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View Full Version : Pelosi Censors Republicans

07-17-2009, 10:29 AM
Monday night Democrats voted to shut down the U.S. House Representatives rather than allow a handful of Republican Congressmen to speak on the floor. What could have been so offensive or frightening about our discourse that Speaker Pelosi felt she had to protect her party by gagging free speech in the House?

In fact, we had planned to speak on the lack of transparency of the House since Democrats took control. We had planned to criticize Speaker Pelosi for repeatedly denying Members, the media, and the public to right to read legislation before it was voted on. We were set to discuss House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s statement last week that if his Members were required to read the Democrats’ healthcare reform package before it was voted on, it would fail.

source (source)

transparency yeah right. free speech is becoming a thing of the past

07-17-2009, 10:34 AM
Heard about this. Loved it. Republicans have no rights in the current Congress.

07-17-2009, 10:35 AM
they should all be executed right ?????

07-17-2009, 10:48 AM
Heard about this. Loved it. Republicans have no rights in the current Congress.

im in favor of a civil war. starting in Calif

07-17-2009, 10:59 AM
You see, there was this national elections. Dems gained control of the House and Senate.
Republicans have now been marginalized. It is a better world.

07-17-2009, 11:00 AM
You see, there was this national elections. Dems gained control of the House and Senate.
Republicans have now been marginalized. It is a better world.

It is a better world

prove it. your just another converted communists old woman

07-17-2009, 02:36 PM
the troll is gone. I don't think it was ever here

07-17-2009, 03:07 PM
So if one does not have the time to sit here waiting for a response, one is officially considered a "troll"?
Interesting concept. Obviously conceived by someone who has very little to do and a lot of spare time to do it in.

07-17-2009, 03:23 PM
So if one does not have the time to sit here waiting for a response, one is officially considered a "troll"?
Interesting concept. Obviously conceived by someone who has very little to do and a lot of spare time to do it in.

your were never here whore

07-17-2009, 04:59 PM
your were never here whore

You need to have your condition checked out. Agent Orange has obviously deleted your brain cells.

07-17-2009, 05:02 PM
Enough with the attacks. If you want to discuss the topic. Discuss it. Otherwise settle down.

Now to the topic on hand: How is America better by silencing voices?

07-17-2009, 05:14 PM
It's not proper. It is merely politics as usual.

07-17-2009, 05:16 PM
It's not proper. It is merely politics as usual.

So speaking out against something is bad because its politics as usual?

07-17-2009, 05:44 PM
You need to have your condition checked out. Agent Orange has obviously deleted your brain cells.

I served in the USN. you stupid FUCK

07-17-2009, 09:17 PM
I served in the USN. you stupid FUCK
At least they were smart enough not to let you near the front lines.

07-17-2009, 09:21 PM
At least they were smart enough not to let you near the front lines.

ill give ya 10 bucks ***edited mentioning family members****

07-17-2009, 09:22 PM
ill give ya 10 bucks ***edited, see above***
Surely you can do better than that.

07-17-2009, 09:24 PM
Surely you can do better than that.


07-18-2009, 05:03 PM
Really not doing anything for your case there, namvet. Personal attacks make you look like a moron.

To gabby, how is Pelosi silencing House Reps who want to speak about the lack of transparency for the public good for the nation? Shouldn't we have a debate before we allow the government to spend hundreds of billions of dollars without regard to how it will effect the economy?

07-18-2009, 05:39 PM
flabby is a


and just as dumb. so waste your time. it has NO family

07-18-2009, 09:14 PM
how is Pelosi silencing House Reps who want to speak about the lack of transparency for the public good for the nation? Shouldn't we have a debate before we allow the government to spend hundreds of billions of dollars without regard to how it will effect the economy?

It was much the same way when Republicans controlled the House and Senate and limited debate on their favored legislation.
Republicans wanted to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on an illegal and immoral war.
Dems want to spend a like amount on public programs.
At least the Dem expenditures will help OUR country, and not another one.

07-18-2009, 09:43 PM
2 trillion in debt by Osama and his brown shirts and now the biggest recession in history. double digit unemployment. business's closing by the thousands every day. which Osama now owns. the only jobs are GOV. Hitler and Stalin would be proud of him.
.......Bush won the war. Osama's a pussy and can't fight unless President Pelosi ok's it.
......but hey Calif still sucks him off. and why not. its full a liberals, faggots, hollywood pecker and killers and it bankrupt. the rest of us








want a civil war !!!!!!

07-18-2009, 09:53 PM

cheese dick bastard

07-18-2009, 10:22 PM
want a civil war !!!!!!

