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View Full Version : Huge Majority Want Obama's Birth Certificate Revealed

07-27-2009, 12:30 AM

By Yosemite_Sam

Majority of People Believe Obama Should Release Certificate
The latest AOL online poll shows 82 percent of respondents saying Barack Obama should release his birth certificate.

This finding in spite of a media barrage in recent days of unsubstantiated claims ranging from all Hawaiian birth certificates were destroyed to it already has been released.

A story that went unnoticed by most of the major media has now become one of the most covered stories in the nation. But the coverage has been almost exclusively of the kind that downplays the seriousness of the controversy – often ridiculing concerns about the birth certificate as conspiracy fodder and matters that only preoccupy the uninformed.

But in the latest AOL poll of more than 30,000 people, 82 percent said it's time for Obama to cough up the original long-form birth certificate.

In fact, in every state in the union – including Obama's claimed birthplace of Hawaii and his more recent home state of Illinois – most people want to see the birth certificate.

from and comments at..

07-27-2009, 12:33 AM
Personally, I believe the guy was born in Hawaii, and this "birth certificate" thing is a waste of time.

I wish Obama would just present the real deal, and get this crap over with.


07-27-2009, 12:36 AM
Good Morning Stephanie.

You continue to just harp and harp on this don;t you? You insist that there is a birth certificate. Honey.....there ain"t one. If there were it would have been produced by now. Who the heck would want this kind of negative press and questioning of Barry's integrity cast upon him because of one little tiny document.

People like you are causing the President great inconveneience and making his worshippers suspicious. How dare you!!!!

07-27-2009, 12:40 AM
Personally, I believe the guy was born in Hawaii, and this "birth certificate" thing is a waste of time.

I wish Obama would just present the real deal, and get this crap over with.


You know what Grim....I think he may have very well been born in Hawaii too. Imean it is mathmatically probable. He very well "could" have been born there so why can't he just quell this whole thing and just produce the document and shut all these dissentors up so we can get on to other important business like providing health care to our illegal aliens, speading the wealth, increasing intrusion by government and other matters without these distractions.

07-27-2009, 12:41 AM
Good Morning Stephanie.

You continue to just harp and harp on this don;t you? You insist that there is a birth certificate. Honey.....there ain"t one. If there were it would have been produced by now. Who the heck would want this kind of negative press and questioning of Barry's integrity cast upon him because of one little tiny document.

People like you are causing the President great inconveneience and making his worshippers suspicious. How dare you!!!!

I have been called a pain in the ass before..lol:thanks:

07-27-2009, 12:54 AM
I have been called a pain in the ass before..lol:thanks:

Yes but who tells you that you are a precious angel as much as I do? :laugh2:

07-27-2009, 01:02 AM
Yes but who tells you that you are a precious angel as much as I do? :laugh2:

no one but you my dear..you haven't met me in REAL life..:coffee:

07-27-2009, 01:05 AM
no one but you my dear..you haven't met me in REAL life..:coffee:

My dear Stephanie.....you could be 675 pounds,have an elongated neck three feet long, a purple snout with 200 teeth and wire for hair all over your back and I would still hold fast to the fact that you are a precious angel.

07-27-2009, 01:13 AM
My dear Stephanie.....you could be 675 pounds,have an elongated neck three feet long, a purple snout with 200 teeth and wire for hair all over your back and I would still hold fast to the fact that you are a precious angel.


07-27-2009, 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Yosemite_Sam

Majority of People Believe Obama Should Release Certificate
The latest AOL online poll shows 82 percent of respondents saying Barack Obama should release his birth certificate.

This finding in spite of a media barrage in recent days of unsubstantiated claims ranging from all Hawaiian birth certificates were destroyed to it already has been released.

A story that went unnoticed by most of the major media has now become one of the most covered stories in the nation. But the coverage has been almost exclusively of the kind that downplays the seriousness of the controversy – often ridiculing concerns about the birth certificate as conspiracy fodder and matters that only preoccupy the uninformed.

But in the latest AOL poll of more than 30,000 people, 82 percent said it's time for Obama to cough up the original long-form birth certificate.

In fact, in every state in the union – including Obama's claimed birthplace of Hawaii and his more recent home state of Illinois – most people want to see the birth certificate.

from and comments at..
Obama has made such a big deal about not showing his Birth Certificate, I don't think I would believe it now if he did show it.

There must be some reason he is so reluctant to show it...If anybody has a rational reason for him not showing it I would love to hear it.

07-27-2009, 01:33 AM
Hard to believe we are even talking about such an issue isn't it. I mean do we not absolutely verify this sort of thing before a man can run for the highest office in the land.

07-27-2009, 01:35 AM
all I know is that one that they are presenting doesn't look anything like what I have from Hawaii, and it is a copy..

Mine has the hospital, time born, doctors names, etc..

something is funny about why he doesn't want the Original released..

and I've been bringing this up all over the place...on his they have the dads race listed African...when have they ever put that as a race?

this thing is getting a lot of press now and the lamestream media is spinning so bad, they can't keep their stories straight...the little Marxist might not be able to keep avoiding this for much longer...

07-27-2009, 04:48 AM
Personally, I'm tired of it all and wish it would all go away so we could move on to more important things. It seems this country is stuck on that one matter and won't let go of it.

07-27-2009, 04:52 AM
Obama has made such a big deal about not showing his Birth Certificate, I don't think I would believe it now if he did show it.

There must be some reason he is so reluctant to show it...If anybody has a rational reason for him not showing it I would love to hear it.

Hi Hog....glad you joined me on this site. I find myself agreeing with you. Gotta be a reason he hasn't produced it, but I'm still tired of it all. Have fun checking out this site. :wink2:

07-27-2009, 10:01 AM
Hi Hog....glad you joined me on this site. I find myself agreeing with you. Gotta be a reason he hasn't produced it, but I'm still tired of it all. Have fun checking out this site. :wink2:Thank you Binky...I put you down as referring me...Hope that's OK.

Are there plenty of liberals around here?...You know what a ravenous appetite Hog has for those tender little obamanuts.

07-27-2009, 10:10 AM
all I know is that one that they are presenting doesn't look anything like what I have from Hawaii, and it is a copy..

Mine has the hospital, time born, doctors names, etc..

something is funny about why he doesn't want the Original released..

and I've been bringing this up all over the place...on his they have the dads race listed African...when have they ever put that as a race?

this thing is getting a lot of press now and the lamestream media is spinning so bad, they can't keep their stories straight...the little Marxist might not be able to keep avoiding this for much longer...Obama has presented a Certificate Of Live Birth which has very little information,

and will not authorize the state of Hawaii to release a copy of his actual Birth Certificate.

07-27-2009, 10:11 AM
Obama has made such a big deal about not showing his Birth Certificate, I don't think I would believe it now if he did show it.

There must be some reason he is so reluctant to show it...If anybody has a rational reason for him not showing it I would love to hear it.

Well for years there were moans and complaints about Bush not actually serving in the military, or being awol or some other bs line. His administration responded in a limit fashion to the issue, made its postion known on the subject and then left it alone. Obama is doing much the same, during the campaign he posted what he thought was evidence on the campaign site and has since left it alone. I have to believe the McCain campaing took a serious look at this as well as the RNC lawyers, if there was anything there to act on it would have been done by now.

BTW, welcome to the board! :beer:

07-27-2009, 10:22 AM
I'm of the mindset that regardless of what may come to light, if his approval ratings are reasonable, nothing will be done as he's already in office.

There are such serious decisions being made and contemplated that it seems to me that our time would best be spent in discussions, debates, and contacting our legislators than hashing something which time is passed.

07-27-2009, 10:28 AM
Well for years there were moans and complaints about Bush not actually serving in the military, or being awol or some other bs line. His administration responded in a limit fashion to the issue, made its postion known on the subject and then left it alone. Obama is doing much the same, during the campaign he posted what he thought was evidence on the campaign site and has since left it alone. I have to believe the McCain campaing took a serious look at this as well as the RNC lawyers, if there was anything there to act on it would have been done by now.

BTW, welcome to the board! :beer:Yes you would of thought McCain would have made a big deal out of it if anything had been there.

McCain recieved a lot of critisism for going to easy on Obama during the campaign.

In return Obama was lenient with McCain but had the liberal press to do his dirty work for him.

Thank you for the welcome.

07-27-2009, 10:57 AM
You know, someone SHOULD remember him being born at the local hospital. I know who delivered me and all my kids. WHY can't he even show one person who was at his birth. He is not old enough to have everyone who was present be dead......!?!?!?!?!

07-27-2009, 12:28 PM
Thank you Binky...I put you down as referring me...Hope that's OK.

Are there plenty of liberals around here?...You know what a ravenous appetite Hog has for those tender little obamanuts.

