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View Full Version : Obama: Fire Imus

04-11-2007, 04:47 PM
Great...now we have the Presidential candidate saying who should or should not be fired from a job..
You should see on the Shrills website....she's using this for her politics also..I agree that Imas did make an ass out of himself, but this thing has just gone too far, and the media and now the Democrat Presidential candidate driving it...


April 11, 2007— In an interview with ABC News Wednesday afternoon, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., called for the firing of talk radio host Don Imus. Obama said he would never again appear on Imus' show, which is broadcast on CBS Radio and MSNBC television.

"I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus," Obama told ABC News, "but I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude."

Obama said he appeared once on Imus' show two years ago, and "I have no intention of returning." (sheesh...won't appear on fox news, now Imas....He'll have nowhere left come 08 at the rate he's going:poke:

Racial Slur Stirs Trouble for Shock Jock

Last week, Imus referred to the Rutgers University women's basketball team, most of whom are African-American, as "nappy-headed hos." He has since apologized for his remarks, and CBS and MSNBC suspended his show for two weeks.

"He didn't just cross the line," Obama said. "He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women — who I hope will be athletes — that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It's one that I'm not interested in supporting."
"Insults, humor that degrades women, humor that is based in racism and racial stereotypes isn't fun," the senator told ABC News.

"And the notion that somehow it's cute or amusing, or a useful diversion, I think, is something that all of us have to recognize is just not the case. We all have First Amendment rights. And I am a constitutional lawyer and strongly believe in free speech, but as a culture, we really have to do some soul-searching to think about what kind of toxic information are we feeding our kids," he concluded.

Though every major presidential candidate has decried the racist remarks, Obama is the first one to say Imus should lose his job for them.

His proclamation was the latest in an ever-expanding list of bad news for Imus.

Sponsors, including American Express Co., General Motors Corp., Procter & Gamble Co., and Staples Inc. — have announced they are pulling advertisements from the show for the indefinite future.

Tuesday, the basketball team held a press conference.

I think that this has scarred me for life," said Matee Ajavon. "We grew up in a world where racism exists, and there's nothing we can do to change that." :lame2:

"What we've been seeing around this country is this constant ratcheting up of a coarsening of the culture that all of have to think about," Obama said.

Clayton Sandell contributed to this report.

04-11-2007, 04:53 PM
I disagree with Obama. Let his bosses decide. If Imus loses viewers and sponsors because of his behavior, he's toast anyways.

04-11-2007, 04:53 PM
Obama: Fire Imus

Gunny: Fuck Obama

04-11-2007, 04:56 PM
Let the market place determine Imus's fate. Btw I didn't hear of any politician asking for the Dixie Chicks being dropped from their label. They are free to speak their mind, at the risk of effecting themselves in the market place.

04-11-2007, 04:56 PM
I disagree with Obama. Let his bosses decide. If Imus loses viewers and sponsors because of his behavior, he's toast anyways. Hillary said the same thing. You are required to be lock step with the queen.

04-11-2007, 04:57 PM
Gunny: Fuck Obama I'll let you do that. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/ban-bf.gif

04-11-2007, 04:58 PM
Hillary said the same thing. You are required to be lock step with the queen.

F*** her. She's not my hero.

04-11-2007, 05:03 PM
F*** her. ..... I'll let you do that one. :puke:

04-11-2007, 08:30 PM
Amazing, we actually have a Presidential nominee who wants to punish people for speaking their mind. Granted, Imus is a complete and utter moron, but he has the right to say anything he wants. He is an American.

Can anyone honestly look to Obama as a protector of the Constitution if he is so quick to recommend people get punished for exercising free speech in a way that society disagrees with?

04-11-2007, 08:35 PM
What does obama think about black people saying nigger and nappy ho's to about other black people?


04-11-2007, 08:36 PM
The market is taking care of it. His sponsors are jumping ship.

....U.S.-based car maker General Motors and office supplies retailer Staples joined several major companies that have pulled their advertisements from the show over the comments.

Other sponsors, including household consumer products company Procter and Gamble, and Bigelow Tea, also announced they will suspend their advertisements in light of the remarks. http://www.voanews.com/english/2007-04-11-voa50.cfm

Meanwhile why doesn't Neil Boortz the other right wing hate monger racist get the same kind of negative publicity for his racist statements?

