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View Full Version : What conclusions can we draw from Harvard Prof's arrest etc.?

07-24-2009, 05:17 PM
Obama pointed out that racism still exists in the U.S. He also pointed out that the Cambridge arrest and ensuing controversy, should be a "teachable moment".

That's exactly what it is, Pres. Obama, but maybe not in the way you were hoping.

The conclusion we can draw from this incident is:

Racism does actively exist in the U.S. And it is being spread principally by militant, self-deluded black individuals like Prof. Gates... and you, Mr. President.

That's not to say some whites aren't also spreading racism. They are. But people like Prof. Gates are swilling out racism far more per capita, than anyone outside a white sheet.

This incident shows how well the shoe fits. Wear it.

And if (a big "if") you want to actually reduce racial tensions in this country, let's see you start doing something to actually accomplish that... instead of what you did here.