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View Full Version : Dems have failed to ram Govt Health Care through before citizens can object

08-03-2009, 11:57 AM
It's over.

The Democrat Party, which habitually tries to govern against the will of the voters, has failed in their latest attempt to do that.

Their plans for socialized medicine, a government takeover of the entire medical profession in the U.S., was intended to be voted through Congress in three weeks, from its introduction in July to Congress's going on break at the end of July. The haste was necessary, as brought out in a similar attempt in 1993, so the legislation could be enacted before ordinary citizens could find out what's in it.

Back in 1993, then-President Bill Clinton put his wife Hillary in charge of the effort to socialize health care back then. She held a series of closed-door meetings where the press was banned, talking with insurance companies, legislators, and lobbyists (but NO DOCTORS). Then she and Bill got together, and published a book about what the new health care plan was going to do.

It was probably the biggest political mistake in living memory. The Clintons explained everything in detail, described the restrictions on finding your own doctor, paying privately for care, etc., and explained all the new penalties and jail terms for patients or doctors who ventured outside the new system's restrictions.

And the American people took one look at it, and said, "No, thanks." In fact, it was more like a "HELL, NO!!!", as they called their congressmen in droves, demanding the bill's defeat. And at the following year's election, they kicked Democrats out of every majority in Congress (and quite a few states), handing control of Congress to Republicans for almost the first time since the Great Depression.

Fast forward to today. The Democrats learned well from the Dabacle of 1993. Not well enough to stop trying to take over health Care, but well enough to know they had to conceal what they were doing from their constituents. So this year, while they're trying again to push a Socialized Medicine program people clearly don't want, they are now trying to ram it through Congress in record time, pretending there is some kind of urgent need for socialism right now, so much that we don't have time to examine their plans.

They have written a massive, thousand-page bill in Congress, far beyong the time and patience of most people (including most Congressmen!) to thoroughly read and evaluate, and demanded that it be passed in a week. And they even have the President going on the air and announcing that "his" plan includes more coverage, lower costs, and greater freedom, while neither plan in Congress contains any of those things.

Well, their attempt has failed. Congress has gone on their August break without voting on either the House or Senate plan, and won't be back in session until September. Congressmen have gone home, and a number of them have unwisely set up Town Hall meetings where their constituents can come in, ask questions, and tell their Congressmen what they want.

And the blood is ankle deep at some of these meetings. People are literally screaming at some Democrat congressmen over this Health Care socialization plan. Check out these stories, just from today:

Protestors shout down Obamacare in Austin, TX:

Crowd Explodes When Sen. Arlen Specter Urges We 'Do This Fast'...:

UPRISING BACK HOME: Constituents Make Congressman Sweat... :

I predict that this is just the beginning. People have begun to find out just how bad things can get under the coming Socialized Medicine scheme, and now have more than a month to examine further what Congress has proposed. And as is usually true for this kind of extreme-leftist legislation, shining the light of day on it, will be its death knell. The American people are fundamentally conservative in their daily lives, happy to take responsibility for their own futures, pull their own weight, help their own friends and neighbors, and sink or swim by their own efforts. And once they find out how far from that ideal the Democrats' Govt Helath Care plan is, they will uncompromisingly reject it.

The Democrats have blown their opportunity. They needed to get this Socialized Medicine plan through Congress and signed into law, before anyone could find out what was in it. And they have failed.

It's all over but the screaming, just as it was in 1993. And now the Democrats have nothing to look forward to, except the congressional elections of 2010... just as they did in 1994.

It's going to be a long year for the Democrats, and not a pleasant one.

08-03-2009, 12:15 PM
I posted the one "Crowd Explodes When Sen. Arlen Specter Urges We 'Do This Fast" they really tee of on him and what's her butt. are the Tea Parties back ????

08-03-2009, 12:19 PM
Never assume IT'S OVER...

they have ignored the constituents before and went ahead and voted for a bill....

now is the time while they are on Break...

call call fax fax attend a town hall

we need to show them we are MAD AS HELL AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT...:salute:

08-03-2009, 12:28 PM
indeed. this may very well be our only and last chance. im moving it on

08-04-2009, 11:42 AM
Never assume IT'S OVER...

they have ignored the constituents before and went ahead and voted for a bill....

now is the time while they are on Break...

call call fax fax attend a town hall

we need to show them we are MAD AS HELL AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT...:salute:


The purpose of my post, was to point out that we now have TIME to do those things; and when we do, the bill(s) will be defeated.

The Dems' chance to ram the bills through before people can react this way, is gone.

We still have to react this way.

DO IT!!! DO IT!! DO IT!!!

red states rule
08-05-2009, 06:03 AM

From the Opinion page of the Washington Post. Obamacare is in deep trouble - now those who oppose it must really put on the pressure

How Obama Might Lose on Health-Care Reform
By Charles Lane

Conventional wisdom holds that, whatever the obstacles President Obama’s health care plans face now, Congress will surely manage to pass something before the end of 2009. After all, Obama has staked his political future, and that of his party, on health care. And for all their internal disagreements, Democrats would not be so suicidal as to permit a failure. Even Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.), the leading “Blue Dog” critic of the House’s version of health care so far, has predicted eventual passage.

Perhaps the conventional wisdom is right. But after reading two pieces of news today, I'm not so sure. The first is an Associated Press story noting that federal tax receipts are on course to shrink almost 18 percent this year as compared to 2008. That lends credence to those who suspect that the deficit will be even bigger than the $1.8 trillion the White House forecast earlier this year. And the administration may soon have to acknowledge as much: Its long-awaited revised budget, probably including a worse-than-previously-predicted deficit, is due in about two weeks.

The announcement of an upward-moving deficit in mid-August would make a huge splash -- especially if it’s otherwise a slow news month, and especially if the new projection crosses the magic $2 trillion mark. It would not be the kind of splash that would help pass a $1 trillion health care bill.

The second piece of news is a Public Policy Polling survey from Virginia, which showed Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell ahead of Democrat Creigh Deeds by 14 points among registered voters. McDonnell moved out to that whopping lead after the president visited the state to rally the troops for health care reform. As the pollsters note: “The movement in the race likely has more to do with national trends than anything actually going on in Virginia. As Barack Obama's approval has moved downward in the last month, so have the fortunes of Democratic candidates on the ballot in 2009.” In New Jersey, meanwhile, Republican Chris Christie is maintaining a double-digit lead over Democrat John Corzine.

A lot can happen between now and election day, November 3. But I’d bet members of Congress, especially Democrats, are watching those two races for indications of Obama’s political strength and, by extension, the political advisability of backing him on health care. The latest polls must have sent chills down many a Democratic spine. And if the Republican leads hold up through the fall, Dems' fears of winding up on the wrong side of public opinion can only grow.
