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View Full Version : How I feel about The War On terror.

07-23-2009, 01:56 PM
Alright so this is it. I feel that the enemy that we are fighting is one that is smart, that knows us, and our country's policies.

I feel that this is an emeny that is in no way going to surrender, because of the fact that it is not a fight to them, it is a way of life.

This enemy that we are fighting is one that finds glory and power, in taking their life, as long as they take the life of another that oposses their way of life. all of this being said let my explain what it is that I mean. They are raised believe that their way of life is better and more glorfied then anyother. In fact it is the radical views that sepperate them from the others of their religion, because they live by a more strict way of life.

the reason that I say they know us more is because they know that the American public does not like to see death and destruction, and by using that against the public they use it against the military, because the american public didicates what the military can do. and so they use their women and children against use, knowing that the american Public does not want to see their children dead on the streets. they are not fight the military by psy-warfare, no they are fighting the Public with it.

also they are the "masters" of the ambush, because they will set of an underground charge (IED) that disables, and kills the troops, and then pick off the rest with RPG and small arms fire.

and see here is the sad truth, what is 1500

and what is 1.

number right. wrong 1500 can be the number of troops killed, and that is all that you hear.

but 1 is the little Afgan girl, that had blue eyes, and carried her brothers water everyday 5 miles, and that was beaten by her fater, and that did her best to cook and clean after her family.

You attach your self to this one girl.

while you do not attach your self to the 1500 troops.

while because the death of one is a horrific, while the death of 1500 is only a statictic.

what I am trying to say is that really there is only one true answer, and it is a weapon that we have but we do not use. because the public does not want to hear about it. I am sure that many of the Vets can side partically with me. would you take a piece of equipment into the battle field that you knew that you were not going to use, and then kept it there on you back the entire time. the answer is no. and that weapon is here were in fact have had it since WW2 and we have not heard or talked about it sence. that being the Atom Bomb. I have no doubt that if we told them that you have all of X amount of hours untill we drop this on major cities around your country that they would not say do it. in fact they would probably be like i bet you wont. then to show them that we would. drop one in the middle of no where, just to show them that we would and we would not waste time on doing it either. that would show them that we would in fact do it and then I bet we would see a whole other side of this war.

thank you for your time and consideration of this matter.

07-23-2009, 03:52 PM
If you are truly a liberal and have joined the army, then you will not remain a liberal for too long. Maturity and real life tend to overwhelm liberal ideas.

There is no war on terrorism. That is a misnomer spawned by the politically correct media. There is a war with islam however. You will get to experience that first hand.

The number 1 is as much a statistic as 1500. It only becomes more than that when you put a face and name to it. In the case of the girl, she was nothing more to her family than a pack mule to carry her brothers water. This is how islam looks on women. Their only purpose is to serve men and produce offspring.

Your enemy are not masters of the ambush. They are just well supplied by iran and have the advantage of not caring who else gets hurt in their attempt to kill as many of the soldiers as they can. There's nothing masterful about being a bloodthirsty, murdering, fanatical bastard. You do still have much to learn. Hopefully you will learn without too much constraint put on you.

Your in the process of becoming a veteran, best of luck to you.

07-23-2009, 04:22 PM
The number 1 is as much a statistic as 1500. It only becomes more than that when you put a face and name to it. In the case of the girl, she was nothing more to her family than a pack mule to carry her brothers water. This is how islam looks on women. Their only purpose is to serve men and produce offspring.

Your enemy are not masters of the ambush. They are just well supplied by iran and have the advantage of not caring who else gets hurt in their attempt to kill as many of the soldiers as they can. There's nothing masterful about being a bloodthirsty, murdering, fanatical bastard. You do still have much to learn. Hopefully you will learn without too much constraint put on you.

Your in the process of becoming a veteran, best of luck to you.

then why is it that the one is the one, i only used the girl as a metephor ,really, and the sex while over there means nothing but your state as a human, what I was geting at is exactly what you said, it is easier to put a face on the 1 then the 1500. And that is why we withdrew from Vietnam, it was because of the 1's the women and children that were being used by the north vietnam military that made the american public so harshly view the military. and because of that same reason we are neither winning or losing this war.

also If they are not pretty much the "Masters" of the ambush tatics, why is that the only way that they really kill our soldier, my friends, and nieghbors. that is the only way that they have been fighting, ever sence we ousted the army of sadam. that is the only way that they would stand a chance, it is the only tatic that they use now a-days, blow up truck, the RPG's and small arms fire. and what makes them masters is the fact they that is how they over take us, and gain our supplies. they are good at it.

