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Sparrow Hawk
07-18-2009, 03:34 PM
Today most mega churches throughout America became places where God is out.These churches who say that God loves everybody and it is ok to do sins while worshiping God.These places are now money groubing businesses rather than being as good Samaritans for the poor and for those who got derailed from God's right track.We know well many lying money groubing whore TV Evangelists who delude many people with lies that it is ok to sin and you won't go to Hell for doing that.Just give us your $,so we tell you the good news.We see these famous liars like Billy Graham,Pat Robertson,John Hagee,Benny Hinn,Robert Shuller,and this fat bastard Jerry Falwell who is now in Hell.Many of the whoremongering churches became dog kennels who accept homosexuality as normal lifestyle,ordaine fag pastors like Gene Robinson who is a fag bishop of Episcopelian Church,perform glbt marriages.The Catholic church is a dog kennel from her bloody medieval days of inquisition from sick perverted popes and priests who molest boys.That what we got today.All those whore pastors and people whom they delude with lies always end up in Hell.Now it is time for good fellow Christians to be strictly watchful and walk carefully as sheep among wolves.

07-18-2009, 04:39 PM
Today most mega churches throughout America became places where God is out.These churches who say that God loves everybody and it is ok to do sins while worshiping God.These places are now money groubing businesses rather than being as good Samaritans for the poor and for those who got derailed from God's right track.We know well many lying money groubing whore TV Evangelists who delude many people with lies that it is ok to sin and you won't go to Hell for doing that.Just give us your $,so we tell you the good news.We see these famous liars like Billy Graham,Pat Robertson,John Hagee,Benny Hinn,Robert Shuller,and this fat bastard Jerry Falwell who is now in Hell.Many of the whoremongering churches became dog kennels who accept homosexuality as normal lifestyle,ordaine fag pastors like Gene Robinson who is a fag bishop of Episcopelian Church,perform glbt marriages.The Catholic church is a dog kennel from her bloody medieval days of inquisition from sick perverted popes and priests who molest boys.That what we got today.All those whore pastors and people whom they delude with lies always end up in Hell.Now it is time for good fellow Christians to be strictly watchful and walk carefully as sheep among wolves.

WOW! LMAO! to include someone like Billy Graham in that lot shows your true stupidity...

Obey Obey Obey
07-18-2009, 04:55 PM
WOW! LMAO! to include someone like Billy Graham in that lot shows your true stupidity...
No dumb F, you are the stupid one who listens to main stream news and believe 9/11 was done by Al Qaeda when it was actually our own government. No dumb F you are the stupid one who listens to fags on main stream media that uplifts lying jack asses like Billy Graham, the lying whore and Jerry Falwell who is in Hell for selling out God too. You are going to Hell and there is not a damned thing you can do about it dumb ass. You love the world and you will burn in Hell for it. James 4:4.

07-18-2009, 05:06 PM
No dumb F, you are the stupid one who listens to main stream news and believe 9/11 was done by Al Qaeda when it was actually our own government. No dumb F you are the stupid one who listens to fags on main stream media that uplifts lying jack asses like Billy Graham, the lying whore and Jerry Falwell who is in Hell for selling out God too. You are going to Hell and there is not a damned thing you can do about it dumb ass. You love the world and you will burn in Hell for it. James 4:4.

what gives you the right to come on here and talk to people this way..
you can go to hell right now, and leave. and take your little bird brained friend with you..

07-18-2009, 05:10 PM
No dumb F, you are the stupid one who listens to main stream news and believe 9/11 was done by Al Qaeda when it was actually our own government. No dumb F you are the stupid one who listens to fags on main stream media that uplifts lying jack asses like Billy Graham, the lying whore and Jerry Falwell who is in Hell for selling out God too. You are going to Hell and there is not a damned thing you can do about it dumb ass. You love the world and you will burn in Hell for it. James 4:4.

Does anyone know of a psycho-ward this guy can go pound sand in?

Please cite your credible sources that show your claims of:

1. Who was responsible for 9/11
2. When and where Billy Graham has ever lied to anyone
3. When and where Jerry Falwell has ever lied to anyone
4. Your proof that there's a place called hell and the two aforementioned people are there now

Obey Obey Obey
07-18-2009, 05:14 PM
Does anyone know of a psycho-ward this guy can go pound sand in?

The truth hurts. If you were an elect, you would thank me for this message but I just want you to know God hates you just like he hates fags and any of the unelect. Matthew 7:13-14 says God drop kicks most so called believers into Hell so you might as well remain a mocker, scoffer and a simpleton who hates truth. You can see how God deals with the simpletons, scoffers and haters of truth in Proverbs 1. The Lord will be laughing at you when He brings you calamity. You have been duly warned dummy!

07-18-2009, 05:56 PM
The truth hurts. If you were an elect, you would thank me for this message but I just want you to know God hates you just like he hates fags and any of the unelect. Matthew 7:13-14 says God drop kicks most so called believers into Hell so you might as well remain a mocker, scoffer and a simpleton who hates truth. You can see how God deals with the simpletons, scoffers and haters of truth in Proverbs 1. The Lord will be laughing at you when He brings you calamity. You have been duly warned dummy!

Id rather be in hell with people who believe like me then heaven with you. Because I know within a few days we will have kicked out the devil and started irrigating.

I also highly doubt the one who wept when Lazarus died is going to be drop kicking anyone or laughing at them as He destroys them. Especially since He has already paid in blood to ensure they will rise from the dead.

God must really hate us if He went to so much trouble to give everyone immortality.

07-18-2009, 06:06 PM
Today most mega churches throughout America became places where God is out.These churches who say that God loves everybody and it is ok to do sins while worshiping God.These places are now money groubing businesses rather than being as good Samaritans for the poor and for those who got derailed from God's right track.We know well many lying money groubing whore TV Evangelists who delude many people with lies that it is ok to sin and you won't go to Hell for doing that.Just give us your $,so we tell you the good news.We see these famous liars like Billy Graham,Pat Robertson,John Hagee,Benny Hinn,Robert Shuller,and this fat bastard Jerry Falwell who is now in Hell.Many of the whoremongering churches became dog kennels who accept homosexuality as normal lifestyle,ordaine fag pastors like Gene Robinson who is a fag bishop of Episcopelian Church,perform glbt marriages.The Catholic church is a dog kennel from her bloody medieval days of inquisition from sick perverted popes and priests who molest boys.That what we got today.All those whore pastors and people whom they delude with lies always end up in Hell.Now it is time for good fellow Christians to be strictly watchful and walk carefully as sheep among wolves.

I suppose if they are false prophets God will deal with it. My favorite tv christian star is Joyce Meyer :cool:

Obey Obey Obey
07-18-2009, 07:32 PM
Id rather be in hell with people who believe like me then heaven with you. Because I know within a few days we will have kicked out the devil and started irrigating.

I also highly doubt the one who wept when Lazarus died is going to be drop kicking anyone or laughing at them as He destroys them. Especially since He has already paid in blood to ensure they will rise from the dead.

God must really hate us if He went to so much trouble to give everyone immortality.

Your opinion means nothing. It is God's take that counts dummy. As far as why most are going to Hell, you should read up on Amos 8:11 to find out why. Most go to Hell(Matthew 7:13-14 and Rev 3:15-16) Are you calling Jesus a liar? You are if you keep farting your lies out of your mouth.

07-18-2009, 07:36 PM
what gives you the right to come on here and talk to people this way..
you can go to hell right now, and leave. and take your little bird brained friend with you..

Did you notice that someone has been giving Chicken Hawk positive rep? WTF is that about?

07-18-2009, 07:45 PM
Did you notice that someone has been giving Chicken Hawk positive rep? WTF is that about?

I don't know...but if this is the kind of crap they are going to post...I hope they are expelled from here..my 15 yr. old reads stuff on here at times and I don't want him reading the shit they post..

Obey Obey Obey
07-18-2009, 07:53 PM
I don't know...but if this is the kind of crap they are going to post...I hope they are expelled from here..my 15 yr. old reads stuff on here at times and I don't want him reading the shit they post..

Should you have fags and fag enablers brainwashing your doltish dumb downed fluoridated kids? You give your children dozens of thimersol(mercury)vaccines and you do not care about your children because you hate them. It is bad enough you hate the fags as they waltz their nasty selfs to Hell but to vaccinate your kids is pure hatred.

07-18-2009, 07:55 PM
Should you have fags and fag enablers brainwashing your doltish dumb downed fluoridated kids? You give your children dozens of thimersol(mercury)vaccines and you do not care about your children because you hate them. It is bad enough you hate the fags as they waltz their nasty selfs to Hell but to vaccinate your kids is pure hatred.

Leave the kid out of your commentary.

Sparrow Hawk
07-18-2009, 08:05 PM
what gives you the right to come on here and talk to people this way..
you can go to hell right now, and leave. and take your little bird brained friend with you..

