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View Full Version : Letter to editor - SUV drivers should be shot

red states rule
08-05-2009, 06:15 AM
This was published in the Vail, CO paper. Libs are really going over the deep end folks

All you people who own and drive gas-guzzling SUVs out there, as far as i'm concerned, you are all eco-terrorists! You need to beimmediately arrested, jailed and have your vehicles forcibly confiscated from you. I advocate long prison terms for your willful idiocy!

You are destroying your children's future by condemning them to a planet that will not support life anymore because you are belching out ungodly amounts of CO2 from your SUVs, causing irreversible global climate change to occur.

Are you aware that millions and millions of innocent men, women and children are dying on this planet every single day, just so you can live in million dollar condos and drive around in luxury vehicles?

I urge the Obama administration and the state legistlatures to immediately criminalize all SUVs and stop this insanity before it destroys us all! If you wasteful American idiots resist, may you be either thrown into government-operated FEMA concentration camps or taken out and shot.

Take it from Richard Heinberg and his book, “The Party's Over.” Get it through your thick heads!

Enough of your madness!

Wren Guzman



08-05-2009, 07:51 AM
Yes please criminalize all SUV owners. That will bring the war on even sooner. And Mr. wren guzman, you will be one of the first to be targeted.

As the war progresses we will have to separate the ignorant and foolish from the real moonbats. The moonbats need to be executed immediately. The others can be educated.

red states rule
08-05-2009, 08:04 AM
Yes please criminalize all SUV owners. That will bring the war on even sooner. And Mr. wren guzman, you will be one of the first to be targeted.

As the war progresses we will have to separate the ignorant and foolish from the real moonbats. The moonbats need to be executed immediately. The others can be educated.

The eco-brainwashed actually believe that animals and trees are more important than people.

Like most liberals who live to lecture the rest of us how to live our lives, Wren Guzman may have dropped this letter in the mail box while driving to the grocery store in a Hummer

08-05-2009, 10:22 AM
Well, if he would like to foot the bill for my new eco-friendly vehicle, then I will certainly switch. But until then I will continue to rock on in my SUV. :rock:

red states rule
08-06-2009, 06:46 AM
Well, if he would like to foot the bill for my new eco-friendly vehicle, then I will certainly switch. But until then I will continue to rock on in my SUV. :rock:

I think all the libs should follow exactly what their leader wants - drive all those little tiny weenie death traps - and leave all the comfy safe SUV's to the rest of us!

08-06-2009, 09:29 AM
I don't think any type of vehicle should be outlawed.
I do favor gas rationing for private vehicles. Perhaps 10 gallons per week. The more miles you get per gallon, the more you get to drive.

08-06-2009, 09:31 AM
I don't think any type of vehicle should be outlawed.
I do favor gas rationing for private vehicles. Perhaps 10 gallons per week. The more miles you get per gallon, the more you get to drive.

Are you serious?

red states rule
08-06-2009, 09:32 AM
I don't think any type of vehicle should be outlawed.
I do favor gas rationing for private vehicles. Perhaps 10 gallons per week. The more miles you get per gallon, the more you get to drive.

We had that under Jimmy Carter Gabby - and the gas lines went around the block as the inflation and interest rates went into double digits

How will truckers get your food and other products you buy to the store on 10 gallons a week?

Or the contractor and plumber get to their various jobs on 10 gallons a week?

Or people who have long commutes to work, get to work, on 10 gallons per week?

08-06-2009, 09:48 AM
We had that under Jimmy Carter Gabby - and the gas lines went around the block as the inflation and interest rates went into double digits

How will truckers get your food and other products you buy to the store on 10 gallons a week?

Or the contractor and plumber get to their various jobs on 10 gallons a week?

Or people who have long commutes to work, get to work, on 10 gallons per week?

I'm expecting her to answer like every other good upstanding liberal... "Let the government solve your problems. Ride the bus, take a train etc. It doesn't matter that it takes four hours to take the bus to get 10 miles. Take the bus".


red states rule
08-06-2009, 09:52 AM
I'm expecting her to answer like every other good upstanding liberal... "Let the government solve your problems. Ride the bus, take a train etc. It doesn't matter that it takes four hours to take the bus to get 10 miles. Take the bus".