Not really. It's likely to happen at some point. But wouldnt it be wiser to try to persuade others to follow us rather than just call them names and declare war on them?

red states rule
07-19-2009, 05:16 AM
You see, there was this national elections. Dems gained control of the House and Senate.
Republicans have now been marginalized. It is a better world.

OK GAbby, so as the economy gets worse, millions more lose their jobs, the deficit grows, and the national debt continues to soar - who will you liberals blame?

Will you continue to blame Pres Bush? Will you blame the evil corporations? Will you blame the Republicans?

Or will you admit the Hope and Change Express proved to be a disaster?

red states rule
07-19-2009, 05:19 AM
It was much the same way when Republicans controlled the House and Senate and limited debate on their favored legislation.
Republicans wanted to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on an illegal and immoral war.
Dems want to spend a like amount on public programs.
At least the Dem expenditures will help OUR country, and not another one.

My, my, my Gabby. I do hate to bust your bubble sweetheart

Somehow I do not see you saying anything more about Iraq - you will keep your usual talking points to yourself as long as your Dems are running things

You really should make this more of a challenge. You are making it easier then Virgil did :laugh2:

Senate Approves War Funding Bill After Obama Presses Democrats

By Perry Bacon Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 19, 2009

A war funding bill passed the Senate overwhelmingly yesterday, but the 91 to 5 vote came after a fractured process that included objections from Republicans and Democrats alike, and required President Obama to intervene repeatedly to lobby members of his own party for his foreign policy vision.

The final version of the $105.9 billion bill, which provides funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan through Sept. 30, largely backs Obama's strategy to increase U.S. forces and resources in Afghanistan. But the bill, which passed the House this week and probably will be signed into law by Obama in a few days, also makes substantial changes to what his administration proposed to Congress in April.

Worried about releasing or permanently incarcerating detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in their districts or states, lawmakers stripped $80 million from the bill to implement Obama's plan to close the detention facility there, instead allowing the administration to bring detainees to the United States only for trials.

At the insistence of House Democrats opposed to increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan, the administration will be required to submit to Congress its policy objectives in Afghanistan and Pakistan and metrics to measure this progress, including formal reports every six months, starting next year.


Joe Steel
07-19-2009, 06:54 AM
...so as the economy gets worse, millions more lose their jobs, the deficit grows, and the national debt continues to soar - who will you liberals blame?

Will you continue to blame Pres Bush? Will you blame the evil corporations? Will you blame the Republicans?

Yes, and with good reason.

They caused the problem so they get the blame.

red states rule
07-19-2009, 07:05 AM
Yes, and with good reason.

They caused the problem so they get the blame.

Oh yea Joe - if liberal economic polices, massive spending, and high taxes was the asnswer to bring back a thriving economy - CA would be an economic model to follow

Dems want to do the US what they have done to CA, MI, NJ, and NY

07-19-2009, 08:16 AM
Not really. It's likely to happen at some point. But wouldnt it be wiser to try to persuade others to follow us rather than just call them names and declare war on them?

you lost your freedom. its gone. and the vote is now obviously useless. that's gone to. what's left ??? harsh language. talk??? who's listening??? your a slave in your own country and don't even know it.
fortunately there is another enemy of the state. well financed, armed to the teeth, dedicated in its cause and no fear of dying. just like the former America used to be.

07-19-2009, 08:32 AM
Gabs, what happened to those Checks AND Balances that you all screamed about during the Bush administration??
so now because the Democrats have a majority those just go out the window? that's real commie like of you..

and what about that thing you all called..RUBBER STAMPING??
I see that goes out the window also when you all get a majority..

you liberals make good little goosestepping brown shirt and jack booters..

07-19-2009, 08:42 AM
she's a troll

07-19-2009, 08:57 AM
Gabs is Gabs...she's been around for quite sometime..she's always been a sort of hit and run poster, most seems like it's just agitate..she is young, had parents who were San Fran type hippies, who believed in sex, drugs, and rock & roll...

I think being a liberal is because it's easier, they can give off the impression "they" are the most caring, tolerant, and superior educated over the neanderthals conservatives who believe in making your own way, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get on with it..we want the Guberment to get the hell out of private lives and do only the job our government was meant for..liberals also love the Government because they can use them to try and force their daydreams of a "we are all one" type Utopia...and they don't care if people have to be Forced..
Deep down liberals have the heart of a fascist and the thought capacity of a pea..

07-19-2009, 09:07 AM
Gabs is Gabs...she's been around for quite sometime..she's always been a sort of hit and run poster, most seems like it's just agitate..she is young, had parents who were San Fran type hippies, who believed in sex, drugs, and rock & roll...