Just relax.We tell people the truth about all those charlatains who delude and mislead people with lies and place them on the wrong track that leads them to Hell.Money groubers,liers,greedy,and selfish hypocrites they are.

07-18-2009, 08:14 PM
Should you have fags and fag enablers brainwashing your doltish dumb downed fluoridated kids? You give your children dozens of thimersol(mercury)vaccines and you do not care about your children because you hate them. It is bad enough you hate the fags as they waltz their nasty selfs to Hell but to vaccinate your kids is pure hatred.

you have the guts to say that to the face of fathers and mothers???...or are you a pussy like the rest your Westboro buddies who hold up little signs far away from anyone so they don't get their teeth kicked in..?
the real hell right now is having you and your buddy here ..and the sooner you're gone the better..

Sparrow Hawk
07-18-2009, 08:14 PM
I suppose if they are false prophets God will deal with it. My favorite tv christian star is Joyce Meyer :cool:
I remember this Texas whacko John Hagee wrote the paperback book in which he predicted that murder of Israeli prime minister Issac Rabin will light a green light to giving Golan Heights back to Syria and this will give a way to the rapture and coming of the antichrist.Hagee is a liar.

07-18-2009, 08:20 PM
Just relax.We tell people the truth about all those charlatains who delude and mislead people with lies and place them on the wrong track that leads them to Hell.Money groubers,liers,greedy,and selfish hypocrites they are.

you don't come on here and tell me to relax...and I hope to see you gone and sent back to your butt buddies to that place you call a church.

Sparrow Hawk
07-18-2009, 08:25 PM
I don't know...but if this is the kind of crap they are going to post...I hope they are expelled from here..my 15 yr. old reads stuff on here at times and I don't want him reading the shit they post..
Why do you blame us for that mam?We understand you have the underage son and you don't want him to read this forum that is designed for mature adults like you and me.I strictly agree with you that your son is isn't old enough for that.As a good mom you must not allow him to use internet places that are designed for mature adults.So don't blame against people who have rights to exersise freedom of 1st Amendment,especially based on creed.
God bless you.

07-18-2009, 08:33 PM
Why do you blame us for that mam?We understand you have the underage son and you don't want him to read this forum that is designed for mature adults like you and me.I strictly agree with you that your son is isn't old enough for that.As a good mom you must not allow him to use internet places that are designed for mature adults.So don't blame against people who have rights to exersise freedom of 1st Amendment,especially based on creed.
God bless you.

all you are doing is spreading around hate in the disguise of religion...and you telling me what I should be doing with my kids is a joke... your right to free speech doesn't necessarily apply to this board, that is up to the owners..and your kind of hate should only be where it is, on street corners. now isn't your corner missing you..

07-18-2009, 08:36 PM
Leave the kids out of this discussion.

Sparrow Hawk
07-18-2009, 08:48 PM
all you are doing is spreading around hate in the disguise of religion...and you telling me what I should be doing with my kids is a joke... your right to free speech doesn't necessarily apply to this board, that is up to the owners..and your kind of hate should only be where it is, on street corners. now isn't your corner missing you..
For Christophobes all good Christians are so-called hatemongers.Very clever:laugh:LOL!It is unfair to close people mouths in the country that is a land of liberty.We preach the Bible and never violence.Those who don't agree with us what we preach,those must ignore us and period.We do not push our religion down peoples' throats by force.
We respect you,so please respect us.

07-18-2009, 08:50 PM
For Christophobes all good Christians are so-called hatemongers.Very clever:laugh:LOL!It is unfair to close people mouths in the country that is a land of liberty.We preach the Bible and never violence.Those who don't agree with us what we preach,those must ignore us and period.We do not push our religion down peoples' throats by force.
We respect you,so please respect us.

yeah, I've seen your respect for people...I'll pass on respecting you and the hate you spew...

Sparrow Hawk
07-18-2009, 09:00 PM
yeah, I've seen your respect for people...I'll pass on respecting you and the hate you spew...
Love Thy Neighbor,Rebuke Him.To correct the misguided and preach God's word to depraved sinners that their sin will lead them for Hell,so they must to repent and seek Jesus is never hate.It is love.

07-18-2009, 09:02 PM
Love Thy Neighbor,Rebuke Him.To correct the misguided and preach God's word to depraved sinners that their sin will lead them for Hell,so they must to repent and seek Jesus is never hate.It is love.

go to hell. and back to your street corner..

Sparrow Hawk
07-18-2009, 09:07 PM
Leave the kids out of this discussion.
I agree with you,kids who are not of adult legal age got to be kept off from adult discussion forums.They must do school works.

