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07-27-2009, 07:58 AM
He's been sick.

It started about a week and a half ago. he left my house on a Saturday evening after we had a big cookout. My mom was in town so I had all of my family over. He left that evening called me on Tuesday and said he had been sick, his back had been hurting, and he was running a fever. He was starting to feel better then though. Then on Thursday he was feeling bad again and thought whatever he had had moved up into his head and chest. So I kept tabs on him and he would feel better, then feel worse.

Yesterday morning I get a call from the hospital he was at the ER and needed a ride home. Apparently it had gotten so bad he did not trust himself to drive the 25 minutes to the ER, so he called the squad to take him.

Come to find out he had an extremely bad bladder and urinary tract infection. He is on meds now for it, although yesterday he was unable to keep them down. Hopefully he is feeling better today.

I hate getting phone calls from the hospital, the last time I got a phone call from the hospital was when dad had his heart attack.

07-27-2009, 07:59 AM
He's been sick.

It started about a week and a half ago. he left my house on a Saturday evening after we had a big cookout. My mom was in town so I had all of my family over. He left that evening called me on Tuesday and said he had been sick, his back had been hurting, and he was running a fever. He was starting to feel better then though. Then on Thursday he was feeling bad again and thought whatever he had had moved up into his head and chest. So I kept tabs on him and he would feel better, then feel worse.

Yesterday morning I get a call from the hospital he was at the ER and needed a ride home. Apparently it had gotten so bad he did not trust himself to drive the 25 minutes to the ER, so he called the squad to take him.

Come to find out he had an extremely bad bladder and urinary tract infection. He is on meds now for it, although yesterday he was unable to keep them down. Hopefully he is feeling better today.

I hate getting phone calls from the hospital, the last time I got a phone call from the hospital was when dad had his heart attack.

I've noticed his absence. Gaffer, you're in my prayers. Hope you're feeling better pronto!

07-27-2009, 08:21 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes, I hope your doing better.
2. Will be praying for you too.


07-27-2009, 02:14 PM
Update...I am at Gaffer's now just spent 2 hours cleaning his place. I had to run to the VA to get him some different antibiotics. The ones the ER gave him he kept throwing back up.

So far he has managed to keep down half a jelly sandwich and he just took the new meds. I am sticking around for a little while to make sure he keeps that down.

He says he is feeling a little better, and he is actually sitting up in bed now instead of lying down. Hopefully the new meds work!

07-27-2009, 02:21 PM
tell him I said to knock off that getting sick stuff..we need him here..

feel better soon dear..:cheers2:

Mr. P
07-27-2009, 03:06 PM
Update...I am at Gaffer's now just spent 2 hours cleaning his place. I had to run to the VA to get him some different antibiotics. The ones the ER gave him he kept throwing back up.

So far he has managed to keep down half a jelly sandwich and he just took the new meds. I am sticking around for a little while to make sure he keeps that down.

He says he is feeling a little better, and he is actually sitting up in bed now instead of lying down. Hopefully the new meds work!

Tell ole Gaffer if he doesn't shape up yer gonna feed him a C-rat!!!

07-27-2009, 03:30 PM
Get better soon, Gaffer. My prayers are with you.

Trinity, thank you for helping him. That's a treasure beyond price.

07-28-2009, 07:00 AM
Well apparently after I left yesterday he threw up again. We ended up taking him over a cooler full of bottled water, 7up, and popsicle's. I told him I would check with him this morning, and if he is still throwing up I may have to take him back to the ER so they can give him fluids, an intravenous antibiotics.

Has anyone here ever had a really bad bladder infection? While I was talking to Dad yesterday he was telling me he wonders how long he has had this infection, because his ankles have been swollen for a few months now and the swelling is starting to go down. We are trying to figure out if the swelling is from the bladder infection, or the desk chair he sits in all the time.

07-28-2009, 07:42 AM
Well apparently after I left yesterday he threw up again. We ended up taking him over a cooler full of bottled water, 7up, and popsicle's. I told him I would check with him this morning, and if he is still throwing up I may have to take him back to the ER so they can give him fluids, an intravenous antibiotics.

Has anyone here ever had a really bad bladder infection? While I was talking to Dad yesterday he was telling me he wonders how long he has had this infection, because his ankles have been swollen for a few months now and the swelling is starting to go down. We are trying to figure out if the swelling is from the bladder infection, or the desk chair he sits in all the time.

Yeah, I tend to get those quite frequently. However, I think for women it's easier to tell when infected. If you remember last year though, I had a bladder infection develop into full blown kidney infection, sicker than I can ever remember being, missed a week of school, after starting on the antibiotics. Doc wanted to put me in hospital, but I fought that.