Boortz: Rep. McKinney "looks like a ghetto slut"
On the March 31 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, Neal Boortz said that Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) "looks like a ghetto slut." Boortz was commenting on a March 29 incident in which McKinney allegedly struck a police officer at a Capitol Hill security checkpoint. Boortz said that McKinney's "new hair-do" makes her look "like a ghetto slut," like "an explosion at a Brillo pad factory," like "Tina Turner peeing on an electric fence," and like "a shih tzu." McKinney is the first African-American woman elected to Congress from Georgia.

From the March 31 broadcast of Cox Radio Syndication's The Neal Boortz Show, with producer Belinda Skelton and talk radio host Royal Marshall:

BOORTZ: For instance, or for goodness sakes, jump in and I'm gonna say -- I'm gonna start out with something controversial. I saw Cynthia McKinney's new hair-do. Have you seen it, Belinda?


BOORTZ: She looks like a ghetto slut.


04-11-2007, 08:37 PM
What does obama think about black people saying nigger and nappy ho's to about other black people?

*steps on crickets* I'm sure he agrees with Sharpton and Jackson who have been speaking out against rappers degrading remarks for years.

04-11-2007, 08:38 PM
Let the market place determine Imus's fate. Btw I didn't hear of any politician asking for the Dixie Chicks being dropped from their label. They are free to speak their mind, at the risk of effecting themselves in the market place.

Well there is a distinction between the Dixie Chicks who are artists (regardless of what we think of the merits of the music) and Imus who is..............not. He's something else, I'm not sure what.

Nevertheless all Americans enjoy the protection of the first amendment. Why are they hassling Imus so much when other radio personalities right and left from Rush L. to Al Franken say equally insulting, not to mention stupid, things all the time?

04-11-2007, 08:44 PM
The market is taking care of it. His sponsors are jumping ship.

Meanwhile why doesn't Neil Boortz the other right wing hate monger racist get the same kind of negative publicity for his racist statements?

As you said.....The market will take care it..

I don't need no stinking speech police to tell me what I can and can't say..
If your offended by it........Too bad, change the channel.That's why I don't listen to rap music or buy their Cd's..

SIMPLE AS THAT..(cricket just spoke)

04-11-2007, 09:04 PM
*steps on crickets* I'm sure he agrees with Sharpton and Jackson who have been speaking out against rappers degrading remarks for years.

LOL, where are the mass protest? Nice try, next.

04-11-2007, 09:44 PM
Well there is a distinction between the Dixie Chicks who are artists (regardless of what we think of the merits of the music) and Imus who is..............not. He's something else, I'm not sure what.

Nevertheless all Americans enjoy the protection of the first amendment. Why are they hassling Imus so much when other radio personalities right and left from Rush L. to Al Franken say equally insulting, not to mention stupid, things all the time? I've never heard Rush use anything remotely resembling those terms.

04-11-2007, 10:39 PM
I've never heard Rush use anything remotely resembling those terms.

Feminazis? There are few things more offensive than being compared to Nazis, wouldn't you think?

"Nappy headed" is an objective term and "hos" is obviously a parody of the way rappers talk. I doubt "ho" is more offensive than "Nazi" to most people.

04-12-2007, 02:22 AM
Feminazis? There are few things more offensive than being compared to Nazis, wouldn't you think?

"Nappy headed" is an objective term and "hos" is obviously a parody of the way rappers talk. I doubt "ho" is more offensive than "Nazi" to most people.

I'm a woman and I think the name Femenazis fits quite well for the women he is talking about.....Soooooooooooo?
Ya don't like it.......DON'T LISTEN...

Change the channel.......:slap:

04-12-2007, 03:10 AM
I'm a woman and I think the name Femenazis fits quite well for the women he is talking about.....Soooooooooooo?
Ya don't like it.......DON'T LISTEN...

