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View Full Version : Obama: I'm "Happy to go ever Health Care bill line by line" with any Congressman

08-06-2009, 06:17 PM
Yes, he really said that. And it looks like a number of Reps and Senators are going to take him up on it.

It can actually be a very good thing. Finally, both the President and Members of Congress will be able to learn exactly what's in this monster of a bill that they are supposed to vote on some day.

My only wish? That they televise every minute of it, no matter how many minutes/hours/days/weeks it takes. Then the American people will also be able to learn exactly what's in it, what the various govt officials think of it, and what their reasons are for favoring/opposing each piece.

The entire grand "American Experiment" of the past 200-plus years, is based on the idea that the American people, imperfect though they are as humans, can make wiser decisions on average for their own well-being and prosperity than a bunch of government "ruling officials" can... if they are reasonably well informed about what is going on. I agree with that idea, and would like very much to see them get a chance, at last, to examine what's in this Health Care bill.

Thank you, President Obama, for making this opportunity available to all of us.



Calling the President's Health Care Bluff - One Line at a Time

Friday, July 31, 2009

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," July 30, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: President Obama is probably kicking himself tonight. He said something that he probably regrets big time.

Remember when President Obama made this offer?


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I just want everyone to know, Congress will have time to read the bill and have time to debate this bill. They will have all of August to review the various legislative proposals.

When we come back in September, and I will be available to answer any question that members of Congress have. If they want to come over to the White House and go over line by line what is going on, I will be happy to do that.


VAN SUSTEREN: Line by line.

Congressman Phil Roe wants to take President Obama up on that offer. Congressman Roe is also a doctor and joins us live. You're going to take the president up on his offer.

REP. PHIL ROE, R - TENN.: I certainly hope to. We sent a letter to the White House today suggesting that we do just that. And I hope he invites me over.

VAN SUSTEREN: You would really go over to the White House to go through line by line?

ROE: I would certainly do that.

VAN SUSTEREN: How does he save face on this one?

ROE: I don't know. I am not worried about him saving face or me saving face or whatever. What I want to see happen is that we understand this very complicated plan. It is extremely complicated. And I spent 31 years in practice of medicine, this is very complicated.

VAN SUSTEREN: That is why I call it the coffee summit, because now he's going to -- I am starting to go through this. This is not the most exciting read, but it is extremely important.

But I think the two of you are going to need a lot of coffee if you go line by line. Oddly enough, I think that is important, and I would like to see you bring a bunch of colleagues over and go through it too.

ROE: Greta, it's the most important piece of social legislation since Medicare in 1965. This will affect us every single American in a very personal way. And having practiced medicine, I believe that health care decisions should be made between patients, their families, and their doctor. And this particular --

VAN SUSTEREN: How about insurance companies?

ROE: They are not on my Christmas card list. They need -- there needs to be insurance reform. That's something we both agree on.

08-06-2009, 06:37 PM
I trust the little Marxist this much.......o

Mr. P
08-06-2009, 08:13 PM
I hope he gets with this guy for more than a few lines.


08-06-2009, 09:59 PM
Well, then i hope every single Republican Representative asks for an independent meeting to do just that. That should take up Obamas time till the 2012 election considering how long that damn bill is.

08-07-2009, 06:55 AM
I'd like to see him or Rahm Emanuel do just that online for the American people. They could even do the 'line by line' with their own commentary, so the people can decide if they agree.

Actually this might be a great way for the Congresspeople 'under attack' to respond to their constituents.

08-07-2009, 12:21 PM

cat slave
08-07-2009, 02:56 PM
ROTFLMAO.......aint gonna happen. He would have to stay off his plane and
keep his mug out of the camera lens long enough to actually do some

How many days has he spent working? At the WH? Off the plane?
Out of news conferences....oh boy, thats a joke.....? Stumping everywhere
he can draw a crowd which isnt hard, doesnt take much to draw a crowd
anymore what with so many people out of work and with nothing to do.

Wonder how many supporters of BO are feeling really, really "had" right about

08-07-2009, 07:43 PM
ROTFLMAO.......aint gonna happen. He would have to stay off his plane and
keep his mug out of the camera lens long enough to actually do some

How many days has he spent working? At the WH? Off the plane?
Out of news conferences....oh boy, thats a joke.....? Stumping everywhere
he can draw a crowd which isnt hard, doesnt take much to draw a crowd
anymore what with so many people out of work and with nothing to do.

Wonder how many supporters of BO are feeling really, really "had" right about

I have to agree. This is the least hands on president I've ever seen. I've never wanted a Jimmy Carter micromanager, but Obama makes all other presidents pale as far as disengaged. He's gone, or turned over, or waiting for something....

cat slave
08-08-2009, 03:12 PM
Its amazing isnt it? And no one seems to notice. Well, some of us do.;)