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View Full Version : Wahoo!!

07-31-2009, 09:44 PM
Only just last week I was $9300 short for tuition for the first 8 months of school. The other $16k was covered by loans and a couple grants. Culinary school starts 8/17, and I figured I was running out of time and I didn't know where I would get the money or where I could find someone to co-sign for the Sallie Mae loan I couldn't get on my own. I basically was up a creek with no real options last week, thinking I might have to put off school. Or so I thought.

But I got a call yesterday asking me to come down to the school and go over stuff. I thought this was maybe another avenue they were trying for me, so I head down there.

Come to find out the school gave me a grant for a little over $8000!!! I only have to pay $1200 out of pocket and they are letting me pay that in monthly installments!!

The only sucky part is that it extends my graduation date out by 6 months (associate degree program is normally 15 months, but this extends it to 21), however if this is what it takes to get me to go, then so be it!!

I have worked so hard and sacrificed so much and I get a huge break like this! I feel like my luck is finally turning around for once in my life!


07-31-2009, 09:50 PM
so happy for you dear..

maybe someday we'll all be able to say we knew her before she became famous..
