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View Full Version : Conservatives Winning on Issues, Losing On Candidates

07-05-2009, 08:34 AM


As people flock to conservative/libertarian banner, fewer politicians seem ready, willing & able to carry it into battle
Posted by GayPatriotWest at 2:45 am - July 4, 2009.

In the past month or so, as polls have shown increased public dissatisfaction with President Obama’s policies, revealing that the American people have a predilection for the small government ideas the Republican Party ostensibly champions. I say “ostensibly” because in the past few years (as many have noted), the GOP has lost sight of its principles and signed on to the ways of Washington.

Yet, at a moment when conservative ideas are in the ascendancy (at least in terms of public opinion), conservative politicians seem not to be. What has been a good month for conservative ideas has been a bad month for conservative politicians, with a principled small government Governor disgracing himself by acting like a geeky teenager suddenly discovering that girls really like him, a responsible moderate conservative losing a Senate seat to an irresponsible name-calling left-wing former comedian and an (up until yesterday) up-and-coming Governor with a a natural charm and stage presence, stepping down.

While people may be flocking to our banner, there seems to be fewer and fewer people ready, willing and capable of carry that banner into battle. We may be winning the ideological battle in the public square, only doomed to lose it at the ballot box. Ideas may rally the troops, but they can’t win election to office.

Tea parties continue to draw large crowds. They have clearly tapped into something, an idea which resonates across the country. But, who is going to harness the energy?

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