I think being a liberal is because it's easier, they can give off the impression "they" are the most caring, tolerant, and superior educated over the neanderthals conservatives who believe in making your own way, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get on with it..we want the Guberment to get the hell out of private lives and do only the job our government was meant for..liberals also love the Government because they can use them to try and force their daydreams of a "we are all one" type Utopia...and they don't care if people have to be Forced..
Deep down liberals have the heart of a fascist and the thought capacity of a pea..

well there's a good chance I screwed her mom then. they were easy prey for us.

07-19-2009, 09:10 AM
well there's a good chance I screwed her mom then. they were easy prey for us.

oh my...:slap:

07-19-2009, 09:22 AM
so gabs dad may have worn the uniform. a conservative dad and liberal mom. no wonder she's so screwed in the head :laugh2::laugh2:

07-19-2009, 01:21 PM
It was much the same way when Republicans controlled the House and Senate and limited debate on their favored legislation.
Republicans wanted to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on an illegal and immoral war.
Dems want to spend a like amount on public programs.
At least the Dem expenditures will help OUR country, and not another one.

There was many hours of debate on going to war. Dems said their piece and ultimately decided that war was the right option at the time for the country. Later on of course they changed their tune because it was politically expedient but there was a debate. IT was not rammed through in 6 months and made law within a year. They debated going to war for 2 full years before they actually declared it.

Plus to add to your second point, Dem expenditures will NOT help our country. All they will do is drive us further into debt and increase our dependence on the government. The more we rely on the government to provide for us, the more they can tell us what to do. Is that how you want to live your life, Gab? Do you want a nice fat paycheck that takes care of everything from the govenrment and all you have to give up is your freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Because if the government is paying you, they decide what you like and don't like. They deicde what you can say and can't say. They decide when you live and die.

07-19-2009, 03:49 PM
It is not the government telling us what to do. It is the government that fixes our roads and various other infrastructure, oversees our economic structure and provides for education for care for our children.
If you don't understand how that works, let me know.

07-19-2009, 04:32 PM
It is not the government telling us what to do. It is the government that fixes our roads and various other infrastructure, oversees our economic structure and provides for education for care for our children.
If you don't understand how that works, let me know.

oh boy..if this is what they taught in school, no wonder we are in trouble in this country..:eek:

07-19-2009, 11:00 PM
It is not the government telling us what to do. It is the government that fixes our roads and various other infrastructure, oversees our economic structure and provides for education for care for our children.
If you don't understand how that works, let me know.

When the government runs your health care, they decide what medications they will pay for. If they feel that one drug that may save your life is too costly, they ultimately decided that your life is not worth saving. If your opinion of the government is harsh yet you rely on the paychecks they send to you for a living, they then decide that you are not worthy of receiving the government handouts. Its the government that teaches our children a certain way and unless they conform to this way of thinking, they will not "get good grades." Therefore, you will not succeed unless the government allows it.

When you let the government run certain aspects of your life, they will not stop when you tell them too. They will keep going "for your own good" to make society better and to protect you from yourself. When will you wake up and realize that the govenrment is not protecting you from the dangers of the world. It is the most dangerous being in the world.

07-20-2009, 08:02 AM
Osama's popularity is TANKED !!!! this failed health care program will cost this illegal gov trillions. which we have to pay for.

that's what you get Amerika for electing someone based solely on skin color !!!

07-20-2009, 08:15 AM

Democrats voted FOR the war. PERIOD! Overwhelmingly voted for the war. When it showed to be unpopular they drummed up conspriacy theories and rhetoricated horseshit to make it look like they were duped into it. They used the same info as the President to reach their conclusion.

Fact is a war is never going to be 51% supported throughout it's entirity by the citizenry. Even WW2 was less popular by it's end than that. Fact is poor people without telephones were not included in polls and poor people the biggest non supporters of it. They realize it is them who will be fighting and most likely dying in war to begin with....which is true!

07-20-2009, 08:31 AM
It is not the government telling us what to do. It is the government that fixes our roads and various other infrastructure, oversees our economic structure and provides for education for care for our children.
If you don't understand how that works, let me know.

your kid is being taught to kiss Osama's ass. take some midol and go back to sleep.

07-20-2009, 02:40 PM
I have written to Pelosi urging improved psychiatric care for our veterans. So Namvet can get the help that he needs. :p

07-20-2009, 02:43 PM
I have written to Pelosi urging improved psychiatric care for our veterans. So Namvet can get the help that he needs. :p

the both of you need it more. you first. communists

07-20-2009, 03:00 PM
I have written to John McCain urging improved psychiatric care for our liberals. So gabosaurus can get the help that she desperately needs for her Dyslexia disease