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View Full Version : Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty

08-01-2009, 06:08 AM
long read but so true

By James Lewis
The birth debate about Obama is real enough, but it is legally complicated, as analyzed by legal beagle Andrew McCarthy at National Review. No judge is going to question the Constitutional qualifications of an elected president. I'm sorry, but that's the practical reality. The judge is going to follow stare decisis -- the sheer weight of commitments that cannot be reversed without creating chaos. Once the political system of the United States, the voters, the media, and the politicians themselves are all committed to the proposition that Obama is president, trying to reverse it would mean riots in every city in the nation. At some point even debatable claims become irreversible. That is why Al Franken is now the US Senator from Minnesota, even if his election was corrupt and wrong. It's water under the bridge. Leave it to history.

And yet the Obama "birther" debate is important. What's important about it is the feeling a growing number of Americans have in their bones that Obama is foreign -- to our traditions, loyalties and shared understandings about the nature of America. In a way the legal debate matters less than that bone-deep sense that Obama is fundamentally "Other than American."

We all recognized George W as a prototypical American -- even if you didn't agree with him or even like him. There he was cutting dry brush around his modest West Texas ranch house, to keep down the fire danger, while the fat and foolish White House punditry stayed huddled back in the air conditioning. Or flying onto the aircraft carrier in a jet trainer after Saddam was overthrown. Or heading straight to walk Ground Zero with the cops and fire fighters right after 9/11. Bush looked at home with those cops, because he was. He likes those guys, and they like him. They are made of the same stuff. Obama isn't.

Obama is a socialist, which means that his deepest commitment is not to our nation but to the Internationalist Ruling Class. That is why the Left always has to argue that Americans' love of country will kill off the rest of the world -- by global warming, by overpopulation, any excuse will do. The fact that it's all lies proves the point: The Left must lie in order to convince millions of Americans that their normal feelings of patriotism are evil.

These facts are so obvious that they are not even worth arguing about. Obama's first international speech -- characteristically before getting elected -- started with the phrase "Citizens of the World!" Anybody on the Left has to think, "Workers of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!" That was the intended message to the left, of course -- that's how David Axelrod thinks, that's how Obama's mentors have always thought -- going back to his way-left mother and his Kenyan socialist father. The interracial affair between the Kansas anthropologist 20-year-old and the Kenyan socialist was itself a revolutionary act, the way these people think. It was a positive good to bear an interracial child, even if the kid was going to be abandoned by his father and mother. From that point onward the Old Left handled the whole chain of custody. Obama was passed along by leftie sponsors, one after the other. Frank Marshall Davis was the Communist Party guy in Hawaii, and wrote for the Hawaiian Communist Party rag. You can trace it link after link, following the Alinskyite chain all the way to the far left wing of the Chicago Machine, then 20 years of being preached at by Rev. Jeremiah Wright (whose brand of Christianity is only Marxism under a transparent layer of lies).

whole article here..

08-02-2009, 12:08 PM
Good article, Stephanie, and the second I've seen that basically says that a lot of people don't view Obama as AMERICAN.

I liked the point that George Bush was never viewed as illegitimate. He was a fool, but he was OUR fool.

But this Obama character, he might as well be from Mars! He's not viewed as a legitimate American, never mind as a legitimate president, by a whole lot of people, and this groundswell of rejection of his legitimacy is gaining power.

Have you noticed how much coverage there is about it lately, and even a shorthand reference, "Birthers" ? I read an infuriating article saying that surely the reason this writer's pals in the leftwing media were running these articles was to make fun of rightwingers!!!!

Oh, no, that's not the reason. The reason is that this is big. We elected an unacceptable weirdo prez, and utter rejection of his legitimacy in the eyes of much of the people has found a voice in this sort of myth, this urban legend ----------- but I'd suggest nobody underrate urban myths.

Remember that the reason John McCain was not prez No. 43 is the rumor spread that he had a "black baby" in South Carolina before the primary there. Presidential candidates are COMMONLY knocked out by rumors and myths -- the earlier the better.

I think this is about 2012, partly. Knock Obama out by plain suspicion. Remember the Muslim rumors about him? Lots of them, and they haven't died out fully yet.

This "he wasn't even born here!!" rumor has tremendous power because it's a symbol. It says, this guy is not one of us. He doesn't belong. We don't want him. Because it's a symbol, no one cares if it is true. I think a lot of history and literature is like that -- we believe what we intend to believe because it's a symbol, and we aren't terribly interested in cold fact.

My personal belief is that he was probably born in Hawaii all right, but that he is illegitimate and records not being shown probably say that, although they've been lying for years that this 17-year-old girl was married to this black, which I think highly unlikely. So they can't really show all the records and this allows the rumors room to run.

I sort of like the fact that a symbolic rejection of Obama as "not one of us" is going on. Carry on, Birthers.

08-03-2009, 10:15 AM
Hey, did you all see the new "Kenyan birth certificate" for Obama that is being posted around? --- I thought it would be here, in fact. I saw one this morning on another forum.

I suppose it's a fraud, but my daughter was taken in; she expected a lot of media coverage and a constitutional crisis. Nothing, of course.

08-03-2009, 10:27 AM
I saw it floating around...not much on it yet to substantiate it's authenticity, so no use reporting anything on it..Yet..