Also I am liberal, because I have to say that I fight for freedom, not a constrained form of freedom, I want it were people are no longer pulled over for "Rountie Stops" that if it cannot be proven with out a doubt that they were the ones that did anything wrong, then that is the only way that they are pulled over. also I do not see how Emenit Domane applies to anyone, no matter what reason, because for someone to take your property from you is prue mocker of the Constition in the first place, because that would impead me from my Liberty, and my Pursute of Happiness as a US citizen. I dont want anyone to go through that.

Oh and thank you.

07-23-2009, 04:48 PM
Also I am liberal, because I have to say that I fight for freedom, not a constrained form of freedom, I want it were people are no longer pulled over for "Rountie Stops" that if it cannot be proven with out a doubt that they were the ones that did anything wrong, then that is the only way that they are pulled over. also I do not see how Emenit Domane applies to anyone, no matter what reason, because for someone to take your property from you is prue mocker of the Constition in the first place, because that would impead me from my Liberty, and my Pursute of Happiness as a US citizen. I dont want anyone to go through that.

Oh and thank you.

Sorry, those are not liberal issues - the issues you bring up make you more of a constitutionalist than a liberal - liberal=anti-constitution.

Also - you'd do well to start using a spell-checker.

07-23-2009, 04:58 PM
Your probably more of a libertarian than a liberal. For one thing liberals aren't prone to join the military. And you seem to have common sense which is a trait lacking in all true liberals.

I'm very familiar with Vietnam and the tactics used both on the battlefield and in the politics.

Are you able to discuss your MOS here?

07-23-2009, 06:14 PM
Sorry, those are not liberal issues - the issues you bring up make you more of a constitutionalist than a liberal - liberal=anti-constitution.

Also - you'd do well to start using a spell-checker.

Alright, all that I have to say to this is that I do find that the Constition has become something that is to large to control, it is a living breathing freedom robbing document, and the fact of the matter is that I find my slef more suited to the liberal view of things simply because I find that people even here in america are to oppressed, by this document, for the smallest of things, people should be able to do what they like when they like, as long as it does not hurt somone else.

I belive that the goverment has become to large, and is trying to control to much for itself. it needs a reformation to bring it down, make it smaller in a sence, so that it only takes care of large things, like national defence, and what not, not controling John Doe that ever so often like to light one up in the shed out side his house,

In fact that should not have to be controlled by the Federal Goverment, it should be up to really the Local Goverment, and nothing larger then that. the only thing that the Federal goverment should really have to worry about, is the large things, like if we are attacked. or if we are threatend by another country. not what John Doe is doing in his shed.

And about me and my Military Career, I chose to join the Military because I Love my country, while I may disagree with some of the policies. I still want to make sure that what freedoms that we do have are kept in tact.

Liberal = Reform to Constuition.

07-23-2009, 06:16 PM
Your probably more of a libertarian than a liberal. For one thing liberals aren't prone to join the military. And you seem to have common sense which is a trait lacking in all true liberals.

I'm very familiar with Vietnam and the tactics used both on the battlefield and in the politics.

Are you able to discuss your MOS here?

While my MOS is no concern to you. I find that sometimes the best way of looking at current suitions is to look into the past.

and like I said above I Joined because I love my Country, I may disagree with some things but I still Love it.

And as for the common sence thing. maybe it is everyone else that is lacking in that department.

07-23-2009, 06:55 PM
While my MOS is no concern to you. I find that sometimes the best way of looking at current suitions is to look into the past.

and like I said above I Joined because I love my Country, I may disagree with some things but I still Love it.

And as for the common sence thing. maybe it is everyone else that is lacking in that department.

Welcome Stephen, perhaps you'd might want to reread what Gaffer wrote, he was complimenting you.

07-23-2009, 07:03 PM
i did not mean to sound offenise, it is just that a lot of the time when i do disscus my MOS I am well looked down apon, it was more of a naturally instant then me trying to be rude.

