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View Full Version : The Lefts Smearing Of Gov Palin Continues

red states rule
07-05-2009, 06:12 AM
Why does the left hate Gov Palin so much?

Is it some kind of hip thing to do? Hating someone with all your heart, to the point where you just want to destroy the person's life, and even attack their children - all to score political points.

Is Palin really that bad? And for what reason?

From the NY Times this morning:

Now, Sarah’s Folly

Sarah Palin showed on Friday that in one respect at least, she is qualified to be president.

Caribou Barbie is one nutty puppy.

Usually we don’t find that exquisite battiness in our leaders until they’ve been battered by sordid scandals like Watergate (Nixon), gnawing problems like Vietnam (L.B.J.), or scary threats like biological terrorism (Cheney).

When Lyndon Johnson was president, some of his staff began to think of him as “a sick man,” as Bill Moyers told Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Moyers and his fellow Johnson aide Dick Goodwin even began reading up on mental illness — Bill on manic depression and Dick on paranoia.

And so it was, Todd Purdum learned, as he traveled Alaska reporting on Palin for Vanity Fair, that the governor’s erratic and egoistic behavior has been a source of concern for people there.


07-05-2009, 06:40 AM
the answer: because she isnt a democrat

Why does the left hate Gov Palin so much?

Is it some kind of hip thing to do? Hating someone with all your heart, to the point where you just want to destroy the person's life, and even attack their children - all to score political points.

Is Palin really that bad? And for what reason?

From the NY Times this morning:

Now, Sarah’s Folly

Sarah Palin showed on Friday that in one respect at least, she is qualified to be president.

Caribou Barbie is one nutty puppy.

Usually we don’t find that exquisite battiness in our leaders until they’ve been battered by sordid scandals like Watergate (Nixon), gnawing problems like Vietnam (L.B.J.), or scary threats like biological terrorism (Cheney).

When Lyndon Johnson was president, some of his staff began to think of him as “a sick man,” as Bill Moyers told Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Moyers and his fellow Johnson aide Dick Goodwin even began reading up on mental illness — Bill on manic depression and Dick on paranoia.

And so it was, Todd Purdum learned, as he traveled Alaska reporting on Palin for Vanity Fair, that the governor’s erratic and egoistic behavior has been a source of concern for people there.


red states rule
07-05-2009, 06:41 AM
the answer: because she isnt a democrat

and she is a conservative

07-05-2009, 08:31 AM
Addressed and I'm sure not for the first time. The job sucks, got to be crazy to want it:


JANUARY 16, 2003

HOWARD KURTZ writes on the psychological quirks that lead people to run for President. My favorite quote:

"Anyone who is going to run for president has to be weird," says Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia.

I think there's something to this, and here's an excerpt from a post on the subject that I made back in September of 2001:

But if Kaus is right, our system actually selects for people who love the job. And since, as most people (perhaps even Kaus) would agree, being President is a job no sane person could really love for eight years then what does that say about our Presidential selection system? Is it selecting for kooks? Certainly a lot of our Presidents have been, er, mentally less than admirable: Kennedy, with his risk-taking and narcissism, LBJ with his megalomania, bullying and, well, LBJ-ness, Nixon with his paranoia, depression and obsessive-compulsiveness, Clinton with his narcissism, sexual compulsiveness, and compulsive lying. Carter was/is clearly sane -- and also stands as evidence for Kaus's position. Ditto for Papa Bush. Reagan is a tougher question: he certainly wasn't crazy. And as an actor, I suppose he was able to play the President in a way that made the experience more enjoyable for him than it would be for many others. (Yes, I know, there's some reason to think that his mental faculties were already beginning to fail before he left office -- but I don't think that's the same as the sort of personality-disordered thing that Nixon, Clinton, etc. had going on).

I guess I'd have to call the crazy-President corollary to Kaus's theorem unproven, but with a lot of suggestive evidence. Hmm. Here's a slogan for '04, for whatever candidate wants it: " ______ in '04: JUST CRAZY ENOUGH TO WANT TO BE YOUR PRESIDENT!"

The slogan's still available. . . .

posted at 09:49 AM by Glenn Reynolds

07-05-2009, 08:38 AM


The Force is With Sarah Palin
by Kurt Schlichter

Not to go an analogy too far, but Sarah Palin seems to be taking a page from the Hollywood playbook of George Lucas. She has just completed her own introductory trilogy, and it was an astonishing success.
First, she was a fantastically successful conservative governor lurking beneath the mainstream media’s radar. Next, she was a vice-presidential candidate who, even though she lost, still did more to electrify the base than the headliner. Third, she has now drawn the curtain on her post-election career as a sitting governor, a period that saw her deftly turn the tables on mainstream haters like David Letterman. Like “Star Wars,” she’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but her fans are rabid and chomping at the bit for the next installments. And as to these future installments, the question is whether the next step is going to be “The Phantom Menace” or something that doesn’t suck. (more…)

Go to site, click the MORE! ;)

07-05-2009, 08:39 AM
The answer is they are scared

When she entered the ring to run for VP your Liberals and the people with minds like them had already picked Obama, no facts needed, LOL

But she came on the stage and made a ass out of Biden, she showed what a smart woman is ( yes the Dems got to see Hillary is really a idiot)

They think the American people are stupid, as Obama is swirling down the toilet they are trying to protect there side by shooting down the opponent, In 6 months he has devastated this country, anyone with a brain knows Obama will be lucky to get threw 3 and 1/2 more years, so they are planning for 2012

They have no one that can out smart her so they attack her, her family, and call it justice, lol, look on this board alone, your libs are taking the bait

But Sarah isn't that stupid, we went from hearing it is our time now to at least he is trying, lol , and Obama beat there next in line,(wow says allot for the democrats, LOL) Sarah knows within 3 years the people will want a change a real change, so she is preparing

Good Luck to her

07-05-2009, 09:24 AM
She brought people out to vote for mccain that wouldn't have. She's a conservative and a true force to be reckoned with. She is a threat to the dark lord and his minions simple by being a rally point. The libs know it takes a long time for the lies to sink in and take hold, so they are starting early.

red states rule
07-06-2009, 06:39 AM
If nothing else, we can thank Sarah Palin for unmasking the left. Women's groups have been revealed as liberal fronts, and the supposed "tolerance" for human differences, so long-cultivated by the Democrats, proves to be a big, fat LIE.

Maybe that's the thing which has kept them frothing at the mouth this long.
She's so likable that she posed an immediate threat to their power structure which couldn't be combated on rational grounds.

The more irrational the left becomes, the more the mask slips, until the ugliness of divisive, compartmentalizing, and lust for more political power is exposed.

Maybe they're just mad because they saw themselves for what they really are

07-06-2009, 08:33 AM
Palin is unfit for command. She is not in touch with reality.

red states rule
07-06-2009, 08:35 AM
Palin is unfit for command. She is not in touch with reality.

Yea, libs consider such thing like lower taxes, smaller government, not killing the unborn out of convience, the free enterprise system, and not having the government take over private companies out of touch with reality

We can see the results of the lefts view of reality on how well the Hope and Change Express has done in the last six months