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View Full Version : "Church" tried to stop 2 men from protesting, because they are HIV+

08-07-2009, 08:24 PM
Scientology attempts to ban picketers due to their HIV status.
Los Angeles, CA (1-12-09) -

In a shocking new tactic attempting to ban peaceful protesters from picketing the Scientology compound known as "Gold Base" near Hemet, CA, Scientology lawyers have obtained medical information regarding two protesters, and are using their HIV positive status in an attempt to prevent them from picketing at the location.
Worldwide pickets against Scientology have surged in the last year, and Scientology has been fighting to stop them, especially near the Hemet compound. Scientology has used tactics ranging from physical attacks , false reports to police , and the emission of an estimated 110db organ note from loudspeakers in an attempt to drown out the protesters' chants.
The latest tactics, however, are downright sickening, illegal, and an insult to members of the LGBT community and HIV patients worldwide.

Scientology is lobbying for the passage of a county-wide ordinance restricting protesting at "Gold Base". Scientology considers the presence of the two HIV+ men to be a threat to the well-being of the alleged 500 "church workers" at the Base, and is seeking to restrict protests in a move that may constitute an restriction on 1st Amendment rights of activists in Hemet.

There has been plenty of talk recently of peoples right to protest/assemble/make their voice heard, against the goverment. But for many many years and to this very day the 'church' of scientology has be trying to crush the freedoms of people worldwide, and it has all gone largly un-reported.

08-07-2009, 10:20 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Your using the term *Church* losely, am I right?


08-08-2009, 03:57 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Your using the term *Church* losely, am I right?


Yes, the church of Scientology is not a church at all, it uses the mask of religion to cover it's criminal activities; Fraud, theft, blackmail ect.
We can not just stand by, watching this religion-for-profit cult ruin lives and and take the money of the lives it ruins.
The 'church' of scientology is merely a front, by using it's status as a church it has been able to aquire tax-exempt status in many countries. Though some, like France and Germany, have started to see the true face of Scientology, and are investegating them as we speak.

08-08-2009, 08:34 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I for one don't think it even comes close to religion.
2. I see it as a bunch of lost people, mostly rich, wanting to take advantage of some tax breaks.
3. And have made that their religion.
4. Now that is scary!:eek:


08-08-2009, 09:55 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I for one don't think it even comes close to religion.
2. I see it as a bunch of lost people, mostly rich, wanting to take advantage of some tax breaks.
3. And have made that their religion.
4. Now that is scary!:eek:


True, for those at the top, but not all are, many of those who are conned into Scientology are just decent people, coerced into handing over large sums of money in the belief that it is for the greater good. These are the people which Scientology takes advantage of, is it acceptable to stand by and do nothing while this cult ruins the lives of decent but impressionable people and do nothing?

08-08-2009, 10:07 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not right to sit back and do nothing.
2. ALL Governments should clamp down on this non=religion.
3. And make them pay taxes.
4. Also allow people who were taken to cleaners the right to retain their wealth.
5. Calling it a *Cult* is an insult to all real *Cults*, its more of just an everyday scam, like Madoff's.


08-08-2009, 12:37 PM
I fail to see how two HIV positive people being present outside the Scientology compound is a threat to anyone.

08-08-2009, 01:40 PM
I fail to see how two HIV positive people being present outside the Scientology compound is a threat to anyone.

Ofcousre you don't, because there is no good reason, but Scientology will do anything and everything to try and tarnish the general image of homosexuals, and deprive them of their rights. This is the group that said that homosexuals should be ""disposed of quietly and without sorrow"

08-08-2009, 01:50 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not right to sit back and do nothing.
2. ALL Governments should clamp down on this non=religion.
3. And make them pay taxes.
4. Also allow people who were taken to cleaners the right to retain their wealth.
5. Calling it a *Cult* is an insult to all real *Cults*, its more of just an everyday scam, like Madoff's.


Well said Sir, however, we can not leave it all to goverments, they are to slow, marred by red tape, and have other issues which they will put at a higher priority (atleast until they see the public apitie to get rid of Sci.Org)
and so we must start the ba rolling. Us, mere mortals. Look up the crimes of this criminal organisation; fraud, blackmail, theft, infiltration of goverment organizations and "enemies" of the "church". Discus what they have done on other forums, discus with your friends, family, those who you work with. Yes they are a big organisation, but as nature shows us, the few but large can always be over thrown by the small but many. We can, and will, bring scietology to it's knees, death by a thousand cuts. The only thing that can save Scientology is appathy from ordenary people, is that what we really want? A society that ruins lives is allowed to reign free because thos who think will never bee effected by it are too appathetic? I deary hope not.