Change the channel.......:slap:

I seldom listen to that knucklehead. I was just answering someone's question. Anyway if you're not a feminist why is your comment so bitchy? Submit to my male authority and SHUT YOUR TRAP!:laugh2: :clap: :cheers2:

04-12-2007, 03:34 AM
I seldom listen to that knucklehead. I was just answering someone's question. Anyway if you're not a feminist why is your comment so bitchy? Submit to my male authority and SHUT YOUR TRAP!:laugh2: :clap: :cheers2:

:laugh2: :laugh2: Not in this lifetime...
Maybe in the next...:cheers2:

04-12-2007, 04:09 AM
:laugh2: :laugh2: Not in this lifetime...
Maybe in the next...:cheers2:

Typical woman, claims not to be a feminazi and then attacks everything with a few drops of testosterone! Oh well I'll forgive you just because I like Alaska. And with the population disparity between men and women there I don't blame you for being hyper-aggressive!:poke: :beer:

04-12-2007, 04:21 AM
Typical woman, claims not to be a feminazi and then attacks everything with a few drops of testosterone! Oh well I'll forgive you just because I like Alaska. And with the population disparity between men and women there I don't blame you for being hyper-aggressive!:poke: :beer:

Typical man.....JUST HAS TO GET THE LAST WORD IN.....
Because you don't want to show any type of (feminist) traits that might make you seem like a softie......

But your right about one thing....A woman living up here in Northern Alaska, better have the balls to live... And we could show some of you city slickers boys up... for shame...:poke: :slap: :laugh2:

04-12-2007, 08:12 AM
Feminazis? There are few things more offensive than being compared to Nazis, wouldn't you think?

"Nappy headed" is an objective term and "hos" is obviously a parody of the way rappers talk. I doubt "ho" is more offensive than "Nazi" to most people.

Have you heard him define the term? It describes the few over the top individuals perfectly. It is also completely political, not sexual and demeaning like "ho", and therefore an acceptable word in a political discussion.

04-12-2007, 08:13 AM
........A woman living up here in Northern Alaska,.... Keep it warm for me, babe! :poke:

04-12-2007, 12:08 PM
Keep it warm for me, babe! :poke:

Hey, we've been seeing temps. in the 50s.......whoohooo
breaking out the shorts..:coffee:

04-12-2007, 12:29 PM
Hey, we've been seeing temps. in the 50s.......whoohooo
breaking out the shorts..:coffee: Yeah baby! White legs! :clap:

Not much warmer that that here.

04-12-2007, 03:49 PM
Great...now we have the Presidential candidate saying who should or should not be fired from a job..
You should see on the Shrills website....she's using this for her politics also..I agree that Imas did make an ass out of himself, but this thing has just gone too far, and the media and now the Democrat Presidential candidate driving it...


April 11, 2007— In an interview with ABC News Wednesday afternoon, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., called for the firing of talk radio host Don Imus. Obama said he would never again appear on Imus' show, which is broadcast on CBS Radio and MSNBC television.

"I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus," Obama told ABC News, "but I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude."

Obama said he appeared once on Imus' show two years ago, and "I have no intention of returning." (sheesh...won't appear on fox news, now Imas....He'll have nowhere left come 08 at the rate he's going:poke:

Racial Slur Stirs Trouble for Shock Jock

Last week, Imus referred to the Rutgers University women's basketball team, most of whom are African-American, as "nappy-headed hos." He has since apologized for his remarks, and CBS and MSNBC suspended his show for two weeks.

"He didn't just cross the line," Obama said. "He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women — who I hope will be athletes — that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It's one that I'm not interested in supporting."
"Insults, humor that degrades women, humor that is based in racism and racial stereotypes isn't fun," the senator told ABC News.

"And the notion that somehow it's cute or amusing, or a useful diversion, I think, is something that all of us have to recognize is just not the case. We all have First Amendment rights. And I am a constitutional lawyer and strongly believe in free speech, but as a culture, we really have to do some soul-searching to think about what kind of toxic information are we feeding our kids," he concluded.

Though every major presidential candidate has decried the racist remarks, Obama is the first one to say Imus should lose his job for them.

His proclamation was the latest in an ever-expanding list of bad news for Imus.

Sponsors, including American Express Co., General Motors Corp., Procter & Gamble Co., and Staples Inc. — have announced they are pulling advertisements from the show for the indefinite future.

Tuesday, the basketball team held a press conference.

