View Full Version : *I Say The Two Get Banned*

07-23-2009, 08:57 PM
Sorry bout that.

1. Really, I think there isn't one good reason to keep them on.
2. If anyone has a good reason, let them speak now.
3. I may have to take another long vacation from this board again.
4. This place has turned into a regular sewer as soon as they arrived.
5. Just my personal opinion, for what its worth.
6. I know my being here has raised the traffic counts, and if that drops after I leave, you will know why.



07-23-2009, 09:05 PM
Well, in my opinion only one of them has crossed the line of message board decorum, but, since they probably share the same IP address, banning one would most likely mean banning them both. All in all, it's above my pay grade. At least until Jim reformats the board to resemble Survivor.

07-24-2009, 06:33 AM
if 'they' don't go, "I'll go" threats are lame. There are many point of view here. This board, to date, has not received any TARP money, thus we remain 'free'. No government telling us unpopular points of view should be outlawed.

07-24-2009, 08:14 AM
James......suck it up man. While the "two" you refer to are royal pains in the arse, why not do what debators do and administer the intellectual lessons they stand obviously in need of.

On the other hand threatening to leave in order to get your way is not the way to accomplish anything. The board will function either way. We appreciate your input however doing that would afford the "two" a victory of sorts and i certainly hope you wouldn't lay down that easily. Simply ignoring them is better than that!

07-24-2009, 08:33 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. All well and good points.
2. Still no one comes here to defend these two.
3. With a reason to support them.
4. I can't stand these guys.
5. Totally.


07-24-2009, 09:04 AM
I just worry that any new person thinking of joining here see some of the crap they post, they might think twice about joining..

other than that, I will not read any post they post anymore..

07-24-2009, 09:10 AM
Sorry bout that,

I just worry that any new person thinking of joining here see some of the crap they post, they might think twice about joining..

other than that, I will not read any post they post anymore..

1. Good point against them.
2. I will have to agree, gleefully! :D
3. Still waiting for some actual support for these two.


07-24-2009, 11:56 AM
Once upon a time there was little dude named Opey with nothing to do who was very...very...bored. While his daddy was at work he decided to play with daddy's computer. While trolling around he discovered an intelligent chat site called Debate Policy where people go to discuss political issues, hang out and have fun.

Being that he was secluded in his house all the time because he couldn't get along with other children he had limited social skills and was quite the boring offering. Oh...but how he wanted to fit in however and decided to play a game of pretending to be a Christian. Soon after, the only friend he had on earth, his neighbor, who would rather hang out with someone else but had limited social skills himself...came over. He too, logged on using Opey's daddies computer and the two began to have a grand time playing with one another and the computer.

Since both of the young lads had discivered their sexuality with one another it seemed natural to intently display posts that would deal with their own personal inhibitions.....homosexuality. They began to pretend they were Christians and try and aggrevate even the most serene of the members, such as King James, a fellow known for his wit, good humor and charm.

Of course they would take breaks and disappear every ten minutes to play other games with one another such as "Show and not tell", "Spin the pecker" and "Fondle me gently". The more they played their sick little games the more their conscience would force them to become enraged at their sickening tendencies so they attempted to take it out on the members of DP. Unbeknowing to them however there were intelligent life forms on DP who saw through this sillyness instantly and before long the game caught up with them. So, after a few more fondling sessions in which they could not reach gratification due to their feeling inadequate feelings they became enraged and started to show their true colors all the while insisting they were against the type of activity they were indulging in every few minutes or so as they lived in denial.

Then came the mistake. The big mistake. One morning, the fearsome and intimidating El DeBator came strolling by. Just his mere appearence scared the two little fags near to death and this in itself caused a reaction. El Debator had not had his coffee yet this morning and was quite grouchy. Needless to say he had no tolerance for the antics of the two little homos and was looking for some soles to steal so to speak.

After a prolonged stretch to work out his intellectual biceps, El DeBator decided to check his mail. To his surprise he had recieved nasty mail from one of the little peons that was unworthy of his notice. This aggrevated him as he had no time for this foolishness. Why one oif the little fags had cursed him and called him a "liar". Everyone knew you didn't call El Debator that!

El DeBator stretched again and placed two lumps of sugar into his flask of coffee. He then calmly added a small amount of milk to lighten the brew and carefully took a nice delicious sip. He then peered down at his computer screen, yawned and began to read the sillyness orchestrated by the two little homos. El DeBator took another sip of his warm fresh coffee. Next he worked hid fingers to free them of the stiffness of the previous evenings deabting battle fatigue. Then without so much as an ounce of compassion for the two little fellas, he reached down and zapped them into the abyss of oblivion, never to be seen or dealt with again.

Having orchestrated this good deed for his fellow debator made El DeBator hungary. He decided he would have some breakfast. It gave him peace of mind knowing he would not have to be pestered by little flies buzzing around his intellect as he attempted to enjoy debating with is friends. He felt equally assured his constituents would feel the same way. He also knew it would serve to make the board a better place for his friends to joust with their political opinions without the distraction of little queer children using their yard for a playground.

The End

07-24-2009, 01:00 PM
A BIG thank you to you for doing that. :salute:

07-24-2009, 01:45 PM
I am fairly certain that they will not be missed. A job well done, Emmett, you earned your pay this week and deserve a raise. You should be employee of the month.

07-24-2009, 06:42 PM
I'll reserve comment until after I see whether the boss kicks my ass or not.

07-24-2009, 07:07 PM
Sorry bout that,

I'll reserve comment until after I see whether the boss kicks my ass or not.

1. I think you did the right thing.
2. I wonder how they lasted as long as they did, couple hipocrites.
3. I am so thankful they have been given the pointy boot, you made my day buddy.
4. Some people just aint good with other people, better off alone.
5. That was a great story telling too, lol'ed all the way through it!:laugh2:


07-27-2009, 02:58 AM