Reminds me of a liberal who held up a sign that read "I do not use oil - I take the bus"

You did leave out the personal attack she will unleash on me for pointing out the obvious BTW

08-06-2009, 11:20 AM
Notice I said private vehicles. Which obviously would not extend to commercial vehicles.
You want to drive an SUV or a Hummer? Fine, get your 10 gallons and roll.
Perhaps if Dubya would have spent more time on fuel conservation and less time protecting his fellow oil moguls and giving blow jobs to the Saudi Royal Family, we would have more fuel efficient vehicles by now.

08-06-2009, 11:23 AM
Reminds me of a liberal who held up a sign that read "I do not use oil - I take the bus"

You did leave out the personal attack she will unleash on me for pointing out the obvious BTW

Gabby is above the personal attack. She's got more class than that.


08-06-2009, 11:25 AM
Notice I said private vehicles. Which obviously would not extend to commercial vehicles.
You want to drive an SUV or a Hummer? Fine, get your 10 gallons and roll.
Perhaps if Dubya would have spent more time on fuel conservation and less time protecting his fellow oil moguls and giving blow jobs to the Saudi Royal Family, we would have more fuel efficient vehicles by now.

isn't blowjobs your speciality ????

08-06-2009, 11:26 AM
Gabby is above the personal attack. She's got more class than that.


she's a troll

08-06-2009, 11:28 AM
she's a troll

Then she is a troll with class... at least more class than stooping to the level of personal attacks. :)


08-06-2009, 11:31 AM
I was thinking wren guzman was an idiot until gabby chimed in and made him look intelligent.

08-06-2009, 11:40 AM
Then she is a troll with class... at least more class than stooping to the level of personal attacks. :)


what if I told you she has made personal attacks here????

08-06-2009, 12:02 PM
what if I told you she has made personal attacks here????


Wait a minute! Why am I defending her?

I'm not Namvet. There has been a little bit of sarcasm in those posts... just a little mind you. You needn't try to convince me of anything. :coffee:


08-06-2009, 12:10 PM

Wait a minute! Why am I defending her?

I'm not Namvet. There has been a little bit of sarcasm in those posts... just a little mind you. You needn't try to convince me of anything. :coffee:


i dunno Martin. why are you defending her????

08-06-2009, 12:14 PM
i dunno Martin. why are you defending her????

Its a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it.


08-06-2009, 12:22 PM
Its a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it.


no problem pal. ive known you long enough to give you a couple 100 benefits of doubt. :beer:

08-06-2009, 12:25 PM
no problem pal. ive known you long enough to give you a couple 100 benefits of doubt. :beer:

Thank you... I was about to plead temporary insanity. :lol:


08-06-2009, 02:15 PM
I don't think any type of vehicle should be outlawed.
I do favor gas rationing for private vehicles. Perhaps 10 gallons per week. The more miles you get per gallon, the more you get to drive.

LOL, that's easy to say if ya sit home, my wife works 25 miles from the house' so if she does nothing other than go to work, forget about food shopping , taking the kids to baseball, Doctor appointments, LOL, well this is almost to silly to even discuss , but if ya take 50 miles a day times 5 ya get 250 miles , so she would need a car that get 25 miles to the gallon, lol, yes with a family of 5, I know maybe she could get a moped with a basket:poke:

Maybe the messiah can stop giving the people that don't want to work free cell phones, hmmm then he could actually help those of us that do pay taxes

08-06-2009, 02:19 PM
Notice I said private vehicles. Which obviously would not extend to commercial vehicles.
You want to drive an SUV or a Hummer? Fine, get your 10 gallons and roll.
Perhaps if Dubya would have spent more time on fuel conservation and less time protecting his fellow oil moguls and giving blow jobs to the Saudi Royal Family, we would have more fuel efficient vehicles by now.

OOOO so the working family is screwed but Obama can take his gas guzzuling limo out and spend 72,000 on a date with the animal he is married to, LMAO

08-06-2009, 02:22 PM
isn't blowjobs your speciality ????

Although I disagree with Gabs I think she is a nice person, this kind of shit is wrong, she is a woman, maybe she has different beliefs but that's what makes the world go around

And yes she used it first I know, but it wasn't aimed at personally attacking no one

08-06-2009, 02:43 PM
Notice I said private vehicles. Which obviously would not extend to commercial vehicles.
You want to drive an SUV or a Hummer? Fine, get your 10 gallons and roll.
Perhaps if Dubya would have spent more time on fuel conservation and less time protecting his fellow oil moguls and giving blow jobs to the Saudi Royal Family, we would have more fuel efficient vehicles by now.

