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View Full Version : Forbes Writer Warns of $20 Gas; Envisions a Utopia Nearly Without Cars

07-25-2009, 12:04 PM
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Christopher Steiner tells NBC's 'Today' hikes in gas prices would mean bankrupt airlines and death of big-box retailers like Wal-Mart.

By Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
7/25/2009 1:28:12 AM

Imagine the post-oil apocalypse, with modern American society heading into a direction with no Disney vacations, no airlines – a world devoid of one-stop convenient big retailers. Sounds like a desolate place, but that’s an ideal society according to Forbes magazine Christopher Steiner.

Steiner appeared on NBC’s July 24 “Today” and described a world with gas headed to $20 a gallon, but according to him it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing.

“Well, it’s important to understand that $20 per gallon, those types of figures, those are a couple decades away,” Steiner said. “But what’s important to understand is that we are running out of oil. Over the next 30 years, you’re talking about another 2 billion people entering the globe living American-style lives. Right now there’s only a billion of those people on the globe and those people are going to want oil. And so our supply is going to slowly go down and demand’s going to go up.”

Steiner explained there’s going to be short-term pain at first but said that people would be better off with his vision – lower obesity and less of a reason to travel, as such as going on vacation.

“The airlines, most of them, the way we know them now, are going to go out of business,” Steiner continued. “I mean, they’re very unstable organizations as it is. Eight dollars is really going to be the change for the paradigm of American travel.”

rest of transcript...http://businessandmedia.org/articles/2009/20090725011456.aspx

07-25-2009, 06:34 PM
we can't drill our way outta this problem. who said that ??? :laugh2:

07-25-2009, 09:42 PM
The powers that be have been yappin' about an oil shortage for 20 years, and yet, here we sit, in our arrogant glory, still without mass produced alternatiive energy other than solar. And the majority of the population don't even use that. :lame2:

07-26-2009, 08:14 AM
I support alternative sources. so what's the hold up??? we waiting until the oil runs out ??? that's when we do domething??? the wells in OPEC are running out here. they passed their peak years ago. and the terrorists are trying to blow them up.
...........and how many more years will it take to replace the trillions of cars on the road today???? questions questions. and still no answers. is there even a policy yet??? or is it still on the cold back burner???
..........we always have to wait for a disaster first.

07-26-2009, 02:44 PM
I support alternative sources. so what's the hold up??? we waiting until the oil runs out ??? that's when we do domething??? the wells in OPEC are running out here. they passed their peak years ago. and the terrorists are trying to blow them up.
...........and how many more years will it take to replace the trillions of cars on the road today???? questions questions. and still no answers. is there even a policy yet??? or is it still on the cold back burner???
..........we always have to wait for a disaster first.

There is a policy on the front burner, Obama and the dems are trying to invest our energy needs into a windy day.

07-26-2009, 02:47 PM
when they all have their ass's in the air ???? :laugh2: