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View Full Version : DFL Fish!

04-11-2007, 07:58 PM
Got this from another board I post at:

1st poster:

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day,
Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime,
(DFL) Teach a man to fish and then you can take his fish and give it to other people who don't even want to get their hands wet.

2nd poster wrote:

You'll need trial lawyers because the recipients of the DFL fish will file suit because they choked on a bone. Then it will ultimately be the fishermans fault for suppling the boney fish. Legal action will take away his boat and fish gear.

I had to share this cuz it was that funny, at least to me. Anyone want to elaborate on it, go ahead!

04-11-2007, 08:31 PM
While on the surface funny, I think the issues are much more deep than that.

The "supplier" in most cases does not have the fish taken away.

But assuming that only the surface of the rumination is meant, then it is complete BS that if one makes the fisherman give up his fish to others and these others can sue the fisherman for defects, then that of course is BS.

But if the fisherman willingly puts his fish into the stream of commerce, probably a different story.