I am a 92G. and I am proud of it, but even in today military we are looked down apon. and one of the things that some 92G's not having is common sence.

But 92G in lamemans terms is Cook.

(please no body refer to the Army slang terms used for cooks)
(regertable it is a well if-e subject with me.)

07-23-2009, 07:11 PM
Everybody has to eat.

07-24-2009, 05:47 AM
i did not mean to sound offenise, it is just that a lot of the time when i do disscus my MOS I am well looked down apon, it was more of a naturally instant then me trying to be rude.

I am a 92G. and I am proud of it, but even in today military we are looked down apon. and one of the things that some 92G's not having is common sence.

But 92G in lamemans terms is Cook.

(please no body refer to the Army slang terms used for cooks)
(regertable it is a well if-e subject with me.)

Nothing wrong with being a cook. In fact, cooks are just as important as any other soldier. All soldiers have a role to play in the Army; sometimes that role is more essential than others dependent upon the situation.

On a side note, I would submit that it is not the Constitution that is so restrictive but rather the huge body of laws (some very good ones and some just plain stupid) enacted by our Congress past and especially present.

07-24-2009, 09:46 AM
The Constitution is not the culprit Stephen. It actually was enacted to guarentee certain freedoms and rights to you as an American citizen. Unfortunately lawmakers and judges have failed the collective citizenry by insisting on making changes or insisting on using it improperly. The Constitution is not what restricts your freedoms and rights. It is the politicians, judges and legislators that interpret it's meanings improperly.

Nothing in the Constitution guarentees a citizen the "RIGHT" to be supported by the people if he chooses not to work.

Nothing in the Constitution guarentees a citizen the "RIGHT" to Nationally provided Health care.

Nothing in the Constitution guarentees a citizen the "RIGHT" to own a home and have it paid for by government.

My signature: A government big enough to provide you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have is ironically true. If James Madison knew what was going on today he would roll over in his grave and puke! Collectively we have made a mockery of the US Constitituion. As our country evolves and more people begin to come here they do not hold dear the same basic fundamentals that our forefathers had. Somehow our reputation as the land of opportunity has become the land of entitlements. Freebies per say. What it all boils down to is political power hijacked from the basic principles of the intention of our government's controlling document.

Democrats (Liberals), use the poor, minorities and impressionable voters to remain in power by "guarenteeing" them things in return for their vote. It's funny that it was the Democrats who only 50 years ago repressed black people's rights to equality in the south and around the country but today seem to have become the heroes of the blacks.

Democratic lawmakers don't no more care for the people they represent than the man in the moon. It doesn;t help anyone to give someone a fish they have taken by force from another fisherman. They use our government's power to take from those who aspire to be something and give it to folks who either won't try or are less successful. Just think under the new health care plan the Liberals want, they want you to pay for abortions by women who are not responsible enough to not get pregnate. In addition they want people who own businesses to provide health care for the hundreds of thousands of people who do not work and folks who spend their money on drugs, fancy cars they cannot afford and cell phones. In return they make it seem like they are concerned for the people and get their votes. In the end they stay in power and recieve lavish lifestyles by accepting favors and money from lobbyists. It is a scam man. Nothing less.

Government is too damn powerful. It has become a monster in the midst. Liberals believe gocernment should be bigger, Conservatives believe it should be smaller. This would seem simple in theory but fact is the Republicans (Conservatives) have become in a sense as bad as the Liberals (Democrats) in many ways. While they claim Democrats use government to violate their rights under the Constitution economically, they themselves support legislation to intrude into the private lives of citizens by using government to insist on how people live their lives. Our entire system of government is socially perverted from it's original context and that is why I am a Libertarian, not to be confused with Liberal and I believe that is my young friend what you were trying to say in your previous posts.

You will hear many things said about Libertarians in the future. You will hear that we are heartless and do not care about our fellow man. Because we believe in a basic philosophy that suggests every man for himself, and make no mistake about, we do basically, we believe you are responsible for yourself and your family. We also believe that government has no right what so ever to infringe on our right to pursue life, liberty and happiness as a fruitful American who minds his own business. We believe in laws to protect ourselves from the basic threats but we do not believe in laws that are set up to exploit privacy and subject citizens to be searched for no reason, question our business for no reason and take our money to give to someone else after we have worked hard to earn it when others did not. Government was not set up to do that and the Constitution says so. It also says we have the right to take over that government when it becomes too intrusive or operates illegally, which it does by restricting the rights we have guarenteed us under the provisions of that document.

