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04-11-2007, 08:24 AM
Yikes!! The woman is talking about going to Iran now,and at the same time talking no better about thier leader than Bush. How come when he does it,he is critisized for starting up crap with useless rhetoric?


They can't even get a visa to go:laugh2: She is running amuck. She wants to be able to do what she wants. I think someone needs to explain to her that she wasn't elected president.

04-11-2007, 10:01 AM
Yeah, if she was elected president, then she could indeed do anything she wanted, just like King George. :laugh2:

04-11-2007, 10:06 AM
Yeah, if she was elected president, then she could indeed do anything she wanted, just like King George. :laugh2:

Apparently she thinks she HAS BEEN elected Secretary of State, or appointed Special Envoy by the President.

Odd, I haven't noticed the President doing anything he wants. Must be just more of that Lefty Handbook swill spewing forth.

04-11-2007, 10:40 AM
Yeah, if she was elected president, then she could indeed do anything she wanted, just like King George. :laugh2:

I don't remember a time where Bush did what he wanted.The war had backing, remember? Form the likes of Hillary at that.

You gotta admit,this is not her place to do this. She is overstepping her bounds,and going to Iran...well, she's dreaming if she thinks she can accomplish something there. Especially after what she said about her buddy.

04-11-2007, 10:46 AM
I don't remember a time where Bush did what he wanted.The war had backing, remember? Form the likes of Hillary at that.

You gotta admit,this is not her place to do this. She is overstepping her bounds,and going to Iran...well, she's dreaming if she thinks she can accomplish something there. Especially after what she said about her buddy.

The Islamic government of Iran's goal is world domination. Anyone that doesn't think so needs to pull their head out of the sand. Nothing Pelosi nor any amount of negotiating is going to do will amount to anything good for us, but it WILL buy time for Iran.

04-11-2007, 11:33 AM
I don't remember a time where Bush did what he wanted.The war had backing, remember? Form the likes of Hillary at that.

You gotta admit,this is not her place to do this. She is overstepping her bounds,and going to Iran...well, she's dreaming if she thinks she can accomplish something there. Especially after what she said about her buddy.

Yes, and the war has lost that support since then. Even though the public is fed up with it, as they made clear in the last election, Bush ignores the will of the people and keeps it going.

He's doing what he wants; the public be damned.

04-11-2007, 11:53 AM
Yes, and the war has lost that support since then. Even though the public is fed up with it, as they made clear in the last election, Bush ignores the will of the people and keeps it going.

He's doing what he wants; the public be damned. Our republican form of government sucks for you?

04-11-2007, 11:57 AM
The Islamic government of Iran's goal is world domination. Anyone that doesn't think so needs to pull their head out of the sand.

This is the certified madman inside your head talking. Reasonable sane people don't simply imagine out of the blue that a country that hasn't engaged in a war of conquest for hundreds of years is on a mission to rule the world.

This is the idol chatter of nutcase thinking. The kinda crap that delusional street people ramble about as they talk to themselves in front of the liquor store and flail at imaginary bats and spiders.

04-11-2007, 12:01 PM
You gotta admit,this is not her place to do this. She is overstepping her bounds

Let's all be honest about this OK.

The reason it sucks to be a Bushbot is because the joy ride is over.

Bush no longer has a rubber stamp Congress to approve anything at all that he does.

Bush no longer has a mandate or public support.

Bush is a lame duck. He is out voted by the American people and the congress. Bush is irrelevant.

Ya'll just don't like that, and are clinging to the past.

To no avail. Pelosi and Conyers and the rest of this congress are taking up half the leadership role of the federal gummit as they rightfully should.

The excess of the Bush monopoly on power is dead.

Get used to it.

04-11-2007, 12:21 PM
I don't remember a time where Bush did what he wanted.The war had backing, remember? Form the likes of Hillary at that.

You gotta admit,this is not her place to do this. She is overstepping her bounds,and going to Iran...well, she's dreaming if she thinks she can accomplish something there. Especially after what she said about her buddy.

Oh, really? How so? I heard some of her detractors rant about how she was "negotiating" with Syria, but I have yet to get a reply to my request to elaborate more specifically on what she is doing. All the allegations are very vague, which makes their credibility suspect.

04-11-2007, 12:30 PM
Yes, and the war has lost that support since then. Even though the public is fed up with it, as they made clear in the last election, Bush ignores the will of the people and keeps it going.

He's doing what he wants; the public be damned.

Maybe the public needs to learn that it doesn't get instant gratitude every time, and to focus for longer than 3 seconds and finish what it started?

04-11-2007, 12:32 PM
This is the certified madman inside your head talking. Reasonable sane people don't simply imagine out of the blue that a country that hasn't engaged in a war of conquest for hundreds of years is on a mission to rule the world.

This is the idol chatter of nutcase thinking. The kinda crap that delusional street people ramble about as they talk to themselves in front of the liquor store and flail at imaginary bats and spiders.

Of course not. Let's forget what President Alphabet says daily as he rattles his sword. Let's forget the Iran Hostage Crisis that they recently repeated with Great Britain. Let's forget Iranian shia were behind the Beiruit Barracks bombing.

Let's all stick our heads up our asses like you and not see what we don't want to.

If you want to play the fucking moron, I'll damned-sure be happy to treat you like one.

04-11-2007, 12:45 PM
Maybe the public needs to learn that it doesn't get instant gratitude every time, and to focus for longer than 3 seconds and finish what it started?

Four years is a lot longer than 3 seconds by a factor of 14,044,800. The public has been patient and Bush has botched this war. It's time the public's will got some respect.

04-11-2007, 12:46 PM
Let's forget what President Alphabet says daily as he rattles his sword.

He said he wants to take over the earth? Did you know he has no authority in the gummit of Iran, he is just a spokesman/figurehead?

Let's forget the Iran Hostage Crisis that they recently repeated with Great Britain.

You mean the border dispute in which the Iranians returned the brits safely to Britain?

Let's also not forget the US backing Iraq in a war against Iran AFTER the hostage crisis of 79.

Let's forget Iranian shia were behind the Beiruit Barracks bombing

No that was Hezbollah, look it up.

If you really believe that Iran has ambitions to rule the world then you have missing marbles, loose screws or are spoonfed BS.

04-11-2007, 12:48 PM
OK, I discovered your problem

Let's all stick our heads up our asses and not see what we don't want to.

simple solution Gunny, don't do that.

04-11-2007, 12:54 PM
He said he wants to take over the earth? Did you know he has no authority in the gummit of Iran, he is just a spokesman/figurehead?

Of course. He speaks for the Imams taht actually control Iran. Thanks for clarifying and cementing my point for me.

You mean the border dispute in which the Iranians returned the brits safely to Britain?

The dispute where Iranians committed an act of aggression against Great Britain and held hostage 15 military personnel.

Let's also not forget the US backing Iraq in a war against Iran AFTER the hostage crisis of 79.

Which has what to do with what? You going off on one of your deflecting tangents again?

No that was Hezbollah, look it up.

Hezbollah: a militant organization backed by Syria and Iran. Now known ot be armed and funded by Iran.

You had some point to make?

If you really believe that Iran has ambitions to rule the world then you have missing marbles, loose screws or are spoonfed BS.

If you don't believe it, your head is stuffed up your ass so you don't have to see the facts.

04-11-2007, 02:12 PM
This is the part in the article that had me scratching my head.

Lantos noted that "with the speaker's support,'' he has co-sponsored legislation in the House that calls for making available to all countries -- including Iran -- nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes under international oversight by establishing a "nuclear fuel bank."

"So if the Iranian president says that he is developing (nuclear material) for peaceful purposes, we are assisting him in that process,'' said Lantos, who anticipated the legislation could pass as early as May.

04-11-2007, 02:36 PM
Let's all be honest about this OK.

The reason it sucks to be a Bushbot is because the joy ride is over.

Bush no longer has a rubber stamp Congress to approve anything at all that he does.

Bush no longer has a mandate or public support.

Bush is a lame duck. He is out voted by the American people and the congress. Bush is irrelevant.

Ya'll just don't like that, and are clinging to the past.

To no avail. Pelosi and Conyers and the rest of this congress are taking up half the leadership role of the federal gummit as they rightfully should.

The excess of the Bush monopoly on power is dead.

Get used to it.

Outvoted by congress? You think there are enough votes in congress to override any of his vetos lol?

I hope Bush locks up the government by vetoing every friggin thing that comes across his desk. Remember when Bubba did that? LMFAO!

04-11-2007, 02:45 PM
Outvoted by congress? You think there are enough votes in congress to override any of his vetoes lol?

I hope Bush locks up the government by vetoing every friggin thing that comes across his desk. Remember when Bubba did that? LMFAO!

I hope he does too..

The Democrats in Congress don't want to play non partisan anything..

They think they have now been elected to take over the Presidents duties..

They need to be knocked down a notch or two...:laugh2:

04-11-2007, 02:48 PM
Yikes!! The woman is talking about going to Iran now,and at the same time talking no better about thier leader than Bush. How come when he does it,he is critisized for starting up crap with useless rhetoric?


They can't even get a visa to go:laugh2: She is running amuck. She wants to be able to do what she wants. I think someone needs to explain to her that she wasn't elected president.I suspect you're simply jealous because you can't afford to travel to Tulsa, let alone overseas.

04-11-2007, 02:50 PM
I suspect you're simply jealous because you can't afford to travel to Tulsa, let alone overseas.

I think Jealousy.......is a liberal trait..:slap:

04-11-2007, 02:56 PM
I think Jealousy.......is a liberal trait..:slap:According to your dear friend glockmail, so is masturbating.