Wow, the ignorance displayed in this post in amazing. Commercial vehicles are not private? How are commercial vehicles not private? Until Obama took over GM, auto companies were private and free to develop more fuel effecient care as they saw fit. The market place had limit demand for such products and therefore the development of those vehicles was also on a limited basis. Really gabby you should at least try to post in a more informed way.

08-06-2009, 03:21 PM
Although I disagree with Gabs I think she is a nice person, this kind of shit is wrong, she is a woman, maybe she has different beliefs but that's what makes the world go around

And yes she used it first I know, but it wasn't aimed at personally attacking no one

And yes she used it first I know, but it wasn't aimed at personally attacking no one

she insulted me and other veterans on their service. well???? now i wonder about you

08-06-2009, 05:52 PM
she insulted me and other veterans on their service. well???? now i wonder about you

Man wonder all ya want, My hat is off to you and all that served, but I have a Mom a sister and a wife , where if anyone of them was asked if giving blow jobs was there specialty I would be pissed, I know you and Gabby have a feud going and I also know Gabby can push buttons, but you can get even with her and beat her without going there, if that pisses ya off so be it, I disagree with about everything gabby says but I don't go there.

As for her insulting Veterans no I didn't know that, and I agree that is wrong, but I have watched you post and I know ya can beat her with your smarts, OOO well JMO

08-06-2009, 06:02 PM
Man wonder all ya want, My hat is off to you and all that served, but I have a Mom a sister and a wife , where if anyone of them was asked if giving blow jobs was there specialty I would be pissed, I know you and Gabby have a feud going and I also know Gabby can push buttons, but you can get even with her and beat her without going there, if that pisses ya off so be it, I disagree with about everything gabby says but I don't go there.

As for her insulting Veterans no I didn't know that, and I agree that is wrong, but I have watched you post and I know ya can beat her with your smarts, OOO well JMO

we're not talking about your family. maybe you should pay more attention to her post and less to mine. you might learn something. maybe

08-06-2009, 06:11 PM
we're not talking about your family. maybe you should pay more attention to her post and less to mine. you might learn something. maybe

NO shit, you said and I repeat, isn't blow jobs your specialty, talking to Gabby , I said I have a sister a Mom and a wife , I wouldn't appreciate that being said to them, No one ever said you were speaking to my family in that manner, I thought the service made men ought of boys, guess they failed at least 2 times( yea Virgil) he also thought that was how to act, real class

As for learning something your right I learn something everyday , ya might try it , it's great

08-06-2009, 06:23 PM
NO shit, you said and I repeat, isn't blow jobs your specialty, talking to Gabby , I said I have a sister a Mom and a wife , I wouldn't appreciate that being said to them, No one ever said you were speaking to my family in that manner, I thought the service made men ought of boys, guess they failed at least 2 times( yea Virgil) he also thought that was how to act, real class

As for learning something your right I learn something everyday , ya might try it , it's great

isn't blow jobs your specialty, talking to Gabby

which has what to do with YOUR family???? look you want a piece of me come and get it. otherwise stay out of the line of fire. and WTF do you know about servicemen liberal ????

08-06-2009, 07:53 PM
which has what to do with YOUR family???? look you want a piece of me come and get it. otherwise stay out of the line of fire. and WTF do you know about servicemen liberal ????

Damn you really are showing your ignorance , it has nothing to do with my family at all, all I said to you was I wouldn't like it if it was my family

As for your invite tell me where you are and when I can get a load there I will be happy to visit with ya

As for knowing about servicemen, I know quite a few, fortunately none act like you, a liberal, not hardly, But remember nv I am not a little woman out on the west coast, lol

I have the deepest respect for those who have served this great country, then people like you and the other guy come along and make ya question things, but just for a second, there are idiots in all walks of life, I guess the service has them also

08-06-2009, 08:39 PM
Damn you really are showing your ignorance , it has nothing to do with my family at all, all I said to you was I wouldn't like it if it was my family

As for your invite tell me where you are and when I can get a load there I will be happy to visit with ya

As for knowing about servicemen, I know quite a few, fortunately none act like you, a liberal, not hardly, But remember nv I am not a little woman out on the west coast, lol

I have the deepest respect for those who have served this great country, then people like you and the other guy come along and make ya question things, but just for a second, there are idiots in all walks of life, I guess the service has them also

As for your invite tell me where you are and when I can get a load there I will be happy to visit with ya

congrads. you just entered the ignorant zone. right over you head. a load ??? of what??? :laugh2:

YOU started this flame not me.