Yeah hon, that's fine. As for any libs in here, just open your mouth and let it fly.....I'm sure they'll come out of hiding at some point....enjoy it when they do. :laugh2:

07-27-2009, 12:32 PM
Obviously, a huge majority of deluded Republicans who read right-wing blogs and are still pissed off over the election want what they believe is "the truth" revealed.
The rest of us are still laughing. :laugh2:

07-27-2009, 12:40 PM
Obviously, a huge majority of deluded Republicans who read right-wing blogs and are still pissed off over the election want what they believe is "the truth" revealed.
The rest of us are still laughing. :laugh2:

no problem, we laughed our asses off at you all for eight years..
so do it now while you can...Four years goes by mighty fast..:thumb:

07-28-2009, 02:45 AM
Obviously, a huge majority of deluded Republicans who read right-wing blogs and are still pissed off over the election want what they believe is "the truth" revealed.
The rest of us are still laughing. :laugh2:Hog is not a republican nor ever has been...I have been registered as independent for over 30 years.

I have always voted for independent or third party candidates untill the last election in which I fear voted for McCain in an attempt to deny the presidency to Obama, a known America hating racist marxist.

07-28-2009, 08:45 AM
Personally, I'm tired of it all and wish it would all go away so we could move on to more important things. It seems this country is stuck on that one matter and won't let go of it.

No kidding. These conservatives can’t dig up anything worth while so they continue to beat on this horse...great job conservatives. Just cant stand a black man in the WHITE house can you…get the fuck over it.

07-28-2009, 08:48 AM
no kidding. These conservatives can’t dig up anything worth while so they continue to beat on this horse...great job conservatives. Just cant stand a black man in the white house can you…get the fuck over it.

no !!!!

07-28-2009, 08:51 AM
No kidding. These conservatives can’t dig up anything worth while so they continue to beat on this horse...great job conservatives. Just cant stand a black man in the WHITE house can you…get the fuck over it.

you get over your self asshole
I don't care if the little Marxist is pink and an alien...I want his actual BC released..

07-28-2009, 09:44 AM
you get over your self asshole
I don't care if the little Marxist is pink and an alien...I want his actual BC released..

And who are you? If YOU confirm it then it's true? LOL' thats some funny shit. But here you go anyway...thank you, now move on to your next pety issues.

I'm pasting the article since i cant post links yet...make sure you read the bottom where it states that despite the fact that you post on message boards, it doesnt give YOU exclusive access to his records.


Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real

By JAYMES SONG, Associated Press Writer Jaymes Song, Associated Press Writer – Tue Jul 28, 1:54 am ET

HONOLULU – State officials in Hawaii on Monday said they have once again checked and confirmed that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen, and therefore meets a key constitutional requirement for being president.

They hoped to stem a recent surge in the number of inquiries about Obama's birthplace.

"I ... have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen," Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said in a brief statement. "I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago."
So-called "birthers" — who claim Obama is ineligible to be president because, they argue, he was actually born outside the United States — have grown more vocal recently on blogs and television news shows.

Fukino issued a similar press release Oct. 31, but was prompted to speak out again because of the renewed attention on Obama's beginnings. Hawaii's Health Department has been flooded in recent weeks with questions from individuals and several national TV news networks asking for proof that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii.

"They just keep asking over and over and over again," Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo said.

The Constitution states that a person must be a "natural-born citizen" to be eligible for the presidency. Birthers contend that Obama's birth certificate is a fake, and many say he was actually born in Kenya, his father's homeland. They've challenged his citizenship in court.

One widely circulated YouTube clip of a town hall meeting showed a Republican congressman getting booed for saying Obama is a citizen. Talk show host Rush Limbaugh and CNN's Lou Dobbs have also raised the issue, and 10 Republican members of Congress co-sponsored a bill that would require future presidential candidates to provide a copy of their original birth certificate.

However, it appears Congress has moved on and has accepted Obama's island birthplace. The U.S. House on Monday unanimously approved a resolution recognizing and celebrating the 50th anniversary of Hawaii becoming the 50th state. A clause was included that reads: "Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961."

State law bars the release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest.

However, Obama's birth certificate along with birth notices from the two Honolulu newspapers were brought forward even before he took office. But that's done nothing to shake the belief by many Obama critics that the president was born abroad.

07-28-2009, 09:50 AM
[QUOTE=xav8terx;376954]And who are you? QUOTE]

I am a American citizen who is not satisfied with all the excuses of why the little Marxist won't release his Orginial BC..not that thing they have released..I have a copy of my BC from Hawaii and it looks nothing like the one they are presenting..so yes, I am suspicious..

and who the hell are you to tell others to just get over it and move on..you move on you don't like the topic..got it

07-28-2009, 10:18 AM
And who are you? If YOU confirm it then it's true? LOL' thats some funny shit. But here you go anyway...thank you, now move on to your next pety issues.

I'm pasting the article since i cant post links yet...make sure you read the bottom where it states that despite the fact that you post on message boards, it doesnt give YOU exclusive access to his records.


Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real

By JAYMES SONG, Associated Press Writer Jaymes Song, Associated Press Writer – Tue Jul 28, 1:54 am ET

HONOLULU – State officials in Hawaii on Monday said they have once again checked and confirmed that President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen, and therefore meets a key constitutional requirement for being president.

They hoped to stem a recent surge in the number of inquiries about Obama's birthplace.

"I ... have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen," Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said in a brief statement. "I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago."
So-called "birthers" — who claim Obama is ineligible to be president because, they argue, he was actually born outside the United States — have grown more vocal recently on blogs and television news shows.

Fukino issued a similar press release Oct. 31, but was prompted to speak out again because of the renewed attention on Obama's beginnings. Hawaii's Health Department has been flooded in recent weeks with questions from individuals and several national TV news networks asking for proof that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii.

"They just keep asking over and over and over again," Health Department spokeswoman Janice Okubo said.

The Constitution states that a person must be a "natural-born citizen" to be eligible for the presidency. Birthers contend that Obama's birth certificate is a fake, and many say he was actually born in Kenya, his father's homeland. They've challenged his citizenship in court.

One widely circulated YouTube clip of a town hall meeting showed a Republican congressman getting booed for saying Obama is a citizen. Talk show host Rush Limbaugh and CNN's Lou Dobbs have also raised the issue, and 10 Republican members of Congress co-sponsored a bill that would require future presidential candidates to provide a copy of their original birth certificate.

However, it appears Congress has moved on and has accepted Obama's island birthplace. The U.S. House on Monday unanimously approved a resolution recognizing and celebrating the 50th anniversary of Hawaii becoming the 50th state. A clause was included that reads: "Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961."

State law bars the release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest.

However, Obama's birth certificate along (NO IT WAS A CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH SHORT FORM NOT THE BC)with birth notices from the two Honolulu newspapers were brought forward even before he took office. But that's done nothing to shake the belief by many Obama critics that the president was born abroad.

When the secrecy is gone so will the speculation. IT really is quite simple to prove. where are the people who were present at his birth or immediate care after?? Tell me if you have to show a VALID BC to get a job ANYWHERE in the US why doesn't Obama have to show one to be in charge???? It has already been proven that the document of live birth is not VALID for employment ANYWHERE.......

07-28-2009, 10:44 AM
If Hawaii were to produce an original, genuine Long Form Birth Certificate today, wouldn't the Birthers just announce that it was faked, or photoshopped or whatever? And then go right on insisting Obama wasn't born in the US?

07-28-2009, 10:48 AM
If Hawaii were to produce an original, genuine Long Form Birth Certificate today, wouldn't the Birthers just announce that it was faked, or photoshopped or whatever? And then go right on insisting Obama wasn't born in the US?


07-28-2009, 10:51 AM

So, what's the answer?


07-28-2009, 11:08 AM
So, what's the answer?


what's the use, if that is how you feel...sorry dear..

07-28-2009, 11:25 AM
Stephanie, I didn't mention how I feel, as you well know.

But I did ask a question... which remains unanswered.

If Hawaii were to produce an original, genuine Long Form Birth Certificate today, wouldn't the Birthers just announce that it was faked, or photoshopped or whatever? And then go right on insisting Obama wasn't born in the US?

07-28-2009, 11:32 AM
Stephanie, I didn't mention how I feel, as you well know.

But I did ask a question... which remains unanswered.

If Hawaii were to produce an original, genuine Long Form Birth Certificate today, wouldn't the Birthers just announce that it was faked, or photoshopped or whatever? And then go right on insisting Obama wasn't born in the US?

I don't know what others would do...I'm not one nor many of the others are saying he wasn't born here, there are many questions about his being a Natural born citizen...
I just feel there is SOMETHING on his original BC that he doesn't want us to see, what that is, I don't know...but there is a reason he is fighting so hard to have to release his original BC and for all the lamestream media spin they are doing on it...and I find calling people birthers over the fact that they have suspicions over the little Marxists sorta petty, thanks.

07-28-2009, 12:57 PM
I don't know what others would do...I'm not one nor many of the others are saying he wasn't born here, there are many questions about his being a Natural born citizen...
I just feel there is SOMETHING on his original BC that he doesn't want us to see, what that is, I don't know...but there is a reason he is fighting so hard to have to release his original BC and for all the lamestream media spin they are doing on it...and I find calling people birthers over the fact that they have suspicions over the little Marxists sorta petty, thanks.

The 'birthers' connotation I agree is petty. Who started that, do you know? Just started seeing it first on blogs, then boards, now MSM.

I also think it's strange that the whomever in Hawaii once again reiterated the same statement that 'she'd seen it, it's there...' So why not put it out there? Same with all those school records, no other recent president has managed to hide these types of things.

With the above said, I think pretty much all here know I've not been real keen on making it an issue, too easy to portray the 'right' as 'wingnuts.'

07-28-2009, 01:16 PM
The 'birthers' connotation I agree is petty. Who started that, do you know? Just started seeing it first on blogs, then boards, now MSM.

I also think it's strange that the whomever in Hawaii once again reiterated the same statement that 'she'd seen it, it's there...' So why not put it out there? Same with all those school records, no other recent president has managed to hide these types of things.

With the above said, I think pretty much all here know I've not been real keen on making it an issue, too easy to portray the 'right' as 'wingnuts.'

I'm not sure who started the birthers label...
all I'm asking about, is why is he fighting to have the Original bc put out there and why all the big cover up from the media..?
as far as them portraying us as kooks, when haven't they, we have been called, bible thumpers, gun nuts, racist, the party of the white people, etc etc...if it wasn't this BC thing they would find something else...to me the name labeling is to try and shut us up...look at what they did to the "swift boat veterans"....and I am just not willing to let this one go..it's too easy for him to release the Original BC..

07-28-2009, 01:17 PM
What is petty is the fact that this is even an issue. Seriously, dig up something else. Something with substance at least. How about digging up all the shit Bush, Cheney, And Rove have been hiding for last 8 years...where is your outrage for this? That shit at least affects American lives...still today (I know you have already forgotten about it, so this is pointless to mention...yeah, yeah, yeah, Obama is the president now...:rolleyes:). Get some real issues people...well besides being a conservative of course, I can see how that’s a major issue for most of you.

Just incase you were curious, Obama doesn’t have time to explain the same damn thing for the hundredth time…he is busy cleaning up your puppet masters shit…gonna be busy for a while, it was one hell of a pile.

07-28-2009, 01:20 PM
if we're wingnuts that still beats a liberal lug nut. :laugh2:

07-28-2009, 01:23 PM
What is petty is the fact that this is even an issue. Seriously, dig up something else. Something with substance at least. How about digging up all the shit Bush, Cheney, And Rove have been hiding for last 8 years...where is your outrage for this? That shit at least affects American lives...still today (I know you have already forgotten about it, so this is pointless to mention...yeah, yeah, yeah, Obama is the president now...:rolleyes:). Get some real issues people...well besides being a conservative of course, I can see how that’s a major issue for most of you.

Just incase you were curious, Obama doesn’t have time to explain the same damn thing for the hundredth time…he is busy cleaning up your puppet masters shit…gonna be busy for a while, it was one hell of a pile.

ok Oca..whatever ya say..you got your issues you think is important, we all have ours...now go and worry about yours, and don't worry your little head about what others are doing about theirs..K

07-28-2009, 02:21 PM
What is petty is the fact that this is even an issue. Seriously, dig up something else. Something with substance at least. How about digging up all the shit Bush, Cheney, And Rove have been hiding for last 8 years...where is your outrage for this? That shit at least affects American lives...still today (I know you have already forgotten about it, so this is pointless to mention...yeah, yeah, yeah, Obama is the president now...:rolleyes:). Get some real issues people...well besides being a conservative of course, I can see how that’s a major issue for most of you.

Just incase you were curious, Obama doesn’t have time to explain the same damn thing for the hundredth time…he is busy cleaning up your puppet masters shit…gonna be busy for a while, it was one hell of a pile.

I think I've found the first 'newbie' liberal, though sounds a lot like an old 'conservative' member.

Obama is cleaning up nothing, indeed he is fouling up the place in ways never before seen on the national stage.