07-18-2009, 10:09 PM
Love Thy Neighbor,Rebuke Him.To correct the misguided and preach God's word to depraved sinners that their sin will lead them for Hell,so they must to repent and seek Jesus is never hate.It is love.

You quote it to us repeatedly but you seem to miss the key phrase:

Love thy neighbor

Until you actually do that, you wont have any success convincing people to repent.

Sparrow Hawk
07-19-2009, 12:28 AM
go to hell. and back to your street corner..
If I had had a kid,I would place him in Christian private school and then to Christian concervative university,but not in this today's toxic high school and this filthy Harvard whorehouse where GLBT activists including this pimp Judy Shepard do their demonic crusades and brainwash them with gay crap.It is better to be a good parent and love the teen child by protecting him from immoral youth culture we live in.

Sparrow Hawk
07-19-2009, 12:54 AM
"Parents,do not provoke your children to wrath,but bring them into the admonition to The Lord".

07-19-2009, 05:46 AM
Did you notice that someone has been giving Chicken Hawk positive rep? WTF is that about?

I don't think it is mere coincidence that these two have shown up here at the same time with their absurd posts......my personal theory is that someone here has created sock puppets to mimic the worst stereotypes that seculars have regarding Christians for the sole purpose of insulting us......the positive rep is likely coming from the person who created the sock puppet......

07-19-2009, 09:57 AM
the OP and others here know nothing of Christ. They are pathetic, evil, sinful bastards.

Obey Obey Obey
07-19-2009, 10:35 AM
go to hell. and back to your street corner..

Sounds like Stephanie is the real hater around here. Telling a homo about Hell is as loving as telling a blindfolded schmuck racing towards the grand canyon that the schmuck is dire danger.

Mr. P
07-19-2009, 10:43 AM
Sounds like Stephanie is the real hater around here. Telling a homo about Hell is as loving as telling a blindfolded schmuck racing towards the grand canyon that the schmuck is dire danger.

Yeah, cept the blindfolded schmuck racing towards the grand canyon put the blindfold on himself. The Gay person didn't. So, your loving is a farce you homophobic..

07-19-2009, 10:44 AM
Sounds like Stephanie is the real hater around here. Telling a homo about Hell is as loving as telling a blindfolded schmuck racing towards the grand canyon that the schmuck is dire danger.

no I'm not a hater...I just don't tolerate someone like you who just goes around spewing hate..got it?

Obey Obey Obey
07-19-2009, 11:04 AM
you have the guts to say that to the face of fathers and mothers???...or are you a pussy like the rest your Westboro buddies who hold up little signs far away from anyone so they don't get their teeth kicked in..?
the real hell right now is having you and your buddy here ..and the sooner you're gone the better..

Yes I would. You as a parent have a duty to check out both sides of the vaccine issue.

07-19-2009, 11:07 AM
Yes I would. You as a parent have a duty to check out both sides of the vaccine issue.

well then get back to telling others how to live their lives on a street corner..

Obey Obey Obey
07-19-2009, 11:14 AM
well then get back to telling others how to live their lives on a street corner..

Hopefully you have only daughters. Boys have 4 times higher chance of autism thanks to thimersol(mercury) in the vaccines. No autism in Amish community. You are just a hate filled demonic heathen and will consider my urging you to check out the facts as hate. You have been push button programmed to do what your government wants you to do. When I was a teen heathen, we all felt the same way about fags as only conservative Christians do today. We were not brainwashed. We were brainwashed about jews being victims. When I was 7 they showed us the movies about the holocaust. Stacks of dead bodies, ashes is worse than seeing the dawn of the dead which I saw. The stacks of dead bodies was horrifying. Now they are brainwashing that fags are victims which they are not. Fags are not victims. Fags are abominations.

07-19-2009, 11:20 AM
Hopefully you have only daughters. Boys have 4 times higher chance of autism thanks to thimersol(mercury) in the vaccines. No autism in Amish community. You are just a hate filled demonic heathen and will consider my urging you to check out the facts as hate. You have been push button programmed to do what your government wants you to do. When I was a teen heathen, we all felt the same way about fags as only conservative Christians do today. We were not brainwashed. We were brainwashed about jews being victims. When I was 7 they showed us the movies about the holocaust. Stacks of dead bodies, ashes is worse than seeing the dawn of the dead which I saw. The stacks of dead bodies was horrifying. Now they are brainwashing that fags are victims which they are not. Fags are not victims. Fags are abominations.

it's really none of your concern what children I have in my family, now is it?
now back to the street corner for you...

