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red states rule
07-30-2009, 10:56 PM
Another feel good program brought to you by feel good liberals FAILS

Now mind you this is the same government that controls two car manufacturers and appointed some kid to head the whole thing who knows nothing about the car industry

Now, let's apply all that same logic to healthcare, running the auto industry, running insurance, banks - and anything else the libs can screw up

Cash-for-clunkers program may be suspended
By Justin Hyde • Free Press Washington Staff • July 30, 2009

WASHINGTON — Four days after it launched, the popular cash-for-clunkers program has burned through its $950-million budget, sending the Obama administration scrambling to find additional money tonight and avoid a shutdown of the program.

Administration officials told Congress this evening that the plan would be suspended, triggering confusion and anger among thousands of dealers and car buyers across the country. Many dealers rushed to submit paperwork on pending trades, amid TV ads from automakers touting the program.

But a White House official denied late today that the program was suspended, and said all valid deals would be honored. Officials at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue were seeking ways to send additional money to the program; the U.S. House was set to adjourn Friday for a month-long break.

Administration officials wouldn’t say what the government would do if no money could be found Friday. A spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said lawmakers "will be working with the congressional sponsors and the Administration to quickly review the results of the initiative."

The calls to suspend the plan, first reported by the Free Press, came after auto dealers warned the government that it was in danger of losing count of how many trades had been made. Since the program was to run as long as there was money left in the $950-million pool, dealers have been concerned the fund could run dry before they were reimbursed for all their deals — which requires them to junk the clunker.

The plan offering owners of old cars and trucks $3,500 or $4,500 toward a new, more-efficient vehicle has proven wildly popular, with 22,782 trades certified by federal officials since Monday. But the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration told dealers Wednesday that a vast majority of transactions submitted were being rejected for incomplete or illegible paperwork.

A survey of 2,000 dealers by the National Automobile Dealers Association, the results of which were obtained by the Free Press, found about 25,000 deals not yet approved by NHTSA, or about 13 trades per store. With 23,005 dealers asking to be part of the program, auto dealers may have already arranged the sale of more than the 250,000 vehicles that federal officials expected the plan to generate.

(2 of 2)
Bill Golling, owner of Golling Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge in Bloomfield Hills, said his dealership had sold 80 vehicles already under the program. “It’s working so well, I’ve got people mad at me because I can’t take care of them,” he said.

NHTSA spokesman Rae Tyson said earlier today that the government had been concerned about how many deals had been made.

“We need to make sure that there’s enough money in the system to cover the transactions that have already occurred," he said. "We certainly don’t want dealers to get stuck.”

The plan was officially launched Monday, but Congress allowed dealers to start taking trades after July 1. NHTSA requires dealers to get several pieces of information from buyers, including proof of insurance and registration, and disable clunkers by destroying its engine before applying for reimbursement.

Joe Serra, owner of the 21-dealership Serra Automotive Group in Grand Blanc, said the system for submitting deals simply didn’t work.

“Their capacity to accept the applications is not adequate,” Serra said. “Dealers are spending all day trying to submit the applications. … I have not spoken to one dealer that has received approval, and or has been funded, for even a single transaction.”

Ken Czubay, Ford Motor Co.’s vice president of U.S. sales and marketing, said many Ford dealers are worried that they will be out thousands of dollars per car if they sell a vehicle to the consumer, disable the engine, and find out later the funding has been exhausted.

“I think it was a well-intended program … and frankly the program at this very early stage has to be viewed as a huge success,” Czubay said. “We are going to be working with the government to say, are we accomplishing all the things we want?”

Michigan lawmakers were set to meet Friday morning to map a strategy for pushing more money to the program.

“In just four days, we have done more to stimulate the economy with ‘Cash for Clunkers’ than any government program since the downturn began last fall," said Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph.

Several Michigan lawmakers had already vowed to press for more money for the program, which had originally been set for $4 billion. But Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has said she would block any additional money unless the program was changed to boost the gains in fuel economy between old and new models.

Federal officials also said today that the government would honor any deal agreed to before changes made in a federal database of mileage figures last Friday.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency updated its data on 30,000 old models, disqualifying 76 models that had previously met the program’s standards of getting no more than 18 m.p.g.


Mr. P
07-30-2009, 11:02 PM
I heard this tonight..Imagine a program that has failed before it really got started! Health Care anyone?

CALL 1-877-SOBUSOB and tell your Rep HELL NO on the Health Care Bill!!!

red states rule
07-30-2009, 11:04 PM
I heard this tonight..Imagine a program that has failed before it really got started! Health Care anyone?