The war on Terror to me is unnecessary!!! There is no reason to have thousands of young people traveling the globe to be police officers in other countries. We can secure our country by using those soldiers right here at home. We could assure no one breached our country's security by simply securing our borders. Instead Democrats continue to allow illegal aliens to bring drugs, weapons and other country's undesireables to our country. Then we give them health care, allow their off spring to be born in our hospitals free of charge, give them food stamps, welfare and other entitlements which we force our citizens to pay for. THIS is Terrorism son. Social Terrorism. So in essence the War on Terror should be getting fought right here at home. Why go to the terrorists when they come to us.

Let's look at this is a military context. If you have a fort that is fortified and secure. Why would you send out recon teams into the woods to search for your enemy that would be vulnerable to attack when they could stay right where they were and enhance the ability to defend the fort. I don't have to tell the military geniuses on here that it is easier to defend than to attack in smaller units in the battlefield. Hell.....they have known that since medevil times man. Make the other guy come to you. That is smart.

Frankly I don;t give a shit how other countries live their lives. I don;t care what they worship, I don;t care what they do, what they have or who they are. I care about America. If another country goes hungary they will figure out what we did when the hunger pains strike. Get your ass out and plant something in the ground and you can eat.

Our world has become a volitile place because we helped make it so. Our continued effort to instill our democracy on lands and people who do not understand our way of life is futile. To hell with em. Let em figure it out for themselves like we did. Why do we need to get involved. The big "brainwash" is to tell you that it provides for our national security. That our security is compromised if Democracy does not exist throughout the world. That is absolute horseshit!!!!! The USS Ohio provides us our national security man. You park that dude anywhere you want and when someone threatens us you give them 24 hours to change their mind or you change it for them. That is how you combat terror my friend. Field warfare is obsolete in a time when we can stop wars in minutes.

Oh....I know. This is not popular. What about the innocent people? Well, they should stand up and infleuence their governments the way our people did. If they parish because they were too weak to do that, that is not my problem.

The War on Terror is futile. Not necessary. No one wins it. If you have to kill all the combatants to win why not do it at a discount and without losing thousands of young lives in the process. The collateral damage is unfortunate but if the people in these countries knew we were serious they will step up and stop their governments from sponsoring this stuff in a hurry. We are going about this thing in the totally wrong manner. It is like you said in your post. Why tote a weapon around you are not willing to use to win, it is just stupid.

That is my opinion on the War on Terror. End it out there and then end it here. Our citizens are being terrorized every day. as they fear the losing of their homes and businesses they are plenty terrorized. Terror has many forms. Social Terror is what we deal with every day when we are threatened to have our homes taken away or our money taken to give to someone else when we earned it with sweat and effort. I feel terrorized if I am stopped and questioned like a common criminal by my own people while I move about in a country where absolute freedom is supposed to be guarenteed me because I am an american. That is terror. Terror is a man with a shotgun in his hand waiting for a wrecking crew to show up and bulldoze his house because it has been deemed necessary to take his home and property that his family has lived on for decades, so a Shopping Mall can be built there or a powerline be installed. That is terror!!! Terror is telling me I can't do whatever I want to, can't possess over ten thousand dollars in cash without having government go through my bank account to see where I am getting my money. Terror is having a government represenative come to my home and force me to answer Census questions or be locked up in jail for refusing. Terror is having no privacy and knowing that government has the "power" to infringe upon it anytime they think it serves the "common good" to do so. That is Terror!!!! Terror is telling me that I have no "right" to defend myself and that government can come to my home, bust in my door and take my gun because some politicians have made an unlawful law that says I do not have a right to own a gun even when the Constitution says I do. That is Terror!!!!

I believe the War on Terror is in our own back yard.....not over seas somewhere. If someone is breaking in my window (which government is) I am not going to go down to the end of the block looking for the burglar.

07-24-2009, 01:05 PM
actually we're doing their job for them. destroying our own economy.