I am not a little woman out on the west coast

ya fooled me !!!! look you if think the sunshine blows out her ass then ask her out on date. ill take the pics for you. far as im concerned she's floating turd in a swimming pool.

I have the deepest respect for those who have served this great country, then people like you and the other guy come along and make ya question things, but just for a second, there are idiots in all walks of life, I guess the service has them also

signed: gabosaurus and Jeff. (the other guy???) you are her !!!! look kid let it go. and so will I. your way in over your head for some dipshit in Calif that don't care if you or family live or die.

for the record: you started it.

08-06-2009, 08:52 PM
congrads. you just entered the ignorant zone. right over you head. a load ??? of what??? :laugh2:

YOU started this flame not me.

ya fooled me !!!! look you if think the sunshine blows out her ass then ask her out on date. ill take the pics for you. far as im concerned she's floating turd in a swimming pool.

signed: gabosaurus and Jeff. (the other guy???) you are her !!!! look kid let it go. and so will I. your way in over your head for some dipshit in Calif that don't care if you or family live or die.

for the record: you started it.

Yes I did namvet and never thought it would progress to this, I simply and nicely might I add suggested ya leave the blow job shit out and even stated ya were a lot smarter and could win a debate with her anytime, Gabby and I aren't friends other then posting on the board. As for a kid ya might guess again, to young for Vietnam but it ended just before I was of age, a load, I am a over the road trucker, I have been this route with another poster, I drove 1100 miles over night to meet him, low and behold he was nice as can be the entire time I was in his area,and he wouldn't drive the extra few miles to the town I was in, he know refers to me as a sicko, LOL says anyone wanting to drive that far to meet is sick, lol I am not saying you are like that at all, but a kid no, over my head, I doubt it, afraid, absolutely not,

As I stated I have the up most respect for all who served and I also think you are a great poster, so to let it go would be great, but if ya feel the need or my post don't make sense to ya pm me, I will try to explain better

08-06-2009, 09:06 PM
You know what namvet BLOW ME, neg rep all ya want, you were told , give me a address and I will see ya there, then ya come with let it go and all that shit, you are a pussy, after I agree to let it go and forget it ya neg rep me, I am done, neg all ya want, another one of our American hero's that talks so tuff and then hides, you are a disgrace:lol::upyours:

08-06-2009, 09:40 PM
You know what namvet BLOW ME, neg rep all ya want, you were told , give me a address and I will see ya there, then ya come with let it go and all that shit, you are a pussy, after I agree to let it go and forget it ya neg rep me, I am done, neg all ya want, another one of our American hero's that talks so tuff and then hides, you are a disgrace:lol::upyours:

I just reported this post to admin. with a warning. to cut you off or im gonna boil your nuts in hot oil. its clear your unbalanced just like your girl friend. im waiting for admins response. you slimy assed 3 toed cocksucker

08-06-2009, 09:42 PM
Yes I did namvet and never thought it would progress to this, I simply and nicely might I add suggested ya leave the blow job shit out and even stated ya were a lot smarter and could win a debate with her anytime, Gabby and I aren't friends other then posting on the board. As for a kid ya might guess again, to young for Vietnam but it ended just before I was of age, a load, I am a over the road trucker, I have been this route with another poster, I drove 1100 miles over night to meet him, low and behold he was nice as can be the entire time I was in his area,and he wouldn't drive the extra few miles to the town I was in, he know refers to me as a sicko, LOL says anyone wanting to drive that far to meet is sick, lol I am not saying you are like that at all, but a kid no, over my head, I doubt it, afraid, absolutely not,

As I stated I have the up most respect for all who served and I also think you are a great poster, so to let it go would be great, but if ya feel the need or my post don't make sense to ya pm me, I will try to explain better

you are sick. and unbalanced. and a danger to yourself and others. trucker fucker

08-06-2009, 10:09 PM
you are sick. and unbalanced. and a danger to yourself and others. trucker fucker