07-19-2009, 11:21 AM
Sounds like Stephanie is the real hater around here. Telling a homo about Hell is as loving as telling a blindfolded schmuck racing towards the grand canyon that the schmuck is dire danger.

You can thank me for those neg rep points. Steph is a very lovable and kind person who thinks for herself and doesn't take any bullshit. I, on the other hand am a hater. As I'm not a christian I don't have a guilt complex and quoting scriptures means nothing to me. I can wish a pox on your house as easily as wishing Steph a Merry Christmas.

Apparently you worship the same hateful god as the muslims.

If you ever get up to Ohio I'll be looking for ya.

07-19-2009, 01:14 PM
I get to Ohio occasionally. Next time I do, I'll give you a shout and we can have a beer and wish a pox on his house together.

Obey Obey Obey
07-19-2009, 01:46 PM
You can thank me for those neg rep points. Steph is a very lovable and kind person who thinks for herself and doesn't take any bullshit. I, on the other hand am a hater. As I'm not a christian I don't have a guilt complex and quoting scriptures means nothing to me. I can wish a pox on your house as easily as wishing Steph a Merry Christmas.

Apparently you worship the same hateful god as the muslims.

If you ever get up to Ohio I'll be looking for ya.

Maybe next June when you are marching in your fag parades I will be there with picket signs and a bullhorn.

07-19-2009, 01:47 PM
I get to Ohio occasionally. Next time I do, I'll give you a shout and we can have a beer and wish a pox on his house together.

Sounds great, I'll look forward to it. :beer:

Sparrow Hawk
07-19-2009, 03:12 PM
no I'm not a hater...I just don't tolerate someone like you who just goes around spewing hate..got it?
To preach the word of God to the depraved heathens including sodomites that their evil prides will take them to Hell,so they must to repent to be saved from Hell is the important part of love.God can't accept perversions in His Place of Faith.Homosexuality is as sin and perversion of human lusts.Romans 1:26-32.

Sparrow Hawk
07-19-2009, 03:16 PM
Yeah, cept the blindfolded schmuck racing towards the grand canyon put the blindfold on himself. The Gay person didn't. So, your loving is a farce you homophobic..
GLBT person is in the grave danger.Today in my church Sunday class one young Christian university's faculty fellow told how they tell gays that gayness is evil.

Obey Obey Obey
07-19-2009, 04:15 PM
To preach the word of God to the depraved heathens including sodomites that their evil prides will take them to Hell,so they must to repent to be saved from Hell is the important part of love.God can't accept perversions in His Place of Faith.Homosexuality is as sin and perversion of human lusts.Romans 1:26-32.

Most of the so called Christians who are broad roaders and luke warm are as nutty as stephanie. They turned the Creator into the creature just like the fags did in Romans 1:25. This explains that Matthew 7:13-14,21-22 and Rev 3:15-16 is correct. Most professing Christians who embrace the fags and the world are going straight to Hell for eternity when they die. No contradiction with John 3:16 and Matthew 7:13-14 thanks to the brutes and brute enablers on this forum. I appreciate their proving the truth to me but it is a damn shame they burn in Hell with the natural brute beasts AKA fags.

07-19-2009, 05:00 PM
I'm sending my demons to pay a visit to these two nutcases. :laugh2:

Mr. P
07-19-2009, 05:11 PM
I'm sending my demons to pay a visit to these two nutcases. :laugh2:

Ain't worth it Gaffer, save em for Bambam.

07-19-2009, 08:54 PM
If I had had a kid,I would place him in Christian private school and then to Christian concervative university,but not in this today's toxic high school and this filthy Harvard whorehouse where GLBT activists including this pimp Judy Shepard do their demonic crusades and brainwash them with gay crap.It is better to be a good parent and love the teen child by protecting him from immoral youth culture we live in.

IF, if is a mighty big word, if God thought you had a brain he may let you reproduce, but after reading some of your trash it is better off ya don't!

07-19-2009, 08:58 PM
Maybe next June when you are marching in your fag parades I will be there with picket signs and a bullhorn.

LMAO , a picket sign a bullhorn and a ass whoopin, lol, I don't like the idea of gays at all, but I like you 2 even less!

07-20-2009, 03:08 PM
Church of the Surfing God in Malibu, Calif.


07-20-2009, 03:19 PM
Church of the Surfing God in Malibu, Calif.


thought your god was Osama. on your knees

Sparrow Hawk
07-20-2009, 03:31 PM
thought your god was Osama. on your knees

Love this animation!It is awesome!