I think that this has scarred me for life," said Matee Ajavon. "We grew up in a world where racism exists, and there's nothing we can do to change that." :lame2:

"What we've been seeing around this country is this constant ratcheting up of a coarsening of the culture that all of have to think about," Obama said.

Clayton Sandell contributed to this report.

Obama speaks and CBS listens-----CBS fires Imus for saying " nappy headed hos" what a great country !!

04-12-2007, 04:22 PM
Interstesting Democrat muscle flexing---Obama successfully pressures CBS and big money advertisers to fire Imus. Now Hillary is going to go visit the Rutgers basketabll team to show how much the likes blacks? Heck-she was married to the first "black" president. :laugh2:
Grab you popcorn and sit back to watch this one play out !:laugh2:

04-12-2007, 05:11 PM
Have you heard him define the term? It describes the few over the top individuals perfectly. It is also completely political, not sexual and demeaning like "ho", and therefore an acceptable word in a political discussion.

Sorry but I have failed to digest every conceivable pearl of wisdom from the mouth of FatBoy. Nazi means Nazi. End of story. Thank god that retard is not on the radio in Australia.

I mean I can call him FatBoy and then say that my definition of that term is "wise one with many idiotic followers" but it really means Fat. And Boy.

04-12-2007, 05:13 PM
Obama speaks and CBS listens-----CBS fires Imus for saying " nappy headed hos" what a great country !!

This is going to backfire on Obama. Why does he want his first big issue to be firing a moron? Priorities, Barack!

04-12-2007, 06:36 PM
This is going to backfire on Obama. Why does he want his first big issue to be firing a moron? Priorities, Barack!

It's subtle and he'll never take the rap. It's just a wake up call for Hillary.
Clinton-Obama ticket anyone ?

04-12-2007, 07:25 PM
*steps on crickets* I'm sure he agrees with Sharpton and Jackson who have been speaking out against rappers degrading remarks for years.

Where are the boycotts brilliant one?

04-12-2007, 08:26 PM
Sorry but I have failed to digest every conceivable pearl of wisdom from the mouth of FatBoy. Nazi means Nazi. End of story. Thank god that retard is not on the radio in Australia.

I mean I can call him FatBoy and then say that my definition of that term is "wise one with many idiotic followers" but it really means Fat. And Boy. So therefore you are closed minded and your opinion is fixed. Right?

04-13-2007, 02:47 AM
So therefore you are closed minded and your opinion is fixed. Right?

There are billions of people on this planet. Rush Limbaugh just happens to be among many I don't pay attention to. Do I have an obligation to memorize his every little dropping? :lame2:

We're not talking Plato here. Or Jesus. Or Buddha. It might be worth studying them. Rush, I'm sorry to say and I'm sure most people on this board disagree, is not of that calibre.

04-13-2007, 02:51 AM
There are billions of people on this planet. Rush Limbaugh just happens to be among many I don't pay attention to. Do I have an obligation to memorize his every little dropping? :lame2:

We're not talking Plato here. Or Jesus. Or Buddha. It might be worth studying them. Rush, I'm sorry to say and I'm sure most people on this board disagree, is not of that calibre.

I think Rush is alot smarter than alot of people give him credit for. He simply likes illustrating absurdity with the absurd and people don't like that. I, also think people like dismissing him because he is right about alot of things and people dont want to admit it.

04-13-2007, 03:12 AM
I think Rush is alot smarter than alot of people give him credit for. He simply likes illustrating absurdity with the absurd and people don't like that. I, also think people like dismissing him because he is right about alot of things and people dont want to admit it.

I think he's entertaining and I like listening to him once in a while. Sometimes I agree, sometimes not and I find it impossible to believe he means a lot of his sillier stuff, it's just entertainment. However the way his followers have put him on a pedestal is a real turnoff and totally out of proportion with his accomplishments. I feel the same way about other middling talents like Seinfeld or Oprah who are similarly feted. Actually they have more talent than Rush because they can act, but all are overrated and frequently boring.

04-13-2007, 04:14 AM
I think he's entertaining and I like listening to him once in a while. Sometimes I agree, sometimes not and I find it impossible to believe he means a lot of his sillier stuff, it's just entertainment. However the way his followers have put him on a pedestal is a real turnoff and totally out of proportion with his accomplishments. I feel the same way about other middling talents like Seinfeld or Oprah who are similarly feted. Actually they have more talent than Rush because they can act, but all are overrated and frequently boring.

I don't agree with everything he says either (Not sure anyone really does agree with everything anyone says). But the man is intelligent and he has definitely made me rethink a few things or atleast look at them in a new light.

There is no doubt he is entertaining, but I think thats the beauty of his programming. He conducts intellectual discussion about current events in an entertaining manner. And I don't know about anyone else, but its usually obvious to me when he isnt being serious about something.

04-13-2007, 07:33 AM
There are billions of people on this planet. Rush Limbaugh just happens to be among many I don't pay attention to. Do I have an obligation to memorize his every little dropping? :lame2:

We're not talking Plato here. Or Jesus. Or Buddha. It might be worth studying them. Rush, I'm sorry to say and I'm sure most people on this board disagree, is not of that calibre. I didn't ask you to roll in his poop, just be open minded in what the guy says. In case you haven't noticed, he's one of the most influencial people on the planet in contemporary times. Even those who disagree with him listen in once in a while, that is, if they want to keep sharp.

The point is, if you don't listen in, then you are unqualified to pass judgement.

04-13-2007, 07:59 AM
I didn't ask you to roll in his poop, just be open minded in what the guy says. In case you haven't noticed, he's one of the most influencial people on the planet in contemporary times. Even those who disagree with him listen in once in a while, that is, if they want to keep sharp.

The point is, if you don't listen in, then you are unqualified to pass judgement.

I certainly have listened enough to have formed an opinion.

Dude you need to get out more if you really think, "he's one of the most influencial people on the planet in contemporary times". Didn't you notice that i called him overrated? Then you bend over backwards to prove it. Guaranteed only a tiny percentage of people in the world have ever heard of him. Nobody outside of America gives a shit about what he thinks or says. America has a propensity for blowing fake celebrities totally out of proportion and then thinking that somehow they are important. I suppose you also think Paris Hilton is an important figure. Actually more people in the world know who she is than Limbaugh. The guy TALKS, that's all.

America is NOT the world.

04-13-2007, 08:17 AM
I certainly have listened enough to have formed an opinion.

Dude you need to get out more if you really think, "he's one of the most influencial people on the planet in contemporary times". Didn't you notice that i called him overrated? Then you bend over backwards to prove it. Guaranteed only a tiny percentage of people in the world have ever heard of him. Nobody outside of America gives a shit about what he thinks or says. America has a propensity for blowing fake celebrities totally out of proportion and then thinking that somehow they are important. I suppose you also think Paris Hilton is an important figure. Actually more people in the world know who she is than Limbaugh. The guy TALKS, that's all.

America is NOT the world.

Paris Hilton may have influence over your side of the ocean but hear in God's Country she's nothing more than white trash.

America may not be the world, just the only part worth living in.

04-13-2007, 09:07 AM
America may not be the world, just the only part worth living in.

Well you just stole the stupid post of the week award from loose cannon. Congratulations:cheers2: :clap: :salute:

Have you ever lived (or even been) outside of America?

04-13-2007, 09:18 AM
Paris Hilton may have influence over your side of the ocean but hear in God's Country she's nothing more than white trash.

America may not be the world, just the only part worth living in.

You would be incorrect in your last assessment. There are plenty of places "worth living in" besides the US.

Matter of fact, if Hillary gets elected, I might be Nuc's new next door neighbor.:laugh2:

04-13-2007, 09:22 AM
You would be incorrect in your last assessment. There are plenty of places "worth living in" besides the US.

Matter of fact, if Hillary gets elected, I might be Nuc's new next door neighbor.:laugh2:

Moving here was a pre-emptive act in case of that horror.

Well if you come down here we can do plenty of::cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2:

04-13-2007, 09:29 AM
Moving here was a pre-emptive act in case of that horror.

Well if you come down here we can do plenty of::cheers2: :cheers2: :cheers2:

LOL. Been to Australia a time or two. Whereabouts are you?

04-13-2007, 09:33 AM
LOL. Been to Australia a time or two. Whereabouts are you?


04-13-2007, 11:47 AM
Well you just stole the stupid post of the week award from loose cannon. Congratulations:cheers2: :clap: :salute:

Have you ever lived (or even been) outside of America? Its my opinion. Calling someone stupid because of their opinion is stoopid.

I've been to Europe. I have friends currently living in China. I have relatives from Canada. I've seen/ heard enough that the're not fer me.

04-13-2007, 11:51 AM
You would be incorrect in your last assessment. There are plenty of places "worth living in" besides the US.

Matter of fact, if Hillary gets elected, I might be Nuc's new next door neighbor.:laugh2:

Yes, I've heard New Zealand and Austrailia may be OK.

04-13-2007, 01:30 PM
You would be incorrect in your last assessment. There are plenty of places "worth living in" besides the US.

Matter of fact, if Hillary gets elected, I might be Nuc's new next door neighbor.:laugh2:

I may go with you.

04-13-2007, 01:32 PM

LOL ... never been there that I recall. My favorite place was Townseville, on the SE coast.

04-13-2007, 01:36 PM
I may go with you.

I just remembered ... I don't like Aussie beer. Victoria Bitters is exactly as advertised. It'll suck your lips back into your head just putting the bottle to your lips.:laugh2:

04-13-2007, 02:20 PM
... Victoria Bitters is exactly as advertised. It'll suck your lips back into your head just putting the bottle to your lips.:laugh2:

Sounds like my kind of woman.

04-13-2007, 02:39 PM
Sounds like my kind of woman.

You are MUCH confused.

04-13-2007, 02:58 PM
You are MUCH confused.

I like my coffee like my women: hot, black and bitter.

04-13-2007, 03:04 PM
I like my coffee like my women: hot, black and bitter.

That'd be just fine 'cept Victoria Bitters is Aussie beer .... not a chick.:slap:

04-13-2007, 03:11 PM
That'd be just fine 'cept Victoria Bitters is Aussie beer .... not a chick.:slap: Must be a slow day in Texass. :slap:

04-13-2007, 03:52 PM
Great...now we have the Presidential candidate saying who should or should not be fired from a job..
You should see on the Shrills website....she's using this for her politics also..I agree that Imas did make an ass out of himself, but this thing has just gone too far, and the media and now the Democrat Presidential candidate driving it...


April 11, 2007— In an interview with ABC News Wednesday afternoon, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., called for the firing of talk radio host Don Imus. Obama said he would never again appear on Imus' show, which is broadcast on CBS Radio and MSNBC television.

"I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus," Obama told ABC News, "but I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude."

Obama said he appeared once on Imus' show two years ago, and "I have no intention of returning." (sheesh...won't appear on fox news, now Imas....He'll have nowhere left come 08 at the rate he's going:poke:

Racial Slur Stirs Trouble for Shock Jock

Last week, Imus referred to the Rutgers University women's basketball team, most of whom are African-American, as "nappy-headed hos." He has since apologized for his remarks, and CBS and MSNBC suspended his show for two weeks.

"He didn't just cross the line," Obama said. "He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women — who I hope will be athletes — that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It's one that I'm not interested in supporting."
"Insults, humor that degrades women, humor that is based in racism and racial stereotypes isn't fun," the senator told ABC News.

"And the notion that somehow it's cute or amusing, or a useful diversion, I think, is something that all of us have to recognize is just not the case. We all have First Amendment rights. And I am a constitutional lawyer and strongly believe in free speech, but as a culture, we really have to do some soul-searching to think about what kind of toxic information are we feeding our kids," he concluded.

Though every major presidential candidate has decried the racist remarks, Obama is the first one to say Imus should lose his job for them.

His proclamation was the latest in an ever-expanding list of bad news for Imus.

Sponsors, including American Express Co., General Motors Corp., Procter & Gamble Co., and Staples Inc. — have announced they are pulling advertisements from the show for the indefinite future.

Tuesday, the basketball team held a press conference.

I think that this has scarred me for life," said Matee Ajavon. "We grew up in a world where racism exists, and there's nothing we can do to change that." :lame2:

"What we've been seeing around this country is this constant ratcheting up of a coarsening of the culture that all of have to think about," Obama said.

Clayton Sandell contributed to this report.

So---who is really in charge of what it said, done and seen in America and should it be controlled or not. Bascially Imus was fired because he said somthing that a company feared would hurt thier bottom line. Does the dollar determine what we will be seeing and hearing or even who our elected officials will be ? There are a lot of things on public media that I think are detrimental to the public good and would rather just "disappear yet when someone is booted from a career because advertisers don't like him, I think it raises some serious questions. Again---does money = feedom of speech.

(Imus ain't finished with this yet--hide and watch--he can play the dollar game too)

04-13-2007, 08:04 PM
So---who is really in charge of what it said, done and seen in America and should it be controlled or not. Bascially Imus was fired because he said somthing that a company feared would hurt thier bottom line. Does the dollar determine what we will be seeing and hearing or even who our elected officials will be ? There are a lot of things on public media that I think are detrimental to the public good and would rather just "disappear yet when someone is booted from a career because advertisers don't like him, I think it raises some serious questions. Again---does money = feedom of speech.

(Imus ain't finished with this yet--hide and watch--he can play the dollar game too)

Well---anybody ???

04-13-2007, 08:10 PM
So---who is really in charge of what it said, done and seen in America and should it be controlled or not. Bascially Imus was fired because he said somthing that a company feared would hurt thier bottom line. Does the dollar determine what we will be seeing and hearing or even who our elected officials will be ? There are a lot of things on public media that I think are detrimental to the public good and would rather just "disappear yet when someone is booted from a career because advertisers don't like him, I think it raises some serious questions. Again---does money = feedom of speech.

(Imus ain't finished with this yet--hide and watch--he can play the dollar game too)

if one of my staff called my clients napphead hoes....i would fire them....

i had a stff member call another a fucking fag....he was the son of a client...i fired him as well....

04-13-2007, 08:24 PM
Must be a slow day in Texass. :slap:

Don't be dis-ing God's little acre, jack. Especially when you live in **cough** South Cackalaki, the official boondocks of the US.

04-13-2007, 08:28 PM
if one of my staff called my clients napphead hoes....i would fire them....

i had a stff member call another a fucking fag....he was the son of a client...i fired him as well....

Therefore the "boss" decides what can be said and what can't ?

04-13-2007, 08:33 PM
Therefore the "boss" decides what can be said and what can't ?

if you want a paycheck .....yep...my company my rules...don't like it quit....

04-13-2007, 08:38 PM
if you want a paycheck .....yep...my company my rules...don't like it quit....

And if the NAACP threatens to boycott your product and picket you place of business?

04-13-2007, 08:39 PM
And if the NAACP threatens to boycott your product and picket you place of business?

pointless no blacks

04-13-2007, 08:46 PM
pointless no blacks


04-13-2007, 08:47 PM

no really...no blacks at my office....no if we make hiroshima jokes ... i am toast....get it

04-13-2007, 08:56 PM
no really...no blacks at my office....no if we make hiroshima jokes ... i am toast....get it

got it-----if the Japanese operated in the same fashion as American Black "leaders" they could yank your chain and make a noose out of it if you slipped up.

04-13-2007, 09:00 PM
got it-----if the Japanese operated in the same fashion as American Black "leaders" they could yank your chain and make a noose out of it if you slipped up.

they could but i don't make zipper head jokes

04-13-2007, 09:08 PM
they could but i don't make zipper head jokes

Smart man---since appears as though racially cohesive groups call the shots in America.

04-13-2007, 09:11 PM
Smart man---since appears as though racially cohesive groups call the shots in America.

true...however asians kick your ass with effort and intelligence....my staff calls me mr samuri...i ain't asian...

04-13-2007, 09:23 PM
true...however asians kick your ass with effort and intelligence....my staff calls me mr samuri...i ain't asian...

Definately a more honorable style of combat ! Can't wait for the Mexicans to really start throwing thier weight around. V Dare must be really hauling in the recuits.

04-15-2007, 01:34 PM
Don't be dis-ing God's little acre, jack. Especially when you live in **cough** South Cackalaki, the official boondocks of the US. God's acre's not in the Texass desert, joe. It's in North Carolina, my home. Proof: more species of trees than anywhere in the US.