CALL 1-877-SOBUSOB and tell your Rep HELL NO on the Health Care Bill!!!

Our local news did a story on a dealer here who sold the first new car on the cash for clunkers program. He sounded like he wasn't too sure about how long it would take to get reimbursed. I'm thinking "It's the government. It's Obama leading it. Don't hold your breath."

07-31-2009, 12:42 AM
I want the government out of my bedroom, my garage, off my roof, out of my yard, out of my kitchen, family room, and...what else is there?

I simply cannot BELIEVE how willingly people give up their freedom; become, in essence, slaves to the Government programs. :(

07-31-2009, 05:12 AM
somebody called Limbaugh yesterday.....said he had tried to do a cash for clunkers sale.....when he told the dealer he would have the car towed into the dealership, they refused it....said it had to be an operable vehicle....he said why, you're just going to scrap it anyway.....the guy said they needed a car with enough working parts to strip off so they could make a profit......

I had been tempted to do the deal.....my son's winter beater is sadly winter beaten....Chrysler was doing a match sale, so the total would have been $9000 off.....unfortunately, Chrysler closed both our local dealerships, so I didn't have any one to buy from.....

07-31-2009, 08:02 AM
somebody called Limbaugh yesterday.....said he had tried to do a cash for clunkers sale.....when he told the dealer he would have the car towed into the dealership, they refused it....said it had to be an operable vehicle....he said why, you're just going to scrap it anyway.....the guy said they needed a car with enough working parts to strip off so they could make a profit......

I had been tempted to do the deal.....my son's winter beater is sadly winter beaten....Chrysler was doing a match sale, so the total would have been $9000 off.....unfortunately, Chrysler closed both our local dealerships, so I didn't have any one to buy from.....

Lots of ads for this program in our area, but dealerships are nuts to do these deals before they can see the money. I bet a lot of dealerships don't get anything.

And probably they are just trying to get people onto the car lot, most of the time. Just get them in the door, then try to sell a car the usual way.

red states rule
07-31-2009, 08:03 AM
Lots of ads for this program in our area, but dealerships are nuts to do these deals before they can see the money. I bet a lot of dealerships don't get anything.

And probably they are just trying to get people onto the car lot, most of the time. Just get them in the door, then try to sell a car the usual way.

Would it really shock you that Obama broke a promise? Anyone who takes him at his word deserves what they get

07-31-2009, 08:27 AM
well crap !! guess ill have to give all these clunkers back to the junkyard. there goes my scam :coffee:

somebody wake when he does something right yawn........zzzzzzzzz

07-31-2009, 03:42 PM
clunker's reinstated. the Marxist is gonna prove to Amerika he can get one thing done. no matter how much it cost us !!!!

House Approves $2 Billion Boost for 'Cash for Clunkers' Program
The House approved an additional $2 billion Friday for the financially strapped "cash for clunkers" car-rebate program, whose early success threatened to sink the system.

The House passed emergency legislation Friday approving an additional $2 billion for the "cash for clunkers" program, whose immediate popularity this week threatened to sink the fledgling program.

A Senate vote is expected next week on the emergency infusion and could come as soon as Monday. The House scrambled to schedule their vote on the final day of their session before a month-long summer recess.

source (source)

Mr. P
07-31-2009, 04:41 PM
I'd like to just print money like this..We're toast!!!

07-31-2009, 04:52 PM
im just blown away at how fast it took by these liberal morons to destory this entire countries economy in only 7 mons. we are witnessing a first !!!! its gonna take years to recover from this massive disaster.

Mr. P
07-31-2009, 05:08 PM
im just blown away at how fast it took by these liberal morons to destory this entire countries economy in only 7 mons. we are witnessing a first !!!! its gonna take years to recover from this massive disaster.

It seems we could impeach for driving us into bankruptcy.

07-31-2009, 05:16 PM
It seems we could impeach for driving us into bankruptcy.

lying or dereliction of duty maybe. hard to make it stick. besides they own us all now.

07-31-2009, 05:27 PM
My neighbor works in a body shop. He said that GM parts are becoming very scarce since Obama took over GM. Those who go for the cash-for-clunkers better hope they never need parts for their cars.

07-31-2009, 05:49 PM
So now Mr. Redistribute-Your-Income is going to buy everybody cars as well as pay their doctor bills? With other peoples' money.

07-31-2009, 06:06 PM
Am I the only one confused by a government program that encourages people to trade in paid off, perfectly fine automobiles for a new car they probably can't afford right now?

07-31-2009, 06:16 PM
So now Mr. Redistribute-Your-Income is going to buy everybody cars as well as pay their doctor bills? With other peoples' money.

This would be hilarious if not so indicative of what we'll see with health care, never mind cap and trade:

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_cash_for_clunkers_what_happened;_ylt=Aq8IGjwN8a 8AG0KYrZykWOus0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTN0cHRuMDM0BGFzc2V0A2 FwLzIwMDkwNzMxL3VzX2Nhc2hfZm9yX2NsdW5rZXJzX3doYXRf aGFwcGVuZWQEY2NvZGUDcmFuZG9tBGNwb3MDMQRwb3MDMgRwdA Nob21lX2Nva2UEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yeQRzbGsDcG9wdWxh cml0eXdl

Popularity, Web snafus nearly broke 'clunkers'
By DAN STRUMPF, AP Auto Writer Dan Strumpf, Ap Auto Writer 22 mins ago

NEW YORK – This was one government stimulus plan that yielded quick results. Maybe too quick.

Far more drivers signed up for the "cash for clunkers" program than anyone thought, overwhelming showrooms, blowing through the initial $1 billion set aside by Congress and leaving dealers panicked over when or if the government would make good on the hefty rebates.

Confusion reigned, even as dollars flowed into dealerships starved for business for months.

The government Web site set up to process rebates of up to $4,500 per new car could not keep up with demand. Washington scrambled to come up with more cash and sent mixed signals about how the program would unfold.

"A borderline train wreck," said Charlie Swenson, general manager at Walser Toyota in Bloomington, Minn. In Glen Burnie, Md., Bob Bell, who owns Ford, Kia and Hyundai dealerships, said his employees were overwhelmed filing for reimbursement from the government's clunky system....

The House voted Friday to replenish the program with $2 billion, setting up likely Senate action next week. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., said the administration assured lawmakers that "deals will be honored until otherwise noted by the White House."

Like a car salesman beckoning from the lot, Levin said "people ought to get in and buy their cars" while the hot deals last. The White House joined in the pitch, telling consumers the program is solid through "this weekend." That left unclear what happens after that, until more money is approved for it.

The Car Allowance Rebate System offers owners of old cars and trucks $3,500 or $4,500 toward a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle, in exchange for scrapping their old vehicle. Congress last month approved the plan to boost auto sales and remove some inefficient cars and trucks from the roads....

Please, see my poll.

07-31-2009, 06:18 PM
Am I the only one confused by a government program that encourages people to trade in paid off, perfectly fine automobiles for a new car they probably can't afford right now?

It's just a way to redistribute 4 billion dollars in wealth...

07-31-2009, 06:27 PM
Am I the only one confused by a government program that encourages people to trade in paid off, perfectly fine automobiles for a new car they probably can't afford right now?

I was kinda wondering that as well.

07-31-2009, 07:20 PM

this is yours


this is Osama's questions???

me im taking an interest in Russian cars



yep its a Camero. Russian style

photos (photos)

07-31-2009, 07:36 PM

this is yours


this is Osama's questions???

me im taking an interest in Russian cars



yep its a Camero. Russian style

photos (photos)

I want one!!!! :coffee:

07-31-2009, 07:57 PM

Osama's new ghetto housing projects. designed by HUD (housing under dummies) oh come on this is a clunker :laugh2:

07-31-2009, 08:36 PM
Oh lord! I'm feeling enlightened with those photoshops. Praise be unto him.

07-31-2009, 10:14 PM
the liberal feel good programs that fail program

08-01-2009, 08:32 AM
yet another first. this program only lasted a week !!! then fell flat on its face. requiring the old liberal fix. throw $$$ at it fast !!!! we are seeing the rock bottom worst government in this counties entire history. bar none. it proves Osama knows NOTHING about American politics. why??? because he's a obvioulsy a foreigner. my god. even 10 year old know you try it first.
.........the liberals are cutting their own throats. we are obligated to show Americans the red blood.
im ripping my elected officals a brand new asshole. Osama has to go !!!!

its now time for for the next American civil war !!!!!!!!!!!

08-01-2009, 09:21 AM
There was an obvious oversight in the scale of people who would want to use the system. I am amazed that nearly 1 billion was spent in four days, but I guess if the average new car is 10,000-15,000 and the goverment has spent 1 billion in 3000-4000 payments for each car then their must of been billions spent by the public.