04-11-2007, 03:13 PM
I suspect you're simply jealous because you can't afford to travel to Tulsa, let alone overseas.

Uh...good one :slap:

By the way,what are you talking about?!!!

Abbey Marie
04-11-2007, 03:16 PM
This is the part in the article that had me scratching my head.

Lantos noted that "with the speaker's support,'' he has co-sponsored legislation in the House that calls for making available to all countries -- including Iran -- nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes under international oversight by establishing a "nuclear fuel bank."

"So if the Iranian president says that he is developing (nuclear material) for peaceful purposes, we are assisting him in that process,'' said Lantos, who anticipated the legislation could pass as early as May.

Wow. This has already gone way beyond just political differences. If the Dems have free reign, I truly fear for our future, and for the rest of the free world.

04-11-2007, 04:06 PM
Let's all be honest about this OK.

The reason it sucks to be a Bushbot is because the joy ride is over.

Bush no longer has a rubber stamp Congress to approve anything at all that he does.

Bush no longer has a mandate or public support.

Bush is a lame duck. He is out voted by the American people and the congress. Bush is irrelevant.

Ya'll just don't like that, and are clinging to the past.

To no avail. Pelosi and Conyers and the rest of this congress are taking up half the leadership role of the federal gummit as they rightfully should.

The excess of the Bush monopoly on power is dead.

Get used to it.

If I'm correct(and I'm sure you will say I'm not),inthe last presidential election the media and the Democrats swore this war was a loosing one. The funniest thing happened tho,Bush was re elected. I wonder why that was. Maybe because the country felt a Democrat doesn't have the balls to do what needs to be done to protect our country for terrorists. Sorry,but you Libs and your public support crap doesn't float. As I have said before. The media in this country reports what it wants,how it wants,to make things go how they want.
The next presidential race will not be as close as you think. You may have another 4 years of a conservative....

get used to it:salute:

04-11-2007, 04:08 PM
Wow. This has already gone way beyond just political differences. If the Dems have free reign, I truly fear for our future, and for the rest of the free world.

Don't fear Abbey. Nancy Pelosi will reign in all the terrorists and turn them good. We have nothing to fear as long as she is President.....oops,I mean Speaker

04-11-2007, 04:11 PM
Wow. This has already gone way beyond just political differences. If the Dems have free reign, I truly fear for our future, and for the rest of the free world.

Exactly what I was thinking..

The Democrats are going to supply the fuel that Iran will use to terrorize us with, and wipe Israel off the face of the earth...

the Dems. can not hold the congress and win the Presidency in 08..

Or we're screwed...:poke:

04-11-2007, 04:26 PM
Uh...good one :slap:

By the way,what are you talking about?!!!I'm talking about the paranoid fantasies of ditto-headed hoes. :laugh2:

(And if you don't want to forgive me for that remark, that's okay; Jesus will!)

04-11-2007, 04:53 PM
Exactly what I was thinking..

The Democrats are going to supply the fuel that Iran will use to terrorize us with, and wipe Israel off the face of the earth...

the Dems. can not hold the congress and win the Presidency in 08..

Or we're screwed...:poke: And the socialists will finally get rid of the Joos. :clap:

04-11-2007, 05:07 PM
I'm talking about the paranoid fantasies of ditto-headed hoes. :laugh2:

(And if you don't want to forgive me for that remark, that's okay; Jesus will!)


Even tho I'm a 'Bushbot",I can take a joke

ahem....looser:coffee: :dance:

04-11-2007, 05:16 PM
This is the part in the article that had me scratching my head.

Maybe it wouldn't if you read the entire article

"There was, of course, a shadow over all of it, Iran: Iran's support of terrorist groups is something that must be stopped,'' she said. "Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon is something that must not happen and we must stop them with the strongest of diplomatic measures.''

Lantos noted that "with the speaker's support,'' he has co-sponsored legislation in the House that calls for making available to all countries -- including Iran -- nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes under international oversight by establishing a "nuclear fuel bank."

"So if the Iranian president says that he is developing (nuclear material) for peaceful purposes, we are assisting him in that process,'' said Lantos, who anticipated the legislation could pass as early as May.

Like it or not, Iran is a signer of the NPA. But in this administrations fashion, Pakistan and Iran are allowed to pursue nuclear weapons and they are not. Meanwhile, reporst say that bin Laden is hiding in Pakistan, all the while Musaraff denying any American soldiers access to his borders, now that he has what they want.

Is Iran trying to develope a nuke instead of power? Who knows.....but they are allowed to develope nuclear power.

04-11-2007, 05:28 PM
Maybe it wouldn't if you read the entire article

Like it or not, Iran is a signer of the NPA. But in this administrations fashion, Pakistan and Iran are allowed to pursue nuclear weapons and they are not. Meanwhile, reports say that bin Laden is hiding in Pakistan, all the while Musharraf denying any American soldiers access to his borders, now that he has what they want.

Is Iran trying to develop a nuke instead of power? Who knows.....but they are allowed to develop nuclear power.

The other countries aren't shouting about how they *want to wipe a country off the map*.
If the Democrats get in charge...
I better go start digging my fallout shelter...
You should too..:cheers2:

04-11-2007, 05:33 PM
Exactly what I was thinking..

The Democrats are going to supply the fuel that Iran will use to terrorize us with, and wipe Israel off the face of the earth...

the Dems. can not hold the congress and win the Presidency in 08..

Or we're screwed...:poke:

No you simply do not understand nuclear technology.

The "fuel" being discussed is only purified to 3.5% purity. It can only be purified to a sufficient purity for a nuclear weapon (I think it is 97% purity) by a massive industrial sized operation the size of a small city.

That covers U 235. That is the hard fissile material to make, but the easy one to design a bomb with.

Plutonium is a by product of every nuclear reactor on earth. So this fuel is commonly, and cheaply available to anyone who wants it.

But building a plutonium bomb is veery difficult.

The US built Iran several nuclear power plants 20-30 years ago. So we already know they have plenty of plutonium to make a weapon. But we doubt they have.

And the 3.5% purity reactor fuel is a world away from being weapons grade.

04-11-2007, 05:43 PM
Considering some of the replies here, I think a closer look at the article is in order:

Pelosi, Lantos may be interested in diplomatic trip to Iran

Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi list...

(04-10) 18:42 PDT -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Tom Lantos, D-San Mateo, just back from a trip to Syria that sparked sharp criticism from Republicans and the Bush administration, suggested Tuesday that they may be interested in taking another diplomatic trip - to open a dialogue with Iran.Note, not one word about WHY it garnered sharp criticism, including from Democrats.

The Democratic speaker from San Francisco and Lantos, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, were asked at a press conference in San Francisco Tuesday whether on the heels of their recent trip to the Middle East they would be interested in extending their diplomacy in the troubled region with a visit to Iran.

"Speaking just for myself, I would be ready to get on a plane tomorrow morning, because however objectionable, unfair and inaccurate many of (Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's) statements are, it is important that we have a dialogue with him,'' Lantos said. "Speaking for myself, I'm ready to go -- and knowing the speaker, I think that she might be.''Thus providing cover for the Speaker to meet with a Holocaust denying megalomaniac. As a 'victim' Lantos is beyond reproach.

Pelosi did not dispute that statement, and noted that Lantos -- a Hungarian-born survivor of the Holocaust -- brought "great experience, knowledge and judgment" to the recent bipartisan congressional delegation trip to Israel, the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia in addition to Syria.

"I find the president of Iran's remarks to be so repulsive that they are outside the circle of civilized human behavior,'' Pelosi said, referring to Ahmadinejad's past comments that Israel should be wiped off the face of the map and his questioning of the existence of the Holocaust.

"But a person of Mr. Lantos' stature and personal experience is saying that -- even as a Holocaust survivor and even recognizing the outrageous statements of the president of Iran -- it's important to have dialogue. I think that speaks volumes.''

Pelosi was criticized by President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other members of the administration and other Democrats and generally Democratic leading editorialistsfor meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad, who the administration said has meddled in the politics and fomented violence in Iraq and Lebanon and is a state sponsor of terrorism. Other Republicans, however, also visited Syria during the current congressional recess. One of those lawmakers, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista (San Diego County), visited Syria a day after the Pelosi delegation and said the Bush administration should be talking with Assad as a way of trying to bring peace to the region. Though none of them offered something that neither the President of the US or Prime Minister of Israel did not...

The president also has tried to isolate Iran, saying its government, too, has aided attacks against Americans in Iraq and elsewhere while ramping up its efforts to build nuclear weapons.

Lantos said that for more than a decade, he has been trying to obtain a visa to visit Tehran with the help of former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan -- and to date neither he nor any other member of Congress has been successful.

Pelosi said that throughout the congressional delegation's recent Middle East trip, "every place we went we had a constant message: the safety and security of Israel, fighting terrorism.''

"There was, of course, a shadow over all of it, Iran: Iran's support of terrorist groups is something that must be stopped,'' she said. "Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon is something that must not happen and we must stop them with the strongest of diplomatic measures.''

Lantos noted that "with the speaker's support,'' he has co-sponsored legislation in the House that calls for making available to all countries -- including Iran -- nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes under international oversight by establishing a "nuclear fuel bank."

"So if the Iranian president says that he is developing (nuclear material) for peaceful purposes, we are assisting him in that process,'' said Lantos, who anticipated the legislation could pass as early as May. Thus they both are staking US and Middle East security on their hopes and wishes, with nothing that supports them.

04-11-2007, 06:08 PM
Considering some of the replies here, I think a closer look at the article is in order:

Thus they both are staking US and Middle East security on their hopes and wishes, with nothing that supports them.

Well anyone who has any experience on political boards can tell you actually reading the links is a waste of time. [/sarc]

they both are staking US and Middle East security on their hopes and wishes

This statement depends on several assumptions not presented by the offending article.

Why is a persistent assumption made that Nancy intends, is capable of, or will have any effect on our ME affairs by taking a fact finding tour?

Congresspersons do this ALL THE TIME and the world doesn't end. It is without any doubt part of their responsibilities to understand our roles in that region, and getting an in person look is a plus, not a minus.

Why the staged objections to everything pelosi does recently?

04-11-2007, 06:15 PM
Well anyone who has any experience on political boards can tell you actually reading the links is a waste of time. [/sarc]

they both are staking US and Middle East security on their hopes and wishes

This statement depends on several assumptions not presented by the offending article.

Why is a persistent assumption made that Nancy intends, is capable of, or will have any effect on our ME affairs by taking a fact finding tour?

Congresspersons do this ALL THE TIME and the world doesn't end. It is without any doubt part of their responsibilities to understand our roles in that region, and getting an in person look is a plus, not a minus.

Why the staged objections to everything pelosi does recently?

Your premise is untrue or misinformed. Congresspeople do often go overseas for 'factfinding', not for diplomacy-it is outside their constitutional duties. What isn't is finding out what is going on, especially Senators, so the may 'advise and consent' with greater knowledge, beyond executive briefings.

04-11-2007, 06:36 PM
Your premise is untrue or misinformed. Congresspeople do often go overseas for 'factfinding', not for diplomacy-it is outside their constitutional duties. What isn't is finding out what is going on, especially Senators, so the may 'advise and consent' with greater knowledge, beyond executive briefings.

So to what do we owe the persistent assumption that Pelosi is not fact finding, meeting and greeting, that she has an agenda to negotiate.

BTW, diplomacy includes eating meals, press conferences, photo opps. All congresscritters do foreign diplomacy.

They just don't make bargains, promises based on the good faith of the nation etc.

04-11-2007, 06:45 PM
So to what do we owe the persistent assumption that Pelosi is not fact finding, meeting and greeting, that she has an agenda to negotiate.

BTW, diplomacy includes eating meals, press conferences, photo opps. All congresscritters do foreign diplomacy.

They just don't make bargains, promises based on the good faith of the nation etc.

When she told Assad that Israel was ready to meet with him.

04-11-2007, 08:17 PM
This is the certified madman inside your head talking. Reasonable sane people don't simply imagine out of the blue that a country that hasn't engaged in a war of conquest for hundreds of years is on a mission to rule the world.

This is the idol chatter of nutcase thinking. The kinda crap that delusional street people ramble about as they talk to themselves in front of the liquor store and flail at imaginary bats and spiders.

You are sadly delusional. Islam's goal is the entire world subjugated under Islamic rule. To believe otherwise is to be like those in 7th-10th century that did not understand what Islam really meant and wanted. It only finally realized after they began to conquer a large part of the world and essentially force people into conversions. Yes, if you are not muslim, you place in Islamic society is almost nill. You are need to pull that wet, nappy wool away from your sheltered and spiteful eyes.

04-11-2007, 09:40 PM
The other countries aren't shouting about how they *want to wipe a country off the map*.
If the Democrats get in charge...
I better go start digging my fallout shelter...
You should too..:cheers2:

Lemmme see here. First off, the translation of what we are saying Ahmadinejad is wrong. The correct translation is, if I'm not mistaken we will wipe Israel off the pages of a book...history. They are not threating to wipe them off the map. Bomb them.

So, you're fine with Israel having a bomb, with their history of starting wars and not a member of the NPA and Pakistan as volatile as they are, also not a member of the NPA to have a nuke, but you're all up in arms because Ahmadinejad saber rattles once a month?

Oh and as for being so afraid the Democrats are in charge. If you notice that is old and worn out, it didn't work in the last election, but please keep it up, it'll help you lose in '08 too.

Aren't you tired of living in manufactured fear? Doesn't that mean the terrorists have won?

04-11-2007, 09:40 PM
You are sadly delusional. Islam's goal is the entire world subjugated under Islamic rule. To believe otherwise is to be like those in 7th-10th century that did not understand what Islam really meant and wanted. It only finally realized after they began to conquer a large part of the world and essentially force people into conversions. Yes, if you are not muslim, you place in Islamic society is almost nill. You are need to pull that wet, nappy wool away from your sheltered and spiteful eyes. Don't be so niggardly with your words, Yurt!

04-11-2007, 09:41 PM
You are sadly delusional. Islam's goal is the entire world subjugated under Islamic rule. To believe otherwise is to be like those in 7th-10th century that did not understand what Islam really meant and wanted. It only finally realized after they began to conquer a large part of the world and essentially force people into conversions. Yes, if you are not muslim, you place in Islamic society is almost nill. You are need to pull that wet, nappy wool away from your sheltered and spiteful eyes.

If that were true, with all the Muslims in the world wouldn't that be reality now?

04-11-2007, 09:42 PM
Don't be so niggardly with your words, Yurt!Actually, Yurt uses far more words than he should, so your choice of descriptors isn't accurate.

(For those of you keeping score, the number of words Yurt should use is 0.)

04-11-2007, 09:48 PM
Aren't you tired of living in manufactured fear? Doesn't that mean the terrorists have won?

Don't worry..
Us people who see the Real World for what it is, and not lay in a dream state of what we wish, we'll be there to protect you when the shit it's the fan..
No matter how much you all badmouth us..
Dig that hole in the sand...dig dig dig


04-11-2007, 09:52 PM
Don't be so niggardly with your words, Yurt!

::groan: :lol:

04-11-2007, 10:01 PM
You are sadly delusional. Islam's goal is the entire world subjugated under Islamic rule.

YOU are sadly confused, we were talking about Iran, not Islam.

quote]To believe otherwise is to be like those in 7th-10th century that did not understand what Islam really meant and wanted. It only finally realized after they began to conquer a large part of the world and essentially force people into conversions.[/quote]

You do realize that the Christian nations ACTUALLY DID conquer most of the world and force people to covert to christianity?

So while the christians and their unparralleled rampage of conquest slavery, murder, torture and theft have proven that your premise is viable, it also proves that it wasn't the Muslims to fear.

Where the Muslims may WANT to commit horrible aggregious crimes of worldwide domination your ancestors ALREADY HAVE.

04-11-2007, 10:09 PM
YOU are sadly confused, we were talking about Iran, not Islam.

quote]To believe otherwise is to be like those in 7th-10th century that did not understand what Islam really meant and wanted. It only finally realized after they began to conquer a large part of the world and essentially force people into conversions.

You do realize that the Christian nations ACTUALLY DID conquer most of the world and force people to covert to Christianity?

So while the Christians and their unparalleled rampage of conquest slavery, murder, torture and theft have proven that your premise is viable, it also proves that it wasn't the Muslims to fear.

Where the Muslims may WANT to commit horrible egregious crimes of worldwide domination your ancestors ALREADY HAVE.[/QUOTE]

Yeah......we go around cutting people heads off to make them convert..
why do you live in this evil christian country??
Try Iran.....Your kind of thinking fits right in with theirs..:slap:

04-11-2007, 10:24 PM
how do you delete a post?

04-11-2007, 10:25 PM
Yeah......we go around cutting people heads off to make them convert..
why do you live in this evil christian country??
Try Iran.....Your kind of thinking fits right in with theirs..:slap:I think you are confused. That point was about Christian history, not current events.

And the poster you are referring to was against that sort of behaviour so that would be the opposite of wanting to live in a theocracy.

04-11-2007, 10:32 PM
Holy shit.......I'm seeing double..

The point was............We were talking about Islam..

Yours and his point is??????

04-11-2007, 11:33 PM
Yeah......we go around cutting people heads off to make them convert..
why do you live in this evil christian country??
Try Iran.....Your kind of thinking fits right in with theirs..:slap:[/QUOTE]

But WE did go around the world cutting peoples heads off, ever hear of a guilotine? Or a gallows?

This "evil christian country" is just part of an nearly worldwide empire of christian empires.

So what is your beef with Muslims who "want to" but don't, do what we DID do?

04-11-2007, 11:37 PM
Yeah......we go around cutting people heads off to make them convert..
why do you live in this evil christian country??
Try Iran.....Your kind of thinking fits right in with theirs..:slap:[/QUOTE]

I think he is an iranian. He sides with them a little to much.

04-11-2007, 11:37 PM
Yeah......we go around cutting people heads off to make them convert..
why do you live in this evil christian country??
Try Iran.....Your kind of thinking fits right in with theirs..:slap:

But WE did go around the world cutting peoples heads off, ever hear of a guilotine? Or a gallows?


who is we and when was this?

04-11-2007, 11:39 PM
Yeah......we go around cutting people heads off to make them convert..
why do you live in this evil christian country??
Try Iran.....Your kind of thinking fits right in with theirs..:slap:

But WE did go around the world cutting peoples heads off, ever hear of a guilotine? Or a gallows?

This "evil christian country" is just part of an nearly worldwide empire of christian empires.

So what is your beef with Muslims who "want to" but don't, do what we DID do?[/QUOTE]

You really need to get some history lessons in before coming in making a fool of yourself. That psuedo history they teach you in iran just won't get it here raghead.

04-11-2007, 11:45 PM
But WE did go around the world cutting peoples heads off, ever hear of a guilotine? Or a gallows?

who is we and when was this?[/QUOTE]

It is called the imperial age, the europeans took hundreds of millions of slaves, conquered at least three continents and stole the wealth of half the world.

It was without parrallel the most notorious crime spree of all time.

And it was committed by the recent ancestors of the American gringo.


04-11-2007, 11:46 PM
Lemmme see here. First off, the translation of what we are saying Ahmadinejad is wrong. The correct translation is, if I'm not mistaken we will wipe Israel off the pages of a book...history. They are not threating to wipe them off the map. Bomb them.

So, you're fine with Israel having a bomb, with their history of starting wars and not a member of the NPA and Pakistan as volatile as they are, also not a member of the NPA to have a nuke, but you're all up in arms because Ahmadinejad saber rattles once a month?

Oh and as for being so afraid the Democrats are in charge. If you notice that is old and worn out, it didn't work in the last election, but please keep it up, it'll help you lose in '08 too.

Aren't you tired of living in manufactured fear? Doesn't that mean the terrorists have won?

Your mistaken. He has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the MAP. He has repeatedly called for the total destructuion of Israel, the US and Britain. There is no misinterpretation except on your part because you refuse to believe he means what he says. Your in a constant state of denial.

04-11-2007, 11:47 PM
who is we and when was this?

It is called the imperial age, the europeans took hundreds of millions of slaves, conquered at least three continents and stole the wealth of half the world.

It was without parrallel the most notorious crime spree of all time.

And it was committed by the recent ancestors of the American gringo.


ah that we.....this makes americans guilty how?.....

04-11-2007, 11:49 PM
You really need to get some history lessons in before coming in making a fool of yourself. That psuedo history they teach you in iran just won't get it here raghead.

NO YOU need to learn some history ignorostooge.

You, Gaffer, can't even begin to stand up to what little i know about world history.

But I know enough to know that your ancestors more than likely were the most uncivilized lot in all of recorded history.

Rapers. pillagers, slave owners, thieves, yes THAT is who you almost certainly descended from.

But naturally you can't handle the truth. Gaffe can't handle the truth.

04-11-2007, 11:53 PM
ah that we.....this makes americans guilty how?.....

You jumped waaaaaay offtopic. Americans ARE guilty for stealing half a continent and lotsa murderin etc....

But the point was that Muslims may WANT to conquer the world, but we already did. WE already stole half the world from indiginous peoples.

You are welcome.

04-11-2007, 11:58 PM
Your mistaken. He has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the MAP. He has repeatedly called for the total destructuion of Israel

Gaffe you are really, really wrong this time so wrong that you owe it to yourself to search it out yourself to learn the truth.

The Iranian pres called for moving Israel, to europe, to alaska or somewhere else.

Meanwhile the third leading Israeli official DEFINITELY called for drowning Palestinians in the dead sea, even offering to provide the buses.

I know you are as ignorant as a stump, but you are also dead wrong more than half the time because you choose to believe lies.

It would do YOU a lot of good to get over yourself and check out the truth. Cuz you really are lost and WRONG.

04-12-2007, 12:00 AM
You jumped waaaaaay offtopic. Americans ARE guilty for stealing half a continent and lotsa murderin etc....

But the point was that Muslims may WANT to conquer the world, but we already did. WE already stole half the world from indiginous peoples.

You are welcome.

not really you are blaming modern day americans for the sins of other nations, mainly, france, britain, russia....

further muslims invaded spain and most of southern europe prior to imperialism...further if the cradel of civilization is the middle east then we are all descedants of the middle eastern people ... so everyone is guilty by association including you...

04-12-2007, 12:03 AM
I think he is an iranian. He sides with them a little to much.

I think you are a lily white chicken hawk coward, whitecollar criminal, cuz you side with them too much.

FWIW, dumbshit, I was born into the US Navy with a long history of admirals and captains in my lineage. Relatives of mine have fought in every US war since the civil war.

YOU? ?? ????

04-12-2007, 12:08 AM
I think he is an iranian. He sides with them a little to much

I think you are a lily white chicken hawk coward, whitecollar criminal, cuz you side with them too much.

FWIW, dumbshit, I was born into the US Navy with a long history of admirals and captains in my lineage. Relatives of mine have fought in every US war since the civil war.

YOU? ?? ????

us army ... relatives in every war including the revolution...both sides of the civil and everything in between....so what? .... tough being "half" southern and the other "half" decendants of general sherman .....

04-12-2007, 12:11 AM
not really you are blaming modern day americans for the sins of other nations, mainly, france, britain, russia....

No dumbshit, I am pointing out that while the islamofascists may latently 'want" to conquer the world we DID conquer the world.

So quit treating the islamofascist threat like a threat. It isn't one.

04-12-2007, 12:21 AM
No dumbshit, I am pointing out that while the islamofascists may latently 'want" to conquer the world we DID conquer the world.

So quit treating the islamofascist threat like a threat. It isn't one.

"no dumb shit" ... nice.....you kiss your mom with that mouth?

....oh and WE did not conquer the world .... if WE did.... there would be no islamofascist threat .... but since you say they do not want violence and are not a threat ... why did they and do they attack countries all over the world?

isloamofacists have killed in the US, England, Spain, sudan, somalia, russia, bosnia...to name a few...how can they not be a threat .... hey they just killed 25 in algeria .... peacefull bunch those non threatening islamofacists

04-12-2007, 12:27 AM
NO YOU need to learn some history ignorostooge.

You, Gaffer, can't even begin to stand up to what little i know about world history.

But I know enough to know that your ancestors more than likely were the most uncivilized lot in all of recorded history.

Rapers. pillagers, slave owners, thieves, yes THAT is who you almost certainly descended from.

But naturally you can't handle the truth. Gaffe can't handle the truth.

Your right you know VERY LITTLE about history. Childish attacks will get you no where. :fu:

04-12-2007, 12:30 AM
Gaffe you are really, really wrong this time so wrong that you owe it to yourself to search it out yourself to learn the truth.

The Iranian pres called for moving Israel, to europe, to alaska or somewhere else.

Meanwhile the third leading Israeli official DEFINITELY called for drowning Palestinians in the dead sea, even offering to provide the buses.

I know you are as ignorant as a stump, but you are also dead wrong more than half the time because you choose to believe lies.

It would do YOU a lot of good to get over yourself and check out the truth. Cuz you really are lost and WRONG.

And I think your an iranian stooge. :fu:

04-12-2007, 12:38 AM
And I think your an iranian stooge. :fu:

10:30.....looks like lights out in the barracks for our stooge

04-12-2007, 12:39 AM
I think you are a lily white chicken hawk coward, whitecollar criminal, cuz you side with them too much.

FWIW, dumbshit, I was born into the US Navy with a long history of admirals and captains in my lineage. Relatives of mine have fought in every US war since the civil war.

YOU? ?? ????

Well for someone with that much military family background your not very patriotic. I know for a fact you have never served. Your nothing but an iranian appologists. A dhimmi.

My family is my business, as for me, you will have to do some research on this board.

04-12-2007, 12:44 AM
So quit treating the islamofascist threat like a threat. It isn't one.

yikes....no way the author of this is US Navy

04-12-2007, 12:55 AM
"no dumb shit" ... nice.....you kiss your mom with that mouth?

....oh and WE did not conquer the world .... if WE did.... there would be no islamofascist threat .... but since you say they do not want violence and are not a threat ... why did they and do they attack countries all over the world?

isloamofacists have killed in the US, England, Spain, sudan, somalia, russia, bosnia...to name a few...how can they not be a threat .... hey they just killed 25 in algeria .... peacefull bunch those non threatening islamofacists

Manu child we DID conquer most of the world, read some history.

And the attacks you speak of are less than the ravages of bees, snakes and spiders.

Except when discussing the saudi Arabians who killed thousands. But Bush holds hands with them.

04-12-2007, 12:58 AM
Manu child we DID conquer most of the world, read some history.

And the attacks you speak of are less than the ravages of bees, snakes and spiders.

Except when discussing the Saudi Arabians who killed thousands. But Bush holds hands with them.

What the....Are you living in the past in your head....Or in real time.??

HELLO.......come into the future....HELLO....HELLO
Anybody home..:poke:

04-12-2007, 01:00 AM
Well for someone with that much military family background your not very patriotic.

Please fuck off and die, heathen Anti American slime.

You support the most destructive regime that has ever threatened America. The Bush regime.

Don't insult this board by pretending that Bush is not a criminal and a traitor who is destroying our nation.

Read the Lee Iacoca thread and get some sense knocked into your skull.

You are an embarrassment to a once great nation.

04-12-2007, 01:02 AM
Manu child we DID conquer most of the world, read some history.

And the attacks you speak of are less than the ravages of bees, snakes and spiders.

Except when discussing the saudi Arabians who killed thousands. But Bush holds hands with them.

most is not all .... bees, snakes and spiders? those attacks killed thousands .... seems you would invade saudi arabia for the deaths of thosands ....are you advocating invading any country that has killed more than a thousand? or should we just not have diplomatic realtions with any country that has killed more than a thousand ...

04-12-2007, 01:02 AM
What the....Are you living in the past in your head....Or in real time.??

No dumbo, I am not living in the past, I am SPEAKING about the past, what actually happened.

Vs what you fear MIGHT happen.

Please buy a brain even if it bankrupts you, at least you will know you are broke.

04-12-2007, 01:04 AM
most is not all .... bees, snakes and spiders? those attacks killed thousands .... seems you would invade saudi arabia for the deaths of thosands ....are you advocating invading any country that has killed more than a thousand? or should we just not have diplomatic realtions with any country that has killed more than a thousand ...

Don't trust your feeble senses to assume what I WOULD do. You are far too stupid for that line of thinking.

04-12-2007, 01:06 AM
And I think your an iranian stooge. :fu:

Don't lie to this board, you don't think. YOU are a Bushbot parrot.

04-12-2007, 01:08 AM
Please fuck off and die, heathen Anti American slime.

You support the most destructive regime that has ever threatened America. The Bush regime.

Don't insult this board by pretending that Bush is not a criminal and a traitor who is destroying our nation.

Read the Lee Iacoca thread and get some sense knocked into your skull.

You are an embarrassment to a once great nation.

Is that a death threat? Coming from an islamist like yourself that's not surprising. Only people out to destroy this nation are people like you. islamist. Nothing but an iranian stooge.

Lee Iacoca is a car salesman.

This is STILL a great nation, it even allows fools like you to live here.

04-12-2007, 01:10 AM
Don't trust your feeble senses to assume what I WOULD do. You are far too stupid for that line of thinking.

this is the best you can do......

04-12-2007, 01:14 AM
Is that a death threat?

You really ARE a paranoid schitzophrenic aren't you?

Death threat. that is hillarious.

BOO! did you jump?

Coming from an islamist like yourself that's not surprising. Only people out to destroy this nation are people like you. islamist. Nothing but an iranian stooge.

please take your lithium, you are hallucinating again and imagining WMD everywhere.

Lee Iacoca is a car salesman.

This is STILL a great nation, it even allows fools like you to live here.

Manufacturing CEO, not a sales man. YOU are a car salesman if you are lucky.

This was a great nation until Bush gutted it.

Pull your head outta your ass, and tell the truth for once. You can lie all day and night, but you aren't fooling anyone.

04-12-2007, 01:16 AM
No dumbo, I am not living in the past, I am SPEAKING about the past, what actually happened.

Vs what you fear MIGHT happen.

Please buy a brain even if it bankrupts you, at least you will know you are broke.

Okiy Dokiy....If yuem sey sa....

Earth to Losercannon....Hello..

04-12-2007, 01:29 AM
You really ARE a paranoid schitzophrenic aren't you?

Death threat. that is hillarious.

BOO! did you jump?

please take your lithium, you are hallucinating again and imagining WMD everywhere.

Manufacturing CEO, not a sales man. YOU are a car salesman if you are lucky.

This was a great nation until Bush gutted it.

Pull your head outta your ass, and tell the truth for once. You can lie all day and night, but you aren't fooling anyone.

Gee, I get the impression you don't like me. Was it something I said?

You really need to do something about that temper. :fu:

04-12-2007, 07:54 AM
You really ARE a paranoid schitzophrenic aren't you?

Death threat. that is hillarious.

BOO! did you jump?

please take your lithium, you are hallucinating again and imagining WMD everywhere.

Manufacturing CEO, not a sales man. YOU are a car salesman if you are lucky.

This was a great nation until Bush gutted it.

Pull your head outta your ass, and tell the truth for once. You can lie all day and night, but you aren't fooling anyone.

To my knowledge,gaffer is no paranoid schitzophrenic,nor is he on lithium(unless there is something my dear father in law hasn't told me in the last 14 years) It is becoming very hard however to believe that you are not. Can you have a debate without calling names? Read your posts,you sound like your going to blow a gasket just because someone on a message board disagrees with you.:uhoh:

04-12-2007, 12:00 PM
To my knowledge,gaffer is no paranoid schitzophrenic,nor is he on lithium(unless there is something my dear father in law hasn't told me in the last 14 years) It is becoming very hard however to believe that you are not. Can you have a debate without calling names? Read your posts,you sound like your going to blow a gasket just because someone on a message board disagrees with you.:uhoh:You're married to the guy? :eek:

I would have thought that any woman who isn't mildly retarded or desperate to stay in the US would rather be Michael Moore's concubine.

04-12-2007, 12:07 PM
You're married to the guy? :eek:

I would have thought that any woman who isn't mildly retarded or desperate to stay in the US would rather be Michael Moore's concubine.

No,Einstein,I am married to his son. Hence the term "father in law"

Michael Moore?.......I'd completely abstain before anyone saw me with that tard

04-12-2007, 06:17 PM
Your mistaken. He has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the MAP. He has repeatedly called for the total destructuion of Israel, the US and Britain. There is no misinterpretation except on your part because you refuse to believe he means what he says. Your in a constant state of denial.

If you say so.....I may be wrong, but I really doubt that you have Arabic or Farsi speaking friends.

04-12-2007, 06:35 PM
Gee, I get the impression you don't like me. Was it something I said?

You really need to do something about that temper. :fu:

but then again everything gets by you.

You are a sheeple who spreads poisonous idiologies that you in no way understand yourself. You are a danger to yourself and your nation.

It is for thew good of the nation that somebody try to intervene in the political psychosis in which you swim and heal the disease.

Otherwise you could metastasize to the body politic.

Call me Doc.

04-12-2007, 06:37 PM
To my knowledge,gaffer is no paranoid schitzophrenic,nor is he on lithium(unless there is something my dear father in law hasn't told me in the last 14 years) It is becoming very hard however to believe that you are not. Can you have a debate without calling names? Read your posts,you sound like your going to blow a gasket just because someone on a message board disagrees with you.:uhoh:

Oh put an end to your feigned indignations and tend to your father in law who is imagining death threats behind every post and every Muslim.

04-12-2007, 06:39 PM
If you say so.....I may be wrong, but I really doubt that you have Arabic or Farsi speaking friends.

No you aren't wrong at all, he very specifically said that Israel should be moved to either europe or Alaska.

04-12-2007, 06:40 PM
Whoa....someone off their meds???:coffee:

04-12-2007, 06:51 PM
Whoa....someone off their meds???:coffee:

That would be you

04-12-2007, 06:52 PM
Oh put an end to your feigned indignations and tend to your father in law who is imagining death threats behind every post and every Muslim.

I don't think my father in law is the crazy one. You act like some kind of enraged loon who can't control himself. Cussing people out because they don't agree with you. Calling names. You my friend need to be commited to a padded cell.

I have never been nasty to you,or any other Lib,but if you wanna dish it,I can take it,and give it right back.....

Grow up you Michael Moore wannabe

See I can act like a first grader too!!!

04-12-2007, 06:56 PM
I don't think my father in law is the crazy one. You act like some kind of enraged loon who can't control himself. Cussing people out because they don't agree with you. Calling names. You my friend need to be committed to a padded cell.

I have never been nasty to you,or any other Lib,but if you wanna dish it,I can take it,and give it right back.....

Grow up you Michael Moore wannabe

See I can act like a first grader too!!!

That was a pretty disgusting low blow he said to you,Krisy
The guy is a screwy whack job...
Good on you for taking him down a notch..


04-12-2007, 07:02 PM
That was a pretty disgusting low blow he said to you,Krisy
The guy is a screwy whack job...
Good on you for taking him down a notch..


Thanks Steph.....

I'm thinking he's gotta be from DU. Really. That's is the biggest bunch of nutbags I have ever seen.

04-12-2007, 07:06 PM
Thanks Steph.....

I'm thinking he's gotta be from DU. Really. That's is the biggest bunch of nutbags I have ever seen.

I'm thinking he's posting from a mental institution....sheesh..:slap:

04-12-2007, 07:20 PM
Actually, Yurt uses far more words than he should, so your choice of descriptors isn't accurate.

(For those of you keeping score, the number of words Yurt should use is 0.)

Thank you for your great insight into the thread topic. Now here is a quarter, go play on the freeway like the good little child you are...

04-12-2007, 07:24 PM
No dumbo, I am not living in the past, I am SPEAKING about the past, what actually happened.

Vs what you fear MIGHT happen.

Please buy a brain even if it bankrupts you, at least you will know you are broke.

Do you wear a seatbelt when you drive? Do you wear any safety gear when doing something dangerous?

04-12-2007, 07:45 PM
I'm starting to think typomanic hasn't passed the sixth grade,yet


do you like the pretty colors,typo?

04-12-2007, 07:54 PM
Do you wear a seatbelt when you drive? Do you wear any safety gear when doing something dangerous?

GREAT point Yurt!

You are correct, Terrorism is a miniscule threat to us compared to our very own autos.

Well said.

04-12-2007, 07:59 PM
That was a pretty disgusting low blow he said to you,Krisy
The guy is a screwy whack job...
Good on you for taking him down a notch..


Krisy is a buck toothed pimple faced runt who came from a family of sheltered inbreds.

She doesn't knock people down a notch, she gets knocked up at family reunions.

04-12-2007, 08:00 PM
Thanks Steph.....

I'm thinking he's gotta be from DU. Really. That's is the biggest bunch of nutbags I have ever seen.

Never been to DU, But I am guessing you cut your teeth on Drudge, what do I win?

04-12-2007, 08:01 PM
In the politest possible sense of the phrase, fuck off and die.

Your Dad in law has been as abusive of me in the few days I have posted here as I have ever been to anyone I don't yet know. And that is sayiong a LOT.

On top of that he is abysmally stupid, paranoid and has his head buried neck deep in GWB's asshole.

I truly am sorry you married into his clan. My deepest apologies.

you are a disgrace to the human race.....

04-12-2007, 08:01 PM
I'm starting to think

Don't lie to us on a public board

04-12-2007, 08:02 PM
you are a disgrace to the human race.....

Coming from your depth of insight I consider that a considerable compliment.

Thank you good man bearing horse.

04-12-2007, 08:08 PM
Coming from your depth of insight I consider that a considerable compliment.

Thank you good man bearing horse.

you are right....you are just a disgrace....calling you part of the human race is disrespectful to the human race....btw when are you going to hand me my ass....:fu:

04-12-2007, 08:11 PM
Okie dokie cocksucker.

You just proved what a nutcase vomitbag you are. You have been nasty to every person on this board. Keep goin,I'm cracking up. I do have to ask that you turn your head while you spit your venom,it's clouding up my monitor.

You really are nuts....and entertaining as well. I'm calling in the seed of gaffers loins to check you out. He needs a laugh.

FYI ass munch,I'm damn proud to be gaff's daughter in law and mother to his grandchildren. He is a veteran and has as much and more right than anyone to give puss's like you his opinion.

Sorry for the language guys,I shouldn't stoop to dopey's level

04-12-2007, 08:32 PM
Sorry for the language guys,I shouldn't stoop to dopey's level No you shouldn't. I'll have to ding you jus' to be fair.

04-12-2007, 08:34 PM
No you shouldn't. I'll have to ding you jus' to be fair.

joking i hope

04-12-2007, 08:39 PM
No you shouldn't. I'll have to ding you jus' to be fair.

Go ahead.:mad:

04-12-2007, 08:39 PM
Again,sorry for the language....most of you know that isn't my style.

It felt so good getting it out tho!!!

I guess gals can loose their temper too. Oh well,I had a good laugh that I needed. The kids are spending the night at grandma's and the hubby is watching some ding dong sci fi show,so here I am !!!

04-12-2007, 08:42 PM
glock didn't ding me

he gave me good rep

thanks glock!!! :dance:

04-12-2007, 08:42 PM
Again,sorry for the language....most of you know that isn't my style.

It felt so good getting it out tho!!!

I guess gals can loose their temper too. Oh well,I had a good laugh that I needed. The kids are spending the night at grandma's and the hubby is watching some ding dong sci fi show,so here I am !!!

Gaffer's your father-in-law? Learn something new every day.:laugh2:

04-12-2007, 08:43 PM
joking i hope
Two wrongs don't make a right. But no, she apologized for it in the same post.

04-12-2007, 08:43 PM
glock didn't ding me

he gave me good rep

thanks glock!!! :dance:

I didn't think he would. And i can't rep you again so soon. Although, I may have to speak to gaffer about that potty mouth.:laugh2:

04-12-2007, 08:44 PM
Go ahead.:mad:... make my day. :laugh2:

04-12-2007, 08:46 PM
I didn't think he would. ... Oh, sweet-ums. That's the nicest thing you said to me all day. :lmao: :lmao:

04-12-2007, 08:47 PM
... make my day. :laugh2:

I assume you can do math.:cool:

04-12-2007, 08:57 PM
I assume you can do math.:cool: Our honeymoon's not gonna last?

04-12-2007, 09:01 PM
Our honeymoon's not gonna last?

God, I hope not. You two are making me sicker than my smooching him makes him.

04-12-2007, 09:04 PM
Oh, sweet-ums. That's the nicest thing you said to me all day. :lmao: :lmao:

Dude, don't be gay.

04-12-2007, 09:05 PM
God, I hope not. You two are making me sicker than my smooching him makes him.

Trust me, I'd rather be smooched by you, and nobody would die as a result as if a guy tried it.

04-12-2007, 09:14 PM
Dude, don't be gay. It takes a real man to be able to blow a kiss back. :laugh2:

04-12-2007, 09:41 PM
It takes a real man to be able to blow a kiss back. :laugh2:

You just figure the fucking odds ....:drillsarge:

04-12-2007, 10:06 PM
Okie dokie cocksucker.

You just proved what a nutcase vomitbag you are. You have been nasty to every person on this board. Keep goin,I'm cracking up. I do have to ask that you turn your head while you spit your venom,it's clouding up my monitor.

You really are nuts....and entertaining as well. I'm calling in the seed of gaffers loins to check you out. He needs a laugh.

FYI ass munch,I'm damn proud to be gaff's daughter in law and mother to his grandchildren. He is a veteran and has as much and more right than anyone to give puss's like you his opinion.

Sorry for the language guys,I shouldn't stoop to dopey's level


Gaffer is still a paranoid gas bag who sees death threats in every post and behind every muslim.

You are still quintesentially useless trailer trash without a clue.

But please knock yourself out, spew some vomit, I will go back to the threads with content and leave you here to suck on your bud.

04-12-2007, 10:10 PM

Gaffer is still a paranoid gas bag who sees death threats in every post and behind every muslim.

You are still quintesentially useless trailer trash without a clue.

But please knock yourself out, spew some vomit, I will go back to the threads with content and leave you here to suck on your bud.

WTF is your problem dude? Skivvies too tight? What?

04-12-2007, 10:30 PM

Gaffer is still a paranoid gas bag who sees death threats in every post and behind every muslim.

You are still quintesentially useless trailer trash without a clue.

But please knock yourself out, spew some vomit, I will go back to the threads with content and leave you here to suck on your bud.

economic bigotry. wonderful, we don't even have to make you look like an asshole, you do a great job yourself. phony.

why don't you move to saudi arabia since your muslims friends are so great.

04-12-2007, 10:30 PM
economic bigotry. wonderful, we don't even have to make you look like an asshole, you do a great job yourself. phony.

why don't you move to saudi arabia since your muslims friends are so great.

Hey now.. He's just displaying some of that tolerance, and good will libs are famous for.

Abbey Marie
04-12-2007, 10:32 PM
economic bigotry. wonderful, we don't even have to make you look like an asshole, you do a great job yourself. phony.

why don't you move to saudi arabia since your muslims friends are so great.

I don't think I can recall anyone ever having a problem with you, Yurt. :dunno:

04-12-2007, 10:39 PM
If you say so.....I may be wrong, but I really doubt that you have Arabic or Farsi speaking friends.

You can deny till they cut your head off, you will still be wrong.

04-12-2007, 10:39 PM
I don't think I can recall anyone ever having a problem with you, Yurt. :dunno:

LOL ... me neither.

04-12-2007, 10:41 PM
You're married to the guy? :eek:

I would have thought that any woman who isn't mildly retarded or desperate to stay in the US would rather be Michael Moore's concubine.

It's obivious you don't even read the posts here, you just scan for a name and then attack them. You putz.

04-12-2007, 10:49 PM
I didn't think he would. And i can't rep you again so soon. Although, I may have to speak to gaffer about that potty mouth.:laugh2:

Krisy is a sweetie and I love her like my own daughter. when she cusses there's a good reason for it. No matter what level she stoops too, she will still be talking down to that scumbucket.

04-12-2007, 10:52 PM

Gaffer is still a paranoid gas bag who sees death threats in every post and behind every muslim.

You are still quintesentially useless trailer trash without a clue.

But please knock yourself out, spew some vomit, I will go back to the threads with content and leave you here to suck on your bud.

Why don't you just leave altogether. Go somewhere where they appreciate you liberal badmouthing and crying and lying. :pee: you

04-12-2007, 10:53 PM
Krisy is a sweetie and I love her like my own daughter. when she cusses there's a good reason for it. No matter what level she stoops too, she will still be talking down to that scumbucket.

Look back through this thread. Then do the last 6-7 pages of the Pelosi felony thread in current events.

Never had a cross word with krisy. Just didn't know she was your daughter-in-law.

04-12-2007, 11:40 PM
It's obivious you don't even read the posts here, you just scan for a name and then attack them. You putz.You neg rep the same person twice in one day just because you don't like their politics, and you've got this kind of thing coming to you. Schmendrick.

04-13-2007, 07:12 AM
You neg rep the same person twice in one day just because you don't like their politics, and you've got this kind of thing coming to you. Schmendrick.

Schmendrick? :laugh2:

04-13-2007, 07:41 AM
You just figure the fucking odds ....:drillsarge: I love it when you talk dirty.

04-13-2007, 07:47 AM
I love it when you talk dirty.

Dude, you are creepy. Don't know why the tune to "Aqualung" pops into my head when you say shit like that.

04-13-2007, 08:14 AM
Dude, you are creepy. Don't know why the tune to "Aqualung" pops into my head when you say shit like that.

Good tune. I had a buddy with a '64 Cutless 400CI 4bl, bald tires, shitty brakes. We put a used 8 track in it and some Jensen Triaxials in the rear deck. Tull was the only tape he had and we played it over and over, driving around rural Cape Cod late at night, way too fast and drunk.

Sitting on a park bench
eyeing little girls with bad intent.
Snot running down his nose
greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes.
Drying in the cold sun
Watching as the frilly panties run.
Feeling like a dead duck
spitting out pieces of his broken luck.
Sun streaking cold
an old man wandering lonely.
Taking time
the only way he knows.
Leg hurting bad,
as he bends to pick a dog-end
he goes down to the bog
and warms his feet.

Feeling alone
the army's up the rode
salvation à la mode and
a cup of tea.
Aqualung my friend
don't start away uneasy
you poor old sod, you see, it's only me.
Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze
when the ice that
clings on to your beard is
screaming agony.
And you snatch your rattling last breaths
with deep-sea-diver sounds,
and the flowers bloom like
madness in the spring.

04-13-2007, 08:25 AM
Good tune. I had a buddy with a '64 Cutless 400CI 4bl, bald tires, shitty brakes. We put a used 8 track in it and some Jensen Triaxials in the rear deck. Tull was the only tape he had and we played it over and over, driving around rural Cape Cod late at night, way too fast and drunk.

Sitting on a park bench
eyeing little girls with bad intent.
Snot running down his nose
greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes.
Drying in the cold sun
Watching as the frilly panties run.
Feeling like a dead duck
spitting out pieces of his broken luck.
Sun streaking cold
an old man wandering lonely.
Taking time
the only way he knows.
Leg hurting bad,
as he bends to pick a dog-end
he goes down to the bog
and warms his feet.

Feeling alone
the army's up the rode
salvation à la mode and
a cup of tea.
Aqualung my friend
don't start away uneasy
you poor old sod, you see, it's only me.
Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze
when the ice that
clings on to your beard is
screaming agony.
And you snatch your rattling last breaths
with deep-sea-diver sounds,
and the flowers bloom like
madness in the spring.

Like I said .......:smoke:

04-13-2007, 08:26 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

04-13-2007, 11:26 AM
You neg rep the same person twice in one day just because you don't like their politics, and you've got this kind of thing coming to you. Schmendrick.

No - he seems to be neg-repping you because you are a JERK to people with whom you have political disagreements.

04-13-2007, 11:30 AM
No - he seems to be neg-repping you because you are a JERK to people with whom you have political disagreements.Gaffer is indisputably one of the top five JERKS on this board. Seriously. I doubt that I'm even in the top 40.

04-13-2007, 11:49 AM
Gaffer is indisputably one of the top five JERKS on this board. Seriously. I doubt that I'm even in the top 40.

I'd say when you're being bitchy, you're in the top 1 or 2. When you're calm, you're aight.

Gaffer is a cool cat. I think you think he's a jerk because he generally pwns you in most any debate/discussion.

04-13-2007, 12:01 PM
I'd say when you're being bitchy, you're in the top 1 or 2. When you're calm, you're aight.

Gaffer is a cool cat. I think you think he's a jerk because he generally pwns you in most any debate/discussion.I must've missed those particular debates/discussions. I don't remember seeing him actually put together an argument about anything. :dunno:

04-13-2007, 12:02 PM
Gaffer is indisputably one of the top five JERKS on this board. Seriously. I doubt that I'm even in the top 40.

Actually, I'd say you're running a close tie with another poster for having the #1 Jekyll-Hyde personality on the board.

04-13-2007, 12:05 PM
I must've missed those particular debates/discussions. I don't remember seeing him actually put together an argument about anything. :dunno:

When have you? I take that back. I know I agreed with you on something and even repped you for it.

Then there's this thread where you are clearly above your head and think deflecting personal attacks are going to win it for you.

Gaffer's a good guy. Treat him with the respect you would like to be treated with and you'll find that out. Most of us are the same way.

And most of us won't hesitate to unload on your for crossing the line.

04-13-2007, 12:12 PM
Actually, I'd say you're running a close tie with another poster for having the #1 Jekyll-Hyde personality on the board.If it's who I think you're talking about, I'm surprised you haven't figured out by now that he's TRYING to stock up negative rep points. (Whatever; good luck to him. ;) )

I've always been moody, I admit it. But let's face facts: most of the posters here, on the left and right, are guilty of baiting once in a while.

04-13-2007, 12:23 PM
Gaffer is indisputably one of the top five JERKS on this board. Seriously. I doubt that I'm even in the top 40. Start a thread on this requesting a vote. :poke:

04-13-2007, 12:35 PM
If it's who I think you're talking about, I'm surprised you haven't figured out by now that he's TRYING to stock up negative rep points. (Whatever; good luck to him. ;) )

I've always been moody, I admit it. But let's face facts: most of the posters here, on the left and right, are guilty of baiting once in a while.

You can't "stock up" negative rep points. You have rep power. If you rep someone positively, they recieve the full amount of your rep power in their total rep points.

If you negatively rep someone, it takes half the number of your rep power from their total points.

You can only rep so many times, pos or neg, in a 24 hour period and the rep system itself shuts you down.

04-13-2007, 01:17 PM

Gaffer is still a paranoid gas bag who sees death threats in every post and behind every muslim.

You are still quintesentially useless trailer trash without a clue.

But please knock yourself out, spew some vomit, I will go back to the threads with content and leave you here to suck on your bud.

Sounds good!!

I'm still trying to figure out where the pimple faced buck toothed stuff is coming from tho. Are you stalking the wrong girl?

Anyhoo,have a great day :dance:

04-13-2007, 02:15 PM
You can't "stock up" negative rep points. You have rep power. If you rep someone positively, they recieve the full amount of your rep power in their total rep points.Ergo, you can stock up negative rep points by getting a number of people with high rep powers to negatively rep you.

Abbey Marie
04-13-2007, 02:21 PM
If it's who I think you're talking about, I'm surprised you haven't figured out by now that he's TRYING to stock up negative rep points. (Whatever; good luck to him. ;) )

I see. Then the lib in question can claim that lib prize of all prizes- victim status. Unfortunately for him, it won't do him any good on a board full of people who don't believe in crying victim. :laugh2:

04-13-2007, 02:23 PM

I'm still trying to figure out where the pimple faced buck toothed stuff is coming from tho....

That's OK. I'm still trying to figger out where Palm Harbor is, or why I'm supposedly a hick, inbred, racist, Nazi, neocon, and homophobe.

04-13-2007, 02:26 PM
That's OK. I'm still trying to figure out where Palm Harbor is, or why I'm supposedly a hick, inbred, racist, Nazi, neocon, and homophobia.

Don't you know??
If your a conservative...those labels come automatically with you...:coffee:

04-13-2007, 02:27 PM
Ergo, you can stock up negative rep points by getting a number of people with high rep powers to negatively rep you.

And you know this for a fact? You can also several neg-rep's from those who do for saying something that pisses them all off.

And I'm not picking on you. I'm just wondering if Gaffer told you this, or someone else did -- meaning someone on the left jumping to conclusions.

What would you think if you got several positive reps for the same post?

04-13-2007, 02:34 PM
That's OK. I'm still trying to figger out where Palm Harbor is, or why I'm supposedly a hick, inbred, racist, Nazi, neocon, and homophobe.

Probably the same reason I'm supposedly a knuckle-dragging alcoholic.;)

04-13-2007, 02:57 PM
Probably the same reason I'm supposedly a knuckle-dragging alcoholic.;)
I don't recall ever calling you a knuckle dragger. :laugh2:

04-13-2007, 03:10 PM
Someone wants positve reps from me they need to post positve things. A good post with facts gets pos reps. A post that is strictly Bush bashing or attacking other posters because they won't bow down to your ideology will get neg reps.

I will discuss anything I am familiar with with anyone that wants to "discuss". Name calling immediately nullifies your discussion. Bush hatred sentences slipped into the post immediately nullifies the discussion. I am always interested in how someone came to their opinion whether through links, TV, radio or other sources. Feel free to name them. Bush hatred is NOT a source. If that's all your here for then go somewhere else, or deal with the neg reps I give you. The ultra left wing nutjobs here can be recognized by their negative reps.

If you have military experience feel free to jump in and say what you think about things military. If you have no military experience then speak your mind but don't get insulted when called on it by those with experience. Attacking someone because they pointed out you were wrong will get you neg rep.

Outright lying will get you neg rep.

04-13-2007, 03:48 PM
Someone wants positve reps from me they need to post positve things. A good post with facts gets pos reps. A post that is strictly Bush bashing or attacking other posters because they won't bow down to your ideology will get neg reps.Sorry to burst your bubble, Gaffer, but plenty of conservatives hate Bush, too. Public figures are targets of hate all the time, in any case. How would you feel if someone always neg repped you for saying something nasty about a Democrat? You've just admitted to doing the same kind of thing on a regular basis.
If that's all your here for then go somewhere else, or deal with the neg reps I give you. The ultra left wing nutjobs here can be recognized by their negative reps.Hating Bush is NOT all I'm here for. If someone asks me whether I hate him, I'll readily admit it. If they ask me why, I'll explain.

Using the rep system to root out your perceived enemies is very unamerican. McCarthyish, in fact.
Attacking someone because they pointed out you were wrong will get you neg rep.I don't attack people because I think they're wrong; I attack them when they follow it with moron, nutjob, or whatever. Unlike you, I see no point to wasting my rep points on people like that.
Outright lying will get you neg rep.And of course, you're the sole arbiter of whether a poster is intending to deceive or not. :uhoh:

04-13-2007, 03:50 PM
And you know this for a fact? You can also several neg-rep's from those who do for saying something that pisses them all off.

And I'm not picking on you. I'm just wondering if Gaffer told you this, or someone else did -- meaning someone on the left jumping to conclusions.Nobody told me; it was nothing more than deductive reasoning.
What would you think if you got several positive reps for the same post?Um, that you have a lot of buddies around, ready to pat you on the back? :D

04-13-2007, 06:01 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble, Gaffer, but plenty of conservatives hate Bush, too. Public figures are targets of hate all the time, in any case. How would you feel if someone always neg repped you for saying something nasty about a Democrat? You've just admitted to doing the same kind of thing on a regular basis.Hating Bush is NOT all I'm here for. If someone asks me whether I hate him, I'll readily admit it. If they ask me why, I'll explain.

"Hating" Bush in and of itself is your problem, and no one is saying you can't. What Gaffer is trying to tell you is that it is not legitimate substantiation for any and/or every pro-liberal argument. It shows a lack of depth to one's beliefs.

Using the rep system to root out your perceived enemies is very unamerican. McCarthyish, in fact.I don't attack people because I think they're wrong; I attack them when they follow it with moron, nutjob, or whatever. Unlike you, I see no point to wasting my rep points on people like that.And of course, you're the sole arbiter of whether a poster is intending to deceive or not. :uhoh:

You obviously have your standard. Gaffer has his. I have mine. Calculate that into your responses to a poster based on what you already know they are going to do. It doesn't matter whether or not you approve of their methods, only that you understand them.

04-13-2007, 06:08 PM
Nobody told me; it was nothing more than deductive reasoning.Um, that you have a lot of buddies around, ready to pat you on the back? :D

That exact, same "deductive reasoning" has caused more people engaging in tit-for-tat rep wars than any other.

Think about the people on the board who support gaffer. I am one. He and I and Manu have the highest rep powers on the board. If in fact, gaffer was doing what you said, one he'd certainly have included me; which, he has yet to even mention it, and two your rep would be way belo zero by now if we made a concerted effort to hammer you.

I'd say your deductive reasoning failed to calcualte that into the equation and you have jumped to a baseless conclusion.

Perhaps if you got positive rep for something you say from several different members it's because you said something they strongly agreed with enough to rep you?

04-13-2007, 07:53 PM
That exact, same "deductive reasoning" has caused more people engaging in tit-for-tat rep wars than any other.

Think about the people on the board who support gaffer. I am one. He and I and Manu have the highest rep powers on the board. If in fact, gaffer was doing what you said, one he'd certainly have included me; which, he has yet to even mention it, and two your rep would be way belo zero by now if we made a concerted effort to hammer you.

I'd say your deductive reasoning failed to calcualte that into the equation and you have jumped to a baseless conclusion.

Perhaps if you got positive rep for something you say from several different members it's because you said something they strongly agreed with enough to rep you?

Good reply to that. I look at rep as a personal approval or disapproval of someone. I have never been asked to neg rep anyone and I have never asked anyone to do it. If I were out to take down every liberal on here none of them would have any rep points.

04-13-2007, 08:18 PM
That exact, same "deductive reasoning" has caused more people engaging in tit-for-tat rep wars than any other.

Think about the people on the board who support gaffer. I am one. He and I and Manu have the highest rep powers on the board. If in fact, gaffer was doing what you said, one he'd certainly have included me; which, he has yet to even mention it, and two your rep would be way belo zero by now if we made a concerted effort to hammer you.

I'd say your deductive reasoning failed to calcualte that into the equation and you have jumped to a baseless conclusion.

Perhaps if you got positive rep for something you say from several different members it's because you said something they strongly agreed with enough to rep you?

I may be close to the bo††om of the board for rep, but have been around long enough to know who's who. And why. I concur of Gaffer.

04-13-2007, 08:18 PM
Good reply to that. I look at rep as a personal approval or disapproval of someone. I have never been asked to neg rep anyone and I have never asked anyone to do it. If I were out to take down every liberal on here none of them would have any rep points.

He isn't the only lib/new member who has jumped to that erroneous conclusion recently.

And anyone that is disrespectful and hateful as Hell to a woman who isn't hateful at all just to be an asshole, shouldn't wonder why her dad drops the hammer on his ass. If I was going to consider doing such a thing, I'd calculate that in as a "gonna; happen." Hell, I got in his ass for it and didn't even know you were related to her.

04-13-2007, 08:20 PM
He isn't the only lib/new member who has jumped to that erroneous conclusion recently.

And anyone that is disrespectful and hateful as Hell to a woman who isn't hateful at all just to be an asshole, shouldn't wonder why her dad drops the hammer on his ass. If I was going to consider doing such a thing, I'd calculate that in as a "gonna; happen." Hell, I got in his ass for it and didn't even know you were related to her.

insult me and i ding you...it is that simple....oh and say dumb shit to women and you are toast

04-13-2007, 08:52 PM
insult me and i ding you...it is that simple....oh and say dumb shit to women and you are toast

Ahh, chivalry.. It's still alive! :D

Abbey Marie
04-13-2007, 10:37 PM
insult me and i ding you...it is that simple....oh and say dumb shit to women and you are toast


04-14-2007, 08:50 AM
Ahh, chivalry.. It's still alive! :D

Chivalry my ass. Gender-biased sexism at it's finest.:poke:

04-14-2007, 08:51 AM


04-14-2007, 08:53 AM
Chivalry my ass. Gender-biased sexism at it's finest.:poke:

Any guy that defends a woman against nasty comments is a gender-biased sexist? :eek:

04-14-2007, 09:27 AM
Any guy that defends a woman against nasty comments is a gender-biased sexist? :eek:

Have you missed the secualr progressive movement the loony left has been attempting to bring to the board?

Hell, if you just call someone's hair brown samantha will accuse you of bigotry toward blondes and redheads .....:laugh2:

And since I'm usually one of the first to come the aid of damsels in distress, you know better.

04-14-2007, 09:29 AM
Have you missed the secualr progressive movement the loony left has been attempting to bring to the board?

Hell, if you just call someone's hair brown samantha will accuse you of bigotry toward blondes and redheads .....:laugh2:

And since I'm usually one of the first to come the aid of damsels in distress, you know better.

Well, my comment was in direct response to Manu's comment, and you went all floopy, so.. I merely wanted clarification. :coffee:

04-14-2007, 09:30 AM
He isn't the only lib/new member who has jumped to that erroneous conclusion recently.

And anyone that is disrespectful and hateful as Hell to a woman who isn't hateful at all just to be an asshole, shouldn't wonder why her dad drops the hammer on his ass. If I was going to consider doing such a thing, I'd calculate that in as a "gonna; happen." Hell, I got in his ass for it and didn't even know you were related to her.

It was very sweet indeed! You and manu both.

:rock: You rock:dance:

04-14-2007, 09:31 AM
It was very sweet indeed! You and manu both.

:rock: You rock:dance:

Watch it.. He may be grouchy-sounding a lot, but his head still swells as much as the rest of them. :cool:

04-14-2007, 09:39 AM
Watch it.. He may be grouchy-sounding a lot, but his head still swells as much as the rest of them. :cool:

LOL! Gotcha :wink2:

04-14-2007, 09:47 AM
Watch it.. He may be grouchy-sounding a lot, but his head still swells as much as the rest of them. :cool:


04-14-2007, 09:50 AM


04-14-2007, 09:56 AM

How on Earth could I possibly get a swelled head with you around to ensure that couldn't possibly take place?

You're like Smokey the Bear and lit cigarette butt .... snuff that baby out before it gets started.

04-14-2007, 09:57 AM
How on Earth could I possibly get a swelled head with you around to ensure that couldn't possibly take place?

You're like Smokey the Bear and lit cigarette butt .... snuff that baby out before it gets started.

I just make sure I uuse a good mix of "giveth", and "taketh away". Checks and balances, you know.

04-14-2007, 10:05 AM
I just make sure I uuse a good mix of "giveth", and "taketh away". Checks and balances, you know.

Yeah. You do oversight about the Dem Congress does.:laugh2:

04-14-2007, 10:09 AM
Yeah. You do oversight about the Dem Congress does.:laugh2:

*starts to think maybe I shouldn't speak to you today*

04-14-2007, 10:13 AM
*starts to think maybe I shouldn't speak to you today*

:lol: :lol: :lol:

04-14-2007, 10:15 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol:


04-14-2007, 10:18 AM


04-14-2007, 10:19 AM

I win. You lose.

04-14-2007, 10:26 AM
I win. You lose.

Just going to get my individual Nuclear, Biological and Chemical protective gear.

We have already determined that you are a girl; therefore, a transporter of biological agents that one must protect oneself against.


04-14-2007, 10:28 AM
Just going to get my individual Nuclear, Biological and Chemical protective gear.

We have already determined that you are a girl; therefore, a transporter of biological agents that one must protect oneself against.


Would you rather I were a boy?

04-14-2007, 10:31 AM
Would you rather I were a boy?

It WOULD make it easier. Then when you tried to touch me I'd just snap your little neck.

Abbey Marie
04-14-2007, 10:31 AM
Chivalry my ass. Gender-biased sexism at it's finest.:poke:

Next you'll be telling us men shouldn't hold open the door for women. ;) :D

04-14-2007, 10:32 AM
It WOULD make it easier. Then when you tried to touch me I'd just snap your little neck.

Sounds painful. I think I'll continue going through life torturing you as a girl. More fun to watch a big, bad jarhead squirm like a little boy.

04-14-2007, 10:34 AM
Sounds painful. I think I'll continue going through life torturing you as a girl. More fun to watch a big, bad jarhead squirm like a little boy.


04-14-2007, 10:39 AM


04-14-2007, 10:39 AM

Too late. I'm already at MOPP Level III.

04-14-2007, 10:40 AM
Too late. I'm already at MOPP Level III.


04-14-2007, 10:43 AM

Mission Oriented Protective Posture.

04-14-2007, 10:47 AM
Mission Oriented Protective Posture.

Cowering in the corner, with your arms over your head, crouched low?

04-14-2007, 10:54 AM
Cowering in the corner, with your arms over your head, crouched low?

Protective outer garment, boot covers, protective mask with hood, gloves .... and big f-ing knife in my hand.

Gunny's don't do "cower", and if you get me in a corner I've got you right where I want you!:drillsarge:

04-14-2007, 10:56 AM
Protective outer garment, boot covers, protective mask with hood, gloves .... and big f-ing knife in my hand.

Gunny's don't do "cower", and if you get me in a corner I've got you right where I want you!:drillsarge:

All that to protect you from girl germs? LMAO!!!! You going to cut them out one by one with the knife?

04-14-2007, 11:33 AM
All that to protect you from girl germs? LMAO!!!! You going to cut them out one by one with the knife?

No, the knife is just in case I need it.

The suit will protect against whatever biological toxins you are atempting to spread quite nicely.

04-14-2007, 11:40 AM
No, the knife is just in case I need it.

The suit will protect against whatever biological toxins you are atempting to spread quite nicely.

I think you just gave me my next tagline above my avatar.

04-14-2007, 08:21 PM
I think you just gave me my next tagline above my avatar.

Damn ... that makes you intriguing .......:laugh2:

04-14-2007, 08:36 PM
Damn ... that makes you intriguing .......:laugh2:

Far less than that cryptic word makes me intriguing. :D