Cranberry juice is very good for helping body to heal. If you can get him to drink Gatorade, (icky, poo, poo), it will help his electrolytes. Broth, you know the drill. I hate anyone being sick. :(

07-28-2009, 07:54 AM
Yeah, I tend to get those quite frequently. However, I think for women it's easier to tell when infected. If you remember last year though, I had a bladder infection develop into full blown kidney infection, sicker than I can ever remember being, missed a week of school, after starting on the antibiotics. Doc wanted to put me in hospital, but I fought that.

Cranberry juice is very good for helping body to heal. If you can get him to drink Gatorade, (icky, poo, poo), it will help his electrolytes. Broth, you know the drill. I hate anyone being sick. :(

Not sure if he will drink Gatorade but I do have some I can take over to him. I am still trying to figure out why that damn hospital didn't give him antibiotics through an IV while he was there, if the infection is that bad.

I am waiting on his Doc to call back to see if I need to take him back to ER. Except this time he is going to a different hospital. I don't care for the one the squad took him to.

07-28-2009, 07:17 PM
So I took gaffer to a different ER this morning. I got tired of waiting to hear back from his Doc. They did urine and blood samples, xray of his stomach, and a CT scan.

They ended up admitting him. He has a very bad urinary infection, very bad bladder infection, and a very bad kidney infection. He only has one working kidney to begin with. He was also dehydrated. They are pumping him full of antibiotics, and fluids, and giving him a shot in the stomach each day to prevent blood clots. The Doctor told him he had reached a very dangerous level, and it was a good thing I got him in there this morning.

Not sure how long they plan on keeping him yet. I'm guessing probably till they get rid of the infection. I will say, I talked to him on the phone about an hour ago and he sounds 100 times better then he did this morning.

07-28-2009, 07:24 PM
So I took gaffer to a different ER this morning. I got tired of waiting to hear back from his Doc. They did urine and blood samples, xray of his stomach, and a CT scan.

They ended up admitting him. He has a very bad urinary infection, very bad bladder infection, and a very bad kidney infection. He only has one working kidney to begin with. He was also dehydrated. They are pumping him full of antibiotics, and fluids, and giving him a shot in the stomach each day to prevent blood clots. The Doctor told him he had reached a very dangerous level, and it was a good thing I got him in there this morning.

Not sure how long they plan on keeping him yet. I'm guessing probably till they get rid of the infection. I will say, I talked to him on the phone about an hour ago and he sounds 100 times better then he did this morning.
Now I can say, "Gaffer, it sucks. Been there, done that." Way painful. Prayers with you bro.

07-30-2009, 09:30 AM
Gaffer is going to be released today. :thumb:

Not sure when yet, he is supposed to call me and let me know, so I can go pick him up. He is starting to go stir crazy in the hospital. That's a good sign! I'm sure he will probably make an appearance on here this evening sometime.

07-30-2009, 09:34 AM
I always had faith in Gaffer fighting this off..

He's tough that way...

Hurry up and get better dear, we miss ya here..:cheers2:

07-30-2009, 10:25 AM
Gaffer is going to be released today. :thumb:

Not sure when yet, he is supposed to call me and let me know, so I can go pick him up. He is starting to go stir crazy in the hospital. That's a good sign! I'm sure he will probably make an appearance on here this evening sometime.

Good news!

07-30-2009, 10:43 AM
Hey Gaffer, we realize you feel compeled to use tactics like being put in the hospital to initiate your perverted tendencies of flirting with nurses and stuff but could you find a little time to actually update your pals on how you are doing if you get the chance.


1) Smile and Thank the person who has handed you the gross concauction who believes you intend to consume it.

2) Take a very small sip and smile as if you intend to drink more when they leave the room. (Be careful not to allow too much to enter your mouth cavity)

3) As soon as the person leaves the room, immediately run to the toilet and deposit the material there. (Do not flush, it will put the person wise to your antics. It also colors the water a nice pretty color)

4) Return to your chair and log back on to DP where you are sorely needed to influence the masses on what a screwed up world it is becoming.



07-30-2009, 05:12 PM
Thanks to all who posted. I am doing much better now which is evidenced by my posting again. There are two ways to know that I am sick. I am not on the internet and I am not smoking. Guaranteed indicators.

As to drinking things. (Looks around for Fuzzykitten as she will really appreciate this). When they did the CT scan they had me drink this endless vat of greenish looking stuff. which taste sort of sweet at first sip. Then I'm told I must drink it all. So I spent the next hour drinking down what I called Dumbledore's drink of the dead. You have to have read or seen Halfblood Prince to really appreciate my agony.

So most of the infection as been cleaned out. Still traces but nothing real bad. Got powerful pills to follow up with. 500 mg per dose is pretty tough shit.

Interesting that the hospital personnel I talked with are not real happy about the darklords health care plans. I had no religious awakenings while I was away. I still despise the dark lord as much as ever. Liberals still suck and are made up of morons.

Oh by the way I do have my other kidney. It's called a pelvic kidney, small and hard to locate but it's there. It was unaffected by the attack.

So one thing is for sure, I'll live till I die.

Mr. P
07-30-2009, 05:26 PM
:beer: & a C-rat.:eek:

07-30-2009, 05:58 PM
:beer: & a C-rat.:eek:

Actually I like C-rats. Well except for scrambled eggs, lima beans and one other I can't think of right now. :beer:

07-30-2009, 06:01 PM
Thanks to all who posted. I am doing much better now which is evidenced by my posting again. There are two ways to know that I am sick. I am not on the internet and I am not smoking. Guaranteed indicators.

As to drinking things. (Looks around for Fuzzykitten as she will really appreciate this). When they did the CT scan they had me drink this endless vat of greenish looking stuff. which taste sort of sweet at first sip. Then I'm told I must drink it all. So I spent the next hour drinking down what I called Dumbledore's drink of the dead. You have to have read or seen Halfblood Prince to really appreciate my agony.

So most of the infection as been cleaned out. Still traces but nothing real bad. Got powerful pills to follow up with. 500 mg per dose is pretty tough shit.

Interesting that the hospital personnel I talked with are not real happy about the darklords health care plans. I had no religious awakenings while I was away. I still despise the dark lord as much as ever. Liberals still suck and are made up of morons.

Oh by the way I do have my other kidney. It's called a pelvic kidney, small and hard to locate but it's there. It was unaffected by the attack.

So one thing is for sure, I'll live till I die.

Gaffer, for which grandchild were your reading Harry Potter? LOL!

07-30-2009, 06:11 PM
Ok Gaffer, come on.......... you have to tell about the hallucinations.

You know the one about the nurse's name, and the wall clock!! :coffee:

07-30-2009, 06:24 PM
Ok Gaffer, come on.......... you have to tell about the hallucinations.

You know the one about the nurse's name, and the wall clock!! :coffee:


Mr. P
07-30-2009, 06:28 PM
Actually I like C-rats. Well except for scrambled eggs, lima beans and one other I can't think of right now. :beer:

some of em were pretty good..can't recall my favorite.

07-30-2009, 06:44 PM

They were quite funny.....If I didn't know better, I would have wondered if he was having a relapse from doing LSD back in the 60's.

07-30-2009, 08:22 PM
WB Gaffer Hope ya get to feeling tip top real soon!

red states rule
07-30-2009, 10:50 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you Gaffer

Take care and stay in touch

07-31-2009, 11:11 AM
Some things are easy to say and hard to write cause the voice inflection can't be put into words. But I do what I can to put things down.

Thanks to everyone again for the well wishes. My hardest battle now, lies with taking the anti-biotic. It's pretty powerful and causes heartburn and I noticed a slight dizziness, which could just be I haven't got my strength back.

So about the hallucinations. These went on day and night from about Friday until Wed. I would close my eys and there was always something to look at. There would be pictures of everything from landscapes and portraits, color and black and white. They would flash in and be gone. It's amazing how the brain can produce this stuff instantly in high definition. I watched a wall turn into a mural of a seascape with moving clouds.

I was looking at the board across from me where the nurse and assistant have there names and number to page them. Well while I looked in that direction the names changed into little stick figures doing exercises.

I looked at the clock for the time and the numbers changed into little cartoon like figures who would all begin fighting with each other. When one got knocked down a new one would step in.

Mostly it was the constant pictures but sometimes those would change to video. Then there was the computer screen with endless lines of words scrolling up.

All of this went on 24 hours a day. I was so tired I couldn't go to sleep. I would have made a terrible hippie if this is what the trips were like.

If dreaming in color means your smart what does hallucinating in HD mean?

Mr. P
07-31-2009, 11:26 AM
Some things are easy to say and hard to write cause the voice inflection can't be put into words. But I do what I can to put things down.

Thanks to everyone again for the well wishes. My hardest battle now, lies with taking the anti-biotic. It's pretty powerful and causes heartburn and I noticed a slight dizziness, which could just be I haven't got my strength back.

So about the hallucinations. These went on day and night from about Friday until Wed. I would close my eys and there was always something to look at. There would be pictures of everything from landscapes and portraits, color and black and white. They would flash in and be gone. It's amazing how the brain can produce this stuff instantly in high definition. I watched a wall turn into a mural of a seascape with moving clouds.

I was looking at the board across from me where the nurse and assistant have there names and number to page them. Well while I looked in that direction the names changed into little stick figures doing exercises.

I looked at the clock for the time and the numbers changed into little cartoon like figures who would all begin fighting with each other. When one got knocked down a new one would step in.

Mostly it was the constant pictures but sometimes those would change to video. Then there was the computer screen with endless lines of words scrolling up.

All of this went on 24 hours a day. I was so tired I couldn't go to sleep. I would have made a terrible hippie if this is what the trips were like.

If dreaming in color means your smart what does hallucinating in HD mean?

I think it means you were pretty damn sick! It's good to know yer feeling better.:thumb:

07-31-2009, 11:41 AM
Gaffer, I think I get that LSD remark now. :laugh2: