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View Full Version : Living Together First Can Spoil Marriage, Study Finds

07-14-2009, 08:20 PM

Wow - did it REALLY take a study to figure this out? I mean.. really?

07-14-2009, 08:30 PM

Wow - did it REALLY take a study to figure this out? I mean.. really?

I'm hoping that the few months between us moving in together and getting married didn't doom us to failure :o

My husband and I will not become a statistic if I honor him the way I should be though...

07-14-2009, 08:37 PM
Didn't help me. It lead me to believe that my future wife would love me, cook for me daily, want to go out with me, and allow me to have my way with her whenever I wanted.

Then was the honeymoon.

Then 6 years together.

Then a son.

And now almost 9 years later, and 15 years of marriage. I think she detests the sight of me. She cooks enough to feed a bird and it's all organic nasty tasting stuff, she won't be seen in public with me & I think the thought of being intimate with me makes her burst out in laughter.

Damn living together pulled a fast one on me! :laugh2:

07-14-2009, 08:46 PM
Didn't help me. It lead me to believe that my future wife would love me, cook for me daily, want to go out with me, and allow me to have my way with her whenever I wanted.

Then was the honeymoon.

Then 6 years together.

Then a son.

And now almost 9 years later, and 15 years of marriage. I think she detests the sight of me. She cooks enough to feed a bird and it's all organic nasty tasting stuff, she won't be seen in public with me & I think the thought of being intimate with me makes her burst out in laughter.

Damn living together pulled a fast one on me! :laugh2:

The problem was that you got married. If you had stayed just living together you'd still be getting along fine. :thumb:

Another useless study funded by our tax dollars.

Marriages make it because they do or they don't. The thing that is consistent about marriages is they are all individual. Study 20 million of them and they are all different.

07-14-2009, 08:48 PM
Didn't help me. It lead me to believe that my future wife would love me, cook for me daily, want to go out with me, and allow me to have my way with her whenever I wanted.

Then was the honeymoon.

Then 6 years together.

Then a son.

And now almost 9 years later, and 15 years of marriage. I think she detests the sight of me. She cooks enough to feed a bird and it's all organic nasty tasting stuff, she won't be seen in public with me & I think the thought of being intimate with me makes her burst out in laughter.

Damn living together pulled a fast one on me! :laugh2:

She may or may not want to do this for you, but I just finished reading "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura (please don't cringe at the sight of her name, it's not that bad, she actually defends MEN more than women). I already have such an awesome marriage, but this book reinforced my belief that submission to your husband is NOT a bad thing. It gives a wife the tools for just that - "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands"

Although, as a side note - if I, as a wife, were acting like that, my husband handing me a book titled "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" would only infuriate me further... Approach with caution LOL

07-17-2009, 10:52 AM
I am not opposed to living together before marriage. I even endorse the idea.
I believe marriage is similar to buying a new car. It is a major investment! Would you buy a new car without taking it out for a test drive? You have to look under the hood and kick the tires! :p
Basically, you need to make sure all the essential parts are in proper working order.

I already have such an awesome marriage, but this book reinforced my belief that submission to your husband is NOT a bad thing. It gives a wife the tools for just that - "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands"

I don't submit to anyone. (well, except the cat. Because the cat runs our house)
Marriage is a 50-50 proposition. There is a division of power and sharing of decisions. All major decisions are discussed.
Except in my sister's marriage, where she pretty much makes all the decisions. :laugh2:

07-17-2009, 05:11 PM
Theyve done this study before. Why are they testing it again? didnt they like the results the first time they determined that sex before marriage leads to more divorce?

07-17-2009, 09:32 PM
Couple who wait until marriage to have sex also get divorced.

07-17-2009, 10:15 PM
Didn't help me. It lead me to believe that my future wife would love me, cook for me daily, want to go out with me, and allow me to have my way with her whenever I wanted.

Then was the honeymoon.

Then 6 years together.

Then a son.

And now almost 9 years later, and 15 years of marriage. I think she detests the sight of me. She cooks enough to feed a bird and it's all organic nasty tasting stuff, she won't be seen in public with me & I think the thought of being intimate with me makes her burst out in laughter.

Damn living together pulled a fast one on me! :laugh2:

Sounds like someone needs couples therapy...

Or a very good divorce lawyer.