We have a simalar system in place here where the goverment pay £2000 for old cars more than 10 years old that you've owned for a year, when you buy a new car, not sure how much the goverment have put aside for the policy but it's been running now for about a month and alls going well.

08-01-2009, 07:42 PM
no money but buy anyway. IOU ????

White House Keeps Pushing Depleted 'Clunkers' Program as Senate Vote Awaits. The White House continues to encourage consumers to take advantage of the popular but financial strapped "cash for clunkers"car purchases program despite mounting Senate opposition to providing additional funding.

source (source)

this gets better by the min


July 27: A car is thrown in a dumpster as a visual promotion for the federal 'cash for clunkers' program in Springfield, Vt.

Joe Steel
08-02-2009, 06:39 AM
Another feel good program brought to you by feel good liberals FAILS

Failure by extreme success.


You've found a new to distort reality.

08-02-2009, 07:51 AM
Failure by extreme success.


You've found a new to distort reality.

Only a non-tax-paying, moronic douchebag would consider paying 9-10 times the value of a PoS a success. The only thing they succeeded in doing was spending a pile of cash that didn't need to be and shouldn't have been spent.

08-02-2009, 07:51 AM
another liberal joe blow who enjoys gettin' it rammed up his ass by the Muslim

08-02-2009, 08:17 AM
here's blow joes mammy. with a shit sandwich for all socialist liberals. an actual confession


I save these on my desktop. so when blow holes show up i have plenty of shit sandwich's on hand

Joe Steel
08-02-2009, 05:00 PM
Am I the only one confused by a government program that encourages people to trade in paid off, perfectly fine automobiles for a new car they probably can't afford right now?

Probably not. Many refuse to see and some can't.

This is a stimulus program. It's designed to create economic activity even if the activity might seem economically unsound. Forget about the value of the cars and the government's return for its money. That's not the point. The point is economic activity only. The mere fact that money was used so quickly is proof of its success.

And your speculation about the affordability of the cars is not necessarily reasonable. Recessions are cause by the absence of economic activity. That can be caused by a lack resources but it also can be caused by a decision to forgo consumption even though the potential consumer has sufficient resources. This program made the deal so sweet, many consumers who merely chose not to buy cars before the program changed their plans.

08-02-2009, 05:07 PM
Probably not. Many refuse to see and some can't.

This is a stimulus program. It's designed to create economic activity even if the activity might seem economically unsound. Forget about the value of the cars and the government's return for its money. That's not the point. The point is economic activity only. The mere fact that money was used so quickly is proof of its success.

And your speculation about the affordability of the cars is not necessarily reasonable. Recessions are cause by the absence of economic activity. That can be caused by a lack resources but it also can be caused by a decision to forgo consumption even though the potential consumer has sufficient resources. This program made the deal so sweet, many consumers who merely chose not to buy cars before the program changed their plans.

it was designed to fail. just like you cluncker

08-02-2009, 05:17 PM
Am I the only one confused by a government program that encourages people to trade in paid off, perfectly fine automobiles for a new car they probably can't afford right now?

you would have to be an idiot to trade off a perfectly fine automobile....sell it, use part of the money to buy something that barely runs and turn THAT in as your clunker....

08-02-2009, 05:40 PM
Probably not. Many refuse to see and some can't.

This is a stimulus program. It's designed to create economic activity even if the activity might seem economically unsound. Forget about the value of the cars and the government's return for its money. That's not the point. The point is economic activity only. The mere fact that money was used so quickly is proof of its success.

And your speculation about the affordability of the cars is not necessarily reasonable. Recessions are cause by the absence of economic activity. That can be caused by a lack resources but it also can be caused by a decision to forgo consumption even though the potential consumer has sufficient resources. This program made the deal so sweet, many consumers who merely chose not to buy cars before the program changed their plans.
LOL! Do not believe your lying eyes, right Joe?

Joe Steel
08-03-2009, 06:38 AM
LOL! Do not believe your lying eyes, right Joe?

What does that mean?

08-03-2009, 10:13 AM
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that if the Senate doesn't put $2 billion more money into this Clunker program fast, it will collapse again by Tuesday, tomorrow. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124922988694299529.html#mod=todays_us_page_one)

08-03-2009, 11:04 AM
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that if the Senate doesn't put $2 billion more money into this Clunker program fast, it will collapse again by Tuesday, tomorrow. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124922988694299529.html#mod=todays_us_page_one)

they'll do it. otherwise it makes them and the illegal alien look like the fools they are.

red states rule
08-03-2009, 11:19 AM
Probably not. Many refuse to see and some can't.

This is a stimulus program. It's designed to create economic activity even if the activity might seem economically unsound. Forget about the value of the cars and the government's return for its money. That's not the point. The point is economic activity only. The mere fact that money was used so quickly is proof of its success.

And your speculation about the affordability of the cars is not necessarily reasonable. Recessions are cause by the absence of economic activity. That can be caused by a lack resources but it also can be caused by a decision to forgo consumption even though the potential consumer has sufficient resources. This program made the deal so sweet, many consumers who merely chose not to buy cars before the program changed their plans.

Keep grasping


You get a Government check to buy a car from a Government owned auto manufacture and get financing from a Government owned bank.

How is that not socialism?

They’re going to have to change GM to GIM…Government Issued Motors

red states rule
08-03-2009, 11:46 AM
There was an obvious oversight in the scale of people who would want to use the system. I am amazed that nearly 1 billion was spent in four days, but I guess if the average new car is 10,000-15,000 and the goverment has spent 1 billion in 3000-4000 payments for each car then their must of been billions spent by the public.

We have a simalar system in place here where the goverment pay £2000 for old cars more than 10 years old that you've owned for a year, when you buy a new car, not sure how much the goverment have put aside for the policy but it's been running now for about a month and alls going well.

Another issue is the fact that most of these people with clunkers that were fortunate enough to qualify for this handout probably weren't carrying a note on their cars. They are now. I'd like to know how many of these loans go in default - much like the home loans from Fannie and Freddie after the government got involved

08-03-2009, 12:56 PM
[quiote]Another issue is the fact that most of these people with clunkers that were fortunate enough to qualify for this handout probably weren't carrying a note on their cars. They are now. I'd like to know how many of these loans go in default - much like the home loans from Fannie and Freddie after the government got involved[/quote]

Indeed, very true. It's a catch 22, we have a economy built on debt, and the only way to get out of a recession is to spend your way out, thus adding to the debt which was the problem in the first place. But the only other way to operate would be to let the reccession run it's course, and abandon the system of debt that we use. But the only problem with that is that the wealthiest countries get hit hardest.

red states rule
08-03-2009, 01:00 PM
[quiote]Another issue is the fact that most of these people with clunkers that were fortunate enough to qualify for this handout probably weren't carrying a note on their cars. They are now. I'd like to know how many of these loans go in default - much like the home loans from Fannie and Freddie after the government got involved

Indeed, very true. It's a catch 22, we have a economy built on debt, and the only way to get out of a recession is to spend your way out, thus adding to the debt which was the problem in the first place. But the only other way to operate would be to let the reccession run it's course, and abandon the system of debt that we use. But the only problem with that is that the wealthiest countries get hit hardest.[/QUOTE]

Eh, for some strange reason libs think running masive debt, and non stop printing of money is the way to "grow" the economy

So far it is not working. Debt in increasing, unemployment is rising, consumer confidence is tanking, and tax revenues to the government is as low as it was in the 1930's

Yep, the Hope and Change Express is doing as well as I expected

08-03-2009, 01:28 PM
Eh, for some strange reason libs think running masive debt, and non stop printing of money is the way to "grow" the economy

So far it is not working. Debt in increasing, unemployment is rising, consumer confidence is tanking, and tax revenues to the government is as low as it was in the 1930's

Yep, the Hope and Change Express is doing as well as I expected

like I said, it's a catch 22, buy spending more money you add to debt, which was the cause of the problem in the first place. But by cutting spending and reducing activity in the Market you feed the reccession. It's a no win situation. But most (if not all) world goverments hae decided that spending their way out is the lesser of two evils.

red states rule
08-03-2009, 01:33 PM
like I said, it's a catch 22, buy spending more money you add to debt, which was the cause of the problem in the first place. But by cutting spending and reducing activity in the Market you feed the reccession. It's a no win situation. But most (if not all) world goverments hae decided that spending their way out is the lesser of two evils.

If Dems would have cut the payroll taxes by 50% they would have gooten huge amounts of economic growth - with people spending thier money the way they want - for about the same amount of money as in the so called stimulus bill

If Dems would have cut the corporate tax rate in half for about 2 years, more companies would have expanded, foreign companies would have come to the US and set up shop

If Dems would have cut the capital gaines tax, you would have seen more companies expanding and hiring workers - thus you would have more people paying taxes

But that is way to simple for liberals to grasp - besides it does not allow political payoffs and pork projects like which made up msot of the "stimulus" bill