You need to report to the admin. about telling a female poster her specialty is blow jobs, my guess is none have seen that trash yet, the other great serviceman was banned for similar shit, a danger apparently so, lol, you call me out and I except and you report it, at least the other hero had the smarts to do it threw pm's . Again you ask to let it go I post a reply agreeing with you and explain that I think you are a good poster and I would be happy to let it go and your response is to neg me, lol, seems you are the unbalanced one

And remember you told me and I quote " look you want a piece of me come and get it " I said ok, you backed out

Remember you said lets let it go, I AGREED then you neg rep me

Without a doubt it is you that is unbalanced, you can't seem to make your mind up one way or another

You asked me what I know about servicemen, there are quite a few on this board, I haven't seen one tell a female poster her specialty is oral, And I am sure some of them if not all are some tuff guys, they just don't need to try and prove it by talking that way to a female, and here is a good one, most are conservatives so gabby isn't agreeing with them either, they debate her , they beat her with words, as I am sure you can do,

So go tell the teacher, LMAO
Wow who is the kid now, LMAO, I'm telling, LOL

red states rule
08-06-2009, 10:40 PM
Notice I said private vehicles. Which obviously would not extend to commercial vehicles.
You want to drive an SUV or a Hummer? Fine, get your 10 gallons and roll.
Perhaps if Dubya would have spent more time on fuel conservation and less time protecting his fellow oil moguls and giving blow jobs to the Saudi Royal Family, we would have more fuel efficient vehicles by now.

Truly amazing the gall some people display regarding how other people live their lives

You blame Pres Bush for buying oil from SA, yet your party constantly prevents oil companies from doing their job by drilling for the oil we have here in the US

Despite the budget issues in your state of CA, Dems refuse to fire up EXISTING oil rigs off the coast that would provide much needed cash for the state

08-07-2009, 12:03 AM
I don't think any type of vehicle should be outlawed.
I do favor gas rationing for private vehicles. Perhaps 10 gallons per week. The more miles you get per gallon, the more you get to drive.

Hey, I'm all for people wanting to drive the Obama fleet......leaves more gas for me. Oh, and why do you care how much gas I use - I pay the same price for the gas that you do. And, the more gas I purchase, the more I'm stimulating the economy. I've worked hard all my life and I earned every penny and if I chose to spend it on myself, it is not your business nor the government's business how I spend MY money.

For those of you who haven't earned anything as yet - feel free to give your rights to the government to tell you how you will live your life. If they are footing the bill to support you then they can tell you how to live.

red states rule
08-07-2009, 05:57 AM
Hey, I'm all for people wanting to drive the Obama fleet......leaves more gas for me. Oh, and why do you care how much gas I use - I pay the same price for the gas that you do. And, the more gas I purchase, the more I'm stimulating the economy. I've worked hard all my life and I earned every penny and if I chose to spend it on myself, it is not your business nor the government's business how I spend MY money.

For those of you who haven't earned anything as yet - feel free to give your rights to the government to tell you how you will live your life. If they are footing the bill to support you then they can tell you how to live.

I wonder what Gabby (and others like her) thought when/if they watched the Town Halls - particularly, the part where Spectre/Sebelius were either coming or leaving in a parade of black SUV's?

08-07-2009, 06:24 AM
I wonder what Gabby (and others like her) thought when/if they watched the Town Halls - particularly, the part where Spectre/Sebelius were either coming or leaving in a parade of black SUV's?

They thought it was perfectly ok, lol, Liberals think anything they do is ok, it is the rest of us that should tighten our belts, Obama proved that nearly on in his presidency

We should tighten our belts while he eats 100 dollar steaks

08-07-2009, 08:22 AM
You need to report to the admin. about telling a female poster her specialty is blow jobs, my guess is none have seen that trash yet, the other great serviceman was banned for similar shit, a danger apparently so, lol, you call me out and I except and you report it, at least the other hero had the smarts to do it threw pm's . Again you ask to let it go I post a reply agreeing with you and explain that I think you are a good poster and I would be happy to let it go and your response is to neg me, lol, seems you are the unbalanced one

And remember you told me and I quote " look you want a piece of me come and get it " I said ok, you backed out

Remember you said lets let it go, I AGREED then you neg rep me

Without a doubt it is you that is unbalanced, you can't seem to make your mind up one way or another

You asked me what I know about servicemen, there are quite a few on this board, I haven't seen one tell a female poster her specialty is oral, And I am sure some of them if not all are some tuff guys, they just don't need to try and prove it by talking that way to a female, and here is a good one, most are conservatives so gabby isn't agreeing with them either, they debate her , they beat her with words, as I am sure you can do,

So go tell the teacher, LMAO
Wow who is the kid now, LMAO, I'm telling, LOL

" look you want a piece of me come and get it "

I still can't believe you can't figure this one out. :laugh2: I knew if I pushed your button you'd give it up. so you don't like the neg reps huh??? never tell the enemy what piss's you off. we learned that in the military. so now you'll get the neg reps 24/7

so is there anything else i can piss you off with???

