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View Full Version : I have been adopted....

07-06-2009, 10:16 AM
We had a single father and his 3 children move in, a couple of houses down, about a month ago. His children are 16 and 13 both females. And he has a son who is 15, but is mentally challenged, his mentality is that of about a 5 to 6 year old.

Great kids, all three of them, dad is a great guy as well, just struggling trying to raise two teenage daughters and a handicapped son. My husband and I sorta took them all under our wing because dad has back injuries from work two years ago and has a difficult time doing everyday things and doesn't have any friends. So we help him out here and there with yard work, and invite them all over to grill out or go to the movies with us. And as for the kids their mother walked out on them when they were all little and has not bothered to even try to contact them. Which being a mother myself I can't even comprehend.

These kids though, have adopted me as their mother. So I now have 4 teenagers at my house 70% of the day. I actually don't mind though. Their good kids. According to dad he is kinda relieved that I have come into the picture to talk to the girls about female things, that he just doesn't know anything about.

Tho oldest girl who is 16 has been overweight and kind of depressed for the past couple of years and was very quiet when we first met. Since then I have gotten her to open up and come out of her shell, and she told me the other day she wanted to lose weight because she was not happy with how she looked. I asked her to keep a food diary this week of everything she puts into her mouth and then we would review it after a week and see what changes she can make food wise, along with some exercises. She showed me yesterday when I was at their house, that she was in fact keeping the diary.:thumb:

Now the 13 year old is the complete opposite of her sister she is loud and obnoxious at times still a good kid, but acting out I think do to the lack of her mother in her life. She is starting to calm down a little bit and act more like a lady now, then a brat. Although she did get pissed off at me the other night. It was the 4th and they were all over here at my house Dad included, we grilled out and shot off fireworks. She hit her sister in the arm, hard, for no reason and I told her that what she did was unacceptable. You can't just hit on people, you'll end up in jail for that kind of thing. So she was mad at me when she left that night, but she was right back at my house the very next day. She claimed she was still a little bit mad at me. :laugh2:

Funny thing is I never knew I was up for adoption....:coffee:

07-06-2009, 11:40 AM
Holy shit you're a saint! :salute:

07-06-2009, 12:37 PM
Holy shit you're a saint! :salute:

No I'm not....:)....I just enjoy helping people.

07-06-2009, 12:44 PM
Trinity, good for you! It's important that we help kids that need it. I had to do likewise with some neighbor kids years ago. I've never regretted it. They are all married now, not one of them ended up in jail, which is where they were heading.

07-07-2009, 08:31 AM
Trinity, good for you! It's important that we help kids that need it. I had to do likewise with some neighbor kids years ago. I've never regretted it. They are all married now, not one of them ended up in jail, which is where they were heading.

That's what I'm afraid of, and trying to help them to avoid. They have an older sister also that is 18, I have never met her, and she has been in some trouble already with the law. She is currently on probation and is now living with her 17 year old boyfriend and she still has a year of high school left.