07-28-2009, 02:48 PM
What is petty is the fact that this is even an issue. Seriously, dig up something else. Something with substance at least. How about digging up all the shit Bush, Cheney, And Rove have been hiding for last 8 years...where is your outrage for this? That shit at least affects American lives...still today (I know you have already forgotten about it, so this is pointless to mention...yeah, yeah, yeah, Obama is the president now...:rolleyes:). Get some real issues people...well besides being a conservative of course, I can see how that’s a major issue for most of you.

Just incase you were curious, Obama doesn’t have time to explain the same damn thing for the hundredth time…he is busy cleaning up your puppet masters shit…gonna be busy for a while, it was one hell of a pile.

lug nut your so full a shit the whites of your eyes turned brown. Bush, Cheney, And Rove ??? aww living in the past as most liberals. Klinton murdered 3000 on 9-11 and got away with it. lets see you run with that one. there's no need to dig anything up. Osama's digging his own grave. right in front of us all. does the failed stim pack ring any bell ding dong socializing the country. all jobs will be titled GOV. how much does he own now ??? a declaration of civil war on the US. now there's you can dig. health care for the healthy only??? what's the national debt up to now??? how many more stim packs does Pelosi want???
see??? the libtards are doing the diggin'. and your the pile


looks like you got your contagious disease from him. well don't sit there on your lazy ass dig !!!!

07-29-2009, 12:42 AM
you get over your self asshole
I don't care if the little Marxist is pink and an alien...I want his actual BC released..LOL!....I like you stef....You're a little scrapper!

I too enjoy shredding liberals...A great passtime.

07-29-2009, 12:48 AM
Stephanie, I didn't mention how I feel, as you well know.

But I did ask a question... which remains unanswered.

If Hawaii were to produce an original, genuine Long Form Birth Certificate today, wouldn't the Birthers just announce that it was faked, or photoshopped or whatever? And then go right on insisting Obama wasn't born in the US?If it was given to independent reliable people for examination and investigation and found to be legitament it would without a doubt be excepted.

07-29-2009, 08:23 AM
ok Oca..whatever ya say..you got your issues you think is important, we all have ours...now go and worry about yours, and don't worry your little head about what others are doing about theirs..K

I will worry about the real issues in America instead of making up lame ass shit to fuckin cry about. You motherfuckers did a number on this country for the past 8 years...and now you're just gonna sit back and cry about this shit...go ahead and take that flying leap and save our country the trouble.

07-29-2009, 08:24 AM
I think I've found the first 'newbie' liberal, though sounds a lot like an old 'conservative' member.

Obama is cleaning up nothing, indeed he is fouling up the place in ways never before seen on the national stage.

Had your blinders on for 8 years also huh? Typicall conservative dumbasses.

07-29-2009, 08:30 AM
did he call us all motherfuckers???? :eek:

07-29-2009, 08:30 AM
lug nut your so full a shit the whites of your eyes turned brown. Bush, Cheney, And Rove ??? aww living in the past as most liberals. Klinton murdered 3000 on 9-11 and got away with it. lets see you run with that one. there's no need to dig anything up. Osama's digging his own grave. right in front of us all. does the failed stim pack ring any bell ding dong socializing the country. all jobs will be titled GOV. how much does he own now ??? a declaration of civil war on the US. now there's you can dig. health care for the healthy only??? what's the national debt up to now??? how many more stim packs does Pelosi want???
see??? the libtards are doing the diggin'. and your the pile


looks like you got your contagious disease from him. well don't sit there on your lazy ass dig !!!!

Hey there numbnuts, who ignored the warnings handed to them??...and you blame Clinton...go fuck yourself moron...better yet, get a fuckin job and go buy a clue. YES, Bush, Cheney, Rove...they are criminals on a whole other level and you fuckin bring up Clinton, and cry about some fuckin birth certificate,.....wow, I think Rush's show is starting, you might not want to miss it, hate for your conservative ass to run out of shit to cry about....dig that wingnut.

07-29-2009, 08:34 AM
Hey there numbnuts, who ignored the warnings handed to them??...and you blame Clinton...go fuck yourself moron...better yet, get a fuckin job and go buy a clue. YES, Bush, Cheney, Rove...they are criminals on a whole other level and you fuckin bring up Clinton, and cry about some fuckin birth certificate,.....wow, I think Rush's show is starting, you might not want to miss it, hate for your conservative ass to run out of shit to cry about....dig that wingnut.

wow Osama must be doing a bad job to piss you off like this. hey liberal dicklicker im retired. so eat shit !!!! :laugh2: