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View Full Version : Libs Now Say Bush Wrote Stimulus Bill and That Is Why It Failed

red states rule
07-13-2009, 07:56 AM
I was searching the net for some stories and found this gem. Now the left is saying Pres Bush wrote the stimulus bill and that is the reason it has failed

They are not holding Obama, Reid, and Pelsoi accountable - but trying to pass the buck

Here are some samples of the spin

Who wrote this Stim Package???? It was NOT Obama or anyone on his team.

This package was written by the Bush people. It also had 40% useless Tax Cuts in the bill.

So lets start blaming Obama with the people receiving the Stim Package
How about the fact that less than 20% of the money has even gone out yet.

But of course so many of you just want the President to fail. To heck with what it will do to this Country you just want him to fail so you can sit back with a smug look and say "I told you so" So the Republicans will sit back and obstruct any and all plans just to say "I told you so" and forget what damage that will do to this country and how many other people will lose their jobs just so you can say "I told you so"


07-13-2009, 08:27 AM
I was not in favor of the bailout/stimulas package. It really doesn't matter to me who is trying to propose it, I dont' think I should have to pay anyones mortgage or bailout banks. nobody has bailed me out for bad choices ive made in life and that is how you learn lessons. this old article compares the difference in the way the two Presidents handle pushing the bailout through. Bush was a better salesman is all.

Stimulus/bailout confusion
A correspondent raises an important point: there’s widespread public confusion between the fiscal stimulus plan — which should, on its face, be very popular — and the bank bailouts, which are deeply (and understandably) unpopular. Spending on infrastructure commands broad support; rescuing bankers from the consequences of their own folly, broad revulsion.

And the Obama administration hasn’t done much to make the distinction — and the result is much less public support for the stimulus plan than we should have.

The Bush administration was brilliant at linking really elitist stuff to small middle-class benefits — pay no attention to the huge cut in the top marginal rate, look at those child tax credits! — as a way of getting its agenda through. Right now, the Obama administration seems to be doing the opposite: dragging down its pro-worker stimulus plan by creating a linkage in peoples’ minds to the outrageous bank bailout.


red states rule
07-13-2009, 08:30 AM
The President told us the stimulus did what it was supposed to do. I would imagine by the results..nothing. In fact, if you use the President's own graph, the stimulus has actually made the problem worse.

The stimulus was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The same people who said the CIA always lied to them but they continued to attend the meetings with the CIA to listen to more lies.

Even the stupid people have stopped listening to this Administration because their excuses has even fallen below their intelligence level.