unchecked they have up to a 75% mortality rate.....

Get her checked out!!!!!!!!!!!

She is still in the hospital. They moved her to ICU. That's all I have for now, waiting on an update.