You need to report to the admin. about telling a female poster her specialty is blow jobs

ah :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: your impressing you !!!!

08-07-2009, 10:07 AM
which has what to do with YOUR family???? look you want a piece of me come and get it. otherwise stay out of the line of fire. and WTF do you know about servicemen liberal ????

congrads. you just entered the ignorant zone. right over you head. a load ??? of what??? :laugh2:

YOU started this flame not me.

ya fooled me !!!! look you if think the sunshine blows out her ass then ask her out on date. ill take the pics for you. far as im concerned she's floating turd in a swimming pool.

signed: gabosaurus and Jeff. (the other guy???) you are her !!!! look kid let it go. and so will I. your way in over your head for some dipshit in Calif that don't care if you or family live or die.

for the record: you started it.

you are sick. and unbalanced. and a danger to yourself and others. trucker fucker

I just reported this post to admin. with a warning. to cut you off or im gonna boil your nuts in hot oil. its clear your unbalanced just like your girl friend. im waiting for admins response. you slimy assed 3 toed cocksucker

I still can't believe you can't figure this one out. :laugh2: I knew if I pushed your button you'd give it up. so you don't like the neg reps huh??? never tell the enemy what piss's you off. we learned that in the military. so now you'll get the neg reps 24/7

so is there anything else i can piss you off with???

ah :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: your impressing you !!!!

Dude, SHUT THE F@#K UP!!!!! You talk more shit than anyone. Do I need to relist the definition of a "internet troll" for you???

He repectfuly asked for you to refrain from some of YOUR vulgarities yet you attack him. Dude once again sometimes you should just shut your face......

Ohh go ahead and report all the post YOU find offensive I am sure myself and others including admins can point you to a slew of your own.... IDIOT

08-07-2009, 10:30 AM
Dude, SHUT THE F@#K UP!!!!! You talk more shit than anyone. Do I need to relist the definition of a "internet troll" for you???

He repectfuly asked for you to refrain from some of YOUR vulgarities yet you attack him. Dude once again sometimes you should just shut your face......

Ohh go ahead and report all the post YOU find offensive I am sure myself and others including admins can point you to a slew of your own.... IDIOT

listen up !!! I reported the post in an effort to end it. where were you????!!!! why didn't you stop it ???? so who's the real IDIOT ???!!!!

08-07-2009, 10:43 AM
listen up !!! I reported the post in an effort to end it. where were you????!!!! why didn't you stop it ???? so who's the real IDIOT ???!!!!
Gee dumbass I don't live on this site 24/7 like you... so when I see YOU acting like an ass as usual I called you on it IDIOT.

I must say that was real mature of you to give Jeff neg rep because he "hurt your wittle feelwings".

How may of your post have Jeff reprorted?? do you even know if he reported anyof yoru post or are you just assuming.

IF YOU really wanted to "END IT" you would have just "SHUT YOUR FACE" now wouldn't you. Your like a child always have to get the last word in with an insult........

08-07-2009, 10:48 AM
Gee dumbass I don't live on this site 24/7 like you... so when I see YOU acting like an ass as usual I called you on it IDIOT.

I must say that was real mature of you to give Jeff neg rep because he "hurt your wittle feelwings".

How may of your post have Jeff reprorted?? do you even know if he reported anyof yoru post or are you just assuming.

IF YOU really wanted to "END IT" you would have just "SHUT YOUR FACE" now wouldn't you. Your like a child always have to get the last word in with an insult........

look when he or anyone on here insults us because of our military service their gonna get it with bark on. maybe you you should have better control of your military haters

08-07-2009, 10:53 AM
Thread closed.

Also, there are much better ways to debate a point of view then resorting to suggestions of sexual activity in an insulting manner.

08-09-2009, 02:20 PM
It should also be noted that any inference that Jeff disparages people because they served in the military is misguided, and having served in the military does not immune one from criticism.