07-24-2009, 01:44 PM
Let's look at this is a military context. If you have a fort that is fortified and secure. Why would you send out recon teams into the woods to search for your enemy that would be vulnerable to attack when they could stay right where they were and enhance the ability to defend the fort. I don't have to tell the military geniuses on here that it is easier to defend than to attack in smaller units in the battlefield. Hell.....they have known that since medevil times man. Make the other guy come to you. That is smart. quoted from emmett.

If you are in a fortified position, why wait for your enemy to come to you? With who knows what kind of fire power. Sitting and waiting only allows your enemy to build up. The purpose of recon is to know what your enemy is doing. Going out and striking the enemy weakens him. You can eventually follow him back into his own fortification. If all you do is defend, then you will eventually lose. The best defense is a good offense is a true statement even today.

The best example of the results of sitting in a fortified position would be The Alamo.

As I said earlier. There is no war on terror. Terror is a strategy not a person place or thing. There is a war with islam, and we are losing. Why? Because we are fighting a defensive war. Striking back after being attacked instead of taking it to them. The libs want to use the military as a police force and sit in defensive positions. Kinda like a football team that only has defensive players and every time they get the ball they hand it back over to the other team.

Mr. P
07-24-2009, 02:15 PM
quoted from emmett.

If you are in a fortified position, why wait for your enemy to come to you? With who knows what kind of fire power. Sitting and waiting only allows your enemy to build up. The purpose of recon is to know what your enemy is doing. Going out and striking the enemy weakens him. You can eventually follow him back into his own fortification. If all you do is defend, then you will eventually lose. The best defense is a good offense is a true statement even today.

The best example of the results of sitting in a fortified position would be The Alamo.

As I said earlier. There is no war on terror. Terror is a strategy not a person place or thing. There is a war with islam, and we are losing. Why? Because we are fighting a defensive war. Striking back after being attacked instead of taking it to them. The libs want to use the military as a police force and sit in defensive positions. Kinda like a football team that only has defensive players and every time they get the ball they hand it back over to the other team.

emmett..the BEST defense is a good offense.

07-25-2009, 11:48 AM
emmett..the BEST defense is a good offense.

then why not tell the people that they are either going to straighten up or we are going to nuke the skin of their bones.

Mr. P
07-25-2009, 12:14 PM
then why not tell the people that they are either going to straighten up or we are going to nuke the skin of their bones.

Because it's not "the people" we are fighting, it's a radical theology and a nuc is a last resort. No problem with dropping one in the desert of Iran though..the only problem is we need to be ready to back it up..we're not.

Due to the shear devastation of a Nuclear weapon they have become a defensive weapon rather than an offensive weapon. Our morals will not allow us to use them any other way.

07-25-2009, 02:04 PM
Because it's not "the people" we are fighting, it's a radical theology and a nuc is a last resort. No problem with dropping one in the desert of Iran though..the only problem is we need to be ready to back it up..we're not.

Due to the shear devastation of a Nuclear weapon they have become a defensive weapon rather than an offensive weapon. Our morals will not allow us to use them any other way.

Your very right on that. It's also the reason we have so many of them. If we won't use them offensively then we have to have enough to withstand a first strike and still be able to strike back.

07-25-2009, 02:59 PM
our nerve is gone. without that the weapons are useless.

07-25-2009, 04:30 PM
our nerve is gone. without that the weapons are useless.

While I do not subscribe to the conclusion, I'll agree with the analysis.

07-25-2009, 10:18 PM
G.W. Bush didn't need to fight a "war on terror." He knew who the real terrorists were. They were his friends and allies.
The Bush administration funded both sides of the alleged "war on terror." He gave money to terrorist sympathizers. Then sent thousands of Americans to die fighting them.


Dubya even had his own "war on terror" song. Which he proudly saluted his terrorist friends with.

Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me

Kiss me down by the broken tree house
Swing me upon its hanging tire
Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat
We'll take the trail marked on my father's map

07-26-2009, 10:08 AM
I look at it this way, and i disagree with you P. Sending them a hot fish would end it. It would prove we will and remove the doubt. Now of course I know Obama is not likely to do this but I think this would be the answer.

Continuing to send young people to die is not the answer. All I'm saying is bring em home. The only way to end a war against an enemy who is willing to fight to the last man, is to take the last man. So, either fight the war forever until the last man is found, which will take centuries or eliminate the last man and cause substantial collateral damage (of the other side). an awful choice I admit.

Ironic is the fact that if option 1 is chosen and we continue to do what we are doing, we are suffering the collateral damage. Our soldiers. I think the choice is clear. Bring em home. Tell your enemy you are finished with this shit and are going to nuke them if one more terrorist incident is recorded. Drop one in the desert to show you mean business like you said and then if it does not cease, glow em up! Then we might get some damn respect.

The world has no fear of us anymore. We go around apologizing for who and what we are. We allow thugs to dictate to us that we will fight conventional war against an enemy that wears no uniform. They are changing the rules too much for warfare. Even our own people argue over the treatment of enemy combatants, who is responsible for the terrorism and so forth. Our enemy is winning, it is time to stop it.

My suggestion is to send a secret message to the Commanding Officer of the Ohio. "Make it bettger Captain" is what it would read. By tomorrow afternoon there would be believers. It would come from fear but that is OK with me. I want our children to stop being killed.

You know, I agree with the Liberals in a sense that war in senseless. The difference is I also know how to stop it. You don't stop the killing and terrorism with an enemy who is capable of the shit they are capable of. You have to trump what they do. Stephen said it best, don't tote a weapon around that you are not willing to use. A nuclear weapon is not worth a shit as a "second strike" choice. In that regard it is futile to have it. We waste our time and resources on warheads if we are not willing to deliver the juice. Let em have it or make it clear that you are preparing to send it and the game will change, I guarentee it.

As soon as the towelheads saw us pulling out they would know. Make the threat, and then follow through. The terrorism will stop.

07-26-2009, 10:27 AM
say what ???? :wtf:

07-27-2009, 10:38 AM
Yes I do have to Agree that it is the worst of all choices, but this "war" has been going on for year, and lets not forget where it all steamed from.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AqCFq5sPxNo&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AqCFq5sPxNo&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

And here is the Sad truth about it all, people have forgotten, that is why we are no longer so "amped up" to get the bastards that did it. it is because the Day of 9/11 is almost all but gone, it is just a day to some people that has a pause at the begging.

I remember exactly where I was: I was in A typing Class in 6th Grade, I was typing the sentance "The dog chases the ball down the road." for the 100th time. when the Principal cam over the loudspeaker, and told the teacher not to turn on their T.V's and to turn them off if they were already on. So my tearcher Mrs. Brady took us back to the class rom, being the upstanding person she was and turned on the T.V. and we watched as the second tower fell to the ground.

I remember where I was, and I always wanted to get the S.O.B's that did that to MY COUNTRY.

DO YOU REMEMBER where you were?

07-30-2009, 02:50 PM
Yes I do have to Agree that it is the worst of all choices, but this "war" has been going on for year, and lets not forget where it all steamed from.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AqCFq5sPxNo&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AqCFq5sPxNo&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

And here is the Sad truth about it all, people have forgotten, that is why we are no longer so "amped up" to get the bastards that did it. it is because the Day of 9/11 is almost all but gone, it is just a day to some people that has a pause at the begging.

I remember exactly where I was: I was in A typing Class in 6th Grade, I was typing the sentance "The dog chases the ball down the road." for the 100th time. when the Principal cam over the loudspeaker, and told the teacher not to turn on their T.V's and to turn them off if they were already on. So my tearcher Mrs. Brady took us back to the class rom, being the upstanding person she was and turned on the T.V. and we watched as the second tower fell to the ground.

I remember where I was, and I always wanted to get the S.O.B's that did that to MY COUNTRY.

DO YOU REMEMBER where you were?

We did get the people. We also prosecuted the mastermind and he is in prison here in America. Should we now kill all Muslims forever.

Should we now go back and kill all British people who are known to have invaded our country in the 1700's. They killed a lot of Americans.

Let's see. The Japanese shouldn't get an easy out. Let's kill all of them too.

Germans. Off em!

Italians. Those Marxist bastards. Kill em.

It has to end somewhere Stephen. That is why I say we should defend. Let em kill each other. They do it you know. We could come home and just let history take it's course. Before we know it they will be back to killing each other. We could fight the winner and save lots of lives. make it like a Basketball Tournament. Single elimination style.

07-30-2009, 03:38 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I feel that doing nothing isn't an option anymore.
2. But just what should we do???
3. Going in to their countries is like stepping into hell itself.
4. So backwards, hopeless, darkened hearts, even in children.
5. Death and life or in spiral always.
6. No sooner than your born, deaths at your doorstep.
7. Is it worth we go there?
8. Not really.
9. How do we defend against an idealog like Islam?
10. Best way is to ban it totally in all free countries I would say.
11. Uproot the source, all together, it is a dark dark cult, at best, even giving Islam that word, gives a bad name to the word "cult", when refering it to Islam.
12. Otherwise we welcome "it" into our own sociatal realities, bringing in our own destruction, I kid you not.
13. When 911 happened, I was on the internet, my mother called me, and told me to turn the tv on, she's 82 now, she screamed when tower two got hit, saying, "They just hit the other one too!", I will never forget that.
14. And seeing Islam is still here in USA, I pity it.


07-30-2009, 04:53 PM
G.W. Bush didn't need to fight a "war on terror." He knew who the real terrorists were. They were his friends and allies.
The Bush administration funded both sides of the alleged "war on terror." He gave money to terrorist sympathizers. Then sent thousands of Americans to die fighting them.


Dubya even had his own "war on terror" song. Which he proudly saluted his terrorist friends with.

Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me

Kiss me down by the broken tree house
Swing me upon its hanging tire
Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat
We'll take the trail marked on my father's map

Really? Bin Laden was our friend and/or ally?

I'll assume you are alluding to the behavior of Saudis and Egyptians and their compatriots that claim such. So, that is how the left equates Bin Laden and Timothy McVeigh. Glad to know that is the thinking of the enlightened ones.

07-30-2009, 05:07 PM
Yes I do have to Agree that it is the worst of all choices, but this "war" has been going on for year, and lets not forget where it all steamed from.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AqCFq5sPxNo&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AqCFq5sPxNo&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

And here is the Sad truth about it all, people have forgotten, that is why we are no longer so "amped up" to get the bastards that did it. it is because the Day of 9/11 is almost all but gone, it is just a day to some people that has a pause at the begging.

I remember exactly where I was: I was in A typing Class in 6th Grade, I was typing the sentance "The dog chases the ball down the road." for the 100th time. when the Principal cam over the loudspeaker, and told the teacher not to turn on their T.V's and to turn them off if they were already on. So my tearcher Mrs. Brady took us back to the class rom, being the upstanding person she was and turned on the T.V. and we watched as the second tower fell to the ground.

I remember where I was, and I always wanted to get the S.O.B's that did that to MY COUNTRY.

DO YOU REMEMBER where you were?

yep. I was getting ready for work and turned on the TV. and there it was. they had it on at work when i arrived. we all sat there shocked as the buildings fell. i said there's gonna be hell to pay for this - count on it !!!!

07-31-2009, 06:12 PM
Sorry bout that,

yep. I was getting ready for work and turned on the TV. and there it was. they had it on at work when i arrived. we all sat there shocked as the buildings fell. i said there's gonna be hell to pay for this - count on it !!!!

1. Problem is, hell is every day life for Islamic Countries, day in day out killing each other over some Islamic tradition.
2. Us going there is whats changed, now we're in it too.
3. I think we should just back off from Islam, and start cutting ties.
4. It would be the best thing we ever did.
5. Like Emmett said, lay down the laws, if the free world takes another hit, light em up.


07-31-2009, 06:42 PM
A simple warning, any attacks and mecca ceases to exist. Followed by medina and every other holy shrine in their lands. allah will have to come fight his own battles, and we all know he won't show up.

07-31-2009, 06:49 PM
yep. I was getting ready for work and turned on the TV. and there it was. they had it on at work when i arrived. we all sat there shocked as the buildings fell. i said there's gonna be hell to pay for this - count on it !!!!



I'm still more than pissed off that Bush & co agreed to allow the media to claim 'sensibilities' to cut out playing the video of what happened that day. Was wrong in 2002 and is still wrong. It's imperative that Americans remember those that dove out of windows to escape the attack. That all of us justifiably wondered where the next attack would be.

Still no answers on anthrax.